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My Dad past yesterday morning.

Dandy Dave

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My Dad past away yesterday morning, 11/28/2021 from ongoing health issues. He was involved with preservation of motive power before the automobile. He had Draft Horses and preserved, restored, and built many horse drawn vehicles. He was 89 years old. I am glad I was able to see him recently at his farm in Virginia. Dandy Dave. 


Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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The good times you had to spend with him will be with you forever and the effort and enthusiasm he put into the things he loved to work on and preserve you know you have as well, it was him who gave you the inspiration , and you have and will pass that on to others. SO sorry for your loss.


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Hi, Dave...  My condolences on the passing of your father.  I'm sure he will be watching down over you as you follow in his footsteps.  May he rest in peace.

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Daddy Dave Dandy Dave sorry to hear about your father I know it's hard to take cuz it take to cook me a few years after my father passed but I still think about him daily and I know what you mean because he was a big part of what I did and how I do things today and he was the one that got me into the antique cars and taught me all I know and I know what you mean about them being Jacks of all trades back then because that's how he was brought up and that's how he brought me up and I did as much as I could do and what I can do by myself he always help me with you take care best wishes and will keep you in our prayers

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Dad's are special. Never forget all the great times and life's lessons. I'll always remember my Dad's best days and the times he lived in. So much history now lost, but it's up to us to keep those memories alive. Where in Virginia did they live? 


Edited by Terry Bond (see edit history)
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It always saddens me to hear/read of such a loss. Any forum I spend significant time on? Becomes like a second family. In spite of the fact that we might never meet face to face? The many good regular people there become like friends as real and close as any I have known for many years. I am certain that many here feel the same way. Things that happen in their families matters, and we care about those things.

Losing close friends and family members is a necessary part of life. It is for all practical purposes unavoidable. Be grateful that you had a good relationship with him, and that it lasted for a very long time. Not everyone gets to have that with their fathers. Cherish the memories of good times and happy moments. And know that many people here are helping to feel your loss.

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Dave  - We don't get to choose our parents but some of us won the lottery and have had exceptional Dads and Moms. The gift of family and a lifetime of its lessons, love and experiences made us who we are. You were proud of your Dad and he was proud of you too. Wonderful memories to carry forward and share with family and friends. My sincere condolences.

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Very sorry to hear about your Dad passing away, Dave.

My heart and my prayers go out to your family in your time of loss.


Your Dad sounds like he was a very industrious and great man.

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life moves on. sorry for your loss. be thankful that he was in your life at least this long. my dad died at 85. it was his time to pass on eleven years ago. i’m now 71 and i don’t want to live on and be a burden to my children. i value quality of life. thank God for mercy!

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Dale and I offer our sympathy, learning of your Dad's passing.

We were just a few days ago thinking back to when you joined us for dinner at Geneva,NY

Seems he was the right example for you to follow, and he obviously raised you right.

It is a blessing that you had so many years together.  

My Dad was my example - WWII Seabee, Firefighter, self-taught mechanic/electrician/electronics technician/all-around problem solver - taught me how, when, and why to work on cars and everything else. Lost him when he was 83, and now I'm 79.


Enjoy the good memories and the time you had with him.

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