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dalef62 last won the day on February 24

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About dalef62

  • Birthday 03/20/1962

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    Vandergrift, PA

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  1. Looks more like the cowl section of a mid '20s vehicle. You have the firewall facing up.
  2. Not much car stuff to report on but I did put some Christmas decorations on the building tonight. Used magnetic clips to mount the light, they worked pretty good. The snowman looks tiny between the doors.
  3. You deserve it, go for it! You will find space for it.
  4. It can be told, but don't beat it to death! And I think most people are aware... And those that aren't will find out soon enough.
  5. Not every car needs restored to the 400 point level! And there are a lot of back yard restorations that look great and score well!
  6. Yup, that "free car" could easily end up costing $80-100K with the owner doing as much as possible. Paul Why does everyone bring up how much it will cost to restore a car? It is a hobby, hobbies cost money! Golfing cost money, fishing cost money, boating cost money, hunting cost money, etc... If you enjoy restoring cars, money should not be the first thing you think of. I am really tired of "oh, you will be upside down in this restoration before you start" who the Heck cares if you enjoy it!
  7. Be careful welding that if it is galvanize metal. If I remember correctly the fumes put off from the galvanized metal is toxic.
  8. Making room for one more car for winter.
  9. Getting things put away for winter. 🤮 So far I have 11 cars in the building, one more to go. They are nice and tight to keep the cold air out. 😂
  10. You're only upset because your car can't do it! 😂 If you got it flaunt it...
  11. Got the gas pump moved into the new building today. Also getting ready for cooler weather, trying to squeeze the cars closer together to keep them warm. Also got some plywood up to put pictures and such on, and a bookshelf/junk shelf.
  12. In my 1929 Hupmobile Century 8. Had to get to my Hupp to get pictures. Note yours has two holes that are not original.
  13. Maybe '29 Hupmobile?
  14. Did you replace the brake springs? New brake shoes? Does it pull to the left through the entire braking process or after the initial braking even out? Is there a crimp or flattened area in the brake line to the right front wheel?
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