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  1. Thats funny how your dog does not like the one car. One has to wonder why? I have taken one or two of mine for a ride in the trans am, but none of them run to the door when I go someplace. However, Suki has been known to sneak out of the house and take her moms Mustang for a cruise around the block now and then😆 2023-09-20_05-06-31 by Kerry Grubb, on Flickr
  2. Not sure what jr. is holding, but big brother and dad have a slight look of concern on their faces. Hope its not the accelerator!
  3. Im not seeing any of that in this thread. I think the discussion is evident that cars 25 years and older are AACA eligible. While there may be a difference of opinion on what an 'Antique Car' is the rules are clear. As an owner of a modern 70's car which at nearly 50 yrs old I still do not consider an antique, I feel sometimes that there is a bias here towards pre war cars. I have no statistical facts but judging by every car event I go to including the show at Hershey it seems that post war cars are far more represented than pre war stuff. Maybe the pre war guys are just jealous, LOL. Lets just keep on motoring along harmoniously together 😁
  4. I wonder if the multiple events they put on throughout the summer has had an adverse effect on attendance at this event? It used to be that there was Spring Carlisle and Fall Carlisle. Now they have a big event about once a month all summer.
  5. Well put Ed. I was in the Kiwanis for quite a few years. One of our biggest fundraiser's was selling lemonade for the week long county fair. We made close to $20k $1 at a time. It was a big effort, setting up the booth before and taking it down the day after the fair ended. Picking up many cases of lemons everyday from the port of Wilmington. Getting ice (which was a hot commodity in july😁), keeping fresh water available, then the little things, cups, lids straws, etc. Most of the leg work was accomplished by Dad, myself and about 3 other guys. Then we had a rotating crew of about 15 members manning the booth every evening. This event took our club months to organize and prepare. The actual week of squeezing was kind of letting the steam roll off as we knew it was all over for another year. This was about like peeing on a forest fire compared to what I am sure is involved in having a successful Hershey every year. But I have a bit of an idea what they are going through so we passerby's can have a fun week. I readily admit I am glad I dont have to go through the effort to make it happen, but I am grateful for those that do! THANK YOU to all that make Hershey week happen.
  6. This topic has strayed so off that its bound to circle back around soon, LOL but I will continue the derailment. Wawa def the best coffee. I cant throw a stone without hitting at least 4 ROFO's, their coffee is bad now, and the chicken isnt a whole lot better. They have let their standards down. As for the rest, well none of them around me. We just got our first Sheetz but im not crazy about their joe that much either.
  7. We had 3 full service stations in a 1/4 mile stretch of main street that is only about 3/4 mile long. The only one left sells gas and lottery tickets, along with a bad cup of coffee. You need to look hard far out of town to find someone that will actually service your car.
  8. I surprised that a 2016 car even has hubcaps!
  9. I have found sometimes its hard to give stuff away. If that is the case put it alongside the curb with a $5 price tag. Someone will surely steal it thinking there is value!
  10. Glad you have started a thread. Will be following along.
  11. You must have skipped Friday! It was pretty damp in the morning. As far as superstitions and such, my wife gets upset if we are travelling and I say something about the traffic being light, she will come back with 'now were going to hit a backup', general stuff like that. I always respond with 'I wish I had that much power'!
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