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  1. Timmy Byrns…..104th floor. South Tower. 1980 He was quarterback and Gtjoey was running back… St Dominic’s Thats NOT a neck brace 44 years ago, that was my hair!!!! Never forget Love you Gtjoey1314
  2. I sent you a text I think they can do it Enjoy! Im bringing this Saturday!
  3. Ok See you Saturday….. I usually post the names but because people are so angry Its always off the posts love Gtjoey1314
  4. Steve will you be at Peconic on Saturday? If so , I’ve got one or two guys from the Midwest to discuss Gtjoey1314 if not call me on the cell, what car are you looking for?
  5. The food at Hershey lodge is good too the place behind the lodge for breakfast is great also!! gtjoey1314
  6. Human potato it was a safety idea so a kid wouldn’t start the car With the auto you put your foot on the brake so it won’t roll then put it in neutral then turn the key then once started you put it in gear or park! yes it was annoying if you had to feather the gas to start then you were two footing !! just connect the two wires and it will start in park❤️❤️ Gtjoey king of the 54 Merc Monterey sport coupes!!!🤣
  7. 63Red…… Am I the only one thinking like YOUR thinking Wow , what a facility! Was this just a car show or an aaca event? I went to the web site, you could have auctions, inside meets . All your clubs gather and put 10,000 vendors outside. Theres restruants and hotels around the property , looks great! Gtjoey1314
  8. It’s all on live on you tube! ots just wonderful The Packard are up now gtjoey1314
  9. Been there done that! Just so we understand a C1 to most new owners DONT care as they are in the twilight of car ownership😁 A c2 is a different beast i still prefer stock as I said before but the drop in a c1 is a little less than a c2 with an engine swap gtjoey
  10. It’s with good intentions to revisit this as a life member and a couple of deadline extensions…… Well the field used to be packed by Feb, then March then June , now it looks to be extended to the end of August? Today we recieve an post that we need around 30 volunteers for Friday show parking? When the show was Sunday or Saturday wasn’t that usually SCHOOL AGE kids? I love you all but maybe I will update on this thread pictures of the fields each day….. It won’t be pretty…… Unless the thread gets closed😳 It’d glaring guys and it can be so simple to fix if we just possibly, almost, think about , LISTENING….. Again Love Gtjoey PS can I dare ask since we are pushed to the end of august How many prepaid cars we have for Friday? Dont shoot the love Gtjoey1314
  11. Okay good start the petronix if not paired. With carbon wires and coil will break down and give you the same effect You went back to cooper spark plug leads? if so take sure rotor and contact good condensor is good and all the rest gtjoey1314
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