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Peter Gariepy

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Peter Gariepy last won the day on February 22

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About Peter Gariepy

  • Birthday 01/17/1962

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    Tucson AZ
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Community Answers

  1. your topic title isnt doing you even favors. "in search of parts" Changed it to: "1965 Riviera and am need of what is called inner fender baffles"
  2. You're welcome to link to files on cloud drives like Google Drive or Apple Files. The problem: inevitably the link will break because you delete the file or you no longer use that specific cloud drive. If you have a video worth sharing then create an acct on YouTube and post it there, then share the link here. I dont allow video uploaded to the forums. 1. they are large. 2. they take forever to download. 3. File formats are iffy and they may not work on all devices. Uploading them to youtube solves all those problems.
  3. It's page 8 in the publication. (page 14 in the pdf). here is the raw text: Until the year 1895 few American inventors devoted any attention to the problem of the mechanical propulsion of vehi-cles, and the results of their labors were generally crude and impractical. The complicated and unwieldly creations of these pioneers lie among the archives of the Patent Office undisturbed save when some searcher of the present day happens upon them in the course of his investigation, and views them with something of the same interest a scientist has for the petrified remains of an extinct species. The stimulus of & wide spread public interest was lacking then. The fow inventors whose ideas assumed a more practical form were forced to curb their impatience, and wait until the public should manifest a livelier curiosity. Fortunately that time was not long delayed. The change in public sentiment from indifference to enthusiasm was to occur in an incredibly short period of time. The first race for motor vehicles from Paris to Rouen, which occurred in June, 1894, set more of our inventive minds at work upon the motor problem, but it brought forth no general response from the American people. But the race from Paris to Bordeaux and return last June was such a phenomenal performance that all Christendom paused for a moment to fasten its eyes upon the flying automobiles. 750 miles in 48 hours and 53 minutes! The self-propelled vehicle was then an accomplished fact. The mechanical world immediately began to discuss it. The newspapers printed the story of the achievement and sent it into every hamlet, and inventors girded up their loins and buckled with energy to the task of completing the work which in many respects, it was admitted, the foreign engineers had failed to carry to a satisfactory conclusion.
  4. Motor racing was started in France as a direct result of the enthusiasm with which the French public embraced the motor car. Manufacturers were enthusiastic due to the possibility of using motor racing as a shop window for their cars. The first motor race took place on 22 July 1894 and was organized by Le Petit Journal, a Parisian newspaper. It was run over the 122 kilometres (76 mi) distance between Paris and Rouen. The race was won by de Dion, although he was not awarded the prize for first place as his steam-powered car required a stoker and the judges deemed this outside of their requirements. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris–Rouen_(motor_race)#:~:text=Paris–Rouen%2C Le Petit Journal,world's first competitive motor race. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jules-Albert_de_Dion
  5. My most common admin email (next to I lost my password) is: Is this buy/seller legit? Short answer. I have no clue. Nor will i do the footwork. That's your job.
  6. Unless a car was hermetically sealed the day it left the factory, you’re technically correct. Cars “restored to the same state as the dealer could have prepared the vehicle for delivery to the customer” match the spirit and goals of the AACA and this forum. Anything beyond that is splitting hairs.
  7. Acceptable to who? 1. Acceptable to AACA, its judging system, and this forum? "The objective of AACA judging is to evaluate an antique vehicle, which has been restored to the same state as the dealer could have prepared the vehicle for delivery to the customer. This includes any feature, option or accessory shown in the original factory catalog, parts book, sales literature, or company directives for the model year of the vehicle. AACA accepts motorized vehicles 25 years old or older, which were built in factories and specifically designed and manufactured for transportation use on public roadways and highways." Sure, a few modifications inevitably will slip by. Personal preference, safety, convenience, and availability of parts/materials, are all valid reasons to not be authentic. As long as the modifications don't challenge the expectations of the AACA judging system then go for it. 2. Acceptable to yourself, your friends/neighbors/family/guys at the local cruise-in? Do what you want! It's a free country. Paint it purple. Bolt on a blower. Chrome EVERYTHING! Add dingleballs to the rear window. Go crazy. Just don't be upset if doesn't judge well at an AACA-judged event. Life is too short to overthink it.
  8. https://www.imcdb.org/movie_57733-Bewitched.html
  9. Your subject title isnt doing you any favors: 72 electra interior? How about... 1972 Buick Electra - need everything interior - anyone know a junkyard or parts vendor? You should also consider posting this in the post-war buick discussion forum. https://forums.aaca.org/forum/57-buick-post-war/
  10. I believe it’s accurate to say “Absolutely yes!”. The Board of Directors are indeed influencers. For instance, the VP Judges Administrator leads the judging efforts, and awards are issued by the National organization. The bylaws are crafted with the event in mind. The national office, including Executive Director Steve Moskowitz (who has responded previously), plays a significant role in executing the event by supplying staff, office space, and more. The Hershey meet is not merely a local affair; it’s a coordinated effort at both local and national levels. FYI, this holds true for nearly all AACA meets, tours, and annual meetings. Local clubs contribute manpower, while the organization provides substantial support.
  11. We’ve drifted off topic. If you want to discuss this further in a PM, feel free to reach out. My core recommendations remain unchanged: Anyone who wants to offer constructive feedback on the Hershey Meet is welcome to do so in this forum. If you are truly passionate about it, then reach out externally of the forums to the appropriate parties (Not everyone is an active participant of the forums). To truly influence decision-making, you’ll need to get involved at the regional or national level.
  12. I have no clue what you’re referring to. I have two PMs from you. One was about wanting to analyze the forum statistics I posted in 2023. Since you were not familiar with the statistics tool used to generate them, providing access was moot. The other message was a minor edit request for the AACA club website, which I forwarded to the appropriate person, as I’m not the AACA webmaster. FYI: I’m the forum admin, not an AACA Board of Director. If you wish to volunteer, you need to reach out to the appropriate party. AACA Forum Statistics - Feb 2023.
  13. “Armchair quarterback" is an American idiom that refers to someone who offers opinions or criticism about an action without actually participating in it.” If that’s name calling so be it. if you find the AACA BOD are not responsive then why not volunteer and fix the problem?
  14. Your fundamental assumption is incorrect. I have complete faith that the Hershey Region and the AACA Board of Directors have engaged in far more discussions on these issues, and countless others, than you are aware of. They know the facts and history, are hobbyists like us, and are making the best decisions they can. Your armchair quarterback criticism is unwarranted and without merit. Feedback on issues (including criticism) posted on this forum is certainly seen by the decision-makers. Just because they don’t agree with the feedback doesn’t mean it isn’t being addressed.
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