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Photo and Videos

Photos and videos of antique automobiles and events.



  • One topic per photo or set of photos. Comment on the photos within the same topic.
  • Do NOT post additional unrelated photos to an existing topic.  Create a new topic instead.

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    1. Tulsa Four Oil Field Runabout

    2. 1910s...maybe. What is it?

    3. Looking for help with ID

    4. Period Photo Thread - comments 1 2

    5. 1926 Chicago Auto Show

    The AACA Library is recognized as a world-renowned resource for the collectible vehicle community. If you are interested in research, please fill in the Research Request Form.

    Forum Guidelines

    • Follow the forum rules.
    • Post in the appropriate forum.
    • Write complete topic titles. (Examples)
    • Include year, make & model when appl.
    • Follow individual forum guidelines.
    • Stay on the topic of the post.
    • Always be on the lookout for scammers.
    • Remember the golden rule.

    "Before you speak (post or comment) ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. If the answer is no, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid." - Bernard Meltzer 

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