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Jim Bollman

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Jim Bollman last won the day on January 22

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About Jim Bollman

  • Birthday 06/04/1948

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    Jonesborough, TN
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  • Other Clubs
    Davy Crockett Region AACA - Wayne Drumlin Region AACA (defunk) - Crosley Automobile Club #204

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  1. Ford and Ferguson worked together on the Ford 2N and 9N and then had a falling out. Ford made enough changes to get around patents and came out with the 8N and Ferguson made his own tractor that looked a lot like the 9N called I believe the 20. As time went along the looks grew further apart. I believe there were some lawsuits and money changing hands after the split. I think the extra gears in both tractors were add ons by Sherman that could be gotten as under drive or over drive or both.
  2. It had Calcium in when I got it 40+ years ago and I drained it about 10 years ago when we moved and should have had the rims cleaned up and put in new tubes but didn't. When I had it refilled They used glycol which they pumped out and put new tubes and rims on and put it back in. Should out live me now and probably the next owner.
  3. I just put $700 worth of new rims on my working 1949 8N. Almost hate to see restored ones at shows instead of still working. A few years back I would go to this one tractor pull and other brand antique tractors were out pulling or in the show and an 8N was used to keep the pulling track smooth and work on the grounds.
  4. Finally saw my first Cyber truck in the wild when I was at our AACA regions monthly breakfast last Wednesday. It was parked at the restaurant and left about the time we did. It really caught peoples attention in the parking lot, I could see it out the window from where we were sitting. They are sure bulky looking.
  5. I have September 1st marked on the calendar as a reminder to check with National if I haven't gotten the packet. That has been a good date in the past for always having it in hand so I would expect it soon.
  6. I had a battery tender go bad a long time ago and I didn't realize it till I ruined an old battery that I just figured had reach the end of life and its replacement, it was an expensive charger not one of the HF junk ones. Since then I top off the charge with a smart charger before I tuck my cars away, once in the middle of the Winter and in the Spring.
  7. I use a 50:50 mix of kerosene and Marvel Mystery Oil. Squirt some in and let it soak a few days, crank it over and repeat till I have enough compression to get it started. Then run till warm and then squirt more mix in and let it set a few days and repeat.
  8. Not tall enough for a lift. I have no intention of using it for anything but a garage and its location would have looked over powering to the house to go high enough for lift. It is now approximately the same hight as the house and looks like it belongs with the house. My shop is in a drive in basement, 9' ceilings so no lift there either. would be nice for some projects.
  9. I liked the 47 Crosley pickup in Animal House. It showed up in several shots of the front of the frat house.
  10. All done but writing the last check. Way over budget but happy with the final job. The stone work added a bunch but wanted it to match the house. Sides are stucco with just a few Random stones, mostly the sides will not show much once the vegetation grows back and we plant an evergreen and some bushes on both sides.
  11. If this one is gone you might try sending your request to chads58@hotmail.com. This is the eMail for Dave Edwards Crosley Parts. He has a lot of used parts as well as new and probably has a Tillotson you can use as a core to rebuild yours. Great guy to do business with. I have known him for over 50 years and have bought lots of parts from him over the years.
  12. Sorry to hear that Dave, Pat and I send our prayers.
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