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Does your wife, significant other, help in the garage?

just me

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Congratulation's on the 41 and that is three events in one day. Would be a major achievement around my place with the wife even coming in my shop never mind giving a hand. But the up side is I can buy a new item and she would never notice it.  

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Congrats on the 41st year of marriage.

My other half only goes into the garage to throw whatever she doesn't want in the house anymore just inside the door.

So I often open the door and stumble right into whatever she has decided needed to be in the garage now.

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Congrats on the 41st year of marriage.


I hit 30 years.. My wife like this.. I have taken my wife on vacation just to pick up car parts.. to MN or Colorado.

I few more  trips not car rated..


Any know what car is in the car trailer? I know but this was the first time my wife got to sit in one..







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7 hours ago, nick8086 said:

Congrats on the 41st year of marriage.


I hit 30 years.. My wife like this.. I have taken my wife on vacation just to pick up car parts.. to MN or Colorado.

I few more  trips not car rated..


Any know what car is in the car trailer? I know but this was the first time my wife got to sit in one..







One can also get a matching bathtub: http://www.valleyacrylic.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=629



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My wife doesn't help but she is very supportive of the hobby which is a great help in itself. She always urges me onward when I hit a roadblock in the restoration. She also likes to ride in the cars and meet new people in the hobby. I think she would be willing to help but she's not at all mechanical and she never complains about the costs!!!


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Married 31 years and have done countless car related activities to the point that they blur together as she says. She is always there to help when I need an extra set of hands to hold something. Though she did say the other day while in the shop “please don’t leave me with all this stuff”.

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My wife helped in the past , did wood graning on my 32 chevy that was 40 plus years ago ,  52 years of marriage ,  supports the hobby . we do Gliddens  this was our 15 th plus other tours  . Kings32

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We just celebrated our 40th anniversary and returned last night from a 2 + week vacation. Great time but no car museums this time.


My wife doesn't go into the shop very often, but if I ever need a hand she's 'right there'. On more than one occasion she's had to help bleed brakes, install a car part, or assist with a woodworking project.

She doesn't like riding in the old cars or going to the car shows, but she supports my hobby 100%.

We've traveled to many states to get car parts and we always add something on her list when on the trip.

Latest car trip was to the Gilmore Car Museum in Michigan. A few years ago it was to the Louwman Museum in The Hague.

The adventure continues.........


My wife said the same thing Ron: "Don't leave me with all this stuff".

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51 years and going strong.  My wife is an organizer.  When the restoration of our 32 Dodge Brothers gets out of control - parts and tools scattered everywhere - she arrives in the nick of time and helps clean up the mess.  She and our youngest granddaughter (13) worked the starter petal when we started the rebuilt motor for the first time last year.  She’s not particularly interested in the actual restoration process, but loves to travel searching for parts or looking at cars.  We rode motorcycles for 20 years and she rode her Harley 6800 miles on one trip we took to the wrst coast.  She’s always been a trouper.  I couldn’t ask for a better partner.

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1 hour ago, kings32 said:

My wife helped in the past , did wood graning on my 32 chevy that was 40 plus years ago ,  52 years of marriage ,  supports the hobby . we do Gliddens  this was our 15 th plus other tours  . Kings32

  We're also at 52 years of marriage, this years Glidden Tour was our 11th.   My wife is not comfortable in our garage, never has been, but is tolerant of my hobby.   She has enjoyed touring until this year when 95-98 degrees was to much like Florida.   Congratulations on your 15 year plaque, to bad we didn't get to talk soon.

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Yup, right from our first "date", which was spending the day pulling apart the motor on her 31 Limo, before we went out to dinner. At some time or other, she's helped with every phase of restoration work. She's also organized and run several weekend, and week-long car tours.


And, she has the patience of a Saint. After 19 years together, she hasn't thrown any tools at me yet.  :D



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10 hours ago, nick8086 said:




That looks like the Hotel Del Coronado just across the bay from San Diego.


My wife has no interest in cars either but she didn't complain when I spent $51k on a restored '70 Chevelle SS 396 a couple of years ago so I can't complain. We're in our 60s but have only been married for 21 years because we didn't meet until we were in our mid 40s. We met online through a website for The Andy Griffith Show in April 1998 right after I bought my first computer. I lived in San Diego and she lived in Louisville so I quit my law enforcement job and moved here in November 1998 and we were married 2 weeks later. It was the first marriage for each of us.... :)

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My significant other is a bit of a ditz, kind of a klutz and a genuine hindrance not only in the garage, but every other project around the house. She does try to pull her own weight which isn't very much and standing all of 4' 10" I've spent more time modifying the handle on a second hand self propelled lawn mower so she can help cut the grass than she has spent cutting the grass.


On the plus side her son is a pretty good wrench, working his way through college as a service tech at a new car dealership and picking up extra cash working on the cars of his class mates. He comes over several times a month to use my hoist for his side jobs and he likes my old truck so much that he wants me to help him find one. Needless to say there isn't anything I do on the old truck that he hasn't wanted to be a part of and when he's in the garage with me, his mother is so busy in the kitchen making sure he has a good meal before he goes home that she doesn't have time to help.  

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My Wife is somewhat tolerant of car shows, but lately her ability to walk longer distances has been affected by arthritis. She just laughs if I suggest she goes to a swap meet , not a good sort of laugh at that.  She likes to ride in vintage vehicles, but not interested in the nuts and bolts side of things at all.

Years ago my MGA and then later on my GS 400 were her daily drivers, but I did all the wrenching.


Greg in Canada

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I also passed 41 years married to my bride last May.  It has been a great trip, especially when I need a second set of hands.  Her best garage help is when I am looking for something. I like I am sure many of us can not see the forest for the trees in the garage looking for parts or tools. I just ask her go come out and see if she sees what I am looking for and she usually sees it an a minute or two.  We are the best person for each other. She likes the cars also.  Look at the list below.

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My Sweetie like nothing better then spending a day in the garage, unless it's a day roaming around a wrecking yard. This includes cleaning up a mess, or the daunting job of reorganizing and categorizing the contents. If truth be told I think that she prefers doing her work  without my interference. Another blessing for which I am eternally grateful. 


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43rd anniversary this year.  She normally doesn't work on cars but she'll help there and elsewhere if I ask.  At least she's tolerant of my addiction, although before we retired to Flaw-duh, she grumbled about having to scrape ice off her windshield because the garage was full of my junk.  :rolleyes:  Sometimes she'll initiate a DIY task around the house, usually because I hadn't gotten around to it quick enough to suit her.  But her ambition may exceed her ability so I end up finishing/fixing it...probably her plan all along.  🤣

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My wife gets called to the garage once in a while. She’s got the most skilled little hands. She does so much work with them, yet they are so small. Her hands fit in tight spots where I cannot gain access. She’s started impossible bolts for me. Picked up lost tools and other parts too.  She has no issues climbing up, over, under anything I am working on. When she helped me change a cylinder head gasket when I was 20, I knew she was a keeper. That was 28 years ago.  Since then she’s help me lift up and line up transmissions, pull engines, hold up mufflers, line up almost anything you can think of. She has no idea what she’s looking at, what it does, or how to fix it, but she does exactly what I request. A great helper and life partner.  I’m a very fortunate man. 


She’s up for anything. 




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My wife knows nothing about cars other then putting gas in the tank and does not like working in my garage. but will hold a part or a light if needed.


I normally go to sprint car races every Friday night from March thru October and she is not a fan of most auto racing either, but she now watches Formula 1 races on TV with me and has some favorite drivers (Kimi Raikkonen, Daniel Ricciardo, Romain Grosjean).  Said she will go with me next year to the Belgian Grand Prix at Spa Francorchamps.  I guess I am making progress.

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Help in the garage, not so much but she is interested in the hobby and really likes our sub-hobby of gas & oil collectibles.  She has a very good eye for smalls and understands collector grade vs. Mediocre stuff.  The pink hot rod is an ebay find, and came in the original box with brochure.  She had to have it!  


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My wife is ten years younger than me and will help me when I need another set of hands (she only does light stuff though) or will sit in a big comfortable office chair I have in the garage and keep me company often reading a book or using her I pad. Often though she’s in the house as she loves to cook homemade meals, clean the house, and even hang out our clothes. She doesn’t spend much money on frivolous things and doesn’t complain when I buy tools or stuff for whatever vehicle I’m working on. She’s not big on sitting at car shows but this year very much enjoyed Hershey and the attention our 32’ Olds convertible got. It won its first junior and whenthey announced my name, she said to me it’s all been worth it. When we were walking the car corral earlier in the week she said “no more cars for a while” and I told her there was only one more car I wanted, a 61’ vette because I was born in 61’. She asked what one looked like and we found a 62’ that was blue with white coves. She stepped back from it, looked at me and said “I like it!”

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Wife of 49 years knows the name of every tool and 95% of the parts. Washes the towels, cloth fender covers and anything else reusable. Keeps the floor swept, rest room cleaned and stocked on supplies and at 4' 10" and 81 pounds she can do many things with her whole body that I can barely fit an arm or leg into. How many helpers can sit upright on the floor pan and work with both hands on anything under the dash. Does very nice wood grain work in various grain patterns. Spots errors and gems at shows but doesn't comment till we're back home. Was a lot of work to put an automatic transmission, a-c, plus power assists in the old 37 Buick so she could drive it (with spacer blocks on the brake and gas pedal) but she is worth it. No kids so cars have been our "babies".

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Been married to my wife for over 47 years and when we were just teens, we would go to junk yards and look at cars and gather parts for mine LOL.  She has helped me with every car we have ever worked on and we still look for wrecking yards - now that we are retired - as we travel.  I couldn't ask for more and wouldn't change a thing.

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Congratulations to all of you on so many successful marriages. 

I've got nobody...maybe I should have answered that spam pm last week? 


be careful of those "foreign models".....................


very hard to get parts for. Mine is from Poland and Im getting tired of Begos........................

ham and potatoes again?????????????????????

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2 hours ago, 8E45E said:

I never married, and not sorry I didn't.  WAY too many horror stories out there!!


You obviously didn't read all of the other responses in this thread. A lot of your personality has to do with your attitude. With your negative attitude it's no wonder that no woman would marry you.... :(

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I am also a bachelor in paradise.

I get a girlfriend once in awhile, but just cant see someone else in my space after all these years.

Congrats to all of those successes, I sometimes envy.

But not for very long.

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