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Larry Schramm

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Larry Schramm last won the day on August 6

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  1. One Optima is more than adequate for a full week of driving. They are in the neighborhood of $200-$300 each plus core. I just bought one. You will need to get a charger that will charge an AGM battery though. This is what I have. https://www.amazon.com/NOCO-GENIUS10-Fully-Automatic-Temperature-Compensation/dp/B07W3QT226/ref=asc_df_B07W3QT226/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693585715857&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8359829630289019765&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9016962&hvtargid=pla-849323033656&mcid=788c9e6f32a435078b81c725d0fb4fea&th=1
  2. I am 6' and drove a lot of Reattas as company cars. They are great road cars for tall people. Lots of head room and leg room. That is from my experience.
  3. We were driving to northern Michigan this weekend and we saw a Jeep Cherokee pulling one of those new style Airstream smaller trailers on the expressway. The trailer was a single axle trailer. He passed us going at least 85 MPH and was weaving in and out of traffic like he was in the Jeep only. We followed him for a short distance and once thought he was going to lose it. I could not/would not go as fast as he was driving and we had just the 1/2 ton truck. Common sense is so uncommon in today's world. And as Forest Gump says, You can not fix stupid.
  4. Is this what you are looking for? https://www.ecklers.com/model-t-ford-brass-lamp-cover-set-16-53928-1.html?utm_source=google-pla&utm_medium=shopping&T5_Var2=shopping&utm_campaign=Model+T+%26+TT+(1909-1927)+Vehicle+Medium+LTVMiddle&intl=0&dialogtech=ppc&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_sq2BhCUARIsAIVqmQvyHH6b1tiw5OHbml4bh3sGnPELVKAnLTp2CiwPf-VchSxnh7nIdc4aAlSMEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  5. Look here for pictures of split rim tires and videos of what can happen when not installed correctly. https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&sca_esv=c786e18f386c8f3b&sxsrf=ADLYWIK82u8p9Wd7pokcvjfy--YwB8dhmA:1724503305212&q=split+rim+explosion&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aea31CMugC6IgIGxmc5kcq39ymcVlVVISYsY7jJl_qCv6Gs7eFwoVIT31Rxt_zeWnwuWJYlAUlBuX1QPAdQt_E8hlmplcRjKMYEsAqm2NJzPaNQrrFvklLllQa69oeuA_zbEOd6cN95XCTy1WRFmFd5GM-AyFt4LzJbN3vKhs5VSQlO3edvgxHvxM8kmd8wy1XWY9cte5qAN5YVJlTdA7XayTbHQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjE6663042IAxW3D9AFHdLqNzwQtKgLegQIFhAB&biw=1866&bih=911&dpr=2
  6. I believe you are looking for one of these. May be called a split rim tool.
  7. wayne sheldon is correct stating that Buick does not have a "fat man steering wheel" on their early cars. The early 2 cylinder Buicks had tilt wheel for the steering column. There is a "button" on the floor to move the column forward and aft. I know as I have one. On a different note, those Buick engines also have roller lifters.
  8. We only had 7 on Saturday. Attendees were starting from the left front and working around, Brian Heil, Matt Assenmacher, The McLaughlin owner, RR Joe Tonietto, Josh Windeler, Tim Turvey, and my self right front. The four of us on the right drove to the event from my shop in Grand Blanc. About 8 miles each way. It was easier to drive to the event than deal with trailers, etc...
  9. Also sold under the Sears and Penske brands. Works well.
  10. SLA would give a good finish. Here is an example of a SLA prototype connector of maybe 15 years ago. Here is a picture of another SLA connector that might give a better picture of the layers/thickness.
  11. That looks closer than Henry Ford II. Pictures below, Harry Bennett, Henry Ford l, Henry Ford ll
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