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RIP “Cadillac” Carl Fielding

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I have had sad news from his brother that Cadillac Carl Fielding passed away on June 12 due to complications from covid. I will be adding to this posting later with my own recollections. He helped a lot of people (like me); he told extraordinary stories; he packed a lot of adventure into his life.

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SO very very sad indeed. I so enjoyed his posts and his observations on the cars he owned and drove. We all learned from his sage words and were inspired to go out and get in our cars and drive them. He reinforced the knowledge that driving a car made in the 1920s can be done with reliability and done regularly without fear of any sort of a mishap. Next time you are driving down the road in your old car think of Carl and that will keep his spirit and vision of how to enjoy the old cars very much alive.


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Oh no, that's awful. I really enjoyed talking with Carl and hearing his experiences. He was unremittingly cheerful and enthusiastic and always had a positive spin on whatever problems we were having with our old cars. HIs voice will be missed and this forum will be lesser without him.

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I was just getting to know Carl, we had a few good chats and I came away believing he is quite a character. A character with strong beliefs, good humor, a great attitude on life and old cars and someone that just didn’t put up with bull!  Our condolences to his family and friends, he will be missed by many I’m sure, I know I will miss him and his insightful post. 
dave s 

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I am saddened by this news.

Carl and I have spoken often over the past 2 years.

He was always helpful and very willing to share his knowledge and he had SO many wonderful tales to share!

I will miss him.

Godspeed, Cadillac Carl!

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I am so deeply saddened by this news.  Carl and I had a number of (long) telephone conversations over the past few years and I truly enjoyed--and probably prolonged--them.  If anyone has future contact with his brother, please tell the brother how much Carl was loved, admired, and respected by his legions of friends on this forum.

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Why do I feel like I've been gut-punched?


My only interaction with C_Carl was here on the forums but I felt I knew him. Intelligent, well-spoken and invariably positive. 


I'm getting my first covid vaccine this afternoon. Carl's passing due to this insidious disease should convince any of you who have been on the fence to get the vaccine.

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14 minutes ago, rocketraider said:


I'm getting my first covid vaccine this afternoon. Carl's passing due to this insidious disease should convince any of you who have been on the fence to get the vaccine.

What he said!!!

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I talked to Carl often as we both had unrestored 63 series Cadillacs .  Over the years I think I learned his entire life history  including losing a small fortune when his mother fell for an investment scam.  He also had health problems that he didn't dwell on.   I will miss him greatly     Take the Covid cause of death with a grain of salt.  If the health facility has any chance of adding the Covid diagnosis to the death certificate Medicare adds 15% to the payment and a positive Covid test is NOT required   If Carl had received even a single Covid shot his chance of dying from Covid is extremely low.  Also the rare break through cases after vaccination are rarely severe or cause death.  I can only strongly second rocketraider and encourage everyone to get vaccinated.  Remember:  SH** HAPPENS and "The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who made the  wrong decision!!"

Edited by Robert G. Smits
spelling (see edit history)
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Really sad to hear this. He was the first person on this forum to refer to me as friend. That matters to me, as I'm somewhat difficult to be around, especially online. 


This forum isn't going to be the same without him. :(

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He had wisdom (all too rare in the world these days!). He had passion for many things (also becoming rare). I gathered that he lived life very well regardless of difficulties. He was most certainly very intelligent, something the world is losing way too quickly.

I only knew him through this forum, never got to speak with him on the phone. We traded a few messages, as well as comments on the forum. I really wanted to meet him in person if my situation should improve, and I could get up to his area (I have other friends in that area I would like to see again. 


The world has become a darker place.


Rest in peace.

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I too am deeply saddened by this news. Besides cars there was another part of Carl. Carl was a "Dead Head" and he told me how he felt he was fortunate to had seen some of the great pre stadium era Grateful Dead shows on the west coast, just by accident.  He will be missed. 

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Around a dozen years ago I bought my Cadillac V63 touring. Right away I joined the Cadillac LaSalle Club and started poring through the roster as soon as it arrived, looking for owners of cars like mine. What a find! A virtual twin of my car was in Seattle — just 4 hours south of my home in Vancouver. I wrote Carl Fielding an old-fashioned letter — that must have been before the roster had everybody’s email — and he phoned me as soon as he got it. That began our friendship. Carl was so trusting he simply put a key outside the rented garage he kept his 1924 Cadillac in. Any time I was passing through — generally on the way to my son’s lacrosse tournament — I could and did let myself into the garage to inspect his car in as detailed a fashion as I wished. I viewed his car closely twice. Carl and I never met on those occasions. I thought perhaps he was shy, but I think he was just busy both times.


Carl’s trust in other people probably cost him a few fortunes. He did not mind telling the stories. Who he rubbed shoulders with said something of his genius — Gore of Goretex, the Paulings of Linus Pauling (two Nobel prizes). His stories were sometimes hard to believe owing to their extraordinariness, but he did not seem to have any motivation to lie or exaggerate. In fact he seemed naturally simply truthful. Innocent in a way. “A holy fool” — though he was not religious. (He did have respect for the faith of others, however.)


Great compliments are being expressed in this forum — perhaps others as well. I would invite you to submit stories too! Many of you, over the phone, heard the same ones as me. Did he race cars on mountain roads in South America? I never got the details. Some kind of tour, again in the company of some important or well-connected people. He spoke Spanish without an accent, and was proud of the fact. Share away; share the details; and happy driving.

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This is Carl's brother, Ken.   Thank you, Mick, for allowing me to see the many ways that Carl touched people.   I am asking for help locating Carl's 1927 LaSalle, which he left in storage with an acquaintance in Las Vegas after the Cadillac Through the Years show in 2016.  Unfortunately I never learned where the car was stored or who has it, and no record has been located to help find it.   Searching his cell phones has so far been unproductive, and Carl did not send text messages.   I will be getting more complete phone call records from AT&T to try to identify phone calls to the Las Vegas area, as the person with the car may not have a 702 area code.  So far the few calls he made to 702 are unrelated to the storage.


If anyone has any information on where the car is, or if you see his 1927 LaSalle, please let me know.    You can see Carl and the car in this article:

COURTESY Seattle resident Carl Fielding drove his 1927 Cadillac Sedan about 2,000 miles to participate in the 11th annual Cadillac Through the Years car show Sunday at The District at Green Valley … | Las Vegas Review-Journal (reviewjournal.com)

Thanks again, Mick.

Carl & car in Las Vegas.jpg

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I am asking for help locating my brother's 1927 Cadillac LaSalle.  My brother, Carl Fielding, passed away on June 12.  He had left the car in storage with an acquaintance in Las Vegas after the Cadillac Through the Years show in 2016.  Unfortunately I never learned where the car was stored or who has it, and no record has been located to help find it.   Searching his cell phones has so far been unproductive.  Carl did not send text messages, and his "received" messages have not been informative.  I don't have access to his email, and I have no idea if access would help.   I will be getting more complete phone call records from AT&T to try to identify phone calls to or from the Las Vegas area, as the person with the car may not have a 702 area code.  So far the few calls he made to 702 are unrelated to the storage.


If anyone has any information on where the car is or who has it, or if you see his 1927 LaSalle, please let me know.    You can see Carl and the car in this article:

COURTESY Seattle resident Carl Fielding drove his 1927 Cadillac Sedan about 2,000 miles to participate in the 11th annual Cadillac Through the Years car show Sunday at The District at Green Valley … | Las Vegas Review-Journal (reviewjournal.com)

Thanks for any help.

Ken Fielding

Carl & car in Las Vegas.jpg

1927 in Hood River 1.JPG

1927 in Hood River 2.JPG

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I’m so sorry to hear this news. Carl reached out to me with several private message conversations since I became a member of this forum and he was always helpful and a genuinely nice man. 

Mick, I sure hope you are able to locate his car quickly. Sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family. 

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