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Man crashes perfectly restored 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle into brick wall

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He’s rev faced! Embarrassed motorist crashes perfectly restored 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle into a brick wall moments after leaving classic car show and trying to impress onlookers with its acceleration

  • The crash happened on Sunday after the Classic Car and Bike Show in Doncaster
  • The driver of the burgundy Chevy accelerated hard and lost control of the car
  • Fortunately nobody was hurt but the vintage motor was badly damaged




Edited by Mark Gregory (see edit history)
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He wasn't pointed down the street completely straight and he got out of it way too hard when he started to get out of shape.

My guess is he's not used to American big block power.


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 A cruise in I go to has a no burn out rule and this year we had a similar incident. Cobra replicar impressed everybody  by driving into a tree.  To make matters worse  it supposedly wasn't his car, but a friends. Now that is even stupider.   :)   Sorry but I have little sympathy for this type car enthusiast.

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Another big shot trying to impress people. Well he certainly "IMPRESSED " that car into the wall well enough. Sarcasm on the 4th of July . Poor car.

Will the guy who was driving the car ever live this moment down? NEVER. Looks like it happened in England? Can you imagine the names he will be called from now on at any pub or car meets/rallys  he attends? His new names will be Well deserved .

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From the official BBC report in London:

Friday morning Mr Wrenchy was over heard telling a neighbor friend that he "couldn't wait to show everyone at the show Sunday what it will do once it's finished". 


His mechanic was reported as telling him Saturday afternoon:

"Since your blower is bigger than your windshield you might want to try it out on a dragstrip before you take it to Doncaster…."


Due to the outcome of this particular incident it's unclear if Mr Wrenchy is working with a full bag of spanners. Sunday evening his mum was even over heard saying "that's me Wrenchy, he's always been a bit of a daft cow"



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More horsepower than brains. What if there had been people walking down that sidewalk? There could have been  families leaving the show with strollers and children. I feel worse for that beautiful brick wall that the jerk destroyed, it probably stood for decades before "Mr. Horsepower" came along.

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2 hours ago, 30DodgePanel said:

His mechanic was reported as telling him Saturday afternoon:


I have been on this Forum since 2006. If all the posts containing "his mechanic" or "my mechanic" were available in book form it would be a best seller, probably a hit movie.

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16 minutes ago, keiser31 said:

Let's face it....you SHOULD be smarter than the car you drive....


On the brand new cars,,, i can be a toss up....I would do anything for a radio with push buttons I can feel and not have to take my eyes off the road, or touch the screen and my blower speed changes on the A/C because I can't feel the radio push buttons.


In this case the brick wall was smarter then the driver, I only wish on the back round noise someone could have heard saying what I was thinking when I watched the video, or even better yet if they all started clapping.

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1 hour ago, mike6024 said:

It was in the UK, which explains why the explitives the videographer was using were unintelligible to me, " effin' - ell !!! " ???? Is that what he said?


Pretty much.

 when I was watching I was thinking to myself 'f'n ***hole'

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Has anyone NOT seen someone with a big motor do something stupid at a car show? There are literally hundreds of hours of videos on YouTube of idiots with fast cars getting in over their heads. They are unfailingly amusing and a cautionary tale for how not to act. It's why the Dodge Hellcats (and Demons--those that get driven--are probably worse) have like a 40% attrition rate--just because you can buy it doesn't mean you can drive it. With 700 horsepower on tap, things happen FAR faster than the average guy can process unless he's had training and experience. Before the average guy can even react, the car is already too far gone to catch, never mind figure out how to save it. Easy to think guys like  NASCAR drivers don't really have much skill, but the moment a tire loses traction at those speeds, all sense of "Hell, I could do that" is gone. The average guy's brain just doesn't work fast enough at those speeds.


I had a nasty little Cobra replica and kept it in the lobby, not in the showroom, because test drives were 100% off limits. It was what we call a high-risk test drive. I have an SCCA competition license and that car frightened me at 3/4 throttle, never mind full speed. 1800 pounds and 700 horsepower on a 90-inch wheelbase. A guy came to see it and buy it, but he wouldn't buy without a test drive. We were at an impasse until I said, "Listen, let's go fill out the papers, you can give me a [big] deposit, and you can sign the purchase order, well call your insurance company, and then we'll take YOUR car for a drive. If you don't like it and don't wreck it, I'll buy it back." He agreed, we took a drive, and it scared the shiat out of him (and me) before he even found third gear. It was the closest I've ever come to death, I think, and I finally reached over and flipped the switch to the kill the engine on a straight, empty section of road where he couldn't even keep it straight. He didn't have a CLUE how to manage that car. Hard throttle--hard brake--hard throttle--hard brake--yank the wheel--hard brake--overcorrect--hard throttle. It was lunacy. I yelled at him, then drove it back.


He bought it anyway. I don't know if he's dead yet, but he probably should be...

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Matt, something similar happened to me, (getting the s**t scared out of me). Back in the '70s a friend of mine had a Model T, built by a company in northern Cal by the name of Andy's Instant T's. It was a fiberglass '23T with a blown big block Chevy and NO front brakes with motorcycle wheels and tires on the front end and NO seatbelt's.  At about 80 MPH all I could envision is that huge Model T windshield landing in our lap before we were killed. Thankfully we caught a red light so we had to stop. I was in the service, a 25 year firefighter but never as frightened as that day. I vowed on that day to never be put into a situation like that again. 

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A story I was told a few years ago.. there is a very straight piece of road in Wales (pretty rare anywhere in the UK) that is a favorite with idiots with fast cars and motorcycles. A guy takes his bike up to something like 120 mph. He had a video camera mounted on his helmet so he could video the speedometer. When he got pulled over, the PC looked at the video.

Edited by JV Puleo (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Matt Harwood said:

I had a nasty little Cobra replica and kept it in the lobby,


Anyone remember Joe Galina, the Riviera guy from Clarkson (Rochester) New York? In 1964 he bought a new Ford Cobra. His son was just beginning to drive. Joe told me that every time he heard the Cobra go out of the driveway he thought of his son in a coffin. In 1965 the new Riviera with hidden headlights came out and the Cobra was gone. Joe had Riviera's for the next 30 years, until he passed away, peacefully.


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5 hours ago, 61polara said:

No, actually the car itself is the best trophy from this event.


I thought that was what you meant but I had to ask anyway. 😁


BTW,  during the summer I go to a local cruise-in that is held every couple of weeks near my house. I usually get there about an hour before the event ends. There have been more than a couple of close calls this year when some of the big engine cars left. One of these days one of these cars is going to kiss the steel guard rail or go off the road into a ditch, farm field or farm building. Only a mater of time.

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