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GM's New Logo


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I found this on the internet.....


General Motors is working to remake its public image with a new logo, a new company-wide marketing campaign and a new website as it shifts from a company that makes largely internal combustion vehicles to offering mostly all-electric vehicles over the next decade.

On Friday, GM said starting Monday it will debut the campaign to promote mass adoption of EVs called “Everybody In.”  The company will replace its familiar blue square logo and will launch a new GM.com  website to share the latest information about work in electrification and self-driving cars.

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I’m sure the imbeciles that came up with a new logo are very proud of themselves. I bet you they put seven or eight hundred grand into coming up with their genius idea. I’ve never seen such a crappy logo for such a big company in my life. Looks like it was designed by committee. Obviously it’s so bad that they had thousands of hours of time in it. Same way that Ford came up with the Edsel name. It’s embarrassing it’s so bad. Too bad car people don’t run car companies anymore. Normally I would ask upon seeing something so ridiculous “ what were they thinking“, it’s obvious not one person who is involved with that project was capable of a single critical thought. 

“GM is working to remake it public image”    Can I humbly suggest they make a car or truck that someone wants that isn't a pile of trash? That would be a fantastic place to start from. I bet Matt Harwood could make some decent suggestions.

Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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I wonder why the lower case, the diminutive of the original is used?  And, Yes, Ed is right, it was designed by a committee.   What is troubling is that it is shedding its American identity and taking on a 'sophisticated' European look, a 'global' identity.  They forgot that GM gave us the Split Window and a 4spd 409 in the same year with style and grace.  Now they'll give us transportation modules.

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Just because executives are paid well,

doesn't mean they're always bright.

When companies change their font, are they

really thinking that will make people flock

to their product--without improving their



"Honey, let's go out and buy a new

General Motors car.  So what if other

cars are better?  I want that new logo!"

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58 minutes ago, TAKerry said:

Yes, a committee of "kids" in a cubicle that most likely dont even own a car! ( I suppose instead of a cubicle they are working from the home office in their loft)

The old logo was too strong and bold for todays youth. All the 

"Snowflakes" will love this one I bet🤪

Edited by 34LaSalleClubSedan (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, TAKerry said:

Yes, a committee of "kids" in a cubicle that most likely dont even own a car! ( I suppose instead of a cubicle they are working from the home office in their loft)


Below is the main "kid" that had the ultimate say. If you study his bio it wreaks of language that underlines his new role and the types of digital and growth strategies that he'll be responsible for. I see it as the beginning of a "total transformation" of one of the last US icons as we move further into the globalist economic environment (or at least the next step in the process).


To give some of you insight into what corporate America has become now days,  these highlighted terms below are used ad nauseam from board meetings to those working the front lines in customer service phone centers across America. While reading (below), imagine hearing these things everyday... week after week... month after month,... year after year... These are the type of people that end up destroying a company from within and make the average employee completely miserable underneath them in the process while they get bailed out with stock options and fat on retirement packages and profit sharing bonuses that far outweigh anything the peasants within the company receive.  All in the name of innovation. 
(Talking heads comes to mind: "Same as it ever was")




Corporate Officers (gm.com)

He's the last one on the list of Officers


“Alan brings a proven track record and decades of experience leading a culture of innovation and customer-driven technology solutions,” said Barra. “With Alan’s background, HE is well positioned to help accelerate our transformation by challenging the status quo, disrupting the business and executing strategies that will lead to future growth.”


The newly created Innovation and Growth organization will bring together several teams within the company focused on innovation and future growth opportunities, including Global Connected Services, Data and Customer Insights, and Innovation and Strategy teams.



This is where the pimple faced kid in the loft who's working from home comes in ...

I can guarantee you (from first hand experience) these "teams" are made up of many of the these types of hipsters.





Edited by 30DodgePanel (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, STEVE POLLARD said:

image.png.8577e1f8641ef941b0619ae8b96f9687.pngI guess that the "m" is to represent a electrical plug....😃



GM is scrapping its old square blue logo and replacing it with a lower case gm surrounded by rounded corners. The company says it’s the biggest change to its logo since 1964. The ‘m’ in the logo is underlined to look more like an electrical plug.



It's all about diversity and inclusion. EV = Everyone is included (gas and electric)



New campaign, and logo, for GM in a bid to electrify image | NanaimoNewsNOW | Nanaimo news, sports, weather, real estate, classifieds and more

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Corporate-speak. Why do I not miss it?🤦‍♂️


I realise corporations often have to reinvent themselves to survive. But when corporate execs don't really understand their own business, and then rely on highly paid consultants who understand it even less, all the reinvention in the world is not going to save your ass.


It's disheartening that these overpaid execs and consultants are allowed to get away with destroying viable businesses and then walk away with severance, golden parachutes, and enough stock to continue influencing the company's direction even in their disgrace. Criminal charges would be more appropriate. But, they leave one company and trip gaily to another, where they lay a snow job on another board of directors and the cycle repeats.


MBA= Master of Bulls**t Artistry.  Or as the late great Jerry Clower said "educated beyond their intelligence".

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3 hours ago, edinmass said:

I’m sure the imbeciles that came up with a new logo are very proud of themselves. I bet you they put seven or eight hundred grand into coming up with their genius idea. I’ve never seen such a crappy logo for such a big company in my life. Looks like it was designed by committee. Obviously it’s so bad that they had thousands of hours of time is it. Same way that Ford came up with the Edsel name. It’s embarrassing it’s so bad. Too bad car people don’t run car companies anymore. Normally I would ask upon seeing something so ridiculous “ what were they thinking“, it’s obvious not one person who is involved with that project was capable of a single critical thought. 

“GM is working to remake it public image”    Can I humbly suggest they make a car or truck that someone wants that isn't a pile of trash? That would be a fantastic place to start from. I bet Matt Harwood could make some decent suggestions.



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Corporate double-speak and jibber-jabber dep't:


I worked with a guy who was literally in love with the stuff and took every opportunity to spout it- especially when people above plant level visited, then he'd really crank up. He had no idea what he was talking about, and watching the higher pay grades listen and nod attentively while he rambled on convinced me they didn't either. But the consultant told them they had to have it or they were doomed, in the meantime grinning all the way to the bank. Odds are the consultant didn't know either, but lay a high price tag on a few buzzwords and watch the money roll in!


Wicked beast that I am, I bought a Jibbajabba toy at Walmart and set it in his desk chair. Toy's packaging said "I say nothing all the time!". Even the plant manager chuckled when he saw it, because he was wise to Tony's shtick.



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Here's a suggestion to GM:

Rather than changing your logo and buying

new stationery, simply make a better product:


---Work to get your cars and trucks to be

as reliable as, or better than, the best on the market.


---Make a wide variety of vehicles--cars and trucks

in various sizes.  Don't forget convertibles and

two-door hardtops.  Not everyone wants a sedan.


---Keep the mechanical aspects as simple as possible.

Enthusiasts may want to work on their own cars.


---Of course, have the styling attractive so 

owners really want to buy your vehicles.


---Forget your obsession with blandness.  Some

people want more than black, white, or gray.

Offer the 15 or 20 colors you used to, so people

can individualize their cars and take pride in them.

Don't forget more interior offerings, too.


Those timeless ideas will keep you going from

one decade to the next.


Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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18 minutes ago, John_S_in_Penna said:

---Make a wide variety of vehicles--cars and trucks

in various sizes.  Don't forget convertibles and

two-door hardtops.  Not everyone wants a sedan.


---Keep the mechanical aspects as simple as possible.

Enthusiasts may want to work on their own cars.


---Forget your obsession with blandness.  Some

people want more than black, white, or gray.

Offer the 15 or 20 colors you used to, so people

can individualize their cars and take pride in them.

Don't forget more interior offerings, too.

I agree... but practically no OEMs actually do these.
Random example : MB E-class : 1 red, 1 blue, 2 whites, 2 blacks, 5 grays. 
Tesla Model S : white, black, gray, blue, red.

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IIRC Mercedes was the one who foisted all these silvers and grays on the car-buying public back in the 80s. Seems it was part of their "high-tech appearance" marketing scheme. Then the rest fell into that hype.


I will never again own a white, silver/gray/charcoal, or black car. I've said for years all these bland depressing colors are part of why the world's in the shape it's in. I watched "Pleasantville" yesterday and was reminded why I believe that.

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8 hours ago, STEVE POLLARD said:

image.png.8577e1f8641ef941b0619ae8b96f9687.pngI guess that the "m" is to represent a electrical plug....😃


A non-gender, non-binary specific electrical plug.

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5 hours ago, rocketraider said:

MBA= Master of Bulls**t Artistry.  Or as the late great Jerry Clower said "educated beyond their intelligence".


And after they get that MBA and they move on to the doctorate program they learn how to Pile it Higher and Deeper!


There are plenty of educated idiots running around out there and many of them are running major corporations these days.


Edited by zepher (see edit history)
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Wasn’t there a company about 15 years ago that spent a couple hundred thousand dollars doing a study for a new logo and came up with a big red block “N”. They then made a big advertisement campaign announcing it only to find out the University of Nebraska had a copyright on it. They had to start all over. 
Don’t fix what’s not broken. 

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8 hours ago, TAKerry said:

Yes, a committee of "kids" in a cubicle that most likely dont even own a car! ( I suppose instead of a cubicle they are working from the home office in their loft)



from the basement of mom and dads House...........

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