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The AACA Eastern fall National Meet (Hershey) Flea Market and Corral has been cancelled 2020


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Wow, huge ramifications that will resound through our hobby for the next year...I received an email, unless it's a joke, not happening this year.....


I'll miss seeing old and new friends....David Coco Winchester Va.

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I got this today too:


It is with great regret that the AACA Hershey Region Executive Board informs you that the 2020 Hershey Fall Meet has been cancelled. This decision was not arrived at lightly. Our Club prides itself on producing a world-class event that thousands of people anticipate every year, so we felt the heaviest of burdens when faced with this decision.
While making the difficult choice to cancel, the Board took many obstacles into account, including but not limited to: the health and welfare of our volunteers, vendors, partners, and visitors; the unknown restrictions and/or guidelines that may be in place at the time of our show; and the volunteer-only workforce we rely on to prepare for a show of our magnitude.
We appreciate you understanding how difficult this decision was for the Executive Board to make. We know that some people will be upset by the decision and others will applaud it. Either way, please know that the Hershey Region Executive Board has acted in what they believe are the best interests of the Club, and we ask for your continued support as we navigate these unprecedented times.
Refund information will be sent very soon in regards to all payments already received by the Hershey Region AACA.
Please know that we continue to explore ideas to benefit the hobby and are working toward the possibility of still hosting our usual car show on Saturday in October.  While this may not be doable, AACA and the Hershey Region along with other constituencies are working hard to make this possible.  Please visit our website and social media as often as possible for the latest news.
Hershey Region AACA
Hershey Region AACA | PO Box 305, Hershey, PA 17033 hersheyfallmeet@gmail.com; www.hershey.aaca.com
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   OH NO ------- HERSHEY --------

       We LOVE you..... We WANT you.... We NEED you....


      Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease Don't Cancel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


       We are all hoping to do the twice postponed Spring Carlisle in just two weeks...

        And the twice postponed Englishtown in New Jersey the following week....

       And those shows are NOT *** HERSHEY ***.   The # 1 show on planet Earth.....


       I have 9 spots filled with 100 % choice NEW & N.O.S. Antique and Classic Automotive parts -- that wind up going all over this Planet !!!!!!!!!!!


     Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease reconsider .... 


We NEED to continue the HERSHEY legacy.... And not let coronavirus defeat us !!!!!!!!    With so many cancelled shows earlier this year -----


We NEED.  Good & Plenty from Hershey.  in.  2020 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




And doesn't HERSHEY'S Chocolate World stand to lose like a BILLION dollars ????? 

I know I buy $ 60 of chocolate after a $ 30 dinner an dessert on Friday Night ...... And I KNOW I am not alone........

Do they get a say ????? And, isn't there a contract that says, " The show and swap meet MUST go on" ???????????

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I am saddened that the 2020 HERSHEY will be cancelled, it must have been a gut wrenching decision to make, by the Hershey Region. It looks like my run of 52 straight years will finally come to an end! 

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A bummer, but understandable.  There will be no vaccine by then, and getting a few thousand (mostly-high-risk) people together to mingle isn't a smart idea.

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Steve Moskowitz and the Awesome HERSHEY team,


For some "vendors" it is a good time and a vacation -- and they sell a few things to pay for their candy bars -- and have fun !!!!


For others (Like ME, Indeed), We depend on our HERSHEY sales to pay for the upcoming winter bills ..........


Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease talk to your TEAM, some of us depend on you to


     And, it is outdoors, and there is plenty of natural "social distancing"...

All those people are spread over many miles of HERSHEY !!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, Steve Moskowitz said:


Honestly I worked for one of the vendors as a kid back in the 90's and never knew there was a show field for several years... I thought it was a big flea market in the mud! I don't think its all horrible to have just the show. Might refocus the mission.

I think it was harmful today to have some people leaking bits of this information. Folks who knew it was coming in some degree should have kept their mouths shut until an official respond came out. I certainly understand it takes months of planning, and there are points much earlier than the even where decisions need to be made. Is there still expected to be judging? I was gonna  hit 25 credits at Hershey (after NC got canceled earlier...)

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Carlisle Events continue to plan  their slate of shows, starting with “Spring” Carlisle in mid June. The virus and the PA Governor will have the last say; but the optimist in me hopes they are successful. For the last several years, Fall Carlisle has looked more and more like a staging area for Hershey. This year, perhaps it will be a proxy for the Hershey Swap Meet. No one is more enthusiastic about our hobby than Bill Miller, Jr. Let’s hope 2020 finally takes a positive turn. 

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Let me first say with sincere respect that I appreciate the consideration that went into this difficult decision.   


All things being equal, though, I don't understand why this ultimate decision could not have been made until the end of July, or even by the traditional August 15th car show registration deadline.   We would have so much more empirical evidence between now and then to make a decision, based upon the facts and experiences we would have learned from and lived through during the next 60-75 days.


It is a glimmer of hope that the Saturday car show is still "on" for now; as one who drives my classic 300+ miles to take part in the greatest car show on Earth, that is the crown jewel for the week for me.  But my attendance will depend upon several factors, including the extensive round trip for one day of activity instead of four, and the pending thoughts of my roommate who will also make a value judgment whether it would be "worth it" to drive a distance for the show only.


I don't know if it is worth commenting on at this point, but my two cents are spelled out before me as I've composed them, so I guess I'll hit "Submit Reply".


In closing, a sincere appreciation for what the Hershey Volunteers and everyone involved with the Week have done for all of us these many years.

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1 hour ago, 1935Packard said:

A bummer, but understandable.  There will be no vaccine by then, and getting a few thousand (mostly-high-risk) people together to mingle isn't a smart idea.

This is very simply put......Thank You 1935Packard. Hershey and all other events will be back and I believe much better. These delays certainly won’t affect my perspective of the hobby and how I participate. I will be there, I bet it won’t change many others either.

Edited by Jeff Perkins / Mn (see edit history)
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One other thing to consider......


Hershey stands to lose about a BILLION dollars in sales if we are not there.........


I KNOW I buy about $ 60 of chocolate on Friday night.... After a $ 30 dinner and dessert.....And I KNOW I am

Not alone........


Do they get a say ?????????

And isn't there a contract that says "The Show MUST go on" ????????

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Steve M., unfortunately Hershey Region's notification they emailed and put on Facebook says otherwise ("It is with great regret that the AACA Hershey Region Executive Board informs you that the 2020 Hershey Fall Meet has been cancelled.") UNTIL you READ FIVE PARAGRAPHS into it that they are attempting to try to hold a meet ("are working toward the possibility of still hosting our usual car show on Saturday in October."). It left me with an impression of that said car show being simply a region show instead of national meet. 


I think their headline/ first line should have read more like "It is with great regret that the AACA Hershey Region Executive Board informs you that the 2020 Hershey Fall Meet's Swap Meet has been cancelled We are working toward the possibility of still hosting the Eastern Fall Meet Car Show on Saturday in October".


I'm not sure what I'm going to do now as the flea market field was my accommodations for the week. Not sure if I really want to make that 8 hr trip by myself as my dad is not up to doing much long distance traveling anymore. I've only missed  something like 3 yrs since 1968, it be nice to make it if there is a show. Then there is the question of how do you socially distance as a judge reporting deductions to your team captain.  What to do, what to do.....?

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So, help me understand the decision... The virus threat is so great that we cannot accept the liability of people meeting in a flea market, but the liability of people meeting in a car show is acceptable??? October is 5 months away, If we are still cowering in our caves, we are in more trouble than we realize...



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Ok folks, I realize there is a lot of emotion attached to the decision for all of you.  Seriously, do you not think the same for all the members of the Hershey Region?  For AACA National?  It is gut wrenching but very, very few of you have any idea of what goes into putting on Hershey.  Contracts have to be signed that amount to a massive amount of money.  They had to be signed now.  Materials had to be ordered, merchandise, etc.  Massive changes to the flea market and corral related to how HE&R and the region handled the COVID response needed to take place.  Further fencing in the entire event was a very distinct possibility which was in the 6 figures.  But to top it all, here is what the Governor said just the other day once we are in the Green Phase!!!


Any gathering for a planned or spontaneous event of greater than 250 individuals is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, a concert, festival, fair, conference, sporting event, movie showing, or theater performance.


We do not expect people to agree with the decision,  no one is happy.  This amounts to a huge economic blow to our community, the region and national.  This is a huge disappointment to our members but the decision was NOT made lightly.  


Ron, I pray Carlisle gets to open up!  They own their facility and have far more flexibility than AACA has and yes I have been in communication with him.  However, as of today Carlisle or Mecum do not have approval by the state to my knowledge.


As to the potential car show, that event is far more simple, we have a COVID plan that we can manage BUT without the Governor's approval it will not happen.


In retrospect the press release could have been written better, however, it escaped a lot of people who were rushing to get it out due to all the rumors.  The possibility of the car show was a last minute idea that got approvals yesterday morning by everyone and was added to the release.  Folks, seriously...you have no idea how much effort has been put into this subject, how much angst those who work their butts off every year for you and I have had to deal with and how horrible it was to make this decision but when you are on the front lines you understand much better!  


I could say a lot more but everyone will in the end feel the way they feel.  I just feel bad for the Region as they honestly did all they could at this time to try and save the  meet.  Trust me they are hurting as much as anyone and do NOT deserve criticism. My opinion.  


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Even the most diehard folks in the "this is an over reaction camp" camp can understand.    Also, given the vast dependencies and complexity of pulling off Hershey it shouldn't be surprising to anyone.   Somebody big needs to be first. It is going to take something like the NFL going back to normal for people to feel comfortable crawling out from under their beds.  


I look forward to next year.  I'm hoping the car events scheduled for January and Florida go on as planned so next year is back to normal.


btw,  anyone who uses the phrase "new normal" is put on my ignore list.



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Look, we can debate the health risks one way or the other, but let's be serious here. A huge driver in this decision is the legal risk. It only takes one person to contract the virus and then sue AACA. The resulting lawsuit and drawn out legal fees would likely cause irreparable damage to the club's finances. I suspect that Carlisle Events' lawyers will figure that out in the next week or so as well.

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I heard this from a friend and he forwarded me the email.  I am a Past President and to this day I've still never received
"the email".  I wonder how many more members are in that same boat.  That is to say nothing of all of the non-members who make the trek to Hershey from all over the USA, to say nothing of all over the World.  I have to say, I think this is a great disaster for AACA.  I attended my first Hershey in 1963.  Let's hope better times will come.  Earl D. Beauchamp, Jr., PP 2004

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24 minutes ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

Folks, seriously...you have no idea how much effort has been put into this subject, how much angst those who work their butts off every year for you and I have had to deal with and how horrible it was to make this decision but when you are on the front lines you understand much better!  


I could say a lot more but everyone will in the end feel the way they feel.  I just feel bad for the Region as they honestly did all they could at this time to try and save the  meet.  Trust me they are hurting as much as anyone and do NOT deserve criticism. My opinion.  

Yes, we are all very upset. I know a lot of ( most?) people were looking forward to Hershey as the one thing this year that would make them happy, make up for all we have had to cope with, and give some peace of mind. Now that is gone, so we have to keep our chin up and "carry on", with out our annual dose of "Hersheyness".

Try and think beyond your own needs - the Hershey region put in so much effort ,so many hours,days, weeks and as Steve M. notes don't deserve or need any negativity from any of us. Just think for all the places in the area : hotels, restaurants, gas stations antique stores(!), etc. this is going to be a shot for them too as they were looking forward to recoup some lost income for the year and the annual AACA event has to be one of the biggest ones every year for them. Very Sad that "the greatest show on earth" will not be happening this year , so STAY HEALTHY and make sure you are ready for 2021.


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OK, I'm trying to figure this out...............an event which does NOT charge an entrance fee for tens of thousands of people over five days.............and people are complaining that the club and region don't want to gamble 200K or better up front just to find out the state, county, township, lawyers, insurance companies, and a bunch of other people who could pull the plug at the last minute? It was obvious the fall meet was doomed back in April. Sad, depressing, but true. If they can pull off a car show, I will come the 1500 miles to see it.........and of the last 49 years, I have only stayed for the show three times. The logic of going even if it's only a smaller show........a placeholder for employment time off/vacation week. I figure I'll haul my car down to the area and tour with it..........

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I have not been one to complain incessently about the organization of the greatest event in our hobby (guy in space c55 has a set of cragers and an aftermarket tape deck, and a guy in an unauthorized scooter is looking at them.  He probably needs the scooter to get by the spaces with only a few token parts out and...) So when I say this it is intended as a positive statement, if the Hershey region is considering any changes or refinements now is a good time to do that.  There is NO reason 2021 cannot be as good as anytime in recent memory.  Logistics, legal concerns, etc. Make 2020 too risky. 





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Ed you nailed it...far more than $200,000 as you surmised.  The risk of spending and contracting only to have the rug pulled out was too big especially since the Governor has not even allowed us to have a rug yet!


Joe, liability was not a deciding factor.  Liability is an issue for every business and you just do all you can to mitigate any exposure. 


Earl, everyone was sent an email.  It will be in Speedster tonight.  It will be in the next magazine and it will be in Hemmings today along with every other publication we can possibly reach.  It will be on our website and the Hershey Region website and is on both of our Facebook pages and the region's Facebook page.  

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How long will we as a nation put up with all of these mandates and penalties that were never passed by a state or federal legislature.  The Supreme Court needs to act now!!!

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Excellent decision.  If you do not agree, please read the article written a couple of weeks ago by former Pennsylvania Governor and Homeland Security Advisor Tom Ridge.

Yes, we will miss, but it is the right thing to do.

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2 hours ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

But to top it all, here is what the Governor said just the other day once we are in the Green Phase!!!


Any gathering for a planned or spontaneous event of greater than 250 individuals is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, a concert, festival, fair, conference, sporting event, movie showing, or theater performance.



Beyond Hershey itself, which is a noun to the greater population but is a verb to us, this is the most troubling thing of all.  Many people here have been operating under the assumption that Green = Good to Go or "normal" and that is not the case.  Thus far I have not seen anything that states there is a color after Green that would be "normal-normal".  There is no blue or purple or anything else.  There is only this "new normal" and that is where it stops, so it is very easy to see why this decision was made.  Of greater concern than what our state government is saying is what they are not saying.    

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We were so fortunate to get Amelia Island completed before this crap stopped that also.    


I'm sad we won't have Hershey this year and a little ashamed of our society at the same time.  Were a bunch of pathetic pansy azz's if you ask me.  


I understand the legal portion and it's sad what we've become.  

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I sure hope you are not referring to the region members as lazy or pansies!  Hard to understand your meaning.  They have been working hundreds of hours on the show for this year every since last year's show finished.  They do this for free for our benefit. My previous post explained what the problem is and that is the facts in this matter.  Everyone needs to put their feet in the shoes of those who are doing the work, taking the risks and outlaying their financial resources.  I also stated that the legal issue did NOT drive the decision.  Our state government did and when your existence is threatened if you disobey the rules then you must do the sensible thing. 

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1 hour ago, Janousek said:

We were so fortunate to get Amelia Island completed before this crap stopped that also.    


I'm sad we won't have Hershey this year and a little ashamed of our society at the same time.  Were a bunch of pathetic pansy azz's if you ask me.  


I understand the legal portion and it's sad what we've become.  

Ashamed at what?  Over 100,000 have died.  If we didn’t do this sort of isolation, it might have been 300,000 or more.  A guy just came into my office complaining that Cuomo is now allowing businesses to require a mask before entering.  His answer:  You’re violating my constitutional rights!  No, as a country we have the need to protect our citizens from ignorant people who only think of themselves.  
It takes a strong person and group to make the hard decisions.  Kudos to the Hershey region!  Our Chautauqua County region did the same think by cancelling Dunkirk.  I cancelled our ‘54 Ford Convention for the same reason.

Just wondering how some would feel if their mother or father, grandparents or children were to die over the virus?  


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Please don't misinterpret what I'm saying, but HERSHEY is not just about having the car show. True it's a great show, but it's becoming more of a preservation class, car show then an antique car show. My issue with missing HERSHEY is that I have attended every show since 1968. It's in my blood and what we do in October. I have missed some important events in my life for HERSHEY. We go down for the entire week and visit venders that we have made friends with over that time, that we see once a year. It's walking every aisle till we can hardly walk anymore. It's having lunch at the vendor's. It's coming back to the same hotel's and restaurant's every year and having the waitresse's remember us. I would rather they cancel the entire venue and start it over in 2021. People aren't going to travel hundreds and in some cases thousands of miles to see a car show. As sick as I am about the cancellation, I truly understand what the HERSHEY Region is trying to do but I really think they should just concentrate on bringing it back in 2021.

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33 minutes ago, AJFord54 said:

His answer:  You’re violating my constitutional rights!  No, as a country we have the need to protect our citizens from ignorant people who only think of themselves.  


So true! I see all the No Mask people as selfish bastards.


It's just another line to the sign we all have followed for years. I don't get the griping.


No Shirt

No Shoes

No Service




No Shirt

No Shoes

No Mask

No Service




Now, get out and enjoy your antique vehicles!👍


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Hershey is about the entire experience and you are right about that!  We all get that!  We all experience the same things and not seeing friends or having the same experience is devastating.  The region and national officials go thought the same feelings as well.


However, I fail to understand any reason for canceling the show if it can be held!  All of us here in Hershey are simply trying to provide at least an opportunity to enjoy the hobby with friends and see great cars.  Those that want to take part will and those that don't ,won't!  All I can say is that the vast amount of emails, texts, phone calls from AACA members has been PLEASE make the show happen.  We intend to if we can!

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Folks, the shock of Hershey being cancelled is still settling in for a lot of us.  But keep in mind the members of the Hershey Region AACA are only working within the guidelines of what the Governor of PA has set forth.  I am sure they want a Fall Meet to go on more than anyone else.  The Governor of PA has set very strict limits on crowds and gatherings and quite frankly, 200,000 people coming to the AACA Fall Meet is way beyond anything he would allow this year.  I have lived in Florida the past 20 years and our Governor made different decisions than Governor Wolf did.  That, and by the grace of God, our numbers our down and life is returning to (almost) normal down here.  Fussing and complaining will not fix anything.  We must all stand with our Hershey Region members and show them that we support the decision and we will all be back in 2021 for another amazing Hershey Fall Meet!  Be safe and see you all Down the Road!



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