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Oh no what did I do? Now I need a new Username.


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Seems like decades since my search started and I would never be in the right place at the right time to buy one of the cars at the top of my bucket list. 

Well thanks to a lead from Ed and him stepping back (a big thank you is due) so I could get it, the day has arrived and it's sitting in my Garage.  Unfortunately with winter and the uphill grade to the garage we unloaded it right into the garage so pictures will be forthcoming but not real good like outside photos with natural lighting. 


Is it time for a name change from Auburnseeker? 


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57 minutes ago, Matt Harwood said:

Not even a glimpse of what body style it is? 



I’ll admit I suggested that the photo be .....how shall we say........keep them guessing. Matt.....I almost bought this car, and you know my opinion of convertible sedans. I’m a fan of closed cars myself.


Ok, as far as a new name.........I propose we do it by vote of the members on the forum. Since you now have two of the BIG THREE boy toys...........and you only need one more for the “grand slam”  it’s only appropriate that the name change is ACD related.

Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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Ok, I confess.........I was up to Randy’s place to unload the car with him.........we also finished the “shed” he has been working on.......it came out nice........I had to twist his arm to put the car in the showroom window. Color even matches 89 years later.


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Oh what a wonderful feeling it is to finally bring in the car you have been looking for ! I expect you will have a very hard time tearing yourself away from it, and going to bed tonight ! And I know for sure what you will be doing just as soon as you wake up Sunday morning. As for your handle : Well, if my handle had been cadillacseeker, and sought 'lac had been found, I might just have shortened- up, capitalized and thrown in a few exclamation points for emphasis.     CADILLAC !!!   And I have noticed, that from time to time, some of the guys already just call you :      AUBURN !!!      -    CC 

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I had other work  (unfortunately still have to pay the bills and raise some funds for the new baby, just like a new girlfriend,  they are always needy) and to watch the kids tonight,  but I did go take a peek to make sure it was still there.  Maybe tomorrow I can get some time with her.   Better be careful or the wife will get jealous. 

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I’m glad Randy finally has what he has always wanted..........the car “went home” to where it belongs.......and now all things are right in his hobby. I too found my dream car......back many years ago.......and two decades later it still feels good. Nothing better than a girlfriend in the garage with big headlights! 

I think his new name should be AuburnDriver...............

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Congrats on a truly beautiful car!! I don't have enough money to be an auburnseeker, but after seeing that pic I could sure become an auburndreamer! Awesome color, too. Is that original? I think car colors in the 30's were a lot more vibrant than some of us non-30's car guys realize.

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I think it was originally not a cream but more of a tan color from what I found in one door jamb where some paint is flaking.  I'll have to investigate more.  I wasn't crazy about the color.  Beggars  can't be choosers though.  I find it growing on me a bit though.  It could be worse.  White or straight up brown or a light baby blue come to mind for colors that would be worse.  I think I even saw one in Lavender before.   I think just a different accent color would help with a different wheel color.  Maybe even the same color on those.  I don't want to turn it into a circus wagon. 



Edited by auburnseeker (see edit history)
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33 minutes ago, auburnseeker said:

I think it was originally not a cream but more of a tan color from what I found in one door jamb where some paint is flaking.  I'll have to investigate more.  I wasn't crazy about the color.  Beggars  can't be choosers though.  I find it growing on me a bit though.  It could be worse.  White or straight up brown or a light baby blue come to mind for colors that would be worse.  I think I even saw one in Lavender before.   I think just a different accent color would help with a different wheel color.  Maybe even the same color on those.  I don't want to turn it into a circus wagon. 




This is where we help you with giving the car better eyeball.........

wheel color change........

install new black wall tires.......

throw the extra lights in the attic.....or on eBay.........

get some side mount covers............

toss the trunk in the basement..........

give me a ride.........it will look great with me sitting in it..........

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Love it.  I assume one of the first items on your list is addressing the headlights.  I’m glad you finally found one that you liked and could buy.  I think this was a better choice than the one I tried to help you with.

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I just now wandered in here for the first time today, and cannot hardly wait to type out "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!"


I feel so good for you! Back when I had had my '25 Pierce Arrow series 80 sedan, truly a car of my dreams, I went out to the garage almost every night and stroked one of the fender headlamps! I sure wish I could have kept that car, but family needs got in the way. Some day I hope to know that feeling again.

Wonderful. Enjoy this one for a very long time.

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6 hours ago, John_S_in_Penna said:


Good, except the past tense of "seek" is "sought"...


You can still keep your user-name, because now you 

might be seeking Auburn spare parts, literature, and


Glad you’re paying attention to grammar....I was just trying to keep “seek” in the name, at the expense of the English language!

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