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auburnseeker last won the day on September 26 2023

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  1. If I was in the market for one, this would have been one of the first ones I looked at. I dreamed a little about it when it was first listed. Surprisingly I have found 2 other fully restored, in similar condition cars in the last month or so for almost the exact same price. Seems like a buyer's market considering the cost of restoring a 30G plus project car.
  2. Put head in sand , plug ears and say not going to affect me. Rinse and repeat, oh until it does then all we can say is I told you so, but what good is that then when something like opening eyes could have been done sooner. But talk seriously about it and get banned does no good either. I've got trees to cut and dirt to move, while I'm still allowed. See you later.
  3. I actually finally bit the bullet and started a website with a Domain. (I'm not a computer guy so it was a bit tricky and confusing) You can view my current listings if not just for the photos at randysvintageautoliterature.com As well as a link to my store. Still buying collections as well to keep offering fresh material.
  4. The parts alone to restore it, interior top, chrome rubber, will probably eat up 15G. With alot of them I've seen lately at 30-35 for restored cars, hard to justify a project.
  5. Generous with the photos and description. Probably why it's been listed so long. 14 Weeks!
  6. Too bad a 34 wouldn't do. Nice 34 Cab on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/3793033447619701/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3Aa9d9cdb4-3edb-468e-84bd-ec7e323eca07
  7. Still no word today. I was waiting to hear back before dropping it down and putting the Plymouth up to do the tranny seal, but gave up and went ahead on the Plymouth anyways. I run a small business and always communicate with customers and potential customers. Just so they know i received their request for combined shipping or about any other concerns they might have. Especially in today's internet age. Did they get the email. You never know, unless they actually come back to you. With email as well, you aren't going to be stuck on the phone. A simple one or two sentences takes care of most questions.
  8. Funny part is I have a new Firestone for a spare that came with the car. I put that back on for the spare when I mounted them. I Contacted the Company Monday and sent photos. No word whether they got them or not, so I contacted them Tuesday and they said yes they got them they had to talk to the tire rep. Today is Wednesday afternoon. No word. When I bought them they confirmed my order, It said hold on the top, I waited then contacted them a couple of days later and said they hadn't been shipped yet. No sooner got the message sent to inquire and they showed up. No tracking info was sent or even that they shipped. Unfortunately when dealing with old cars , there aren't alot of options.
  9. I actually mounted them all by hand. Just every time you take them off and on. You risk marring them up. I will say the powder coat is hard and I always mount them from the back so you won't chip the front of the rim. I've taped the irons before with electrical tape, It's the end of the iron that seems to be more of the culprit for damage. Ample lube helps some. Usually I have then so slippery things slide around pretty well. Still waiting to hear from the tire company.
  10. I just contacted them this morning. I'm waiting to hear back. I didn't find the defects until late Friday when I finally got them bolted on the truck.
  11. I was surprised this one is so bad as the other three don't have a single mark on them. Worst part is I already mounted it. Not that it's a huge deal but I really hate to demount it and then mount a new one. As you know, every time you peel one off and put it on you chance scratching up the rim doing with irons like I do. I will say that atleast the powder coating is very hard and doesn't peel or scratch real easy. Now the paint that was on them, though looked glassy smooth, chipped or scratched just looking at it.
  12. So I finally bit the bullet to do a color change on my Model A wheels. ($500 to change the color) Pulled the old tires and sent them out to the powder coater. While I had the tires off, I really inspected them and decided they should be replaced. I would have ran them if I hadn't taken them off, but I can't see putting old marginal tires on freshly powder coated rims. I ordered new universals for it. 650.00. I didn't look close at them and just mounted them. When I got to dressing them up, once they were bolted on the car, I found one has several issues in the sidewall. Each picture represents a separate spot with one of the over all tire. Some are on the inside. I checked the other 3 and they are all fine. Really disappointed I hadn't caught it before mounting and more disappointed this was sold as a first rate and not blem tire. The marks , molds, whatever they are are deep enough to sink a fingernail in a ways. One even looks like they took a grinding tool to clean it up, meaning someone knew about it. I'll have to call the tire company Monday and see what they want to do. I don't feel really confident running this tire, even on the back.
  13. You must live in a cheap area. Cabins on the lake around here start at a million. (no those aren't mansions either) Maybe 500 plus on a backwoods puddle and you probably won't have street power. It will be a true cabin as well. 2 rooms and maybe 3 season. You could probably get a deal on the boat though as there are plenty of good used ones, pretty cheap around here.
  14. Just noticed no plates on that car either. Maybe they took them off, knowing this wasn't going to be good.
  15. I was coming home from Home depot one day. About 10 miles from the store, I saw a Ram pickup, pulled over with a brand new big full shower until sitting off to the side of the road with big skid marks down the road where it slid to a stop. The guy was walking back with his head hanging down and his wife was still in the truck. I can imagine what he was thinking and what she was going to be saying. I also was on a major interstate going 65 when next to me was a small car with a utility trailer and a piece of cut rock almost as big as the trailer in it, dancing freely around. I can only imagine what would happen if he hit his brakes fast. That rock would be one hell of a projectile and destroy the back of that car. Must be an angel shortage out there with all the people doing stupid things that seem to have one on their shoulder.
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