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Spending hours pulling rare parts then buyer flakes


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I'm sure we've all had those experiences when you try to help a fellow hobbyist out with that rare part then the buyer flakes or is nonresponsive. Love it when they desperately ask for help, then you spend hours sweating and busting knuckles in the Arizona desert then on top of that want it done for free or as a "courtesy". 


Four iron seat brackets for a mid 1920s car stamped with factory parts numbers aren't growing on trees, are they?


Deadbeats chap my A*& (yes, I feel like I got forked). These are the kind of guys who make me not want to help others, but I know these types are rare (at least I hope they are).

Mini rant over. 


I know helping out others in the hobby is still the right thing to do. 

Edited by 30DodgePanel (see edit history)
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Really don’t know why you would do that, as you said not a lot of options.


That said, I have also seen stuff misrepresented where people state it’s like NOS and it instead looks like it’s come out of a dump… that’s underwater… in the ocean

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43 minutes ago, 30DodgePanel said:

Four iron seat brackets for a mid 1920s car stamped with factory parts numbers aren't growing on trees, are they?

At least you still have them, and are able to sell them at a later date.


Some never receive payment for goods already sent to someone like that.



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Happens all the time to us selling Pierce parts. You quickly learn that 5 percent of the people will talk your ear off, and then try and find parts elsewhere cheaper. I could go on for hours.........

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How about all the wastes of time knuckleheads who have you research something --- and despite following through with 4 Courtesy Calls --- they hide behind their answering machine--- and don't call back....


Our hobby used to be phenomenal--- 99 % Great people....

We are now down to 95 %... who let the dogsh!!!ts in ??? LOL 😆....

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When I see threads like this I am glad I am not in the parts selling business. I have a few spares lying about a few times I have just sent stuff to people and told them to send me what they think its worth. I have only been short changed once on a part that went out of the country but honestly think the guy forgot about me after he got it. Which reminds me, I need to send some money to a guy that did the same sending me a part 😕

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I've been selling parts for well over 50 years, I'm trying to remember the deals that went South, or the times I got screwed on a deal. It has happened, I just can't come up with an example. Too many good memories blocking out the not so good. 



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Dragged a 318 engine out of my shop yesterday for a guy to come over at 3:00 to pick it up. Nothing, but crickets. We did have a little bit of adverse weather, but not even a call from the guy. We will see if he actually DOES call or show up in the next day or two.

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Interesting thread... I have been selling parts since I can't remember, and I can't remember a bad sale or bad buyer. I realize that selling from afar where the buyer can only see a photo is much more difficult than in person, for both the buyer and the seller. I tell every potential buyer that I will accept returns for FULL refund, less shipping if the buyer is unhappy with the part. If they think the color is wrong, send it back. I just won't pay for return shipping for someone who is shopping. So far, nearly 100% satisfaction. Really!



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5 minutes ago, Gunsmoke said:

Can never understand why people start these posts that lead to rants and nothing helpful! JMHO.

Some folks just need to vent. Sometimes it's helpful at least to the one who is venting.

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2 hours ago, 8E45E said:

At least you still have them, and are able to sell them at a later date.

I would have spent the time writing the rant in listing them For Sale at a premium price.


I am pretty casual about hobby money. One time I shipped a few parts ahead of payment and got stiffed for about $300. I mentioned it to my wife, no compassion, "You're way ahead on that deal anyway" was her reply.


The tire kicker comment has me smiling real big right now. I rarely have a year go past when I don't buy at least one car, whether collector, flip, parts, or personal. I am interested in a lot of cars and look at dealer ads for many possibles. I am thinking about a used Cadillac ATS 2.0T. A nearby dealer has one. He bought it, prepped it, advertised it, and this week's groceries may depend on it. I thought about looking at it today, but don't want to spend the time, probability of sale, fairly high. The anti-tire kicker. If he gets hungry let him eat one of those precious tires I didn't kick.


When I was 11 years old I mowed my grandmother's lawn in the morning for $1 per hour. After that I spent until 5 PM in my grandfather's shop selling used tires for $1 per hour plus 10%. Every whiner opens an opportunity to me.

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K31 said "Some folks just need to vent. Sometimes it's helpful at least to the one who is venting.". I suppose K31, but this is a public site for thousands of viewers so venting gets old very quickly, and even older as fellow venters chime in. I try to follow an MO - I wait 10 seconds after typing a post or reply to a post and reflect if my posting will be something that helps the hobby. Many times after 10 seconds I delete the post and move on. Some members should try a bit of such discipline. 


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It's not just strangers buying parts that are a problem. Recently I used my own resources to help a non car collector "friend" sell an inherited vintage vehicle. I advertised, found an out of state buyer, made all the arrangements and when the time came to make the exchange he suddenly "couldn't find the title" despite telling me earlier he had one when I asked. No sale, big waste of everyone's time, car still collecting dust in his garage. For myself...no good deed goes unpunished.

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2 minutes ago, Trulyvintage said:

Nothing Is Bought Until

It Is Paid For In Full.




More like till the check clears..........that's why cash is so wonderful! 👍

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Another slight side rant is when we have a part that needs to be recast, and folks absolutely declare the need and commit to purchase a new casting at the agreed upon price, then here comes Casper..... and nothing!  I try to be very careful about participating or leading in casting projects where I can have significant money out on the line.  We old car hobbyists are certainly a peculiar bunch and we don't all dance to the same ethical drum beat for sure.  I guess that is why the Good Book suggests to have a forgiving heart, so we can go on with our lives being happy without a hard spot growing in there somewhere.

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You never know though. One of my friends made an eBay sale, the guy never paid...turned out he died. (The buyer). My friend eventually made contact with his widow and she offered to pay so I'm sure it's not somebody just saying it to get out of the deal. 

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23 minutes ago, Billy Kingsley said:

You never know though. One of my friends made an eBay sale, the guy never paid...turned out he died. (The buyer). My friend eventually made contact with his widow and she offered to pay so I'm sure it's not somebody just saying it to get out of the deal. 

That happens in a very small percentage of business transactions.   It's the closure one would appreciate more than anything, as whether the deal is still on or off, thereby releasing the item for re-listing if the heir is not willing to follow through with the transaction.



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  If a person is going to do much of any type of selling that sort of thing just comes with the territory. Thankfully in the past 10 years those types of buyers I've encountered I could count on one hand. Next week at Carlisle on the other hand it'll be interesting to see how many times I hear "I'll be back", and "can yaz do bedda?". That comes with the territory too. Just smile and move on. 🙂

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Four years ago I bought a few Buick parts from a well know Mid twenty’s era guy, he was helpful and the parts were good.  The problem started when he found out my car had a rumble seat with the original cast steps.  He told me he looked for years for a set for his car, he asked if I could make a set and he would reimburse me plus $ for my trouble, of course I said to him just reimburse my cost,so as it goes “no good deed goes unpunished “ I took my set off and sent out the foundry did a great job. I sent him the steps along with the invoice and you probably know what happened, he sent it back and said that the foundry did not do a nice job and that I should ask for my money back,  anyone need steps for a 1928 master six?

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50 minutes ago, pkhammer said:

  If a person is going to do much of any type of selling that sort of thing just comes with the territory. Thankfully in the past 10 years those types of buyers I've encountered I could count on one hand. Next week at Carlisle on the other hand it'll be interesting to see how many times I hear "I'll be back", and "can yaz do bedda?". That comes with the territory too. Just smile and move on. 🙂

I promise, I’m coming back! 

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3 hours ago, Billy Kingsley said:

You never know though. One of my friends made an eBay sale, the guy never paid...turned out he died. (The buyer). My friend eventually made contact with his widow and she offered to pay so I'm sure it's not somebody just saying it to get out of the deal. 

I gave that serious thought but I seen recent activity so I know that's not the case.


It's no sweat, I'm not out anything other than gas money for a 4 hour drive, plus 2 hours of labor, 1 snake bite, 3 scorpion stings, all while fighting off a pitbull... but hey... at least I got the parts he was looking for though lol.

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2 hours ago, BobinVirginia said:

I promise, I’m coming back! 

  Yeah, yeah, I've heard that before Bob...........🙄 Your rim is patiently awaiting your arrival. I told it not to worry that the new owner would come sooner or later. 😁

  Seriously, like I told you, no rush.

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The ALL TIME *** LOSER *** Line --- (when they ask you 20 questions --and I have everything they ask for --- so I go to hand them my business card and flyer --- that they can tuck into any pocket)


" I just got here, I don't feel like carrying anything .... "

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OP’s issue is no different than some parts dealers/suppliers/vendors telling you they have what you need, when they actually don’t and after you provide them your “shopping list”, they make up a story of having a lot of inventory to go through to find everything, but in reality they just start calling/inquiring/searching from other vendors.

What annoying time wasters they are, especially if you end up calling other vendors and hear “Oh, you’re the second or third person asking for these same parts today.”

Why can’t these people be honest/up front and say they don’t actually have them, but would be happy to help look/search on your behalf, if needed. 

While I produce and sell fairly specialized, limited market components or services, If someone contacts me for something I don’t do, have or keep in stock, I promptly tell them so, along with whether it’s something I can get or make and try to give an estimate on costs & time of delivery or offer suggestions as to who else might be able to help them.



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