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I've made an error that makes me physically ill...


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To all the fine forum posters, and especially to Walt Gosden, I am incredibly chagrinned and terribly saddened to report that in trying to delete a blank post from from Walt's 128-page photo thread, I accidentally deleted it.

And Peter G. confirms it cannot be recovered.

I promise everyone that it was an accident, completely unintentional, and beseech you all for your forgiveness, if you can find it in your heart to do that.

I've never felt suicidal in my life, but I'm a lot closer to that condition now than I can ever remember. Didn't think anything could make me feel worse that the pandemic does...

Again, my sincere and humble apologies to everyone who has, like myself, been following that thread with delight and interest.

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  • gwells pinned this topic

Unintentionally you made a mistake, your human.  I personally recognize the pain you must be feeling, that pain needs to find a place and it will. 

After realizing what pleasure we all have found contributing and reading/learning in this thread,  we can always start again, keep your head up please.

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There is nothing Greg can do to fix the problem.  Peter Gariepy and I are on it with a possible solution but that solution comes with some other problems.  Waiting on our host to advise us if this can be done without major issues for all the other threads on the forum.  

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4 hours ago, gwells said:

Again, my sincere and humble apologies to everyone who has, like myself, been following that thread with delight and interest.


This is a true testament to your character, a lesser person would have said nothing. I can safely say that there's not a person here who has not made a mistake, though not all are willing to admit to it, especially in a public forum. Thank you and do not be too hard on yourself. I vote with TerryB that we go for round 2.  

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Try your best and hopefully can be restored.  


Perhaps Walt can start another. The unfortunate thing is that despite the page's faults it was a huge amount of pretty hidden from public view photos that have ever been assembled in one place (including groupings of photos that are rarely seen in anything other than piecemeal form) - I doubt it will ever be recreated to any decent level via a restarted page. And was a stash for people to flood the internet promoting pre-WWII (and some unusual post WWII cars and just great photos) cars for years to come. 

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I need to be a bit careful what I say. I am quite surprised that an entire thread can be accidentally lost. However, I do know it CAN happen. There SHOULD be a way to recover at least most of it. But I am not there, and frankly I lack the tolerance levels required to deal with programming issues. And my son (a programmer) is not there. And, I do know that it is possible to lose an entire website, or any part of it, let alone a single thread.

Beyond that. Regardless. gwells, KNOW that we value you as a friend and fellow hobbyist. YOU are more important to us than any stack of photos, especially since the photos do still exist. Do not torture yourself. Hold your head up high, drive your antique and enjoy the friendships of the hobby of which you are still a valued member.

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Steve and Peter: Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

I don't know if I'd admit to actually loving you two (I do have some standards...), but I'm definitely buying the beer for both you guys if I make it to Hershey this fall (if there is a Hershey this fall...)

Just to give a little insight into how this happened, my hobby forum uses an older version of the same software package as does the AACA forum, and there is a minor difference in some of the mod/admin controls that led to my error. It wasn't just a fumble-finger after a three-martini lunch...

Thanks, everyone, for your understanding and support. It means a lot.

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I was already depressed................it took me ten minutes to get to the bottom to find out it was restored. I need a drink.....Crown Royal...........neat! 



As far as the accident........stuff happens......just glad it was fixed! No harm, no foul. 


All is much better in the world now......

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I'm glad they were able to restore it, but is there a way to change the settings of the forum so this can't happen in the future? Deleting one post shouldn't wipe out an entire thread, it just shouldn't.

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23 minutes ago, Matt Harwood said:

I'm glad they were able to restore it, but is there a way to change the settings of the forum so this can't happen in the future? Deleting one post shouldn't wipe out an entire thread, it just shouldn't.


Already handled!!!!  Deleting one post cannot delete a thread. However, all threads are now set up so that they can be recovered by us if they accidentally or on purpose get deleted but then need to be brought back.  

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Everyone it is all good, as Steve says RELAX. Stuff happens. Computers to me are uncharted waters , I am still most comfortable with my manual Underwood typewriter given to me by a close friend who has posted photos here and goes by "Twin SIx". I also like to write with a pen that you fill from a bottle and has a nib  ( yes I am a fossil) .

Thanks to all the great minds and their skill who let this thread continue and who managed to get it back after a hiccup. Stay well all and lets go look at some more pictures!!!!!🤣

KiYi barkingdog horn1940001.jpg


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2 hours ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

I hate the Packers but in the words of Aaron Rodgers, R-E-L-A-X it has been restored!  Now do you guys love me and Peter!  😁 Greg, you can take the bullets out of the chamber now....


Why would you hate the Packers?

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3 hours ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

I hate the Packers but in the words of Aaron Rodgers, R-E-L-A-X it has been restored!  Now do you guys love me and Peter!  😁 Greg, you can take the bullets out of the chamber now....


Steve - Susan will not be pleased you so strongly dislike her team, not that it has anything to do with old cars. We like you anyhow.



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I want to read the thread but I don't have enough battery life to read it! 


The top NASCAR modeling forum accidentally got deleted several years ago... all posts, all members. Never got recovered... it was something like 14 years worth of history and over a million posts. Gone forever.

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Actually, the team from cheese land are the Fudge Packers.... And their quarterback , for the time being (ha ha) is Sharon Rodgers......

REAL MEN wear PURPLE !!!!!!! SKOL VIKINGS !!!!!!

    Nice waste of a first round pick, the very average Justin Love from very average Utah State -- when davante Adams was their only receiver that caught more than 3 passes last year !!!!!  

    If we can play the 2020 season, the Fudge Packers will be 7 - 9......


    The NFC NORTH Champions come from Minnesoooooota.....

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And all the Vikings have really ever been is Division champions...

 Four times a bridesmaid and never a bride.

 I would think that everyone who likes the underdog would like the Packers. Smallest town in the NFL and more championships then anyone else. How does that happen?

 Oh and another thing. In the 60's I didn't like the Packers because they WON ALL THE TIME. I was a Bears and Vikings fan because when it came to winning they never let me down...

Edited by DAVES89 (see edit history)
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Nice to know all is back to normal and we can drift off to things NOT antique automobile? No, I am NOT complaining. I am just pleased that at least for a few moments, all is right with the world. I may not be much of a sports fan, but I do like to see others enjoy it. Even on antique automobile forums.

No complaints here.

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Sorry I started off topics but yes I am a Bears fan and of course our forums are backed up!  However if we did have to go to back up we would still have lost a lot of posts all over the site. Got a message this morning that our photos have set a new record for usage with our provider. Good and bad as we now have a financial decision to make. 

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Steve I guess you can’t be perfect but at least you have been able to accomplish getting the thread back and many other good things for the forum and association. I’m sure you will figure out a plan for this new problem. 
But a bears fan! How can you when the George H was known to throw nickels around like they were sewer covers to get good players?  

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22 hours ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

Sorry I started off topics but yes I am a Bears fan and of course our forums are backed up!  However if we did have to go to back up we would still have lost a lot of posts all over the site. Got a message this morning that our photos have set a new record for usage with our provider. Good and bad as we now have a financial decision to make. 


So then you must be a "Back to the Future" movie fan as both Marty McFly and the Bears fan want to go back to 1985...

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