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Well wishes for Steve Moskowitz during the next several weeks.

West Peterson

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Steve great to read your comment, it is a first step back for you and makes all of us relieved to see you here again even briefly. Your typing is fine.

I can hear the crowd looking here now shouting YAY he is good! Heal well .


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3 hours ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

West is great friend and was well intentioned in this post. Was trying not too make this public. It was an 11 hour surgery and I probably have more metal in me then a small car!  Excuse me if the typing is ad. Lots of drugs!  Thanks for your well 


Steve "Austin" Moskowitz!👨‍🔧 Glad you came thru it and are conscious! 


You didn't say stoopit stuff while you were under anesthesia, didja?😏



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Steve, it's great to see that you're awake and must be doing fairly well, as your typing is better than half of us on this site, and we're not just waking up from a marathon surgery. Hopefully this surgery will keep you going as our CEO for at least another 20 years. Take care and get well soon. 

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Made contact with Steve today. I told him before he went in I would wait for a few days before I would talk to him. Sent him a text, and he replied and is doing as well as can be expected. We even managed a few laughs. I will not bother him again for a few more days. Looking forward to having a drink or three at the meeting in February.

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Dear Steve, Hope your chassis is all fixed up like a Caddilac. Your drive shaft is now straight as a Pierce Arrow. Your motor runs like a Duesenburg. Your Differential gears are built like a Caterpillar D-8. Your fuel pump is put together like a Goldenrod Oil Can. And Nurses polish your Body like a car bound for A Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance Show. Get yourself well, and up and about soon. 🙂 Dandy Dave!

Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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I'll try to contact the hospital and see if they can put some AACA trophies into their rehab weight lifting program, just so you'll feel more at home.


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Thanks, everyone. The good thing is I know how to take care of myself with surgeries both from experience and being a part owner in a health club chain. So I'm equipped to handle all of this but working with a vintage body! Put in a couple hours yesterday and will today, too. Fun working in an oxycodone fog! 


Giftman if you are getting anything like I have had (twice now) with cobalt steel rods, pedicles, screws, etc.,. please do contact me. I may be of some help in understanding the operation.

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Knowing how frugal Steve is, I'm fairly certain he only had the surgery so when they remove everything he can sell it for scrap!


I know... I shouldn't pick on the sick and the elderly. I just can't help myself. 


Feel better soon. Merry Christmas, Steve. 👍

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Bummer Steve ! 


Well, if it is any help, I put a set of Allard disk wheels in the corner and have no clue what their outcome will be, though happy to play navigator between you and their owner. 


P.S.  I hold the record on hardware in a back - it pushed a million in costs back in 1983, and then you know I broke the top 6 inches in 1984 to blow wires shards all through me and need a rework (all I recall the second time was qucikly making it to the phone to call for help) - 1 full year of recovery each time and now can no longer play the piano. 

Edited by John_Mereness (see edit history)
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