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Do you have a four legged garage helper?


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Mine was Boomer, a wonderful Golden Retriever who always came to the garage to help out when I was working in there.  My son sent me this photo the other day of his helper, Wilbur, who likes to make sure the job is done properly.  If you have a photo of your helper, share it here.


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This is a replacement; and since he’s male and someone removed his front claws- he’s relegated to chasing the bad guys. His distaff predecessor had all her tools and spent many years “sleeping” on one car cover or the other. In her lifetime, we never saw a mouse- unless she brought us one!


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Daisy has become my copilot.  She has no qualms about taking over the driving duties.  If she is fortunate to come in the shop when I'm under a car I can't hardly get rid of her. 


643574546_Daisydriver.thumb.jpg.9c605068bf7acb1407445357957a2079.jpgDaisy is 

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7 hours ago, GregLaR said:



Yes, I found evidence of many multiples of four legged helpers when I disassembled the interior of my T-Bird earlier this year. They had "helped" make the car rather disgusting (but thankfully left the wiring alone.)

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12 hours ago, TerryB said:

Mine was Boomer, a wonderful Golden Retriever who always came to the garage to help out when I was working in there.  My son sent me this photo the other day of his helper, Wilbur, who likes to make sure the job is done properly.  If you have a photo of your helper, share it here.



I think Wilbur believes there's a cat behind that grille. 😄

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30 minutes ago, John348 said:

Sammy is getting a little old now but he is always up for a ride


Darn I hate to see a good dog (friend) get old.  Enjoy every moment you can with him. 



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My dogs are like the wife........no help in the garage, but they like to go for rides...........they especially like open Model J's. Yup....they are spoiled! Both the dogs and the wife. Of course....the car is NOT mine.



Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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Ed it looks like if you put her in a good looking car with a couple good looking dudes and she doesn’t hesitate to go for a ride or have her picture taken. On the other hand try to get her in a barn find like the Great White and It is a different story ! 

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Guess I should have taken a picture of the snake that got stuck on my sticky trap. But then it didn't have 4 legs. Second one I have caught on a sticky trap over the years. USe to have two shop cats that were brother and sister. They were suppose to keep the mice under control but were pretty worthless. One of them liked to sleep on the seat of the FarmOroad and I found a mouse nest under that seat.

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2 hours ago, SC38DLS said:

That’s a great helper,  we all need a laid back friend. 

That picture was taken back in 2017 a few months before we had to lay him down to rest. I miss him dearly.


And yes he was a very laid back 85 pound diabetic lab and white shepard little pup.


When I would be out in the garage working on the Packard he would be standing by the back door crying to be out there with me. Would drive my wife nuts.

Edited by Tom M (see edit history)
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Mochi the maltypoo (Maltese side dominant), 15 lbs, 21 months old, whom we acquired one year ago today, doesn't like the garage but loves to ride in ANYthing.  Before we got him, he'd been in cars only to go to the vet and groomers and had only been walked in a townhouse commons.  He can't wait to go out and sniff, but riding is the absolute best!  Very well-behaved in vehicles.


He replaced Rags, a poodle-dominant male maltypoo, who made it to 17 yrs and 4 months, attending 8 Pierce-Arrow Society meets and innumerable regional tours.

Modoc 2020.jpg

Modoc 2020-3.jpg

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Ill tell a story, I usually have dogs and love them to death.

When I bought my first house I dug a pit in the dirt floor and then poured concrete.

Left a lip so that I could cover it with heavy planks.

I worked out of that garage for years.

The one problem was that it leaked and in the rainy season I had to pump it.

It got to be kind of a greasy old mess but it served me well. (the first thing after I sold the new owners filled it in)

One night I thought I heard a prowler in the garage so went investigating.

There was a small white doggie in the pit, the poor thing was sitting on one of the tall steps and couldn't get out.

I pulled the poor grease soaked guy out and he immediately ran away.

I don't know whose dog it was but it never came back.

I did get a nasty unsigned note on the door about having an attractive but dangerous nuisance thing, or something like that and I should be sued.

I just figured that the poor little doggie was trespassing, but the anonymous complainer never materialized.


This is my current "best friend", Bear.


It is unfortunate that we as humans out live our pets by about ten to one.



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The only friends,(true friends) who will never ask for anything from you except for your love! Everyone's little helpers are beautiful. To the ones of us who have lost our good friends, remember, they will be waiting (patiently) for that hug and loving pat on the head when we meet again.

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This is Daphne my son’s other garage helper and very willing co-pilot.  Daphne is always ready to ride along.  I really appreciate all the photos and stories posted here.  My dog Boomer was a faithful pal for his 14 years with us. He had a hard time figuring out what happened when I was hospitalized for nearly four months.  When I came home you would have thought Santa had just come in the door with a giant bag of dog treats.



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6 hours ago, JACK M said:

Ill tell a story, I usually have dogs and love them to death.

When I bought my first house I dug a pit in the dirt floor and then poured concrete.

Left a lip so that I could cover it with heavy planks.

I worked out of that garage for years.

The one problem was that it leaked and in the rainy season I had to pump it.

It got to be kind of a greasy old mess but it served me well. (the first thing after I sold the new owners filled it in)

One night I thought I heard a prowler in the garage so went investigating.

There was a small white doggie in the pit, the poor thing was sitting on one of the tall steps and couldn't get out.

I pulled the poor grease soaked guy out and he immediately ran away.

I don't know whose dog it was but it never came back.

I did get a nasty unsigned note on the door about having an attractive but dangerous nuisance thing, or something like that and I should be sued.

I just figured that the poor little doggie was trespassing, but the anonymous complainer never materialized.


This is my current "best friend", Bear.


It is unfortunate that we as humans out live our pets by about ten to one.





I don't have the time or patience for a dog, although I don't object to them and sometimes enjoy their company.


Your post reminds me of the quote that someone posted, on facebook I think - "A dog may be part of your life but to the dog you are its life"

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