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Forum Malaise?

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It seems to me that the sections of this forum I read most often (General Discussion, "For Sale - Not Mine, "What is it", and Photos and Videos) are in a sort of malaise period lately. Posts seem to be less frequent and less interesting now than they have been in the recent past. I don't follow the other forum sections closely, so maybe that's where the "action" is at.

Could it be that springtime has a demand on our time and attention that takes us away from the forum? Are other car related activities taking up more time? Do the news and political stories distract our attention? 

Maybe it's like this every spring, I don't know. I may be just imagining things and I certainly have no physical proof - only the sense that things are slow.

Please comment with your views "pro or con".


(No need to tell me to "get a life". It's too late for that!)




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I’d say the spring season has definitely gotten people more active with other things causing less screen time. Also, I’ve noticed several rants and contentious comments on many posts that are detrimental to activity. I myself have accumulated a fair amount of content on my project that I’ve not shared because of this reason. I can do my project without rude comments. Tact goes a long ways in a discussion especially when offering a conflicting opinion. I feel things such as this are keeping down activity as well. That’s a shame. I’ve really been able to network with some amazing people because of this forum. 

Truly amazed at the knowledge that’s available here. Thanks all for sharing. 

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5 hours ago, Dave Wells said:

It seems to me that the sections of this forum I read most often (General Discussion, "For Sale - Not Mine, "What is it", and Photos and Videos) are in a sort of malaise period lately. Posts seem to be less frequent

I have noticed this on most of the forums I visit, and I think this one seems to be the "least" affected !

I put it down to the rise of everyone going on to Facebook and deserting the more traditional forums. I find that quite strange, because to "me" it's far easier to use this type of forum, I am registered on several facebook groups but much prefer this style of conversation.

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26 minutes ago, Oz Dodge 4 said:

I have noticed this on most of the forums I visit, and I think this one seems to be the "least" affected !

I put it down to the rise of everyone going on to Facebook and deserting the more traditional forums. I find that quite strange, because to "me" it's far easier to use this type of forum, I am registered on several facebook groups but much prefer this style of conversation.

I feel the same.  I like this forum as it allows conversation for any number of topics that are introduced.  These conversations certainly follow the flow of the season where winter has few to no car shows unless you are in Australia, so we all sit around the wood stove with a cup of coffee and discuss whatever comes to mind.    I've been a member of the Ford Barn for several years where the format is each post gets a response and then the subject is dead; there is no "connection" as with this forum.


As for negative comments received by some members, that's a shame.  I routinely post progress on my car and read other forum members similar posts and I can't remember any negative comments.  It may be that I turn a blind eye to what is not necessary and focus on that which is useful, fun, informative and builds relationships.  That goes even for people that consume Vegemite and tempt me to visit Australia when I previously didn't have a mind to.  (Good morning Grant!)

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6 hours ago, Dave Wells said:

It seems to me that the sections of this forum I read most often (General Discussion, "For Sale - Not Mine, "What is it", and Photos and Videos) are in a sort of malaise period lately. Posts seem to be less frequent and less interesting now than they have been in the recent past. I don't follow the other forum sections closely, so maybe that's where the "action" is at.

Could it be that springtime has a demand on our time and attention that takes us away from the forum? Are other car related activities taking up more time? Do the news and political stories distract our attention? 

Maybe it's like this every spring, I don't know. I may be just imagining things and I certainly have no physical proof - only the sense that things are slow.

Please comment with your views "pro or con".


(No need to tell me to "get a life". It's too late for that!)




Maybe all the questions have been answered!......................haha

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1 hour ago, BobinVirginia said:

I’ve noticed several rants and contentious comments on many posts that are detrimental to activity.

To be critical of what someone has contributed is ok if done in a respectful manor, but some of us who have gone to the effort to take the time to share our collections have suffered the affects of those whose opinion ( in their view) is the one and only answer. They are short sighted on appreciation for what has been presented. SO be it, but it does just make some of us say "enough is enough" with that demanding "you got it and I want it , NOW" attitude.  I have stated before this is what has turned me off from any further sharing of period material  and it is what it is. Thank you Bob for you "spot on" observation.

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1 hour ago, Oz Dodge 4 said:

I put it down to the rise of everyone going on to Facebook and deserting the more traditional forums. I find that quite strange, because to "me" it's far easier to use this type of forum, I am registered on several facebook groups but much prefer this style of conversation.

I agree with this 100% and I have been saying it for a long time. I spend most of my time on here in the Buick Reatta forum. It was was once the most active AACA forum but now participation in it is almost nonexistent. I have a small forum of my own dedicated to the Buick Reatta as well. I have saw all Reatta forums in decline while the Reatta Facebook groups have grown by leaps and bounds. I have to accept that but I don't understand it.


I prefer the forum format over Facebook groups but apparently I'm in the minority. My small Reatta forum will eventually close due to lack of participation and lack of donations that fund it. Fortunately the forums here will survive due to the having the backing of the AACA to keep them going but I think participation will dwindle as Facebook groups continue to get more popular.

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12 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I agree with this 100% and I have been saying it for a long time. I spend most of my time on here in the Buick Reatta forum. It was was once the most active AACA forum but now participation in it is almost nonexistent. I have a small forum of my own dedicated to the Buick Reatta as well. I have saw all Reatta forums in decline while the Reatta Facebook groups have grown by leaps and bounds. I have to accept that but I don't understand it.


I prefer the forum format over Facebook groups but apparently I'm in the minority. My small Reatta forum will eventually close due to lack of participation and lack of donations that fund it. Fortunately the forums here will survive due to the having the backing of the AACA to keep them going but I think participation will dwindle as Facebook groups continue to get more popular.

I may be wrong, but what more can be discussed about a Reatta after a period of time when they were made for only four model years with some 21,000 units?  I'm certain all them have been accounted for, including the "oddities", or 'special order' cars, if there were any.  As well, I bet all their faults have been addressed on various Forums including this one, and their remedies shared with others here.  Because of that, it may be old news and 'same thing over and over'  to those who read the Reatta Forum everyday who have nothing new to add, which makes previous threads a great resource for reference.  I can see a Forum remain active if they were made for over ten years with over a million made with an infinite number of engine, transmission combinations and options.  The Reatta was rather limited to engine & transmission choices and a fairly short option list.



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Posted (edited)

Might simply be a reflection of the slow erosion of interest in the antique car hobby. Just sayin............Well, I'm off to the shop to make a part for a forum member's 31 Buick carb............Bob

Edited by Bhigdog (see edit history)
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FB doesn't come close to replacing this forum.  I find for general, interesting content like John's recent post on a Nash in the CCCA section, just for one example of a thread  generating great discussion, well you won't get it on fb.


For marque specific content an appropriate forum is ideal, for kicking tires virtually or parts hunting fb marketplace is pretty good but for general discussion this is a great venue.  


All that said it may be a bit seasonal.  I am still waking up the cars and the yard but finally catching up. 😊

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21 minutes ago, 8E45E said:

i may be wrong, but what more can be discussed about a Reatta after a period of time when they were made for only four model years with some 21,000 units?  I'm certain all them have been accounted for, including the "oddities", or 'special order' cars, if there were any.  As well, I bet all their faults have been addressed on various Forums including this one, and their remedies shared with others here.  Because of that, it may be old news and 'same thing over and over' ...

I agree with all that but it doesn't explain why interest in the Reatta forums is fading while it continues to grow in the Facebook groups. Maybe older Reatta enthusiast here who know the Reattas well, and young people on Facebook who are just now discovering Reattas?

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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I agree with all that but it doesn't explain why interest in the Reatta forums is fading while it continues to grow in the Facebook groups. Maybe older Reatta enthusiast here who know the Reattas well, and young people on Facebook who are just now discovering Reattas?

I think it is a generational difference. The cars I own built after the mid 70s all have very active FB groups and no interest here. The only prewar group I see active on FB is for Model Ts. I also suspect that younger enthusiasts preference for imports keeps them away from this forum.


A related observation is the AACA is now buying ads on FB to drive membership in the club.


The thing I see with more regularity on this forum is “one and done” questions. Quite often, the OP doesn’t even come back to respond to answers. I also see a lot more posts in the Not Mine For Sale category, which is appreciated.

Edited by CarNucopia (see edit history)
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I am only on this and one other (non-auto related forum), and don't get the popularity of Facebook forums approach at all. Well I suppose I like to think, and learn, about lots of things, and the interaction I have had with forum members here is all good, and the closest to an actual (face to face conversation.) FB seems more like a pokie machines/ slot machines feeding an addiction that need for instant gratification, and then forgotten. 


If you wish to buy items, then maybe Facebook marketplace, but on that people are often perpetually offended, and you have to pick it up in one hour, or not, regardless of reality. Luckily the history of the internet hasn't been written yet, so who knows where it will all end up?


Interested in mainly 1920's stuff, but appreciate the time and effort of those who post. Always amazed of the huge range of vehicles of all eras that rarely appeared here in Australia. Always something interesting whenever I log on. Thanks again everyone.





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I've noticed that this forum goes through periods where there aren't many new, interesting topics, and then it picks up again. No reason, it just happens. Meh.

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All things go in up and down "cycles", forums are not exempt to cycling, perhaps this forum is in a down cycle right now as far as participation. Some hobbies are affected by outdoor weather and seasons, I would put car hobby in that category as nicer weather arrives folks tend to spend more time outdoors or working on their vehicles.


I know myself even though I have a nice insulated and heated garage, I tend to spend less time working on vehicles in the winter..


As far as groups of people moving to FB, that isn't me, I don't like having to endlessly scroll thought tens of thousands of non related or non interesting posts. Another forum I used to be on, changed forum software and made it look like a clone of FB. I guess it was an attempt to try to stop the bleeding of members that were moving to FB.. In doing so, they lost much of their forum members like myself that didn't like spending hours a day searching for a specific post of interest that used to be easy to find. Now that forum gets very little traffic and I stopped looking and posting on it.

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49 minutes ago, Matt Harwood said:

I've noticed that this forum goes through periods where there aren't many new, interesting topics, and then it picks up again. No reason, it just happens. Meh.

Agree with Matt. I've been extremely busy in the garage getting a car ready to tour with later, and we also have a new USMC Officer in the family who is preparing to transfer overseas.  Of course our Grand Daughter and Great Grandson are going too, so we're getting in as much family time as we can.  It's just a busy time of year. 


Can't judge other forum users but if there is one gripe here, it's the fly-by posters to join the forum, post a plea for help, then never come back to tell us how things ended up.   Worse yet there is seldom even the courtesy of a "thanks" for offering assistance.   There are some notable exceptions though from some of our regular users and i thank them for setting a good example.  


I'm a frequent participant in the Memorabilia forum and it's been kinda quiet there lately also.


When the heat of summer descends on us, I'm sure there will be more time spend in the air conditioning. 


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13 minutes ago, Terry Bond said:

Can't judge other forum users but if there is one gripe here, it's the fly-by posters to join the forum, post a plea for help, then never come back to tell us how things ended up.   Worse yet there is seldom even the courtesy of a "thanks" for offering assistance.

ALL TRUE. Courtesy and thank you are starting to be a thing of the past as is being polite. Good manners or any acknowledgement of appreciation is out of  fashion no longer acceptable. thank you Terry.


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2 hours ago, CarNucopia said:

The only prewar group I see active on FB is for Model Ts.

Not true.  There are several active FB groups for prewar cars.  Try the HCCA, Prewar Automobiles, Pre-1931 Buicks, Buicks of the 1930's and 40's, Speedsters and pre-war racing cars, etc. etc.

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Facebook has a number of huge flaws.   The most glaring is that it is a social media blog style format.   So you get disjointed snippets of information.   It is incredibly poor as an archive for historical and technical information.   

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thank you AJ, it is why I have never bothered with Facebook.  For me it is to social - who cares what kind of soap I used to wash my car with or if I recycle dental floss etc. ...🙄

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1 hour ago, Mark Shaw said:

Not true.  There are several active FB groups for prewar cars.  Try the HCCA, Prewar Automobiles, Pre-1931 Buicks, Buicks of the 1930's and 40's, Speedsters and pre-war racing cars, etc. etc.

Thanks. I guess I misinterpreted FB not serving me suggestions of prewar groups as FB not having them. I'll check out the ones you suggest. 👍

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I've been on various forums since the year 2000, when I was 15 years old. Have been a members of hundreds of forums and made probably a million posts across them all. This happens on all of them if they are around long enough and big enough to actually have a regular user base. 


People come and go, interests change and everyone feels "burnout" eventually, even with something you love. Sometimes they come back, most of the time they don't. 


A couple big reasons forums die: 

Poor management- Absentee leadership letting spam and abuse flourish is the worst, but having an overbearing know it all with power is pretty much just as bad. I have personally left multiple forums because of the latter. I never joined the former because I always read as an unregistered user before I join.


Fighting between members - people from friendships on forums. When a fight breaks out, you will take a side even if you never say what side you take...it changes things. Usually someone will leave and create a competing forum which fractions the membership. 


Changes in forum software - People really do NOT like change. If the forum software changes, you will lose 50% or more of the user base. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it. Ezboard used to be my favorite forum software, then they changed pretty much every aspect of it and it became barely usable and often would refuse to allow you to log in. I believe it went away although I got so frustrated I just stopped trying. 


Lack of interest - the slow death of a forum. Forums require interaction to exist. Both question askers and question answerers. When there is nothing going on, nothing to talk about, people will just stop logging in; it becomes a waste of time that can be used better elsewhere. 


I don't think the AACA board is in any real danger any time soon. Sure it may be a bit slow right now, but nowhere near the level of slow that would make me think lack of interest. 

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20 minutes ago, Billy Kingsley said:

I've been on various forums since the year 2000, when I was 15 years old. Have been a members of hundreds of forums and made probably a million posts across them all. This happens on all of them if they are around long enough and big enough to actually have a regular user base. 


People come and go, interests change and everyone feels "burnout" eventually, even with something you love. Sometimes they come back, most of the time they don't. 


A couple big reasons forums die: 

Poor management- Absentee leadership letting spam and abuse flourish is the worst, but having an overbearing know it all with power is pretty much just as bad. I have personally left multiple forums because of the latter. I never joined the former because I always read as an unregistered user before I join.


Fighting between members - people from friendships on forums. When a fight breaks out, you will take a side even if you never say what side you take...it changes things. Usually someone will leave and create a competing forum which fractions the membership. 


Changes in forum software - People really do NOT like change. If the forum software changes, you will lose 50% or more of the user base. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it. Ezboard used to be my favorite forum software, then they changed pretty much every aspect of it and it became barely usable and often would refuse to allow you to log in. I believe it went away although I got so frustrated I just stopped trying. 


Lack of interest - the slow death of a forum. Forums require interaction to exist. Both question askers and question answerers. When there is nothing going on, nothing to talk about, people will just stop logging in; it becomes a waste of time that can be used better elsewhere. 


I don't think the AACA board is in any real danger any time soon. Sure it may be a bit slow right now, but nowhere near the level of slow that would make me think lack of interest. 

Funny what you said about the updates.   The HAMB lost me when they went to the new format.  That and they locked the Cord thread for no reason at all.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, alsancle said:

 The HAMB lost me when they went to the new format.  That and they locked the Cord thread for no reason at all.

Funny you mentioned HAMB.

I joined it for awhile few years ago, but quickly realized most members & their posts or topics were far from what I was lead to believe that the forum/site was established & stands for, i.e. period correct, vintage hot rods (& customs).

OTOH, most antique/classic/vintage car forums I've visited have proven to fail in same/similar manner.


The first forum I joined was on a make & model specific registry website with a small and dedicated following, but when its creator/owner sold his car and stopped maintaining, it quickly fell into despair.

With encouragements and some promises of future maintenance assistance from other (computer savvy) members, I even volunteered to take over the whole thing just to keep it going, but the creator/owner wanted to "sell" the forum and keep the registry & the website to himself. Obviously, nobody, including me, had no interest in such idea, so it fell into all but oblivion.

Edited by TTR (see edit history)
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I think most if not all of the responses thus far have hit the nail on the head. I dont think there is anything inherently wrong with the forum, its just that time of year. I try to get on every morning once I get my work stuff complete, sometimes whilst still doing so. Dont always have something to say (which is rare, lol) but Im here. I am on a Trans Am forum that has about 1/4 or less the activity than it had when I joined many years ago. At one point there was a sight crash that closed it down for a month or two. That was pretty much the kiss of death. We are still holding on and its a great forum. I really would hate to see it go. I also go on a Pontiac forum that I could take or leave. Its mostly about GTO's and there are some members on there that I choose not do deal with so I simply stay away. I was on the Ford barn which was ok, as I was looking to buy a model A. Since that urge has subsided I dont go there anymore.

I dont do FB.


I dont think there is any need to panic on here yet.

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Hey, it has started raining again in the mid-Atlantic. So plenty of my time is spent mowing grass. And then there is the spring car show season starting up in south central PA. And I’ve (already) started organizing for that weeklong event in October…..

If I wasn’t retired I’d be really busy!

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The problem with FB is the low percentage of informed people posting.  Someone will post a picture of a rusted shell of a 4-door that has been sitting outside for 50 years and people will chime in about how that car is worth millions because they saw the B-J auction on TV recently.  What makes this forum unique is the large set of active participants who have pretty vast car knowledge.  It's night vs. day.

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3 hours ago, 1935Packard said:

The problem with FB is the low percentage of informed people posting.  Someone will post a picture of a rusted shell of a 4-door that has been sitting outside for 50 years and people will chime in about how that car is worth millions because they saw the B-J auction on TV recently.  What makes this forum unique is the large set of active participants who have pretty vast car knowledge.  It's night vs. day.

You could easily say the same thing about BAT.

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I have never actively participated in or learned as much from a forum as I have from this one.  Not only am I grateful for those of you who take the time to share your expertise and experience but I find past threads (some of which include information from experts since passed on) to include information not easily found elsewhere.  This forum has been my go to education spot as I’ve become interested in classic prewar cars.  Yes the post intensity and quality comes and goes.  But so does life. Our contributions to the permanent record are well worth it for those who will follow.  If young people are going to be found to keep this hobby going they will need the permanent record of content from this forum.

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3 hours ago, 1935Packard said:

The problem with FB is the low percentage of informed people posting.  Someone will post a picture of a rusted shell of a 4-door that has been sitting outside for 50 years and people will chime in about how that car is worth millions because they saw the B-J auction on TV recently.  What makes this forum unique is the large set of active participants who have pretty vast car knowledge.  It's night vs. day.

What makes this forum unique is the large set of active participants who have pretty vast car knowledge.  It's night vs. day.

Winner Winner…and that sums it up in a nutshell!

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, kar3516 said:

I have never actively participated in or learned as much from a forum as I have from this one.  Not only am I grateful for those of you who take the time to share your expertise and experience but I find past threads (some of which include information from experts since passed on) to include information not easily found elsewhere.  This forum has been my go to education spot as I’ve become interested in classic prewar cars.  Yes the post intensity and quality comes and goes.  But so does life. Our contributions to the permanent record are well worth it for those who will follow.  If young people are going to be found to keep this hobby going they will need the permanent record of content from this forum.


We have a lot of guys that must have been trained by my old man.  Speak with authority and everyone will listen.  I was well in to my 30s before I figure out about 30% of the time he had no clue what he was talking about.

Edited by alsancle (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, alsancle said:


We have a lot of guys that must have been trained by my old man.  Speak with authority and everyone will listen.  I was well in to my 30s before I figure out about 30% of the time he had no clue what he was talking about.

I doubt most nowadays are 70% correct here in the world of the internet.

Edited by BobinVirginia (see edit history)
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40 minutes ago, alsancle said:


We have a lot of guys that must have been trained by my old man.  Speak with authority and everyone will listen.  I was well in to my 30s before I figure out about 30% of the time he had no clue what he was talking about.

I find I can learn something from everyone; sometimes I learn when they are wrong!

 Always good to know what not to do…

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On 6/1/2024 at 12:00 AM, Dave Wells said:

It seems to me that the sections of this forum I read most often (General Discussion, "For Sale - Not Mine, "What is it", and Photos and Videos) are in a sort of malaise period lately. Posts seem to be less frequent and less interesting now than they have been in the recent past. I don't follow the other forum sections closely, so maybe that's where the "action" is at.

Could it be that springtime has a demand on our time and attention that takes us away from the forum? Are other car related activities taking up more time? Do the news and political stories distract our attention? 

Maybe it's like this every spring, I don't know. I may be just imagining things and I certainly have no physical proof - only the sense that things are slow.

Please comment with your views "pro or con".


(No need to tell me to "get a life". It's too late for that!)




I scanned this thread quickly before responding......it doesn't look like any moderators have responded to this post (not that they need to).  I bring that up because certainly they have analytics that might shed some light on this impression you have of the forum lately.  


My two cents......it is real, but not something to be overly alarmed about.  I think the cause(s) of it are multifaceted.  Others above have mentioned several of them (causes) and I won't beat on that drum again.  They all do affect the health of the forum.  


The one that hasn't really been mentioned is kind of the elephant in the room for me.  I had an offline conversation about a year ago with a member about the health, interest, and volume of the topics being discussed on the forum.  It is quite a big community spread across the globe, but to your specific question (Malaise on the forum), I think a big component is that the drivers of interesting content are actually a small fraction of the membership.  I'd venture to say it is less than 1% of the members.  Maybe even as small as "less than 20-30 guys".  I'm not talking about the number of posts, I'm talking about specifically a post that is interesting to people, has banter back and forth multiple times a day (even multiple times an hour), goes on for pages and has legs to have duration over weeks and months.  Those type of threads (and I'm sure we can all think of some that come to mind that we have enjoyed), are probably originated by and kept going with interesting content by a relatively small group of the members on here.  If any of those core people pass away, move off of the forum, loose interest or reach a season in life where they aren't posting as much, the volume of "interesting stuff" can noticeably change.  If my theory of 20-30- people drive 80% of those large interesting threads is at all accurate, if 8-10 of them change their activity level and contributions on the forum, you notice it.  


I think that has happened to some degree.  I see it in myself.  I don't include myself in that group of "20-30" that I mentioned, but I have not been as active as I once was.  The reasons are many (none of them are critical of the forum or members, but more about some time consuming things in the season of my personal life these last 6-9 months).  


Many who are the core drivers of the content you enjoy will increase their posting again at some point.  Others will leave and not return, but be replaced with new thought provoking members.....


The site is fabulous and I am bullish on it in spite of the ups and downs and changes.  


Hope I don't sound like an old curmudgeon.  

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22 hours ago, alsancle said:

Facebook has a number of huge flaws.   The most glaring is that it is a social media blog style format.   So you get disjointed snippets of information.   It is incredibly poor as an archive for historical and technical information.   

Also full of scammers!

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