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Mark Shaw

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Mark Shaw last won the day on April 28 2018

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  1. This is not a Model T forum. I shared what worked on a Buick!
  2. My father used Wood Swell to expand the spokes within the felloes on my 1913 Buick. He drilled .25" holes in the center of each spoke, applied a few drops of Wood Swell and filled the holes with linseed oil. He then hammered .22 caliber shell casings to seal the holes. These wheels have been tight ever since.
  3. Older cars have thicker sheet metal parts. Automotive sheetmetal is typically made from 22 gauge to 16 gauge5. It is used for various parts of the car, such as door skins and fender skins1. MIG welding is commonly used for sheetmetal work, with settings for ER70-6S and C251.
  4. Has the pump shaft been replaced or is it original? I expect an original shaft will have pitting corrosion that will tear up new packing rather quickly.
  5. Engine Gaskets for the Antique Market - Olson's Gaskets
  6. Shift Knobs - - Buick shift knobs with the reversed pattern used from 1914 to 1927. The 1914’s to early 1916 used a 3/4-16 thread. Later 1916's to 1927 used a 5/8-18 thread. Both come with a jam and nut as shown and are 2” in diameter. Cost is $46 for the ¾-16 size and $36 for the 5/8-18. All plus shipping ($6 in the US). Dean Tryon, dgtryon2516@gmail.com Check your shift lever for size – the ¾” should measure about .73” OD of the male threads and the 5/8 about .62”. Only a few left of each size.
  7. I think that is actually a non-leather material commonly called cobra skin used mostly on Model A tops. Cobra Snake Skin Vinyl Faux Fake Leather Fabric | Big Z Fabric
  8. Your location would help.
  9. Felt Seals are available via Olsen's Gaskets online. McMaster Carr offers Low-Friction Oil- and Water-Resistant Packing Seals. Since they require lighter packing pressure than standard oil- and water-resistant packing seals, these seals cause less friction and reduce shaft wear. They are for use in pumps and valves. Cut them to size with a knife; then pack them into place. Aramid fiber seals resist wear and abrasion better than acrylic fiber seals, so they last longer.
  10. Who will be judging? AACA? BCA?
  11. I suggest you just call Kim Dawson. Catalog
  12. Maybe. I know I sold the dash, but not sure if I sold the heat riser. I will check & advise. Stay tuned...
  13. These are what I have.
  14. Done just in time for rain & cold here in the Pacific NW.
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