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How you can help assist the forum moderators to make the AACA forums more on-topic and civil

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Consider you own actions on the forum:  


  • This is an antique automobile forum.  All posts should be directly related to the purpose of the forum.  Moderators will give you some latitude, but please... remember the purpose of the forum.
  • Follow the forum rules. (Duh!)
  • Sarcasm and Ill-timed attempts at humor do NOT come across well in forums - specially in posts that are contentious.
  • Don't feed a topic that we all know will ultimately goes off track should be reconsidered. (I'm guilty of this one).
  • Do not hijack a topic. This is a pet peeve of mine. The hijacking of a topic and changing the topic away from the original is rampant.  Start a new topic if you have a new discussion.
  • Report rule-breaking speech on the forum.  I even encourage you to call it out in a post.  Don't attack, rationalize, or defend. Simple state in the post "I believe your comments are breaking the forum rules."


Help the moderators focus the forum towards its purpose - antique automobiles.

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  • Peter Gariepy changed the title to How you can help assist the forum moderators to make the AACA forums more on-topic and civil

I’ll make a suggestion, and I’m speaking to myself here (not the moderators) because I had to do this a while back.....

when someone quotes you, comments about your opinion, or directs something in your direction that you perceive as an insult or challenge.......  give them the benefit of the doubt, forums are inherently weak in this type of situation.  Instead of taking offense and firing back, picture the person who wrote that as a long term buddy, who likes you, and is teasing you in a good natured way that would be obvious if you were standing in person in his garage or yours...  don’t take it personally and fire back or “defend yourself”. Let it go. Life is short.  Have a short memory and move on. 

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4 hours ago, John Bloom said:

I’ll make a suggestion, and I’m speaking to myself here (not the moderators) because I had to do this a while back.....

when someone quotes you, comments about your opinion, or directs something in your direction that you perceive as an insult or challenge.......  give them the benefit of the doubt, forums are inherently weak in this type of situation.  Instead of taking offense and firing back, picture the person who wrote that as a long term buddy, who likes you, and is teasing you in a good natured way that would be obvious if you were standing in person in his garage or yours...  don’t take it personally and fire back or “defend yourself”. Let it go. Life is short.  Have a short memory and move on. 

Thin skin seams to be a malady around here. 

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The fastest way to discourage and end uncivil discourse, at least for those of us who aren't moderators, is to simply not engage.  Don't explain why the uncivil person is wrong, don't write paragraphs in defense.  Move past as though the uncivil comment was just the litter on the roadside that it actually is. 


Talk about cars.

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Forget you are a Democrate or Republicans. Just be an old car person and assume everyone else is the same way. If your post is hinting towards one of those views delete it and post something that is factually correct and about cars. 
Yes I have been accused of being a dreamer! 
dave s 

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This may be a crazy idea but here goes. Where we can post the symbol for “Thanks”, “Ha Ha” and “Like” put a thumbs down or a symbol meaning you don’t like the post. If a post got more than say 5 thumbs down it would automatically disappear!  Now that would be very interesting to see the self policing on some threads!  Remember I said it was a crazy idea. 
dave s 


ps I can already feel about 20 thumbs down coming my way!  

pps maok you typed faster than I did! Lol

Edited by SC38DLS (see edit history)
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17 minutes ago, SC38DLS said:

This may be a crazy idea but here goes. Where we can post the symbol for “Thanks”, “Ha Ha” and “Like” put a thumbs down or a symbol meaning you don’t like the post. If a post got more than say 5 thumbs down it would automatically disappear!  Now that would be very interesting to see the self policing on some threads!  Remember I said it was a crazy idea. 
dave s 


ps I can already feel about 20 thumbs down coming my way!  

pps maok you typed faster than I did! Lol


I'm not sure about an automatic censorship after 5 thumbs downs, could easily be manipulated and cause further angst and anger, and could have the electric shock therapy affect.



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A while back I let Peter know I had no issue with him deleting my post.......I’m fine with it. Sometimes I push the envelope.....not intentionally........but sometimes making my point it may be borderline..........I try to keep a fine line from “over the top”...........and I seem to be only deleted once every six months or so.....I don’t complain. I just take it like a big boy. I take cars seriously, and I enjoy this forum more than I should. That said, live and let live. Don’t like it.........hit the back button and find another thread. I would like to take Peter to dinner.........I think the conversation would be both interesting and entertaining. So....Peter, what do you say? A high end steak house and a bottle of wine........Do you ever end up at AACA events? 

Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, edinmass said:

. I would like to take Peter to dinner.........I think the conversation would be both interesting and entertaining. So....Peter, what do you say? A high end steak house and a bottle of wine........Do you ever end up at AACA events? 

mostly west coast.  You? I love free food. 😘

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5 hours ago, SC38DLS said:

Where we can post the symbol for “Thanks”, “Ha Ha” and “Like” put a thumbs down or a symbol meaning you don’t like the post. If a post got more than say 5 thumbs down it would automatically disappear!  Now that would be very interesting to see the self policing on some threads! 


That's called censorship. And policing the forum is Peter's JOB. Snitching is bad form.

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We have a thumbs down option some time ago...had lots of complaints about it.  Comes down to the fact with the tens of thousands of people who visit our forums there are folks from many walks of life with many different personalities.  Our job in operating this website is to keep it civil, help forum members, have fun, and grow the hobby.  Unfortunately, some want to make this their personal playground to push their agendas.  The rules are simple and the moderators will act accordingly if anyone cannot abide by them.

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9 hours ago, Studemax said:


That's called censorship. And policing the forum is Peter's JOB. Snitching is bad form.

Ok - I don’t think we (the non-moderators) should really censor anyone and as I said it was a crazy idea and I expected a whole bunch of thumbs down. All I was doing was responding to the original question.  

My original suggestion and one I have posted a few times in the past seems to be a better idea but I believe much harder to apply. If it was followed I am sure it would make a moderators job almost unnecessary! I do believe a guy can be a dreamer. 

“Forget you are a Democrate or Republicans. Just be an old car person and assume everyone else is the same way. If your post is hinting towards one of those views delete it and post something that is factually correct and about cars. 
Yes I have been accused of being a dreamer! “


dave s 

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I don't believe a thumbs down button will be helpful. The best way to respond to a post that is inappropriate is to click the "Report" button located at the bottom of every post. That will alert the moderators of a potential problem and they will take a look at the post and decide if any action needs to be taken.


Reporting an inappropriate post will allow the moderators to stop a topic from going off the rails - which many times results in the entire topic being deleted. Not all Reports automatically lead to the post or topic being removed so don't expect that.  Moderators will evaluate the offending post or topic in an objective way and decide what action, if any, needs to be taken.


DON'T reply to an inappropriate post and try to correct what the poster said or "set them straight". That is when tempers flair and is what turns a good discussion into an argument. Arguments lead to topics and posts being removed and people getting banned. Sometimes good people get banned because they can't control their temper. Hit the report button and let the moderators do their job and the forum will run much smoother without all the turmoil and drama we are going through right now.



Edited by Ronnie (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, Ronnie said:

I don't believe a thumbs down button will be helpful. The best way to respond to a post that is inappropriate is to click the "Report" button located at the bottom of every post. That will alert the moderators of a potential problem and they will take a look at the post and decide if any action needs to be taken.


Reporting an inappropriate post will allow the moderators to stop a topic from going off the rails - which many times results in the entire topic being deleted. Not all Reports automatically lead to the post or topic being removed so don't expect that.  Moderators will evaluate the offending post or topic in an objective way and decide what action, if any, needs to be taken.


DON'T reply to an inappropriate post and try to correct what the poster said or "set them straight". That is when tempers flair and is what turns a good discussion into an argument. Arguments lead to topics and posts being removed and people getting banned. Sometimes good people get banned because they can't control their temper. Hit the report button and let the moderators do their job and the forum will run much smoother without all the turmoil and drama we are going through right now.

I'm sorry but I don't see how letting a misstatement of facts stand without offering a correction, can possibly be beneficial to the dissemination of information.  Is giving fact based information, in response to a misstatement of facts, the same as arguing? 

4 hours ago, Ronnie said:




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13 minutes ago, Buffalowed Bill said:

I'm sorry but I don't see how letting a misstatement of facts stand without offering a correction, can possibly be beneficial to the dissemination of information.  Is giving fact based information, in response to a misstatement of facts, the same as arguing? 


Then post a response.  Nothing preventing that.

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9 minutes ago, Buffalowed Bill said:

I'm sorry but I don't see how letting a misstatement of facts stand without offering a correction, can possibly be beneficial to the dissemination of information.  Is giving fact based information, in response to a misstatement of facts, the same as arguing? 



I see your point but I don't consider a misstatement of facts an inappropriate post unless someone is telling an outright lie for the purpose of deceiving someone. If you respond by calling him an idiot because what he posted was incorrect then that would be an example of an inappropriate post that should be reported. I didn't say you couldn't voice your opinion. I was just saying to be civil and report posts that are obviously against the rules to avoid arguments.

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15 hours ago, Buffalowed Bill said:

Try to stick to fact based responses. An opinion from someone who doesn't know what he is talking about serves no purpose. I

If this ^^ approach was expected/required or made mandatory(?) probably 9 (or more) out of 10 internet "discussion" forums, including those dedicated to antique/classic/vintage/etc vehicles wouldn't exist or survive.


Edited by TTR (see edit history)
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99 percent of the posts that may be a bit edgy will burn themselves out and die a quiet natural death. The ones that are truly over the line can be quietly deleted. No harm no foul. Heavy handed diktats from on high, complete with threats of excommunication have just the opposite effect and stir resentment and harden peoples opinions.

This thread is a prime example of one that does little good and does nothing but stir controversy.

When will they learn?...............Bob


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I greatly appreciate the thoughtful and insightful responses from our moderators.  They are doing a fine job and have more often than not proactively removed inappropriate and disrespectful posts. Their's is a very difficult job and they do it well.  Candidly,  I would not want to have to trade places with them, and for that I offer my thanks, even if it were to mean some of my own posts go down in flames. 

Edited by ericmac
Clarification (see edit history)
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21 minutes ago, Peter Gariepy said:

...all evidence to the contrary. 



My 99% figure is obviously opinion, not fact, and is obviously a bit of hyperbole .

Evidently you have actual evidence to the contrary.

I'm always open to discussion and have no problem changing my opinion when actual facts prove me wrong.

Can you quantify that evidence, Peter?.....................Bob


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