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26 minutes ago, Peter Gariepy said:

Car guys, especially old car guys, seem to hate change.

Ya THINK?!  :D

If it doesn't have a hand crank starter and a 6V generator and mechanical brakes, it must be evil. 

By the way, by "old car guys", did you mean guys who like old cars or old guys who like cars? ;)

PS, thanks for the upgrade.

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I have a 39 page build thread with most of the pictures gone as I uploaded them as URLs from Photobucket.  I did it that way because the pictures came in large and readers didn't have to click on them to enlarge them enough to see detail.  Now almost all the pictures are gone and I'm certainly not going to try and go back and restore them.  As stated in the above post from another frustrated site member, If they come back I'll continue.  If not, its not worth bothering with as I constantly refer back to previous threads that now do not contain necessary information..  No sour grapes, but I'm not inclined to try and rebuild the thread every six months as the site changes.

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8 hours ago, Taylormade said:

So, are our old pictures gone forever, or will they return someday?  I went back to copy an old post of mine to help out someone on a thread and discovered the pictures replaced by the URL and no way to view them.  Most disturbing.


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Not that anything will change based on what I think, but this is horrible.  I can't see much at all on my iPhone screen without scrolling down constantly.  I used to be able to see a large shot of everything at once.  I don't want to see the most recent post, I want to see topics.


I'll try to work with it.  I am aware that I don't like change, but it happens sometimes.

Edited by 39BuickEight (see edit history)
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8 hours ago, F&J said:

Time will tell the fate of any website. 

The HAMB had many build threads destroyed by the full size pics being vaporized.  The threads with only thumbnails did not lose the pictures.

Many of the guys that lost all their pics on their previous build threads, either left the site, or no longer do a build thread.


I have a thread going on there which I started in 2005.  It has a lot of posts.  Fortunately most of the time I used thumbnails so the pictures that got lost were from other posters.   Since I'm a tech guy I totally understand the need to move forward.  But the HAMB changes were really bad in my opinion.  Little things like the preview bubbles were gone but the real problem was the new style gave me a headache.  I went from checking the site twice a day to checking it once a month.  Have not really gone back except to update my build thread every 3 or 4 months.

Edited by alsancle (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:

I'm still addressing issues 

your patience is appreciated


Thank YOU so much for your patience with us! Even if there are lots of eyes rolling and gnashing of teeth where you are, you're putting on a great front. THANK YOU.

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One beef and one bouquet.  "P" for Pontiac is still down near the end of the alphabet (surely some tech could fix this).  I love the larger spacing and bigger type.  Probably because old age and weak eyes are sneaking up on me.

Keep Up The Good Work Moderators and Technicians.

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20 minutes ago, Tinindian said:

One beef and one bouquet.  "P" for Pontiac is still down near the end of the alphabet (surely some tech could fix this).  I love the larger spacing and bigger type.  Probably because old age and weak eyes are sneaking up on me.

Keep Up The Good Work Moderators and Technicians.

its in alphabetical order. How am i suppose to fix that?

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Guest AdChi

I'm a new user and was surprised very much not to see any of my previous posts. I thought it’s normal for this site. But now I see that it’s a problem.

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19 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:

...Car guys, especially old car guys, seem to hate change....

Thank you, Peter, for working the week-end to get our forum working well.

In my opinion, no one should feel bad for decrying change.

Of course websites need to be updated, and especially when

foreign hackers threaten.  That's not any problem!

The annoyance comes from the software companies' practices:

they always rearrange the features so one has to relearn how to

use the software.  There's no need for that:  That is change for the

sake of change.  Software is a TOOL, and relearning wastes the users' time.

If Microsoft made pianos, they would rearrange the keys every few years,

so people would have to buy new music and learn how to play all over again.

"Oh, musicians!  Don't you like change?  Is it because you fear technology,

or are just old and cranky?"  No!

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10 hours ago, vwlfan said:

Thanks 39BuickEight:  I predominately use my phone or tablet to access the forum and in a similar desire to view just topics I setup the following custom Activity Stream as follows (while you can setup Activity Streams via your iPhone you may find it it easier to setup Activity Streams using a full web browser):


First select Activity-->My Activity Streams-->Create New Stream (see below)



Then choose the options for the new stream as shown below.  You must also give the new stream a name (i used All Topics).  Then save the new stream.



You can now run this new stream on your iPhone.  if you want this Activity Stream to be your default stream, when you log into the forum, then click the "check" mark next to your stream name (the check will turn green indicating this is the default stream)



Thanks for trying to help me.  I have messed with all of that and I still can't get the screen to anything close to what I want.  There is so much wasted space now and the syntax makes it so you have to scroll constantly.  Just replying to this message was a chore.

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I appreciate the work that goes into an upgrade like this, especially for security purposes.  Other automotive websites have also recently been bombarded by spam postings (442.com, for instance has been hit twice in the last week, but that ancient forum software can't keep up).  I also really like the fact that the "mouse over" function has come back.  Prior to the last upgrade, one could hold the cursor over a topic heading and read the first post without actually clicking on it.  That function disappeared in the last upgrade, but now it's back.  Thanks.

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Trying to remain patient and go through the learning curve but have two issues and thought I'd post it here as the question section doesn't seem to be too active.

I tried to pm a new member and while typing, opened a new page on my computer to search some info befpore hiting the send button. When I returned all my typing dissappeared and could not seem to find the auto saved button or info like the old message system used to have. Gave up on the pm for now....

The other question is; are all my posted pictures (jpegs) gone from my thread with the new upgrade? or do I just need to be patient (which is Ok if they will return down the road)

Just wondering if this is the same with others.

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Peter.....First off, THANK YOU for making the changes needed to put the spammers out of business on the site. Being something of an old coot, I find accommodating change harder and harder. BUT, I realize change is a fact of life in all facets of our existance, at least as long as we've personally "still got our marbles". I'll take the alternative of having to cope with change anytime....compared to staring out the window in a "facility" somewhere. SOOOO....again, my thanks for manning this job of keeping the forums safe and useful for all of the rest of us.

I do have one question: I'm unable to see any of the past content I've posted. When I sign in and click on "Activity", and then click on "Content I Started", the screen indicates that there's no activity in this stream to report. I have lots of prior posts, so I'm wondering if this is a specific problem for me, or if it is a system thing. Also, perhaps I'm just doing something wrong. I realize you're up to your eyeballs in getting the forums working like you want them. So, there's no hurry in responding. Thank you again for your commitment and expertise. John

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9 minutes ago, Jolly_John said:


I do have one question: I'm unable to see any of the past content I've posted. When I sign in and click on "Activity", and then click on "Content I Started", the screen indicates that there's no activity in this stream to report. I have lots of prior posts, so I'm wondering if this is a specific problem for me, or if it is a system thing. Also, perhaps I'm just doing something wrong. I realize you're up to your eyeballs in getting the forums working like you want them. So, there's no hurry in responding. Thank you again for your commitment and expertise. John

I use a laptop, so maybe your system is different...but...

I clicked on "my profile", then I did find just a few very recent posts I had made.  But down the bottom of that page, I saw this:   Unread Content

So I clicked on that and I got a longer page of my posts, and when you get to the bottom again, it now says "load more content"...so I can now find mine.

Give it a try with whatever device you use.  It might work.

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Sorry, I didn't mean to imply things were not being addressed just offer what has been my experience as late as this morning in hopes of letting you know what is happening if you did not already know.  

I'm NOT technology literate (getting to be that old guy...) and can only begin to guess what is involved in the whole system. It must be huge to correct and protect us from what still can and likely will happen to things on the net!


Thanks for your much needed work and WILL be patient. 

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For we veterans of this Forum since close to its inception this is about the 4th maybe 5th time the site has been either upgraded or a new server installed.  When Peter Gariepy informed us about the spam protection project the first thought coming to my mind was "here we go again!  No matter how many times in past upgrades Peter pleaded to have "patience" it was like speaking to a brick wall.

Some upgrades in the past have taken well over a week or two before the tremendous amount of data is transferred so please just relax and make your demanding requests for problem resolutions in about a week.  For now be "patient".  The massive amount of data in all of the General Forum and Sub-Forums is not a simple "OK...just plug it in and all is well in a few minutes".

Thank you, Peter G. for your current and past hard work not to mention criticism from those not in the know.


Peter J.

Edited by Peter J.Heizmann (see edit history)
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Just tried to upload a photo and somehow lost my original avatar! Tried to correct that and it won't accept the whole photo and somehow my one photo on site is a large piece of the original picture. Still totally useless to me! Is there any way to undo all my recent changes and get back my old avatar??


Howard Dennis

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3 minutes ago, hddennis said:

Just tried to upload a photo and somehow lost my original avatar! Tried to correct that and it won't accept the whole photo and somehow my one photo on site is a large piece of the original picture. Still totally useless to me! Is there any way to undo all my recent changes and get back my old avatar??


Howard Dennis


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So I've lost all the photos from the past  posts which renders them useless as reference to new members AND my avatar I've had for years! Once again "New & Improved" isn't always as good as it's made out to be. Oh well, I'm getting too old to learn new tricks anyway so I guess I'll just fade away.


Howard Dennis

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