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Raise your hand if you drove at least one old Buick this weekend


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No miles travelled this past weekend as we have had consistently rainy evenings / early mornings and flipping between cold and warm the few daylight hours when it stops ...

Every time a hurricane gets going in the Gulf weather is screwy here... 

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 Well, late this afternoon I was able to get the '41 Roadmaster out for a drive, and to get gas. I had found an Esso station that sells only ethanol free gas, in all grades. It is the only one I've found in my new area. So I also was able to flip the 2,000 mile mark on the odometer, that's about 2,200 miles so far for the year on the car! About 40 miles of nice smooth driving today.




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On Sunday I drove Silver Reatta out to the country for the winter.  I know I didn’t want to put a lot of miles on it, but it was to an extreme of not driving it.  I’m thinking it may not last in my stable too long as I’ve got too many that need exercise.






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The primary goal was to get it into the collector market rather than the used car market.  At the time I’d had some back and forth with Marck and I’m comfortable I’m not upside down on this car.  I’d rather play with ones I’m comfortable driving and putting some miles on.  This one has such low mileage that you don’t really want to add to it.  


That’s just my current thoughts...there’s a long winter ahead where things could change.  I paid the last bill for the 1959 today (finally everything is in place) and assuming I can locate some documents I should be able to deal with registration tomorrow and drive it out to the country (he typed with fingers crossed).  I thought I had everything in the file, but apparently I’m missing an envelope...sigh.


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The Manitoba inspection was finally completed yesterday, so registered today and taken out to the country place for it’s first drive by me.  There is a lot to do yet including putting the steering wheel on the right direction, carpeting and reassemble interior, attach a few remaining exterior trim pieces, etc.  It was interesting in that something must have happened to the speedometer cable as I had neither speedo nor odometer.  The GPS receiver wasn’t happy with the lighter socket, so I just ran with the speed of traffic.  This is such a neat dash cluster.  






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On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 10:12 PM, Mudbone said:

We decided to take One Bid to a local car show rain or shine.





We were on our way to the car when they were handing out the trophies to the winners at the show. They announced the Directors Choice award and called my name! It turns out the director was a young lady, and when she handed me the trophy she said she loved 50”s cars and loved the color combination! (I felt kind of guilty because there were a lot of very nice cars there)



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55 minutes ago, Mudbone said:


We were on our way to the car when they were handing out the trophies to the winners at the show. They announced the Directors Choice award and called my name! It turns out the director was a young lady, and when she handed me the trophy she said she loved 50”s cars and loved the color combination! (I felt kind of guilty because there were a lot of very nice cars there)



Congrats! Same thing happened to me once at local church car show. Won the Pastor’s Choice even though there were many nice cars at the venue. No doubt the clergyman had good taste for big Buicks 

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A week ago last Sunday, took the Roadmistress to a friend's gathering at her family's 1790 Century Farm, "Boxwood Manor" in Sandy Springs, SC.



They have an annual Fall Festival, with food, music, artisans' works and other vendors, plus a small car show.



Her son makes the coolest jack o'lanterns from old oil, gas and watering cans.



Just in time for Halloween, I couldn't resist getting a couple!





Edited by TG57Roadmaster (see edit history)
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11 hours ago, Buicknutty said:

 I see that so often that the ones that park properly are the odd car. I would think that the park position is usually so reliable these days that everyone forgets to do it right.



I'm pretty sure this is what happens when parents buy their kids a car and send them 5 hours away to school. 

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I had been meaning to do this with my Riviera, but my Wife's back can't handle the Riviera any more.


Here is a picture of my '60 parked in the exact spot my Riviera was sitting for sale when I bought it 40 years ago. It is backed up to the gully in Holley, New York that necessitated creation of "The Holley Loop" when the Erie Canal was dug in 1820. In 1978 it was the site of Dick Harris' Texaco station and used car lot. Although the Riviera was Dick's personal toy at the time he had just sprayed a fresh coat of bright red on a '66 Cadillac convertible "for his wife". I told him if he sold me the Riviera, at least he would see it around the area. Dick's gone, the car and I are still around.


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A while back a customer was leaving my friend's shop in a standard shift Proper Motor Car. As he turned the first corner he slowed the car fiddling with the shifter. One of the local working girls promptly hopped onto his running board thinking he had slowed for services. That kind of neighborhood? One must be diverse, musn't one?


The only danger where I took the picture today is clogging the arteries from pizza at the newly build convenient store....... which I have risked.

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Drove the Yellow '73 Sun Coupe a bit last week at the AACA Hershey Meet. It was great to see some BCA'ers and lots of Buick's. Took the Gold '73 4 speed out this weekend and drove it to the shop, (about 18  miles) cleaned it up and loaded it on the trailer today. We leave to Bowling Green, Kentucky Tuesday for the GSCA Nationals next weekend. ?



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 Today was the last tour of the year, and it sure felt cold! Only a few degrees above the freezing point, with a still breeze bringing the wind chill to well into the 20's F. We drove the Electra about 90 miles through some interesting country, and visited an oil and drilling museum. I have no idea that there was so much natural gas in Southern Ontario. About 50,000 wells have been drilled over the last 120 years, though most have been plugged now. Many old drilling rigs were on display, with a lot of the related machinery as well.

 One very old drilling rig used what looks to me like an old Chev or maybe GMC engine to power it. It has obviously sitting outdoors for many decades, as the manifold has rusted out.

Can anyone shed light any more light on what it is?

 A Desoto Airflow was also on the tour, nicely done, but modified with modern running gear and wheels.






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Never had this experience  until this evening: I was driving my 1970 stick shift Wildcat on U.S. Hwy. 75 in Sherman, Texas after dark, when an old 1980s, souped-up pickup truck in primer with loud exhaust pulls up beside me as we are both doing about 55-60 mph. I could not tell what brand, what year, or see the driver due to the darkness, but he stays right even with me and starts revving up his loud engine, pushing in the clutch and acting like he wants to drag race. Okay, it's a clear night, no traffic in front of either of us, and I"ve just filled up with 93-octane fuel, so I take him up on his invitation. The Wildcat jumps out ahead of him and stays 1-2 car lengths ahead from 55 to 90 mph. Mind you, I've got single exhaust, quiet muffler, and totally stock 455. Between 90 and 100 mph he pulls up even with me and by now, I am approaching a car in front of me as well as my exit, so I back off and he pulls ahead and probably congratulates himself. But I'll bet he was surprised when the old red Wildcat  4-dr. jumped out ahead of him for the first half mile or so.


"Buick Nutty", that looks like a Chevy 216 to me, with the one-piece side cover that extends up over and above the spark plug holes.


Pete Phillips, BCA# 7338

Leonard, Texas






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12 hours ago, Pete Phillips said:

so I take him up on his invitation.


Someday I need to make a list of all those things they thought I would outgrow.


Must be those old trucks. Last weekend one of those aggressive sounding old trucks came around a curve where I was waiting at a yield sign. We had our 4900 pound BMW 4 door, just looking like a couple of senior drug dealers. As soon as he passed I put my foot into all 12 trying to get the 438 HP working. Wasn't long until the truck was in my way. My Wife just calmly said "You like doing that, don't you." "Yep, that's why I bought the car." The Lullaby of Broadway was playing on a CD the whole time.


Rainy and gray out today, I'll be the yahoo in the truck at lunchtime.


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I didn’t drive an old Buick this weekend, but headed down to the Twin Cities for a Gopher State Chapter dinner for those who have actively participated.  I did spend some time wandering around a pole barn with mostly old Buicks in it.  It was good to breathe that air and spend some time with Buick friends again.


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I expect to drive the '37 Roadmaster Phaeton all next week -


Leaving home on Saturday , driving the Buick 165 miles to Natchez, Mississippi to the AACA Sentimental Tour-

Then drive the "Two-Hub" tour of Natchez and Vicksburg for the week, before driving back on the following Saturday.

(And we're loaning the 1954 and 1941 Cadillac convertibles to out-of-state friends from New York and Pennsylvania to take the same drive)


Hope to send some photos afterward,

1937 Buick at WWII Museum-2.jpg

1941 Caddy at G H W Bush summer home.jpg

Taos Chrome 2010 - 1954 Cadillac 009.jpg

Edited by Marty Roth (see edit history)
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