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Raise your hand if you drove at least one old Buick this weekend


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 I had said about the trip we did in the Electra, it was two weeks earlier we took the '41 Roadmaster to a similar area for a weekend tour with some other pre WWII cars. This was the first meeting back in this region since I last hosted it in 2019. Anyone with a 1942 or earlier car can participate. This time it was a pretty small group of about 12 cars, ranging from a 1914 Buick, model 55, the big six car, to my '41. With a few Fords and other makes in between. One other Buick was a 1929 owned by a good friend of mine who has the Canadian built (McLaughlin) version of the '14 model 55 which is still under restoration. That will be neat day when both of those rarities are parked side by side!

 All told we did about 340 miles, and the car mostly ran good. On these tours the model T's are sometimes pretty slow and my car sure didn't like ticking along at 20-25 MPH in the warmth. I had a lot of trouble with vapour lock and actually had to bail out and into a parking lot to pop the hood to let it cool off. As long as I could do 30-35 or more no trouble. I've never had this much trouble with vapour lock in this car before, though there is a bit more ethanol in our gas now.

 I hadn't driven this car much car so far this year, so it was great to get it out and do some decent driving in it.




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Buicknutty.  What’s with all this vapor lock lately?  I never experienced it until about a year ago with my ‘40 Century Phaeton.  I’ve had it for about 12 years and now it has happened a couple times.  We sorted it out last winter and put a small concealed electric fuel up just ahead of the tank to push cold fuel forward.  I have a switch to activate it and it works great (especially when the car is parked for six weeks). Last week I was driving it about five miles and it started to stumble so I just hit the switch and it straightened right out.  


Ethanol has been around for a good while, but my car is only recently starting to experience it.  I’m going to try to use more non ethanol but sometimes there is no choice.  They dont yet use e15 in my area, I live at sea level and it has happened at 70 degrees a not surprisingly at 90 degrees with E10. But only lately? What gives.  Ive covered my fuel line and may re-route it.  Hasn’t happened yet on the ‘50 Super that I have had for 47 years.


I feel your pain (and embarrassment)!

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23 hours ago, Century Eight said:

Buicknutty.  What’s with all this vapor lock lately?  I never experienced it until about a year ago with my ‘40 Century Phaeton.  I’ve had it for about 12 years and now it has happened a couple times.  We sorted it out last winter and put a small concealed electric fuel up just ahead of the tank to push cold fuel forward.  I have a switch to activate it and it works great (especially when the car is parked for six weeks). Last week I was driving it about five miles and it started to stumble so I just hit the switch and it straightened right out.  


Ethanol has been around for a good while, but my car is only recently starting to experience it.  I’m going to try to use more non ethanol but sometimes there is no choice.  They dont yet use e15 in my area, I live at sea level and it has happened at 70 degrees a not surprisingly at 90 degrees with E10. But only lately? What gives.  Ive covered my fuel line and may re-route it.  Hasn’t happened yet on the ‘50 Super that I have had for 47 years.


I feel your pain (and embarrassment)!

 I'm not sure what the issue is for sure, but it seems to have something to do with the gas formulation of late. I've driven this car extensively over the last 12 years or so and I've never had this much of an issue with it either.

 The information I have gleaned is that here in Ontario the ethanol content has been upped, and non ethanol gas is nearly impossible to get. The statement on the pumps is still "up to (10)%" so if we were getting 2,3, or 4% and are now closer to the 10% number then that might be a the cause. I'm only guessing though.

 I have asked the staff at times and have got no answer, except for one guy who said that they are not allowed to sell non ethanol gas any more.


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Drove the Queen to the Wednesday Cruise in. Probably a 40 mile round trip. 

20230809_181543.jpgi do love the quiet exhaust and 455 lurking under the hood. This car hits all my Buick buttons!  Yet I was instantly envious of this:



20230809_180114.jpgwas told it was born an automatic, and converted by a prior owner.  Regardless, it was sweet!

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Ruthann and I went to a cruise-in last evening for the first time at a venue in Warwick, NY less than 10 minutes from our house. They've been hosting Wednesday Summer cruise-ins for at least three years now, and although we pass the place regularly and knew about it we somehow never got around to going there. Live music, food trucks, a huge number of cars, and great conversation. Mostly hot rods and modified, but there was a small selection of stock vehicles. Despite the large number of cars I think ours was the only Buick there.

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Started the day with a breakfast run with Tom and Diane Proulx of our chapter. 



Then caught this 65 Gran Prix while picking up a few groceries 



And wentvwit Ed Allmond to a Cruise in tonight in Cobleskill NY




It was a smallish Cruise in where there seemed to be a fetish for extremely loud exhaust. I am thinking it is the car guy macho thing now. 

Also there was this very nice 68 Torino GT.  I hardly ever see these in my travels


At any rate the GS is still my "happy car".  It just loves to go no matter how long its been setting around. Such a pleasure to drive!


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8 hours ago, JohnD1956 said:


It was a smallish Cruise in where there seemed to be a fetish for extremely loud exhaust. I am thinking it is the car guy macho thing now. 


It's a guy thing. Small pipe, big noise.

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Not the weekend and not a long trip, but first outing with an "old" Buick in several years. Brought the 72 Riviera GS to the local chapter meeting this week. 


Tomorrow's project, hunt for a 72 T3 headlight to replace the fogged low beam.


Still some work to do before the Des Moines concours.


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This weekend ended up being a double header. After getting caught up on the outdoor chores, Saturday a local Catholic Church had its yearly cruise in that drew about  40+ cars. It was 10 min away so Grace drove the Reatta and I drove the Electra. The best part was my daughter and her boy friend brought her 22 Camaro convertible and hung out with us. The next generation is on their way.



Then Sunday the Long Island chapter had their picnic with about 35 members, family and some friends from other clubs we visited The LT Michael P. Murphy Navy Seal Museum, dedicated to the history of the Navy Seals. Mr. Murphy was one of the Seals who lost his life in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban in 2005. A new beautiful museum that we were proud to visit.

We realize over and over again we are able to enjoy our family and hobby because of people like Mr. Murphy and all those protecting us.




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We attended a local car show at a retirement center. A bunch of our Inland Northwest Chapter folks with their blue national meet t-shirts were there. We drove our '60 Invicta and Jerry drove his '50 Super Riviera, Grant drove his '31 Model 67 and Jim drove his '36 Century sedan. It was a nice day for a car show.



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Car club  BBQ last weekend about a 45 minute drive from the homestead. Also a stop at Walmart on the way to BBQ. RM is gathering miles this summer. The AC install was worth it hot here and my CFO enjoys the car on a new level. I recall a saying about someone being happy 

Good times at the BBQ the 52 Kaiser just returned from his national meet he drove to the meet it was a few hours away. Very nice car with 25K on the clock. He had to leave the national early and should have the judging results any day now.






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On the weekend a small bunch which began as a a Covid Bubble and still meeting occasionally.  My Model 31 leading three Fords, and a '09 EMF ( Red) and an 40HP '09 Oakland ( Green).


Regards, Gary



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The last weekend was filled with fun activities.


Saturday morning, we drove our silver '59 Electra to the Flying Heritage Collection, which was formed by the late Paul Allen.  Fellow members of our "Cars of the Jet Age" group joined us at the museum, where my 89 year-old father-in-law is a docent.


Following our return home, I grabbed the '65 Wildcat to participate in the monthly Cruise Puyallup event.

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1 hour ago, EmTee said:

I never get tired of this!  ;)



Thank you, EmTee!  I have loved the style of the '65 Wildcat coupes since my parents took delivery of theirs, February 20, 1965.  As a kid, I spent hours in the garage, admiring the shape and style.  I remember thinking that it was like a fine piece of metal sculpture!

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Last Sunday we attended the annual fund-raiser car show for our local Historic Village. The morning weather was not great, but I had registered the 1910 Model 19,so we persevered.

Here's a frame from the video my son-in-law took:


He used a sepia setting to enhance the period look.

My grandchldren really enjoyed the ride...they were quite cozy and dry in the back seat. Me? Not so dry...


This was taken later in the day, when the sun finally came out to play. 


It was a lovely day!


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 We took the '56 Roadmaster to a cruise night in a nearby town the other night, it was a small event, but the car garnered a number of compliments and questions too.

 It ran beautifully as usual, not that we should take anything for granted with these old cars, but she does run great.


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I've had the Electra out quite a few times of late, driving it around these quiet country roads running a few errands and that, on my way back from one on Thursday it got to 55,000 miles on the odometer.

 Our belief is this is a fairly high mileage car, so this is likely it's second time around, but who knows at this point.

 The yesterday I had to go pick a few things up so I drove it and put nearly another 100 miles on it, including a stop at the gas station. Ouch! My literal price to pay for driving it so much!



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Hi All,


Yesterday I attended the 'Shannon's (a car insurance company here in Australia) Sydney Classic' car show at Eastern Creek race track.  There were about 2000 cars in attendance of all makes and models. The Buick Car Club of NSW had 20 Buicks in attendance. We also had a opportunity to take a spin around the track. The attached pictures shows some of the Buicks lined up waiting to do their lap, that's my '30 third from the front.  It was a 150 mile round trip for me. Cheers Paul 


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I entered my GP in the "Gathering of Orphan Cars" in Minoa, NY yesterday.  Although it started as a show exclusively for cars built by companies no longer in existence (e.g., Studebaker, Packard, Franklin, Pontiac, etc.) it now includes an 'all-makes' cruise-in.  Anyway, someone drove their 1936 Buick Special 2-door sedan.  The car has apparently spent its entire life in the central NY area.










And my 'orphan'...



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Joe Tonietto and I took our Buicks to the Buicks on the Bricks event in conjunction with the Back To The Bricks event in Flint on Saturday.  He took their 1910 Buick and I took our 1913 Buick.  This event is at the same time as the Woodward Dream Cruise, but a lot less crowded.  Here are our cars on the lawn of the Durant-Dort Carriage Offices which is across from GM Factory One.  We both had a great day.  We could hardly get away from the cars with the number of persons asking questions.  Joe actually did a "school" on how to start a brass car.  We drove our cars from my shop in Grand Blanc. Great time and day. 

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Had our Cruise-in at our church last Friday. We had about 80 vehicles. Lovely 80 degree evening with nice breeze. Recycled photo from the previous year. Out of the 80 attendees there were probably less than 6 of what I would call original style cars. Mostly all hot rods & period muscle and even those were heavily modified. I was able to get about 4 familys with kids to sit and play in the car. The horn got quite a workout.DSC00579.JPG.44d9cc51b250c1842b8a31dd900ae419.JPG

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Club had a show yesterday fun for all. Drove the RM to town and found another local Buick owner. He   said he only drives it about 20 miles every few months. His goal is to keep it useable for a show or two. I have seen the car around wish he was driving it more often. I am driving the RM as much as possible this summer. The Local A club showed up with a few rigs for the show.

The owner of the Kaiser had his judging sheet arrive from his national meet. He is sporting a gold award judging is a 200 point system, his sheet was 197. He brought up  his coil is incorrect color. 








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My Chapters Spring car show-fund raiser was postponed due to weather and instead held today. We had a great turn out today with several cars I have not seen before and some I love seeing again. 



20230827_115734.jpg20230827_121018.jpg20230827_115749.jpg20230827_121000.jpg20230827_121024.jpg20230827_121108.jpg20230827_120755.jpga fun day and a decent revenue raiser for the charity recipients.

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Took the convertible to the end of summer cruise-in that is held annually in my town. It’s nice because they close down Main Street to park the cars. I am not sure the final number but I was number 213 to enter. While there I saw this nice 49 Roadmaster Estate Wagon and 56 Century. I hadn’t seen either of these cars before.




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On my way to “Memory Lane” classic car exhibition within the 2023 Miami International Auto Show. 10 day indoors exhibit. First trip in Fl. For the Century from TX which doesn’t have a name yet!

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This is another vid, earlier today on the way to the show. Yes, surprised that I found a station playing vintage Cuban music on the old “Amplitud Modulada” car radio since mostly all that they play are talk shows 

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In one of the craziest decisions I have made, here I am with my son Justin, at 2 am lining up for the car show at Olcott Beach, NY.


This show usually packs a big crowd and this time we are cars 10 and 11.  The last time I was here we arrived at 630 am and when the show opened at 8 am we were cars in the 160 range.  

It is a nice night even if a bit chilly. 

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