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Ohio's weather

old car fan

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Record cold for most of November right after I finished my Garage work outside.  The month average over 3 degrees below normal and that was with the day after halloween being 70 because it was 70 on halloween and lasted over to the next day,  then the plunge started.  Didn't start warming up to average temperatures until December.  Some of November's were 30 degrees below normal.  I wouldn't call it climate change I would call it weather just like they say.  The first year we were in the new house about 4 ago,  we had no snow until after Christmas and no Frost.  Ever since that year,  since I have been trying to get the garage done,  it has hit a week earlier every year.  Hopefully next year winter will wait until some time well after halloween.  Man can't exist on a frozen planet but alot of farming can be done when. The ice melts back a tad and reveals some good fertile land. 


Still ice and Salt here,  so nothing goes out.  Suppose to be more ice and snow Tomorrow for several days. 

Edited by auburnseeker (see edit history)
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It's snowing here in the Colorado mountains on the continental divide.

Got 6" last night and another 4" today.

Both the "baby's safely tucked away for the winter.

Getting the Grizzly 700 ready for the ice racing season which begins in a week.

WANT TO HAVE SOME FUN, just Google Colorado ice racing on youtube.............


Mike in Colorado

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Only 77 degrees and sunny here now,

but going down to a cooler 66 overnight.

We'll probably be cruising the Christmas lights,

top down, in the '54 Caddy convertible-

Grandson and friend home from college 

so we took them and his mom (her birthday) to dinner at Charlie's Steakhouse,

then to the Xmas lights of the French Quarter, the Roosevelt & Ritz-Carlton Hotel lobbys,

and where the New Years Eve Ball-Drop will be - over near Jackson Square

Tonight it should be City Park,

LaFrieniere Park (lights from the late, and former close neighbor, Al Copeland of Popeye's Fried Chicken fame),

and then cruzzze by Cafe du Monde,

for Coffee and Chickory - and Beignets with Powdered Sugar


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1 hour ago, Matt Harwood said:

Tell me again about climate change being a hoax...


OTOH, our local ski areas had the earliest opening ever and for the first time in memory have ALL slopes covered in snow and open before Christmas.

One day does not a climate make.............Bob

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37 minutes ago, FLYER15015 said:

It's snowing here in the Colorado mountains on the continental divide.

Got 6" last night and another 4" today.

Both the "baby's safely tucked away for the winter.

Getting the Grizzly 700 ready for the ice racing season which begins in a week.

WANT TO HAVE SOME FUN, just Google Colorado ice racing on youtube.............


Mike in Colorado

Back in the 70's I belonged to a Sports Car club and  one if the winter activities was Ice racing. Both solo and also Wheel to Wheel.  Members would either convert their dailies to studded tires and run or if really committed, buy a old beater import and  usually using bolted tires but occasionally studs race Wheel to Wheel.  Some other clubs had solo as well but I  remember that only our group had the  the heat races. Really fun but scary as well at times.

Edited by plymouthcranbrook (see edit history)
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42 minutes ago, Marty Roth said:



Marty you are making me homesick.  I certainly miss NO.  Happy New Year  For those of you within driving distance of College Station Lucky's Rod Run is Jan 12.  Usually draws 300 to 400 Antiques and Rods

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1 hour ago, Robert G. Smits said:

Marty you are making me homesick.  I certainly miss NO.  Happy New Year  For those of you within driving distance of College Station Lucky's Rod Run is Jan 12.  Usually draws 300 to 400 Antiques and Rods




Happy New Year you you and all family as well.

You know New Orleans will always welcome you back. Canal Street and the Roosevelt are beautiful with all the holiday displays.

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5 hours ago, Matt Harwood said:

71 farking degrees the day after Christmas in Cleveland, Ohio.


Must be nice. Freezing my butt off in sunny Arizona. Cold, wet, and windy weather for days.  One storm after another coming down from California.  Going to be 29 tonight.  Getting really tired of it.  It's suppose to be warm in the desert not an ice box.  Thinking of moving to Florida if this keeps up. 


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I am guessing that the ski slopes in my area have been making LOTS of snow at night to try to keep ahead of the snow melting  during the day due to the temps in the upper 40s to low-mid 50s during the past week. More of the same this coming week with temps in the mid-upper 40s and rain.

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20 hours ago, Laughing Coyote said:


Must be nice. Freezing my butt off in sunny Arizona. Cold, wet, and windy weather for days.  One storm after another coming down from California.  Going to be 29 tonight.  Getting really tired of it.  It's suppose to be warm in the desert not an ice box.  Thinking of moving to Florida if this keeps up. 


My daughter told me today her Aunt who winters in Phoenix was complaining that it was colder by her than here in northern Illinois.  Couldn't help  but chuckle.

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Laughing Cayote, I do not think you will like it in Florida unless you have lots of money to pay electricity bills. Mosquitos the year round and hot and damp. There is a mosquito screen behind almost every garage door.  Here in Canada by the middle of March the weather starts to break  10 Degrees C is great.  

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Part of my job working for a large transport company was to assist the electrician repair starters and generators. The alternators for the Cadillac , if I remember , were designated 25 something and produced 90 amp . The common 10S1 was 37 amps The charging voltage were about 14 .5 average , minus or plus There was tester powered by a  3 HP 3 phase motor to turn the alternator. I cranked up the carbon pile to reach 90 amp and the electric motor would stall. It had to be held there for not more than 15 seconds. It takes about 3 horses to run 90 amp  alternators.  

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2 minutes ago, mike6024 said:

Image result for New Orleans Canal Street the Roosevelt


Canal Street


Mike, are you here in town? 

We were there on Canal Street Friday evening

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21 hours ago, Buick35 said:

Laughing Coyote,I don't think you would like Florida in the summer,I know I dont! The four h factors,heat,humidity,hurricanes and pure hell!Nice this time of year though.I would like to be a snow bird but summers are hot all over.Greg


I found after working  40 years outside in heavy high steel construction in NYC it is a lot easier to sweat then it is to freeze and cooling off takes a lot faster then warming up. I never want to see a snow shovel again unless it is to throw it out. I would be in FL full time if my wife would get on board, cheaper to keep her, so far


12 hours ago, trini said:

Laughing Cayote, I do not think you will like it in Florida unless you have lots of money to pay electricity bills. Mosquitos the year round and hot and damp. There is a mosquito screen behind almost every garage door.  Here in Canada by the middle of March the weather starts to break  10 Degrees C is great.  


Home heating oil is not exactly cheap, either.

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31 minutes ago, John348 said:


I found after working  40 years outside in heavy high steel construction in NYC it is a lot easier to sweat then it is to freeze and cooling off takes a lot faster then warming up. I never want to see a snow shovel again unless it is to throw it out. I would be in FL full time if my wife would get on board, cheaper to keep her, so far



Home heating oil is not exactly cheap, either.


While not entirely based in fact, the story told when folks ask how I moved from New Jersey to New Orleans, here it is:


Dregs of a difficult winter in New Jersey, and taking vacation from my job, commuting into mid-town Manhattan, and my apartment was being renovated by the new owner:


So, not having any storage available, I piled everything I owned into my '64 Valiant Station Wagon. Ready to leave, I realized that my snow shovel was still leaning against the car. Having no more room inside,  I tied it to the roof rack. I drove south to escape the latest round of winter weather, and just continued down I-95, I-85, I-65, then west on I-10.


I stopped for gas in New Orleans, and the station attendant, while topping off the tank, cleaning the windshield, and checking the oil (remember those days?), asked:

Hey Mister, what's that thing on your roof?

I knew I had found my new home !

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