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Queen Elizabeth - Our Royal gearhead is gone


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Most of you have by now probably heard of Queen Elizabeth II's death today.


Elizabeth Windsor, trained as a motor pool mechanic in WW2, and known to enjoy driving and cars as long as she was able. Word is she liked to sneak out and drive herself around London, and especially Scotland when in residence at Balmoral.


Think of her tooling around the UK in her Vauxhall Cresta wagons and Land Rovers.


RIP Her Majesty the Queen.

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What an amazing life. Her uncle was King, but he liked a Baltimore divorce’ more- so he gave up his throne to Elizabeth’s father- who himself wasn’t thrilled with the job. NTL, she lived through WW2 and the Battle of Britain; and went on to rule for 70 years with incredible grace. No matter what we may think about her sons, she was an incredible person and revered by her subjects. Her Country and all the civilized world will miss her leadership. 
And yes, there are stories about her fixing her Land Rover in the field after a mechanical failure- a skill all Land Rover owners should possess.

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Condolences, not only to her extended family,

but also her subjects worldwide,

and especially those with whom we share this website and our hobby,

English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, and so many others whose history is included within that of the British Empire.


While a stellar example of graciousness has been extinguished,

an example has been established.

May Charles III live up to his mother's legacy

Edited by Marty Roth
typo, and additional note (see edit history)
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  • Peter Gariepy changed the title to Queen Elizabeth - Our Royal gearhead is gone

As a proud Canadian and a person who values the Royal Family in spite of any individual faux pas over the years, I was hoping this topic would not generate "cheap shots", but of course someone had to say "As long as I don't see his face on the back of our (Canadian) money." Can I request that this post and it's follow-up comments be deleted as gratuitous, and certainly untimely.

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15 minutes ago, Gunsmoke said:

As a proud Canadian and a person who values the Royal Family in spite of any individual faux pas over the years, I was hoping this topic would not generate "cheap shots", but of course someone had to say "As long as I don't see his face on the back of our (Canadian) money." 

Not after the way he treated his ex-wife.   



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Still a cheap shot. Let he who is without sins cast the first stone. As I said, comment is gratuitous. The OP is intended solely to mark the passing of a great and beloved Monarch, who also happened to be a car enthusiast. Bringing our now King Charles III into the discussion is gratuitous and off topic.  

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21 hours ago, Paul Dobbin said:

I thought this was another thread about our Crown Royal gearhead.

IIRC Ed has seen the Royal car collection and possibly met and talked with some of the Royals. I've heard Charles III also likes cars, probably not as much as his Mum.


There are pictures of HM the Queen driving herself to events as late as 2019.

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5 hours ago, 8E45E said:

Not after the way he treated his ex-wife.   




5 hours ago, 8E45E said:

Not after the way he treated his ex-wife.   



A comment best kept to yourself, sir.  What happened in the past is in the past and need not be dwelt on.

We will see his image on our money as has been the case with all previous British royals.


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I haven't got one in the 1939 car but here is one from her 1959 visit to Canada, along with some reminiscences of someone who met her. Jim Brownell saw her in 1959 when he was a child and again in 2018.

"We had a private audience of 18 minutes with her," he remembers. "Sitting, talking to her was like sitting and talking to the wisest grandmother you'd ever want to meet. It was an amazing experience that few get and I count myself very lucky."



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1 hour ago, dictator27 said:


A comment best kept to yourself, sir.  What happened in the past is in the past and need not be dwelt on.

We will see his image on our money as has been the case with all previous British royals.


As per George Santayana:  “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.


I do hope the Queen remains on our $20 bill as a legacy and a reminder of her longtime reign.    



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Just out of curiosity I tried to find out if Elizabeth the Queen Mother ever drove. 


Apparently she owned (and often drove) from new a specially prepared 1973 Jaguar XJ until her 2002 death, simply because she liked the car.


Also uncovered a bit from her last equerry saying she liked to sneak out with her grandson David Linley (Princess Margaret's son) when he came to visit her with his sportscar and go tearing thru London in it, disguised in a headscarf and big sunglasses.

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   Interestingly in the last 24+ hours on BBC coverage Charles III is being motored around in the Phantom V he acquired long ago from the Queen. She recently preferred the more modern Bentley limousine. It will be interesting to see if he starts using the Bentley and/or adopts another vehicle or not....

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I was a little taken back to see a Mercedes Hearse for the Queen, I would have thought there would have used a Rolls Royce. I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, I would view it in the same way of a past US President passed away, I would be just as surprised if it were not a Cadillac or a Lincoln the symbol of American Made Luxury. 

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24 minutes ago, John348 said:

I was a little taken back to see a Mercedes Hearse for the Queen, I would have thought there would have used a Rolls Royce. I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, I would view it in the same way of a past US President passed away, I would be just as surprised if it were not a Cadillac or a Lincoln the symbol of American Made Luxury. 

I shared that feeling,

and long ago shared my request with my kids,

(hoping and anticipating that they survive me).

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1 hour ago, John348 said:

I was a little taken back to see a Mercedes Hearse for the Queen, I would have thought there would have used a Rolls Royce. I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, I would view it in the same way of a past US President passed away, I would be just as surprised if it were not a Cadillac or a Lincoln the symbol of American Made Luxury. 

If a President passes away while in office they have the option of using the horse drawn caisson with a riderless horse walked behind it. The saddle has boots in the stirrups backwards. The ceremonial horses name is Traveler after I believe General Grants or Lee’s horse but I am not positive on the general. It’s the same caisson used when Lincoln was killed. JFK used it also. It’s not a MB, Cadillac but might be considered a Lincoln I guess.
dave s  

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On 9/12/2022 at 2:26 PM, John348 said:

I was a little taken back to see a Mercedes Hearse for the Queen, I would have thought there would have used a Rolls Royce. I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, I would view it in the same way of a past US President passed away, I would be just as surprised if it were not a Cadillac or a Lincoln the symbol of American Made Luxury. 

Unfortunately, she would have observed the full decline of the British automobile industry during her reign.  Rolls-Royce and Bentley are owned by the Germans.  A Range Rover hearse would have been more appropriate as it was "Appointed by Her Majesty The Queen" years ago, although Rover and Jaguar are now Indian owned.  https://www.royalwarrant.org/company/jaguar-land-rover-limited





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6 hours ago, John348 said:

I was a little taken back to see a Mercedes Hearse for the Queen, I would have thought there would have used a Rolls Royce. I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, I would view it in the same way of a past US President passed away, I would be just as surprised if it were not a Cadillac or a Lincoln the symbol of American Made Luxury. 

Wonder if there were any Rolls hearses available? QEII liked Daimlers and I've seen pics of Daimler and Austin hearses.

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1 hour ago, rocketraider said:

Wonder if there were any Rolls hearses available? QEII liked Daimlers and I've seen pics of Daimler and Austin hearses.


In all honesty, she was going to die eventually, and it is not like Rolls has a new model every year. Once she turned 90, do you think maybe someone should started think about it? After all I know it was a long time ago but the German's really did do a little number over London. 

How many people can get send off in a Rolls hearse? 

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I also noticed the MB hearse. Was surprised it was not a Bentley or Rolls Royce. Maybe we will see that later in the week. Of note, the Royal Family last name used to be German (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Prince Albert’s last name who married Queen Victoria) but was changed to the more British Windsor due to anti-German sentiment in the UK during WWI

Edited by CChinn (see edit history)
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According to this website, Wilcox-manufactured Jaguar and Daimler limos and hearses have been used  for generations by the British royals.  They transported the coffins of the Queen Mother, Princess Diana, Princess Margaret, Baroness Thatcher, and others.  Here's pictures of the Jaguar hearse carrying Queen Mother.  Prince Phillip specifically designed his own open Land Rover to carry his coffin.  The Queen's 'German procession' wasn't limited to MB.  The family was transported in Audi's as well.  To use anything but British makes for any of the vehicles in the Queen's procession is a huge affront to all Brits...and should be to all members of the Commonwealth.





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On 9/10/2022 at 3:28 PM, rocketraider said:

Just out of curiosity I tried to find out if Elizabeth the Queen Mother ever drove. 


Apparently she owned (and often drove) from new a specially prepared 1973 Jaguar XJ until her 2002 death, simply because she liked the car.


Also uncovered a bit from her last equerry saying she liked to sneak out with her grandson David Linley (Princess Margaret's son) when he came to visit her with his sportscar and go tearing thru London in it, disguised in a headscarf and big sunglasses.

She owned, and drove, a Rover P5 - 


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There has been some appallingly disrespectful stuff coming out some sections of the American media in the last few days. The Queen was barely cold in her coffin before they started up. A comment was made here earlier - let those without sin cast the first stone'. Can those people assure us that their ancestors back in Africa were not involved in tribal warfare or selling their neighbours to Arab slavers back in the day? Slavery has been around since long before there were British people, but there are those who think that the British invented it. The British outlawed the practice in the early 19th century but that didn't stop others continuing with it for quite a long time after. Weirdly enough in this country there have been a couple of cases of people being accused of slavery in very recent times, but in these cases it has been 'non-European' immigrants exploiting their own countrymen.

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Was that Rover Queen Elizabeth II's or her mother Elizabeth's?


I like that description "nice noise".😎


nzcarnerd- I can't make any apology for our American media. I despise them myself. No integrity, and only about the ratings and hits. If that means pandering to the professionally offended to get the ratings, they'll do it. They don't have the class in the whole of their being that HM The Queen had in her little toe.


Talking heads are a true cancer on this country and by extension this world.


We can only count ourselves fortunate that there were some world leaders of integrity in our lifetime. QEII may have been among the last.

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With regards to the hearse in Scotland I suspect that it was what was available in the area at the time that was suitably dignified.  Saw an article last night that the professional car service that provided the car actually had it wrapped in black for the Queen as all their cars are silver and have been for decades.  What was planned for in London likely would not have been available in the immediate area of Balmoral.  

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