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The phone rang... and then the next car adventure starts


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4 hours ago, SC38DLS said:

Lake Hastings, Lake Harris — too much Rye refreshments!  

You can never have too much Rye. 😎

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16 hours ago, alsancle said:

So I apologize as I was supposed to be in the back seat taking good pictures and videos for Ed.   But life got in the way at the last moment.  However,  Ed seems to have learned how to hold the phone horizontally so this is pretty good.


He says the lake is Hastings,  but I can find no such lake in Florida.  He is somewhere north of Mount Dora.   I'm going to move to this area, so lets not everybody crowd in at once.





Sounds fantastic.

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Got about another hundred miles on the White today. It’s now so familiar that driving a 104 year old car seems routine. Was able over the last week to determine the oil consumption of the car........just under one quart per 100 miles. Not too bad considering it’s all factory parts internally. She smokes blue at warm idle......not bad, but enough to let you know it’s pre WWI. We’re back to Rec90 fuel.......and it’s obviously likes it better. More analysis on the car coming soon.........Ed

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28 minutes ago, edinmass said:

Wes able over the last week to determine the oil consumption of the car........just under one quart per 100 miles. Not too bad considering it’s all factory parts internally. She smokes blue at warm idle......not bad, but enough to let you know it’s pre WWI.

Many, if not most, pre-1925 cars had four compression rings but no oil control rings.  Glad you're keeping the Florida mosquitoes at bay....

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On 4/23/2021 at 7:31 AM, alsancle said:

So I apologize as I was supposed to be in the back seat taking good pictures and videos for Ed.   But life got in the way at the last moment.  However,  Ed seems to have learned how to hold the phone horizontally so this is pretty good.


He says the lake is Hastings,  but I can find no such lake in Florida.  He is somewhere north of Mount Dora.   I'm going to move to this area, so lets not everybody crowd in at once.




The Big White almost looks too wide to go down this road.  I would hate to be driving the other way and meet it.


Been fun hearing the recovery of this great car.


Thanks for recovering it Ed.


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On 4/24/2021 at 10:01 PM, edinmass said:

Got about another hundred miles on the White today. It’s now so familiar that driving a 104 year old car seems routine. Was able over the last week to determine the oil consumption of the car........just under one quart per 100 miles. Not too bad considering it’s all factory parts internally. She smokes blue at warm idle......not bad, but enough to let you know it’s pre WWI. We’re back to Rec90 fuel.......and it’s obviously likes it better. More analysis on the car coming soon.........Ed

  How much gas did you guzzle per mile on your trip? I'm guessing 6.8 mpg. I'm ot too surprised on the old consumption. In an old Packard manual of the era I recall them raving on how the car used only 1 gallon per 500 miles of driving. 

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It was somewhere from 5-7 mpg. If you drive it like a normal human...........10mpg. I have NEVER been normal.

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It’s amazing what turns up, although in this case it seems to just continue to an extent that could never be predicted. 


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4 hours ago, edinmass said:

It’s amazing what turns up, although in this case it seems to just continue to an extent that could never be predicted. 


Wow, what a great picture....a very handsome car.....what is the shard of light next to the rear window, just a defect in the picture, or does it have inside lights?  As you know I looked at the car a few years ago but don't remember that detail...

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The shot posted is a camera off a screen, I just got the original 70 mm. It’s fantastic. It’s a reflection off the screen. I will repost the scan.

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Here is a scan............better detail. If you link close, you can see the keys in the tool box above the running board.







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2 hours ago, 34LaSalleClubSedan said:


Is that a early fold down windshield, or does the upper glass tip out?


Both fold down, it's 90 degrees here today, did 40 miles on it with the windshield down.......much more comfortable that way in the Florida heat.

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3 minutes ago, edinmass said:


Both fold down, it's 90 degrees here today, did 40 miles on it with the windshield down.......much more comfortable that way in the Florida heat.


Your blood should be thin enough that 90 feels like 60.

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1 hour ago, mike brady said:

Ed, Are the tires double sided white......or does it just look like it in the photo.  Also, any idea of the date of the photo ?

  Good observation Mike.  I like Whitewalls, especially on a White.

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See above under engine a page or two back.......


The performance  of the car is not what I anticipated. With four valves per cylinder I expected a car that would rev more than it does.......yes, it’s a T head......but I thought the efficiency of the four valve would allow it to rev higher. Nope. Interestingly it’s much higher in compression than one would expect. The motor is actually lacking down low and up high. It’s killer in the normal driving range..........actually a very good compromise and design. First gear is for climbing mountains and pulling muddy rutted out roads. Second is fine to start off and get going to 7 mph, then bang third or direct. Direct is good from 7 to 40 mph. No need to clutch or shift around town....take off in 2, bang 3, and your good to go. Once in third, the only time you go back to second is at a full stop. It’s a torque monster.........surprisingly so.........in Mount Dora last week, I had six people in the car, and went up the main hill in town. In direct.......the hill was about 8 percent, and I was only going ten mph when I hit it. Time to see how the car will lug down. It was great fun. Rpm’s dropped to 300 or less, and each time a hole fired you could hear each individual power stroke, and feel the pulse of the drivetrain. My passengers all understood what was happening. Amos called out “monster torque” we were down to a fast walk, and each fire of the mag pushed the car forward another ten feet. It never struggled.........it just pounded up the hill..........it was very satisfying to a gear head. The AACA tour was great for a bunch of reasons. Best thing is it allowed me to drive the car in its element........slow paced country roads which are non existent in Southern Florida. She will run all day at 52-53 without pushing the envelope. Hit the double nickel and she starts to talk to you. Things happen fast just over the comfort zone. 65 mph and you feel like Chuck Yager going for the speed of sound. 70 mph and it’s hell bent for leather, don’t blink your eyes or your dead. As you hit the end of the world.....just over 75 all you think of is will it be an open or closed casket. The best way to describe 75 mph in the 17 White..........have you ever done 165 mph on a street bike? That’s the best comparison. Make a mistake, your dead. 75 isn’t difficult if the windshield is folded down......with it up it’s a struggle. It will never see the top end again. Been there, done that. It’s just too much fun to want to blow it up. Slowly it’s becoming my weekend driver here in Palm Beach area..........I’m getting comfortable with it in traffic. Lots of thumbs up and smiles. At every red light, it’s a conversation starter. That’s about all the comments on the power band......and it’s drivability. Now on to more under hood.


All the accessories are super high end. The carb is bronze, made by White. It’s a barrel valve like a Winfield, only one adjustment, it really doesn’t do too much. The carb just dumps fuel, and the car eats it up. It does have a partial constant velocity butterfly in it...........seems to work well. It burns gas like the Hoover Dam dumps water at full production. Car runs cool, amazingly so, especially since it’s the original radiator in the car. Leaks oil like any 104 year old car............nothing especially large in volume, but it’s messy and you don’t want it in you driveway. The exhaust cut out is great..........and easy to operate. Usually I leave it wide open........lots of fun.....and it draws attention............with all the pedestrian traffic down here it certainly turns heads from the noise. It starts so easy it’s almost embarrassing. Most early cars you crank and hope. This thing is tap the starter and it’s fired up and smooth. Hot, cold, any circumstance it just fires off and idles like a multi port fuel injection system, frankly it amazes me every time I start it. Since it’s 12 volt, it spins fast on the starter. Having 700-800 miles on it now, I have the shifting down. It’s not an easy car to learn to shift. In the beginning it’s lots of noise........I can now make silent shifts up or down......it took quite a while to learn it’s special quirks. I’m really enjoying the quick shifts without the gear clash that we have encountered early on. Having learned to anticipate every possible emergency braking situation has been the biggest driving adjustment. It’s faster than you can safely stop over 35 mph. It’s no better or worse than other cars of the era, but this thing is huge and heavy.........one rule.......in the city, no hot dogging, no speed, just lumber along and all is fine. Spin her up....."be careful or it’s gonna scare you”. Each time I drive the car, I’m more comfortable and enjoying it more. It’s gonna start going to the grocery store and run errands.........the most difficult thing is getting in and out. Plenty of room.........it’s the 19 inch step up and down that’s dangerous. Unless your over six feet tall, you must use extreme car or you can fall down or trip getting in or out. We now carry a step to help people in and out. The added on lighting system is working out well. And we will start taking it out later at night and will be comfortable with it. I tried to crank it over by hand with the hand crank and compression release..........with the engine warm. Maybe Godzilla could do it, but I sure as hell can’t. On vacation we mastered the park on the hill pop start. Fun and easy. Steering is like a baby carriage........easy, quick, and the turning radius is good considering the size of thr car. In tight parking lots, shifting and brakes are ten times the concern then the wheel. It’s so big, backing it up is dangerous because you can’t see anything behind you. 

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We have been so happy with it, not yet. It’s rebuilt and ready to go, so probably in the next month or two. When it gets hot down here we figured it would be a good time to play with it. I still need to fix the gas guage......in this case it means make a new one. My expectation is the Zenith may offer better fuel mileage, but  probably no difference in performance. I will video  a few drives from standstill to a known fixed speed compare the two.......it’s just too interesting not to try and make the comparison. I also need to index the crank and fine tune the timing. It’s a weird beast and not particularly easy to work on in regards to timing due to the custom body position over the flywheel. 

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5 hours ago, ericmac said:

I really want a ride in this some day.


I suspect a year from now it will be at the Gilmore on permanent loan. I’ll use it in Michigan for tours........

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59 minutes ago, Grimy said:

In the immortal words of Br'er Rabbit, "Please don't throw me into the briar patch!"

All the forum members are invited to go for a ride and take it for a spin. Uncle George especially so......want to make the comparison from the White to the Pierce. I know the answer............and I wish I could say the White eats the Pierce for lunch...........but alas, NOTHING on the planet will eat up a Pierce Arrow. I do admit, I would like to run down the road with George, and bump the front bumper of the White off the back of his Pierce. Only problem is, when he decides to leave me behind eating his dust........I will. 

PS - It’s possible in his elderly decrepitude that I could keep up.............but only if he is getting old.............the GAR members would be proud of my friend and their contemporary. He’s still got game.👍😛

2 minutes ago, edinmass said:

All the forum members are invited to go for a ride and take it for a spin. Uncle George especially so......want to make the comparison from the White to the Pierce. I know the answer............and I wish I could say the White eats the Pierce for lunch...........but alas, NOTHING on the planet will eat up a Pierce Arrow. I do admit, I would like to run down the road with George, and bump the front bumper of the White off the back of his Pierce. Only problem is, when he decides to leave me behind eating his dust........I will. 

PS - It’s possible in his elderly decrepitude that I could keep up.............but only if he is getting old.............the GAR members would be proud of my friend and their contemporary. He’s still got game.👍😛


GAR - Grand Army of the Republic. 1861-1865. 

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8 minutes ago, edinmass said:

ll the forum members are invited to go for a ride and take it for a spin. Uncle George especially so......want to make the comparison from the White to the Pierce. I know the answer............and I wish I could say the White eats the Pierce for lunch...........but alas, NOTHING on the planet will eat up a Pierce Arrow. I do admit, I would like to run down the road with George, and bump the front bumper of the White off the back of his Pierce. Only problem is, when he decides to leave me behind eating his dust........I will. 

PS - It’s possible in his elderly decrepitude that I could keep up.............but only if he is getting old.............the GAR members would be proud of my friend and their contemporary. He’s still got game.👍😛

Should be getting the Modoc Tour invite soon--are you bringing the White, Ed?  If so, we can trade driving positions....


Had the 1918 48 dual valve on a local HCCA tour yesterday, and my lady friend Annie, herself a bit of a lead foot, said I was going like a bat out of hell sometimes.  Can't help it--the car wants to GO!


Hope to get @Bob Jacobsento bring his 1922 Stutz KDLH all-original touring. so we'll have three 4-valves-per-cylinder cars to compare.


Geriatric George

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4 hours ago, padgett said:

GAR Wood is a boat.



Yup, I don’t have a photo of my buddies 1931 Tripple Cockpit Garwood...........nice hole in the water! BOAT= break out another thousand.

9 minutes ago, Ozstatman said:

Ed, THIS is listed in the Parts For Sale Forum. Suitable for your White? 🤔



WWI truck oil guage. Neat, and rare. 👍👍

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Interesting day........87 degrees and sunny. Took the J out for a test drive, came home,  thunderstorms & lightning..........but hail the size of marbles???? In southern Florida? Temperature dropped 24 degrees in about ten minutes. 


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