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Why it's good to have more than one old car

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I recently got a replacement exhaust manifold for my old Buick and wanted to make sure it was straight before I installed it.I dropped it off at the machine shop this morning and they said they were so back logged that it would take a couple of months! I was kinda bummed out but then I realized I can drive my MGB instead.Good to have more than one old car.

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My 40 Chevy and 53 Packard have saved the day when my son uses my DD when he is home from school or my wife’s DD is getting its regular maintenance. Good reason to keep them running and driven regularly IMO

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Posted (edited)

I have a different reason for having different cars….


I have a 1955 DeSoto ( fell into my lap … ) and 4 —- 1957 DeSotos ( when my wife was alive —- we would sometimes take 2 of them to a show or an event !!! )

when I want to be ‘50s stylish….


I have a 1973 Plum Crazy Plymouth Road Runner for Football Season….



I have a 1966 ( PINK ) ( Mary Kay car ) )1967 ( BLUE ) , 1968 ( GOLD ) and 1969 ( RED ) Cadillacs… Living Rooms on Wheels ….

I would like to add a 1964 ( BLACK ) , 1965 ( WHITE ) and 1970 ( BURGUNDY ) such that I have SEVEN ( 7 ) —- one for every day of the week !!!!

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Zero was a difficult concept in the early days of mathematics. Counting was based on the number of sheep one had. The possibility of one having no sheep was just unfathomable. I guess that's the way it has always been for me and cars.

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Posted (edited)

For me, the best thing about having more than one old car is that they are both the same model and make and I can reference one in order to re-assemble the other correctly.



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3 hours ago, TAKerry said:

Was this thread started just in case someones spouse decided to log on? LOL

Exactly!! I was thinking about printing out the thread and leave it out where “she who must be obeyed “ can find it 😂

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I've got a friend who says more than 3 is a collection. So that breaks down to

0 is far from enough

1 is not enough

2 is almost enough

3 is close to enough 

And four is a collection l.

But then, you have to have a new definition of enough, as in

enough storage

enough money

and enough patience.

Thus, it is always the definition of enough. 

When we arrived at seven cars, my wife defined enough.

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32 minutes ago, Phillip Cole said:

0 is far from enough

1 is not enough

2 is almost enough

3 is close to enough 

Sounds like my recovered alcoholic friend.

He now jokes that one was never enough, two was just right and three was not enough.

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Posted (edited)

While our 1914 Chandler is out of commission we focused driving to our 1966 MGB, then the transmission went out on that car. 

So as soon as the Chandler is back on the road I can pull the engine and transmission out of the MGB. So much for a backup car 😎

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6 hours ago, Steve Braverman said:

I didn't know that having just one was an option.


It's not, these guys are just messing with us who seek true happiness...

Don't believe the lies!

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That's why I have more than one, last year the 29 Hupmobile stopped charging, didn't have time to work on it till this year, 58 Lincoln stopped charging last week, looks like it needs a voltage regulator, 58 Skyliner is down getting new carpets and possibly seats redone.  Just got the 90 Thunderbird up and running after the accident. The old standby 51 Crosley wagon keeps going, knock on wood!

Of course if I had less vehicles, I would have less repairs.

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If I had more than one garage space, I would have 2 cars right now. But after 4 years of paying for an extra storage space, I reluctantly bid adieu to one of my cars. I still get mild regrets now and then, but not like the ongoing misery of monthly rent and rent increases. 


Collector cars have to be garaged to be insured. You guys with lots of storage are lucky!

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I'm glad to have two.  Thankfully both have not been apart at the same time!  Also, each is different.  3 speed manual, no PS or brake.  The other has PS and PB. Automatic. Each an experience of their own. 

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In all seriousness, I have been working on the restoration of a car for at least 5 years now. I do have to say its nice to have another in the garage ready to roll at a moments notice. I remember when I was restoring the first one I would go to car events and only dream of the day in which I could attend something, only to have to go back home and see my car sitting in pieces. So yes, its good to have 2 😁

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If I don’t have a half dozen pre war cars running and driving in my garage, I see absolutely no reason to get out of bed in the morning. While not rational, it sure feels good!

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10 minutes ago, motoringicons said:

I really enjoy the brass cars, but sometimes you need a modern car too!


I’m trying to give two thumbs up but alas it only allows one.  Beautiful car!

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I have a few! What’s great is I am done on all of them with everything but paint. I’ve been waiting until inflation goes down and prices improve. 

my 70s cars (3) and 80s (5) I drive when I’m off work. They keep up with highway speed and have all the nice features while still having a classic look. 

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     It turned out that I had a very practical reason to have more than one brass car.  Due to a grabby cone clutch, I broke an axle as I was loading my 13 Buick touring car for a 4-day pre-16 car tour with the Skagit Group. 

     So, I put it in the shop and loaded my 1912 Buick Roadster which had never been on a tour.   That little car proved itself as it passed several more powerful cars on the way up the Old Spiral Highway in Lewiston WA.



13 Buick New Top.jpg

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  I like just about all cars but not one car can fulfill all requirements. Depends on the purpose and requirement on the car. Never expect a car to do something it can't. So, you collect what you require. If I want to drive in comfort, I drive this. If I like and appreciate quality at a relatively low price in a car that I feel part of I drive this. If I want to go fast or run a road course at high speed and feel at one with this car, I choose this.

 Today it was one of the cars that is very tight, so tight that I have to crack a window to be able to shut the door, a car I can touch the door panel on the other side, a car that sips the fuel and at 60mph can achieve 42mpg that I have had 56 years and I'm never tired of it. It's just so honest. It just keeps going and going like a Swiss watch. Yesterday I drove the luxury, in air-conditioned comfort.

Last Saturday I was on a well-maintained stretch of road with no one within miles. This was another old friend of also 56 years that I special ordered all those years ago. I watched the speedometer needle disappear past the 140 mark while it moved straight down into the brake warning section of the speedometer. The car will take a roundabout rated at 20mph at 60mph stay in its lane and not even squeal the tires, no lean and sway in the turns. It will do a 12 1/2 second quarter mile, so reaching those speeds takes only a few seconds and you are right back down to the mph limit.

So that is why I have six cars and the usual two daily drivers. The daily drivers are just opposites as well one is a truck for doing truck jobs only a truck can do, and the other a sedan.

Interestingly a few months back I was at a party and some lady from Ca. said to me. "I don't understand you people out here in Arizona. It seems crazy all you people drive trucks". I said to her if she could imagine what her car would look like if I had to pick up an engine block from the machine shop or ten 90 lb. bags of concrete mix????? I think she got it. I think.   

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People sometimes ask me which of my old cars I like the best.  I always say: "As with my children, I like them all equally, but for different reasons."  ;)

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I'm at 5, and that's too many for me to keep up properly but I don't want to let any go.  I can only get 4 in my garage and when I brought the Impala home, I had to take one of the '76s to work and put it in the garage there.



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