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Marty Roth

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AACA  has lost a long time member, past National Director, National Awards Judge, and all-around great friend in Steve Rinaldo.


Steve, despite more than his share of personal difficulty, could always be counted on to brighten the day for the rest of us, and during my earliest years serving the AACA National Board of Directors, became my defacto mentor (to the probable chagrin of some of the more staid old-timers). Some may recall the car-related radio show Steve hosted from the Atlanta, Georgia area, but most of all he enjoyed vintage car touring with his bride Brenda.


Steve showed Covid-19 symptoms following the Special Western AACA Nationals in Phoenix/Tempe, and felt worse in the following days during Divisional Tour there.


Prayers for Steve, and now for Brenda, who is hospitalized far from home, also with Covid.


A proper send-off might be to sing "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah !" which we frequently sang together, and which seems to symbolize his life outlook.


Rest in peace, my friend.



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Thanks Marty.  I was on the Buzzy tour in Orlando 3 weeks ago and Steve wasn't feeling well then and left the tour a day early.  I know that Both were vaccinated but as you know Steve had long term medical issues that put him in the very high risk category.  Condolences to Brenda and family.  He will be missed by the Touring  community.

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Thanks Marty. I just heard about Steve yesterday on Facebook, but have been in FB Jail for a few weeks, so I could not respond. At any rate, I was shocked to hear of Steve's passing, as we have been friends for a good while, even sharing hotel rooms while we were on the Board together. My biggest memory of Steve is the Seminar that Steve put on in Philly. The one I missed, darn it. "World's Worse AACA Judging Team." I understand that any and everything that could ever be done wrong was done wrong in that seminar, using a real antique car. I tried my best to get him to do that one again. Now it will never happen. I feel so sad that Brenda was left alone in Arizona, hoping that some AACA member was, and is able to comfort her.


I can just imagine the party in Heaven today! Gonna miss you Buddy! 



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Brenda is also hospitalized with Covid and was recently transferred to a center in San Antonio.  Her medical status at this time is unknown to me but as a physician it doesn't sound good.  Members of the Buzzy chapter are actively involved with helping her.  If my memory is correct they have no children.  Keep her in your prayers at this difficult time.

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Steve and I were friends for forty years. Many times we worked on our cars together and I can’t even remember how many tours we went on together. I talked with him at least once a week. He was a great guy and hid a heart of gold beneath that gruff exterior. When I went through my first divorce members of our local club avoided me. I think that the fact I was divorced made them feel uneasy. At Thanks giving that year Steve called me on Monday and after a casual chat asked me what my plans were for Thursday. I told him I was planning to work since I was self employed and he immediately said “oh no you’re not. You are coming over to our house.” I did and had a wonderful time with them and both sets of parents. I have never forgotten that kindness. 

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I'm finding it so difficult to express my thoughts here. It's just hard for me to deal with, having spoken with him only a few days before all this happened.  It was always a pleasure to be with him, even in his rare serious moments.  We've known each other a long time, Brenda too as they were an inseparable couple, always touring together, wearing costumes, having fun with friends.  And-there were so many they had.  I think they treated each and every club member-both AACA and HCCA as lifelong friends I think the collective tears would fill an ocean!   We pray for Brenda's recovery and for strength in the difficult days ahead, but our prayer is that she will once again tour with us-in his memory and honor, and in the spirit of fellowship they (and we) so much enjoyed together over the years.  Continued love, honor and respect for our friends-Steve and Brenda.


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I have known Steve and Brenda for some time and a man I will never forget. Steve always leaves you with a smile with his quick wit and friendly manner. He was actually the person that nominated us as Buzzys and he always referred to me as the guy from Canada that made hockey pucks. A great guy that will definitely be missed on club events. 

Rest in peace Steve and Brenda please get well. 



 Steve on the left at work on his talk radio program.


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Brenda was initially taken by Med-Evac from their motel in Deming, NM to Las Cruces, and is now being treated in a San Antonio,TX hospital. On Oxygen, she has shown minor improvement. I was authorized to share, that as of two days ago (Wednesday) she was advised of Steve's passing.


Prayers for Brenda's recovery, in memory of Steve, that Brenda will soon be touring with those of us who so appreciate them both.

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I am stunned by this news.  I met Steve for the first time in person five weeks ago when I bought a car from him.  We bonded instantly as fellow veterans and long time car guys. I liked him from our first phone discussion.  Our hobby and our club has lost a gem in Steve.

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15 hours ago, Marty Roth said:

Brenda was initially taken by Med-Evac from their motel in Deming, NM to Las Cruces, and is now being treated in a San Antonio,TX hospital. On Oxygen, she has shown minor improvement. I was authorized to share, that as of two days ago (Wednesday) she was advised of Steve's passing.


Prayers for Brenda's recovery, in memory of Steve, that Brenda will soon be touring with those of us who so appreciate them both.

Thanks for the update Marty.

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On 11/26/2021 at 10:08 PM, Akstraw said:

I liked him from our first phone discussion.



Many of us are aging and need to consider their plight.  It has never occurred to me to take a Power of Attorney with me as we travel.  What happens if both you and your wife are injured in a accident in another state.  Think about it!!!

Edited by Robert G. Smits (see edit history)
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8 hours ago, Robert G. Smits said:

 Many of us are aging and need to consider their plight.  It has never occurred to me to take a Power of Attorney with me as we travel.  What happens if both you and your wife are injured in a accident in another state.  Think about it!!!

Yes, Bob, you are correct.


Some years back while on our way to judge an AACA Meet in the Quad-Cities area, we were both seriously injured as an SUV crossed the I-55 Median and T-Boned our Chrysler Sebring convertible. Fortunately, we were both conscious enough within a reasonable period to ensure that the car was towed 200+ miles home, and that we received medical treatment initially from First Responders, and then later from our own specialists.


That is why Dale and I always carry a notarized copy of our Legal and Medical Powers of Attorney, and Living Trust,

especially when travelling cross-country.

With regard to her medical concerns, and the potential for traffic related issues, it is surely a reasonable precaution.

More folks should consider important documents when away from home 

Edited by Marty Roth (see edit history)
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We're out west so I never had the pleasure of meeting him or talking with him in person, but would listen to his show on webcast during work hours.

We did connect in message form and he was very helpful and encouraging. 


Loved some of the insightful questions he'd ask his guests along with his quiet sense of humor. I particularly liked his interview with Nick Ellis in August of 2020 and of course all of the interviews with Steve M were always entertaining.

Seemed like a genuine good egg and I'll miss hearing him on the show. 


My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, very good man.

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Heard about Steve late last week and just stumbled on this thread. His passing is a terrible shock, as I just spoke to him at a local car show a few weeks ago.


Steve was one of the good ones in the old car hobby, who gave way more than he took. Gonna miss him...

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As with most of you it is really difficulty to comprehend this loss.  Steve was an absolute one-of-a-kind character (in the best sense of the words) who could always be counted on saying  something that would have you shaking your head with a laugh. For many years I only saw that side of him but over the last few years we have had many serious discussions whether it was on a call or on his radio show.  Despite the outward silliness he exhibited sometimes, he was deeply committed to the hobby and the clubs he belonged to.  He cared greatly for the future of the hobby.  Guys like Steve do not come along very often and he will be sorely missed by a legion of friends.


We expected him here this coming weekend for our annual awards selections.  It is going to be a little more somber as a result of this loss.  We can only hope that Brenda pulls through and then gets the support she will need to cope with the loss of her sidekick.


RIP Steve, I am sure you are shaking things up upstairs and trying to get the angels to wear silly hats! 

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I have deleted my post of 11/26/21 as I have been accused by a forum member of violating the physician/patient trust.  I have been retired for 21 years and do NOT have a license to practice'  Steve and I never shared a patient/physician relationship.  He never once asked me a medical question nor did I ever give him medical advice.  The information I shared was openly disclosed by Steve to at least 15 Tour Members at happy hour in the hotel lobby.  I thought it would be valuable for our forum members to understand that his contacting Covid and the ultimate outcome was not random.  Decisions have consequences.   If I offended anyone I apologize

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RGS. Don’t let the turkeys get you down. Trying to explain circumstances that lead to a very unhappy situation can always be taken multiple ways. I’m sure Steve’s close friends appreciate knowing how this happened and are concerned for his wife , Brenda as well. 
dave s 

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Here's an example of Steve's humor.  It's typical, at opening or closing banquets on car tours, for someone to say a grace.  Short graces are preferred.  At the closing banquet of a tour a couple of years ago, Steve offered this grace:  "If you're thankful, raise your hand. - - - - AMEN! Let's eat!"  (A longer and more traditional grace, memorable to precisely no one, followed.)


If God has a sense of humor, He and Steve are going to have a great time.  A wonderful fellow.  I will miss him.


Gil Fitzhugh, Morristown, NJ

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  • Steve Moskowitz changed the title to PASSING OF STEVE RINALDO and BRENDA

Our prayers for both Steve and Brenda.

With heavy hearts, Dale and I mourn this tragedy.

Their passing is a loss to the entire collector car community.

May both Steve and Brenda rest in peace.

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From all I’ve read Steve must have been quite a character and Brenda must have been an angel with a great sense of humor to put up with some of his antics. May they Rest In Peace together but it sounds like she may just have to be even more angelic!
Our prayers will go out to their family. 
dave s  

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The photo of Steve, standing with Brenda, makes me think I wish I had known them. All the tales about him/them make me certain of that. I have always had a somewhat warped sense of humor, love puns and zingers, off-the-wall nicknames (I have been called many! And one of my longest time closest friends has one for almost everyone he knows!).

As far as I know, I never met either of them. It might have been possible if they attended some things HCCA out here on the left coast in past years? One meets so many interesting people at National Conventions and tours.

To all their family and close friends, my condolences.

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This terrible tragedy strikes HCCA as well  Steve and Brenda were avid tourers and included HCCA events whenever possible.  Steve served a while on their Board of Directors also I believe.  Whether it was British sports cars, brass cars, or any other kind of car, they had friends everywhere.   Steve's MGTD was the first T-series MG we ever got the chance to drive before buying our own.  Rest easy my good friends.


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I am so heartbroken to learn of the passing of both Steve and Brenda Rinaldo. I have known them both for more than 40 years. We were all members of the former Southeastern Region in the Atlanta area. I still can’t grasp this. They will both be missed by so many of us in this hobby.  Kelly Adams

Edited by 1934fordgal (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/23/2021 at 10:44 PM, Marty Roth said:

AACA  has lost a long time member, past National Director, National Awards Judge, and all-around great friend in Steve Rinaldo.


Steve, despite more than his share of personal difficulty, could always be counted on to brighten the day for the rest of us, and during my earliest years serving the AACA National Board of Directors, became my defacto mentor (to the probable chagrin of some of the more staid old-timers). Some may recall the car-related radio show Steve hosted from the Atlanta, Georgia area, but most of all he enjoyed vintage car touring with his bride Brenda.

Such a huge loss Marty.


In 2010 I chaired the Eastern DIvision National Spring Meet in Canandaigua.  Through that experience I had the honor and privilege to work with some great national directors, one of which was Steve Rinaldo.  A great since of humor, great mentor and friend.


I've worked almost 400 hours of overtime since I got back from Hershey so I haven't been out much, nor have I said much.  Losing Steve is a huge loss to the club, and an even bigger loss to the hobby.


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When I used to show at Hershey Steve reminded me of the Pied Piper.  He would show up at my car with a line of young future enthusiasts in tow.  He was teaching them about judging, the process from greeting the owner to sharing the history and mechanics of the vehicle.  Quite a guy to say the least.


Thank you Lord for gifting all of us with the friendship of Brenda and Steve.



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