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question for moderators

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Usually, that is done by newcomers to the forum.

I think it would be better to show them courtesy,

and ask for the needed information.  They will

appreciate it, and having a better ad in accordance

with the forum guidelines will only benefit them--

and benefit us as potential buyers.

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Ah but Brian, it's so much fun trying to guess what they are selling, where it is and how much they want for it.

Like we all have the the time to chase that rabbit...................




Mike in Colorado

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6 hours ago, bryankazmer said:

I hesitate to suggest work for volunteer moderators, but...

Would it be practical to simply delete any ad without the car's location and price?  we've all seen this nonsense so many times.


Or you can simply ignore the post? :)

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So the fruit of not putting a price was both buyer and seller wasting their time.


I see the point about new posters, although it really isn't a question of "following the rules," it just makes sense to have a price and location in an ad for it to attract serious buyers.

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16 hours ago, bryankazmer said:

I hesitate to suggest work for volunteer moderators, but...

Would it be practical to simply delete any ad without the car's location and price?  we've all seen this nonsense so many times.

Many times the ad creator may simply forget to include location.


Including a price is not requirement to post an ad in this forum, although it is recommended.

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17 hours ago, bryankazmer said:

So the fruit of not putting a price was both buyer and seller wasting their time.


I see the point about new posters, although it really isn't a question of "following the rules," it just makes sense to have a price and location in an ad for it to attract serious buyers.


It is a six figure car..


The other cars I put a price on them..



Edited by nick8086 (see edit history)
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Putting any price the owner deems appropriate is fine.  It tells the potential buyer what you consider the value to be.  Yes, you will still get some who call with an offer half of asking price, but it does tell folks the level at which serious negotiation will take place. 

I am not picking on your pricing at all - the cars I've seen you post with prices seem very realistic.  But when I see a car with an asking price twice typical market, I know it's a waste of time to pursue it.

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On 4/1/2020 at 1:21 AM, Peter Gariepy said:

Or you can simply ignore the post?


I ignore anything without a price. What is the first question anyway?  These clandestine sellers ask for serious buyers and I laugh because I was looking for a serious seller.


I am probably a typical buyer. I have a good knowledge of the car I want. I know what the price of an example in the condition I would want. And I know how much money I have. When I was recovering from some heart pumping work a few years back I made a spreadsheet of about 150 cars I have bought, personal ones. The flips are another list.


Sometimes I read car advertisements just for fun. I would say Matt Harwood's are some of the best. At the other end I have seen some that remind me of a college professor I knew who had marginally manageable Asperger's .


When I have a car to sell the price is boldly listed.



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I am just the opposite, Roy. I love reading Matt's descriptions while generating a "guesstimate" on what the price will be.There have been many a car which would have been mine if life had turned out as I planned and worked for. Fun window shopping here, though.    - Carl 


P.S.  I strongly advise anyone looking for scarce wheels to respond to any which are for sale, price listed or not. I have written a couple of times about the Hemmings ad which led to my purchase of the 1924 Cadillac. Early Fall of '89, after I had been looking for only 3 years, about the shortest ad I have ever seen brought an immediate response from me. No price, no phone number, just R. Pierce, (did any of you know Ray ?), at a P.O. box in Eastern Ohio. Back and forth went the letters, a good picture came with Ray's first return. After very detailed questions and answers, Ray sent me his phone number. Long distance phone calls cost money back then, but they are free now. I never understand why people speculate so much here about cars posted for sale which invite phone calls. I went and bought the Cad over Thanksgiving vacation. The car turned out to be everything I possibly could have hoped for, and considerably more than I had expected. Particularly after having looked at and driven two oldies near me in Washington state. The price was just a little bit more than I had budgeted, but it was a WHOLE lot more car for the money. Most of us know that over time, the very best deal on a car will be to find the car at the extreme end of the price range you can afford. Maybe just a little over budget if you can possibly swing it, as I did. I have never seen such a great deal on a '24, or '25 touring or phaeton in the intervening 30 years. And it took me over 20 years to find the '27. Might have been different if it was a '57 Chevy with so many on the market. As I said, if it is not a common car you are looking for, don't second guess the seller. Play it his/her way, and if you see that you are not on the same page, these days you will not even have to drop a dime in the coin slot of the phone to find out.  -  CC 

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Price and Location should be a requirement for several reasons:


This section is :  CARS FOR SALE!!!!  I do not know anyone who has bought a car with widgets.  We use MONEY.  Give me a price.  


1.  It wastes everyone's time.  Put a price on it.  If its high, I move along.  If its in the ballpark I will inquire.  If nothing is there 9/10 times I just pass it by.


2.  Location is just common courtesy.  I'm not buying a $2500 car that is 3000 miles away but I would if it was 100 miles away.


If both are stated in the original ad, it saves everyone time and effort.

Case in point is the Darrin.  I like them.  I would like to have one.  Seems like a very nice car.  If I know where it is and the price I right away know if I am in the market for it or not.  


I am a serious buyer for cars that hit my hot button.  A Darrin might not be front and center of my radar but if I knew where it was and a asking price I might inquire further.  With neither of those two bits of information I just passed it over.  


Just my .02

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On 3/31/2020 at 3:40 PM, bryankazmer said:


Would it be practical to simply delete any ad without the car's location and price?  


7 hours ago, Rockingchairmotors said:

Price and Location should be a requirement ...................


2 hours ago, bdc said:

Why not have a form to be filled out and it wont post until the price and location are filled out?


A good example of what might be called lighting a candle rather than cursing the darkness might be a current posting found right here. The late Ralph Cartonio's son Anthony is trying to sell under :  "Peerless Cars and Parts for Sale - Maine". Anthony is a "newbie" here and has responded well to the help he has been given in structuring his ad. Yeah, some people are in a position of having to sell a car for the first time in their lives. You never know. Some people struggle with dyslexia. You never know. (By the way, people with dyslexia often have spatial abilities which are WAY beyond that of most people. May be superb machinists, or architectural renderers, for example). Most people have reasons why they don't catch on immediately. You never know. Somebody might have been looking for a legendary 1924 Cadillac 7 passenger touring and passed on Ray Pierce's sparse ad for same as per my previous posting. You never know. Worked out in my favor, didn't it ? Pretty sure Peter's take on the situation is right on the mark. Me ? : I particularly relate to what two of the finest, most understanding, empathetic gentlemen who grace our forums with their presence have to say. The always kind and caring John_S_in_Penna, and my esteemed humble and understated genius forum friend Craig "cahartley" would be among the first to strike a match to light that candle. They said it better than I can, and with significantly fewer words. Please read their contributions again.    -   Carl 


P.S. I use "legendary" with some authority in reference to 1924 Cadillac 7 passenger touring. Maurice Hendry commits more copy to these flyless, tough cars, than any other in his requisite book. If you don't yet have an edition of this book, please treat yourself to one. They are very inexpensive on the used market. Probably pick one up for a few bars of a short song, and a couple of Texas steps. And I include a picture I don't think I have posted before of what I got from Ray Pierce. A little more than a song and a dance for that one, but the best deal on one of these things I have ever come across. My friend Fred sits behind the wheel here. He is even older than I am, and I fear for the future health of all of us, young, old, or in between. DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE WHO TRIES TO DIMINISH THE DANGER POSED BY THIS COMMONIST CHINESE GIFT TO THE WORLD. Heard on the radio today that they are going to lay off eating cats and dogs for a while. Sweet/sour WHAT, now ?   -   CC 







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20 hours ago, Rockingchairmotors said:

Price and Location should be a requirement



I agree with this and most sites require it.  For whatever reason, the powers that be on this site have not.  Therefore, unless they change the rules, seller's are not required to include a price.  So as potential buyers, if that bothers us, then we should simply do like Bernie says, and ignore the ad.  99% of us probably weren't really interested in buying it anyway.  If the price was low enough we might consider stealing it though.  :>)  the moderators shouldn't delete the ad as it is following the rules, they should change the rules.


And I agree, Matt's ad's are the best!


Edited by cjp69 (see edit history)
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14 hours ago, Ed Luddy said:

The line I really despise is " Just testing the waters" Which translates to if you're a sucker and stupid enough to  pay what I'm asking I'll dump it on you.

Yes.  “ Just testing the waters, I don’t need to sell. No dreamers or tire kickers.  “

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8 minutes ago, Brass is Best said:

Maybe folks should only be posting cars that they own or actually know the seller.

I don't see a problem with reposting cars from else where on the web that most might not see with a big note that it's not mine.  Especially something from facebook or craigslist and even ebay as with both limited search ranges and the backwards random way Facebook ads come up in searches one may never find these cars no matter how hard they look. 

I know now I have been looking for a dump trailer and when I put that into the facebook search engine,  I get an unending list of them randomly placed.  When I choose sort by nearest first or newly listed,  it tells me nothing matches my search,  yet one of the random ones listed was 15 miles from my house and posted the day earlier on the main page. 

I have realized that if you find something on facebook make sure you copy the link or add it to stuff you are interested in because you may never find it again,  even though it's still actively listed. 

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3 hours ago, auburnseeker said:

I don't see a problem with reposting cars from else where on the web that most might not see with a big note that it's not mine.  Especially something from facebook or craigslist and even ebay as with both limited search ranges and the backwards random way Facebook ads come up in searches one may never find these cars no matter how hard they look. 

I know now I have been looking for a dump trailer and when I put that into the facebook search engine,  I get an unending list of them randomly placed.  When I choose sort by nearest first or newly listed,  it tells me nothing matches my search,  yet one of the random ones listed was 15 miles from my house and posted the day earlier on the main page. 

I have realized that if you find something on facebook make sure you copy the link or add it to stuff you are interested in because you may never find it again,  even though it's still actively listed. 


My concern is that some people repost ads which are scams. Having it posted in a reputable place such as the AACA forum only helps the scammer.

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Scammers even post here until one of the moderators finds them or someone alerts them.  As with any ad from a handwritten one to an online ad,  anything can be a scam and prudent caution should be executed in following any of them up.   Most are blatantly easy to see.  A few but not many actually look a bit more credible. 

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IMHO, the listing of the price should be at the discretion of the seller, how the seller wishes to sell his/her product is to their own. Certain vehicles benefit from undisclosed pricing until negotiations start. The reasoning for this is that once the price is disclosed the price can only go in one direction - down. As a seller, you want to get the maximum price and for certain vehicles that occurs after a tango dance.


99% here, including me, are only vague interested observers.

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On  https://www.prewarcar.com/  the price for the high-end vehicles is generally "inquire." For the lower value, and especially the project cars they seem to put the price, almost always it seems to me, and I would think so people don't waste their time. And for these international sales they put the country at least. Leaving the location out of the ad for lower value cars is rude since the transportation cost is such a major factor.



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Like this one, has both location and price.


Ford Model A Fordor 1930


Seller: Juri Castricum Collector Cars
Since: 2009-01-01
Location: Netherlands

Ford Model A Fordor 1930
Very nice older restoration 
This car was part of a private collection from a Ford Dealer in Denmark.
Very comfortable car with enough room for a tall driver.
In good running order , 
Nice interior and new tires 
European car with KM speedo.
Danish Documents

Price € 19950

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