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Velocity Channel Ruins Wheeler Dealers


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I have really enjoyed two shows on the Velocity Channel. The first is Chasing Classic Cars. The second is Wheeler Dealers. I have really appreciated this show's approach and the expertise shared with mechanic Edd China. It has been interesting to see the show grow over the years while continuing to be entertaining without insulting your intelligence. It is also nice to see a show where they don't have to bleep out every other word. Anyway, if you haven't heard already, Edd China is leaving the show. The reason is that Velocity is now producing the show and their "camera crew" finds it too hard to film the repair portion of the show the way it has been filmed over the last 12 seasons. Since they wanted to change the repair part of the show pretty drastically Edd decided to bail out. There will be a new guy filling his spot, but you don't easily replace a person like Edd and the rapport that he has had with Mike Brewer. It sounds like Velocity is trying to do the show on the cheap. I will probably watch the new show, but I am not expecting much. It will be like the original Maverick after James Garner left. The name was the same but the spirit of the show had changed for good.

I don't know if letter writing would help, but it is worth a try. If I can find an address I will post it.


Lew Bachman

1957 Colonial White Thunderbird 

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That was my favorite TV show because of Edd's teaching. I fast forward through everything else. It was especially good when they finally started giving Edd a little credit by posting the labor hours in addition to the costs. VERY DISAPPOINTING. Edd needs to start his own show!!

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I agree, Wheeler Dealers with Ed and Mike is my favorite. Lots of reruns these days, but I still enjoy going back to my favorite ones and watching them again. Chasing Classic Cars is a close second, but I like the mechanical work aspect of WD better; although, Roger Barr is a joy to watch on CCC. Legendary Motor Cars is another good show. These are the only three shows I regularly watch on Velocity. I don't understand attraction to  the trash talking car shows. JWL


Edit: Also worth watching is Restoration Garage. No drama, no cussing, just good car features.


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In my opinion, the producers are looking at auto restoration shows wrong. The linking of the Quick Get-R-Done format to what's really a long drawn-out process is backwards. The shows where parts are sent out for chroming Monday and they install them Wednesday, or the bodywork is done in 2 days are fiction...but they just have 30 minutes of film time for a whole project and they make it look easy.


My observation of cable tv is that they really have trouble filling airtime and will put almost anything on to fill it. There should be a program filmed at one of the leading restoration shops like White Post Restoration in Virginia or Babinsky's Auto Restoration in New Jersey. Set a go-pro camera on a stand and leave it on from 9 to 5 each day. Occasionally move the camera to a different spot -- but don't interview anybody or even have sound. I'd watch it! 


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Wheeler Dealers is one of my favorite shows on Velocity channel.  It won't be the same without Edd China and they are making a big mistake by replacing  him.  I also like Chasing Classic cars.  The worst automotive show (not on Velocity) IMHO is "Fast n' Loud".  They have never seen a nice original car that wouldn't look much better with 20" wheels!  Also what is with this "Gas Monkey" name?  Back in the day mechanics were called "Grease Monkeys".


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Well everybody needs a trunk monkey. May have been scripted but did like seeing Justin's driving beat Richard's money. Of course GM has always been a bit "theater of the absurd".


Also like Dan and Fantomworks - he often mentions parts prices and labor hour plus the duration of a build.


Like life, Velocity is made up of people I'd like to meet and people I would not really care about. My choice. Shows are the same. Guess my DVR settings says a lot (some air on Discovery first)

- Chasing Classic Cars

- Fantomworks

- Legendary Motorcars

- Restoration Garage

- Street Outlaws (though is getting a bit repetitious)

- Wheeler Dealers (though early shows showed a lot of rust)

- Wheels that Fail


Used to really like Top Gear but just not right since the guys moved to Amazon. Fifth Gear seems to have disappeared.


ps it's not that I do not like some commercials but I do not like the same commercials over and over and over ad nauseum.


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Fantomworks, the joke show on Velocity. Has anyone handed over a car to any shop and come back when it was finished and been handed a bill for $100,000, smiled, and said it looked great? How could any shop build a car without the owner at least paying for parts along the way. Bob

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2 hours ago, michel88 said:

Also what is with this "Gas Monkey" name? 


Grease Monkey was incorporated back in 1978 for an oil change company so using the name commercially would be an infringement.


That happened with the Buffalo Bills. The name was already attached to a barber shop quartet that gained some fame strolling around River City in the Music Man. The football team had to buy the rights to the name.


Gas Monkey, Grease Monkey, sounds good to a Hollywood producer on a budget. Maybe Grease Weasels would have been more appropriate after they weaseled out of that one.


Gas monkey, well you got your gas and you got your gasoline.


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I know a guy that was on the show and purchased a vehicle from them.  He said Edd was a jerk to everybody on set.   Maybe he was just having a bad day.  


Chasing Classic cars should be changed to Chasing Micro Cars.   Ditch Wayne and his fascination for tiny cars and just show Roger working on stuff.  He makes the show watchable for me and I liked the Minerva episode.  Otherwise it's been Pebble Beach and clips of whichever auction company is sponsoring him.  

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I have not had cable for a few years, so I am out of the loop on some of these shows. I also try not to bash some of these shows. Because I am sure there is a lot of behind the scenes stuff that we do not ever see. That being said, out of all of the shows, I think you could take a lump of iron ore, and Edd China, could turn that into something faster then a lot of the "owners" of some of these shops on TV could. Pretty crafty guy. It will be hard to have the same success with someone else. One could make the argument that the show was a hit, because of the two guys on it. If you take Fast'n Loud, like it or not. Remove Richard, and put in Edd. It would not work. It is the individuals and their personalities that make or break these shows. Fast'n loud is a hit because of the front man Richard. Every recipe for success, needs the right ingredients. Want a larger then life show, you need a Richard. Want a show that the, at home car guy can relate to, you need a Edd. Both have there place.     

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I loved WD and Edd was the reason why.  I knew the people at Velocity Channel were not that bright, but I didn't realize they were that stupid.   I guess it doesn't matter that much anyway seeing as how I cut cable last year.  I can watch Edd on YouTube all I want, when I want and as long as I want.


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Guest SaddleRider
16 hours ago, Janousek said:


...........Chasing Classic Cars should be changed to Chasing Micro Cars.  .......  


Mr. Janousek - I don't think you are being fair and realistic.    Our culture has changed, as reflected by our use of words.    I suspect you are of a prior generation.   ( "generation gap"...? ).   True, there was a time when the word "classic" was in limited use - meaning, limited to describing (Dictionary of that era)  " something unique, of first rank, representing the highest standard of excellence".  


But that was then.   As the years went on, people discovered they like the word "classic", especially as a sales tool.  "Caprice Classic"..."Rambler Classic"..... Been shopping in a grocery store recently?   You will find "Classic Macaroni Salad" , "Classic Shoe Laces"..."Classic Potato Chips".


Come on, man - be a bit more fair and open-minded -  people like Wayne are  in the used car business to make a living.      You want to cripple their ability to make a living ?    These days, you know durn well if you fail to call something a "classic", people will think there is something wrong with you.  Lighten up, and enjoy the way things are now.


16 hours ago, Janousek said:



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Dittos to all you who will miss the show as it is. Edd was the backbone of the show, even if Mike's ego will not agree. It was Edd who made it worth while for car guys to watch the repairs he made. Mike was just the front man buying and selling them. Check that show off my list.

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3 hours ago, D Yaros said:

hidden-hunter, thanks for the emedded link.  I, and I am sure others here, appreciate.


Have to say Edd showing class as he bows out.  


There is one from Mike as well on youtube that basically says Edd's moved on to new opportunties and how excited he is etc (I'll post it after work today if nobody else has)

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6 hours ago, SaddleRider said:



SaddleRider,  you lost me somewhere.  I used to like Chasing Classic Cars and this year I haven't.  Seems like it's changed direction away from classics and into mostly micros.  The neat thing is I don't have to watch it anymore.  


BTW, I'm not retrainable for politcally correctness either.  I rode in the back of pickup trucks, stood in the front seat of the car, and surely didn't wear a bike helmet.  It was a way of thinning the herd.  




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Mike couldn't stop the car and sit down for a brief comment? Maybe driving the car was in the script. Looked a little more staged than Ed's.


I guess it would be, he was on the clock.







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As a long time critic of the money grubbing and fake drama of most TV car shows I was pleasantly surprised years ago to find Wheeler Dealers showing someone actually working on cars and including details and shop tips.  Some episodes were better than others and the buy/sell was always a focus but Edd always offered much more than the average TV "personality" IMO.  I will be skeptical of the new "Wheeler Dealers" and am anxious to see what Edd might work on next, Todd C    

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This has turned out to be an interesting discussion. For me personally, I liked the interaction of both Mike Brewer (the British used car salesman) and Edd China (the basketball player sized auto mechanic), kind of a gearhead version of Abbott and Costello. The show started on a shoe string and got more expansive as the popularity increased. The good news is that it seems to have fans in over 200 countries. The bad news is that many of these people (not anyone on this forum I'm sure) are not taking the news well. It is really sad that Mike Brewer, his wife and his daughter are receiving death threats because of the change. Let's hope that everyone gets a grip and looks to what is really important in life. Now, as for writing to Velocity to express your opinion...

Lew Bachman

1957 T-Bird

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1 hour ago, 1957Birdman said:

This has turned out to be an interesting discussion. For me personally, I liked the interaction of both Mike Brewer (the British used car salesman) and Edd China (the basketball player sized auto mechanic), kind of a gearhead version of Abbott and Costello. The show started on a shoe string and got more expansive as the popularity increased. The good news is that it seems to have fans in over 200 countries. The bad news is that many of these people (not anyone on this forum I'm sure) are not taking the news well. It is really sad that Mike Brewer, his wife and his daughter are receiving death threats because of the change. Let's hope that everyone gets a grip and looks to what is really important in life. Now, as for writing to Velocity to express your opinion...

Lew Bachman

1957 T-Bird


Yep, people need a bit of a dose of reality - it is just car show at the end of the day


I wish that they did a proper job on the Type 57 caddy :(

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Apparently the producers have figured out a way they think will give them a greater return on their investment. I'm sure it's not easy figuring out what the public will find interesting and /or entertaining. My Uncle was program director for a local NBC affiliate TV station. One of his responsibilities was deciding which shows to air. Years ago he was approached by a production company with a new children's cartoon. He could have bought the rights to air the show for $25/week or he could have bought in to the production company in hopes of making a good profit. He turned the show down because in his professional opinion it had no chance of success. In his words it was some idiotic cartoon series about some teenagers with mutant turtle ninjas or some such foolishness,

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10 minutes ago, Restorer32 said:

Apparently the producers have figured out a way they think will give them a greater return on their investment. I'm sure it's not easy figuring out what the public will find interesting and /or entertaining.


My Uncle........turned the show down..........some idiotic cartoon series about some teenagers with mutant turtle ninjas


They credit H.L. Mencken with the immortal quote that "...no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."  Certainly a truism in cable TV

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I loved Wheeler Dealers but I think maybe the reason it is changing is because it is too "real" for "reality" TV.  Mike buys a car, Edd fixes car, Mike sells car - like things are done in real life. Now in today's "reality" TV, Mike buys car, Edd brings it into shop and Mike and Edd curse at each other, throw things at each other, go off to car auctions all the while having just 5 days to get this car ready but magically car gets finished and they make 5 times what they had invested when it sells. 


Personally I choose the former type show but I guess those of us who like "real" car shows are in the minority now.



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