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Idiot Driver Rant


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:mad::mad: I have had it up to here with selfish, stupid, lazy, and inattentive drivers clogging the roads and endangering the public with their "appliance" vehicles!

Here is the story:

My wife has very graciously put up with my car hobby obsession for more than 40 years. While not particularly interested in cars herself she has been very supportive and has become pretty car savvy by association. She has driven a parade of "family" cars over the years but has always wanted a small sports car. Most recently we bought a Mazda CX-9 SUV crossover which became her car while I retained my 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SS. With my recent retirement we quickly found that neither of these big cars were getting used much and she found the CX-9 to be too big and did not enjoy driving it. So about a week ago we went back to the Mazda dealer and test drove a Miata 2-seater convertible hardtop. She loved the car so we traded the Chevy and bought her a beautiful pearl white Miata. She was so excited! She was acting like I do when I find another classic or project!

We picked up the car last Thursday and she drove it that day to show her girlfriends, then we parked it as we had to go out of town on a family visit. We just got back and she took it out for the second time yesterday. She was sitting at a stoplight waiting for it to change when all of a sudden a Ford Expedition in front of her started backing up! Janet leaned on the horn to no avail and the truck backed into her. The woman driver said she was backing up to change lanes (?) and didn't see the Miata - of course the back window was blocked with junk and she obviously did not look in her mirrors. She said she was not on the phone but my wife thinks that is BS, probably why she didn't hear the horn. The trailer hitch on her hulking SUV punched an ugly hole in the grille and front fascia so now with less than 300 miles on the car we will have to get it repaired. The worst part is that the woman in the Expedition did not apologize and acted like this was business as usual. If I would have been driving I would have lost it and probably wound up in jail! My wife is now heartbroken and all the excitement she had over her new car is gone.

I'd blame this partly on living in Texas with its big truck obsession but from other things I've read here and elsewhere I think its a national problem. Too many people think their car is the place to eat, put on makeup, text, talk on the phone, play games, read, and who knows what else - while they are driving!!! It has to stop!

I feel a little better now, thanks for listening...

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I'm staying out of this one.

I drive a lot. Some times 100 miles a day, running for myself and my wife's team in the Real Estate business, and personal business.. Its getting worse and worse. Idiots on cell phones is the biggest culprit. Young teen aged girls, next. Then there is the people that think they are sitting on

the couch talking on the phone, oblivious to anything.... Until you blow the horn.

I've started taking pictures of drug deals with my I Phone.

I'll stop now.

Bill H

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Guest billybird

TexRiv-63: You need to speak out more; don't hold back, it's not good for you. Seriously, you sound as mad as I was that day a woman rear ended our 2004 mint condition Cobra conv. When the police was called, it was discovered she didn't even have insurance! I whole heartedly agree with you 100.000%!

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Our state, W. Va., passed a law that was effective July 1st of this year. Making it a primary offense to drive and talk on a cellphone without using a hands-free device. The law also made it a primary offense to drive and text.

Any guesses on how many folks Bill and I see EVERY day doing those things? And where are the various patrol cars that should be out handing out tickets to those breaking the law? Usually they are parked in the local Tudor's Biscuit lots.

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The driver should not have backed up ....

But how close was the car behind it ?

Personally, I allow a car length minimum between myself and the car stopped in front of me

whether I am driving a car or my towing rig .....

Consider putting the ones' you love in a sizable vehicle to protect them

from the hazards of the road that exist


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Guest WKnighter

The other day I became frustrated waiting for an oncoming vehicle which was moving slow. When she got closer I could see why. She was holding her icecream sunday in her left hand, steering with her left forearm, and spooning with her right hand.

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Must admit part of the reason I no longer have a Fiero was because too many people would look over and decide my lane was vacant. I do add air horns to my cars that are loud enough to get attention as a matter of course.

One thing about my new tow car is that rear vision is terrible at best, a lot of what looks like window from the back, isn't & anything under 4 feet high is invisible (children, pets, GT-40s) so I added a rear view camera (should have been standard).

Now just need a composite input adapter for Android so can get rid of the seperate monitor.


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When I bought my new Jeep it came with a rear view camera and proximity alarm. Didn't want it, way too puss, but it came with a "package". I'll never buy another car without it. BTW, most of the mayhem I've inflicted on myself and other drivers has been while backing up..............Bob

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Don, you have my deepest sympathy. There is nothing like the feel that comes from owning a new car. It is a shame that a stupid careless drive took that away from you before you had a chance to even get the car broken in.

Last week, I left work and got stopped at the first traffic light as it turned red. As I was waiting for the light to turn green a big rig went through the light and just as the light turned green for me another big rig went through the light on a red. I waited for the second big rig to clear the intersection enough to allow me to make a left turn on my green light. As I was making the left turn (while the big rig was still in the intersection with a red light for him) I was fully into the intersection when I realized that a pickup truck was following the big rig and I had just pulled out in front of him. He slammed on his brakes, I hit the gas, and he nearly T boned my lift side before he came to a stop in the middle of the intersection.

Of course the near miss accident was my fault. I should have known better, I am supposed to yield the right-a-way to red light runners.

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You are absolutely right. The roads today are full of distracted imbeciles. They don't care about their own cars, let alone anybody else's.

Have you noticed the ads for cars now that are supposed to warn you when you are drifting out of lane or are about to rearend somebody? It is like the carmakers have figured out that nobody knows or cares how to drive any more.

There is no pride in driving. It has been reduced to about the brain engagement level of chewing gum.

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Tell your insurance agent you want some money because any wrecked car LOSES SOME OF ITS RESALE VALUE.

As a former owner of three Avis Rent A Car agency's we ALWAYS told our customers to do all they could to prevent having to back up. We even backed the cars in our lot so they just had to drive straight out. We backed up, but we knew where the fence was, and knew how to use our mirrors.

Sorry about that, tell her it will all work out, and ENJOY.

Dale in Indy

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Guest 4 bufords

when i bought my new 97 silverado,was going through an intersection when a guy turned left in front of me.i stopped but the guy behind me rammed into the rear of my truck with 300 miles on it.good thing i had a 4x4 or else he would have been into my tailgate. had to replace bumper and paint the right rear fender ,4 bufords from ct

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Tell your insurance agent you want some money because any wrecked car LOSES SOME OF ITS RESALE VALUE.

Dale in Indy

You are referring to diminished value. In most accident cases where there is major damage, it can be significant, and you would want to make sure you didn't "settle" until a professional appraiser took your case. However, in a case where there is minor damage (which is what I read in the case of this Miata), the loss in value is minimal. I wouldn't waste my time and money hiring a professional appraiser, but follow Dale's advice and tell the insurance company you want diminished value. Rule of thumb: roughly 1/3 of the cost of repairs.

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Being in reverse is a good thing to avoid. In Pennsylvania the laws are written such that if you happen to have an accident while in reverse you are automatically at fault. Thew best you can hope for is a 50/50 fault finding of responsibility. I was hit once backing out of a parking space by a guy who was speeding, running a stop sign, and admitted he was looking in the opposite direction from his forward motion (i.e. back at the lane he was cutting into by running the stop sign). He then lied/changed his story for the police several times. I got a 50/50 fault finding. That was a claim that I needn't have made.:mad:

All of my cars are small, including my Triumphs, and Ohio is pretty much the land of the unnecessary SUV. I've gotten in the habit of stopping behind SUVs off-center, so I can be seen in the driver's side mirror. It has helped several times to be able to hit the horn and flash the high beams in the mirror.

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The rule of thumb that was taught to me in Driver's Ed was that when a driver stops behind another vehicle, the driver should at least be able to see the the bottom edge of the rear tires on the vehicle ahead of them. That should leave enough space to react if the driver in front rolls back or starts to back up. Far too many people roll right up on the back bumper so that they have a better chance of making it through the light. It also increases your chances of getting hit by the car in front.

Edited by Shop Rat (see edit history)
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You are absolutely right. The roads today are full of distracted imbeciles. They don't care about their own cars, let alone anybody else's.

Have you noticed the ads for cars now that are supposed to warn you when you are drifting out of lane or are about to rearend somebody? It is like the carmakers have figured out that nobody knows or cares how to drive any more.

There is no pride in driving. It has been reduced to about the brain engagement level of chewing gum.

Most of these people on the road today could not handle a car built before WWII. Especially an early car with only rear wheel brakes! And they have no concept of how full your hands are just to drive one of these early cars on the road. Things like Power Brakes, ABS, and Power Steering are things taken for granted by the general public today that have little concept of weight in motion, or how far it takes to make a safe stop. You had to have pride to drive back then.

Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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I feel for you TexRiv, I purchased a new 2001 Nissan Maxima. Decided on the color, had the dealer go find it and had all the bells and whistles. Really nice car. Had i 6 months and was driving on one of our toll roads. Saw a car on fire on the side of the road, and slowed down to see if I needed to pull over and help as well as other cars around me. A soccer Mom in her SUV on the cell phone didn't slow down a bit and hit me in the rear end. She did say she was sorry, was talking to her Mom. She was ticketed, but the car was never the same again. Later after that was hit by someone backing out of a parking space into the side of the car. That was fixed, and later my wife was following me in my pickup truck. I stopped at an intersection to make a right turn. She was looking to her left, thought I had gone and then pulled into the back of the truck. Try explaining that to you insurance company. Your wife was driving the car and hit you in the back end of your pickup truck. It was a nice car just jinxed I guess. Kept it up to about 150,000 miles and then got rid of it. I live near a major University and I see it every day I drive out of my community. College kids, driving way to fast from light to light, and texting. I was running parallel to a college age girl who was texting with both hands I guess steering with her knee and we had traveled through4 traffic lights. I wanted to get out an beat on the side of her car. I don't see it getting any better either. Everyone is always in a hurry!

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Guest Kingoftheroad

Sorry to hear about your new car, its a bummer when your car gets hit and even more so when you get hit in a car you just bought new...

The SUV driver was wrong to back into you.

However, when driving a little car, you must do what motorcyclists do and make an extra effort to be seen by other drivers while driving, sitting at a light, etc.. Like motorcycles, those little cars can be hard to see especially if your sitting in their blind spots.. Its a matter of being seen & staying alive..

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Thanks for all the replies, shows how pervasive this problem has become. As far as driver accountability, no-fault insurance in Texas has severely diminished that. The police will not even respond to a minor wreck like we had as long as the drivers can exchange insurance info. In this case the other driver is insured and will have a hard time avoiding fault but her nonchalance was partly due to her having no damage to her vehicle other than maybe a dull spot on the trailer hitch. We have noticed lately that many drivers leave a very large interval in front of them at a stop, I'm sure my wife will now become one of them. I like the idea of an air horn and that now seems totally necessary for a small car here - I may add one to both cars!

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I've felt the same way when driving my '56 Karmann Ghia in traffic on a weekend, coming home from a car show. Nothing looms so large in the rear view mirror when driving a car like that than, say, a Lincoln Navigator driven by a half-paying-attention driver, as it gets closer and closer in traffic.

As far as the Ghia goes, thankfully no incident, but that experience has also made me think twice many times since then about taking it out anywhere where I might have to be on the road with the typical distracted SUV driver...

Glad to see there was not more damage to the Miata than what appeared to be shown in the photos.

I'd much rather have to deal with repairing a late-model Miata, however, than a mostly-original '56 Karmann Ghia...

Good luck and hope your wife is able eventually to re-establish her relationship with her beloved little car.

Edited by stock_steve
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I know a guy who was coming over the crest of a small hill through an intersection of dirt roads and t-boned by two 15-year-old girls going through a stop sign in reverse. Fortunately the old rancher wasn't injured, but his truck sure was.

A few hours after the accident, one of the girls' moms calls him up and and asks if he'll accept full cash payment for the repairs instead of turning it in to the insurance company...because the girls just had learner's permits, weren't supposed to be driving without a licensed driver and might get in trouble.

The rancher told the mom: "No way!"

Edited by jeff_a (see edit history)
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..... A few hours after the accident, one of the girls' moms calls him up and and asks if he'll accept full cash payment for the repairs instead of turning it in to the insurance company...because the girls just had learner's permits, weren't supposed to be driving without a licensed driver and might get in trouble.

The rancher told the mom: "No way!"

Sounds like the youngish trucker that scraped the front bumper of my Taurus station wagon that we used to have. He stopped twice before he tried to squeeze through and ended up scraping the paint off of the bumper of my car. He didn't want for me to call the police but I did. The officer didn't officially site either one of us because the flowers and bushes in a landscaping area blocked my view to be able to get out of a parking lot safely. So technically the very front edge of the bumper was over the yellow line. But he himself had done the very same thing so he was not willing to charge me with doing that to be able to see. He understood that the guy had stopped twice but then didn't wait for me to back up when I signaled the trucker that I would. It went onto the guy's driving record and was reported to his company. I bet he thinks twice about trying that again.

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I have to say some small cars are very hard to see. Not too long ago, I almost ran a Fiero off the road because I pulled out to pass and didn't see him coming up on my left. Scared the crap out of me when I finally did see him.

Two of my biggest gripes - people merging on Interstates and not yielding. If I'm in the right lane, I should not have to put on my brakes to let you in and if I'm able to move over to let you in, don't accelerate and leave me hanging out there. Let me by so I can get back in the right lane, then pass me. Secondly, stay to the right as much as you can. Around here, people seem to plant themselves in the middle lane at the speed limit and expect everyone to go around them.

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Guest bofusmosby

So sorry to hear about the "Idiot" that damaged your wife's car. Plain and simple, the problem is many people thank of no one else but themselves. They are self-centered and self-absorbed. They have no respect for others, and quite frankly the reason has to be is that they are not thinking of anyone else. As far as the cell phones go, Texting should be eliminated period! Using a cell phone while driving should also be against the law, with severe penalties to those that do. As far as the woman that backed into your wife, well, there is no excuse for that! That is against the law!! Maybe your wifes car was a bit too close, but that doesn't excuse the fact that an idiot broke the law!

And to think, these are the same idiots that are voting, which determines our future! OK guys and gals, I'll step off my soap-box now and go to my room.

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Couple things:

Isn't Texas like Nevada where the driver can carry a drink whiile driving as long as they aren't DRUNK? One hand driving seems to be OK

Outfits like Car Facts list all body repairs thereby lowering the value of your car when some stupid jerk backs into you........

It seems that the number of idiots has grown as the safe and sane stay home

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Two of my biggest gripes - people merging on Interstates and not yielding. If I'm in the right lane, I should not have to put on my brakes to let you in and if I'm able to move over to let you in, don't accelerate and leave me hanging out there. Let me by so I can get back in the right lane, then pass me. Secondly, stay to the right as much as you can. Around here, people seem to plant themselves in the middle lane at the speed limit and expect everyone to go around them.

NOTE: This is just a discussion and observations, NOT in anger!

Yes you should! You've said this a couple time already. The 1st thing you say here is contradictory. When people are merging, why shouldn't you yield? You don't need to brake, just let off the accel or move over. It is not only easy to do but the courteous thing to do and in many states you are required to. Here, if you refuse to yield the right lane to merging traffic in an acceleration lane, you can be cited for "road rage" or the lesser offense of "impeding traffic."

You don't have to hold the door for anyone, but it's the right thing to do. Why is it so difficult to just move over and make room? Around here it's common and expected and not just because of the law. When I see somebody coming down the acceleration lane (the correct term) onto the hiway, I move over. It's not a bother nor is worth being an *** about it because I don't own the right lane, this is what make traffic flow. This "it's my lane and I don't have to ..." attitude is one of the problems that cause road rage. If anyone is doing the speed limit, they are obeying the law, if you need to go around them, you are breaking the law. The left lane is for passing (by law in many states), the middle lane is for driving and the right lane for slower drivers. If more people were just corteous (let 'em in, use your signals and be polite), there would be far less problems with road rage and accidents.

Couple things:

Isn't Texas like Nevada where the driver can carry a drink whiile driving as long as they aren't DRUNK? One hand driving seems to be OK

Outfits like Car Facts list all body repairs thereby lowering the value of your car when some stupid jerk backs into you........

It seems that the number of idiots has grown as the safe and sane stay home

I believe in most states, it's not illegal to drink and drive (does your car have cup holders?), it's illegal to be drunk and drive. Not the same!

A repair is a repair. I'd certainly want to know about an accident before I buy the car, no matter how minor.

This is true, driver's education is either not offered or when it is, they don't teach common courtesy and neither do many parents. "Please and thank you" seem to be more rare every day.

Edited by Amphicar BUYER (see edit history)
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I would like to know where you found information that says in MOST states it isn't illegal to drink and drive. It is my understanding that in MOST states it is illegal to have open containers in your car. If you can't have an open container, then how can you drink and drive, in most states?


Dale in Indy

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I would like to know where you found information that says in MOST states it isn't illegal to drink and drive. It is my understanding that in MOST states it is illegal to have open containers in your car. If you can't have an open container, then how can you drink and drive, in most states?


Dale in Indy

This came from a converstaion with a couple Colorado State Patrol friends. They made the distinction that it's illegal to be drunk not illegal to drink. Open container laws are generally aimed at alcohol based beverages (transporting bottles with the seal broken qualify even if you aren't drinking from it), but can be used as an "adder" for any container as it was explained to me.

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Just to verify, you can not drink (alcohol) and drive in Texas. It's called an open container law, meaning no open booze in the passenger compartment.

W. Va. has the same law. And that doesn't mean that someone can take a swig out of a bottle, put the cap back on and claim it is a closed container. The seal has to be unbroken for it to be a close container.

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I've felt the same way when driving my '56 Karmann Ghia in traffic on a weekend, coming home from a car show. Nothing looms so large in the rear view mirror when driving a car like that than, say, a Lincoln Navigator driven by a half-paying-attention driver, as it gets closer and closer in traffic.

As far as the Ghia goes, thankfully no incident, but that experience has also made me think twice many times since then about taking it out anywhere where I might have to be on the road with the typical distracted SUV driver...

Glad to see there was not more damage to the Miata than what appeared to be shown in the photos.

I'd much rather have to deal with repairing a late-model Miata, however, than a mostly-original '56 Karmann Ghia...

Good luck and hope your wife is able eventually to re-establish her relationship with her beloved little car.

Inattentive, idiot drivers are the main reason that I "exercise" my old cars early on Sunday mornings before the idiots get out of bed.

Over the last few years I have noticed a dramatic increase of others like myself exercising their old cars early on Sunday mornings.

Heck some of the local convenience stores have become mini car shows when people stop to fuel their old cars and/or get some coffee. :)

After a woman ran a red light when I was driving to a car show and a truck dropped flea market junk and tables in front of me driving to another car show, I bought a trailer and tow vehicle. These are just two of a number of close calls that made driving my old cars to events too stressful and not so much fun anymore.

BTW, if the original poster is thinking about adding air horns to his vehicles he might look into adding Train Air Horns to his vehicles if D.O.T laws permit. That will most definitely get the attention of the largest SUV or Pickup. ;)

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This came from a converstaion with a couple Colorado State Patrol friends. They made the distinction that it's illegal to be drunk not illegal to drink. Open container laws are generally aimed at alcohol based beverages (transporting bottles with the seal broken qualify even if you aren't drinking from it), but can be used as an "adder" for any container as it was explained to me.

I was on a jury in a local DWI case and this distinction is true in Texas, it was explained to us by the judge. They have open container laws now but it wasn't that long ago you could stop at the the drive thru beer barns and have a sixer on the seat next to you with an open one in your hand. Not sure if that was allowed everywhere or only in rural areas. When we moved to Texas 20 years ago most of the counties around us were dry, you had to drive a ways to find any alcohol stores but you could drink in bars and restaurants by joining their "club" for a fee.

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Inattentive, idiot drivers are the main reason that I "exercise" my old cars early on Sunday mornings before the idiots get out of bed.

Over the last few years I have noticed a dramatic increase of others like myself exercising their old cars early on Sunday mornings.

Heck some of the local convenience stores have become mini car shows when people stop to fuel their old cars and/or get some coffee. :)

After a woman ran a red light when I was driving to a car show and a truck dropped flea market junk and tables in front of me driving to another car show, I bought a trailer and tow vehicle. These are just two of a number of close calls that made driving my old cars to events too stressful and not so much fun anymore.

BTW, if the original poster is thinking about adding air horns to his vehicles he might look into adding Train Air Horns to his vehicles if D.O.T laws permit. That will most definitely get the attention of the largest SUV or Pickup. ;)

Definitely feel your pain, Charlie!

I am really missing driving a Bug for summer work commuting, though (with my '70 Bug being in the shop for engine issues all summer), and getting excited about my gnarly '69 getting closer to being able to be activated for that task.

I would say that I find the typical grim weekday commuter to be a better driver *in general* than the weekend boobs on the highway--but there are also exceptions to every rule, of course.

Whenever I'm on the highway with my Bug, though, I am fully in "defensive driver mode," and always expect the worst possible moves from other drivers, and maintain as much space and attention as possible at all times.

Edited by stock_steve
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Just a REMINDER,,,,,,,,,,it has been said you DON'T swerve to miss an animal, well, just yesterday late afternoon as my wife and I were headed to our son's home a man coming towards us on a two-lane road SWERVED to miss a small rabbit, and in doing so lost control, and drove into a ditch full of brush. His S-10 truck was nearly buried in the bushes, he got out unhurt, but you could tell he was upset with himself.

He still hit and kill the animal, I know it's hard NOT to swerve, but it would have been better to just let off the gas and slow down. Panic braking would NOT have been a good thing either as there was close traffic behind.

Dale in Indy

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