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Guest windjamer

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An interesting show for sure. Anyone remember the first one, where there was outrage at an apparent taking advantage of a WWII veteran? Lots of nasty comments about them then.

Now, they buy circus banners for $400, get $10,000 for them, and return half the profit to the original owner! They still made big bucks just for being in the right place at the right time, but they didn't have to do that.....

I do wonder how much they make on the show itself (i.e. get paid for being in and part of, or all, the show). Regular "stars" get hundreds of thousands of dollars per episode, surely they get some nice paycheck????.......

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There are lots of videos of the Pickers on YouTube. Just search American Pickers. They show them buying the remnants of a 1939 Ford Woodie, as well as other things we've never seen on the tv program.... check it out...B

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It's a TV SHOW. It's a TV SHOW. It's a TV SHOW. It's written, it's produced, it's directed and edited. It's entertainment. Do I watch it sometimes? Yes. Do I beleive ALL of of it is true, Hell no. Some of it? Maybe..................Bob

So, all of the cars, bikes, signs and assorted collectables/junk are just a part of the show? What, are they all CGI, or are they and the "actors" portraying the sellers placed there in advance? These guys had to make a living before the show came about and they will need to do so after it is history, so I believe it to be a fairly, realistic show. Yeah, not everything is, exactly, as it seems, but the bulk of the show is real

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Guest Silverghost

In one segment they went to an old prison, now filled to the brim with mechanical music machines. It is now home to Gregory Filardo~

I have talked to Greg several times over the years as he & I are both mechanical music machine hoarders/collectors !

I understand the local fire marshall is now on his back as a result of all the clutter seen on TV in that building !

Greg is NOT an actor~


He also never EVER sells anything !

It must have been very painful for him to part with that old Mills Slot Machine, lamp & stop sign !

I guess he sold them just to be featured on the American Pickers "Realty Show" !

Greg also appeared on a TV segment of "Restore America" some years ago~~~

Edited by Silverghost (see edit history)
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The taller of the 2 Pickers was at Hershey 3 years ago with their truck selling "stuff" in the Red Field directly across from our spaces. We joked then that he represented every item he had for sale as coming from a barn in Nebraska. Fun show but obviously scripted and rehearsed. Wouldn't you show more surprise if TV cameras showed up at your front door unannounced? Come on people, it's TV! Does anyone actually believe that a TV crew would agree to just go along for the ride when they "free lance"? Do they carry cash or do these folks happily accept checks from total strangers? Haven't yet seen them buy anything that would pay the expenses for one of those long distance trips. They have overhead, taxes, insurance, mortgages just like the rest of us I would guess. Love the show regardless.

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Guest bofusmosby

We all know that the TV cameras and producers go to the sites and talk to the people, asking them if they would be interested in having themselves on TV selling items. This is a given. Yes, this is a TV show, and many parts are edited out, because they feel it would not be a ratings producer. Some of it is real, but how much remains to be seen. This show is on TV for one reason...ratings! Yes, I do enjoy MOST of the show. One part I didn't like (and I emailed them of this) was when they bought an old grave-marker. This should NOT have been done. That will just give "some" people the incentive to go steel grave goods, only to try to sell them. They messed up BIG TIME on that one.

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Guest Silverghost

Anyone that appears on this, or any other "Reality Show" must sign a legal release before the show can air. I also suspect that the sellers get paid a "scale wage" for their appearance. Only real news programs are exempt !

I agree 100 % with the above grave marker statment !

Very Bad Idea ~~~

What were they thinking ?

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I would also think that there are side deals, and the price paid on screen is not always the true story. There was an episode about a place in Mississippi, and it showed them buying a cafe sign and, if I remember correctly, a couple of visible gas pumps. I happened to be in Jackson, Ms, not long after, talking with the owner of a great architectural "junk" store there. The fellow said he knew the person who had been visited, very well, and the guy NEVER sold anything. He was shocked when he saw the episode with Pickers hauling stuff away. So, I agree, it's entertainment, but edited and scripted to some degree.

OK, who's seen the latest show, about buying storage units at auction? I feel kinda sad about that one, as it depicts people's belongings who apparently couldn't afford to keep paying the rent on the storage, and they find some rare things....but again, probably have to look in 50 units before finding something "air worthy"....and even then, what's to keep them from planting a goodie in a unit before filming?

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The pickers were in Delmont PA back in the summer only a couple miles from my brothers place. That episode is going to air this coming Monday 12/13. Its the first one where Daniele is with them on a pick.

My nephew found out the truck was there and immediately went over. There were only 5 spectators. He was there for about 5 hours with them watching what was going on.

To anyone who thinks this is a big production scripted show, it is not. Its bare bones seat of the pants. They came with a 3 man camera crew and thats it. The home owner had contacted the Pickers because he wanted to get rid of some stuff and thats how the connection was made in this case.

These guys Mike and Frankie are as genuine as the day is long. What you see on TV is what you get in reality. There is no acting. They did have to reshoot some scenes because of unexpected distractions or verbal mistakes but other than that its about as real as you can get for TV. They did bring an extra Uhaul that had stuff in from prior Picks and the camera crew was in that.

After the Pickers were at this place for 6 hours they finally packed up the trucks, tired and dirty. As they drove down the driveway my nephew and handful of spectators were sad they were leaving. Just then the truck stopped and came back, they had ordered pizza for everyone and spent another hour and a half talking to all taking pictures etc. Being only a few locals there they certainly didn't do this for media coverage or a promotional reasons. They did it because they are genuinely good people.




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A friend was on one of the first shows and he said they were at his house for 3 days. I think he generally had a good experience. Even though they didn't give his name, they gave enough information that people have tracked him down and he says he gets visits or phone calls almost every day.

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It's easy to go negative...these days we just assume less than altruistic motives from people we see on TV.

Glad to hear someone give the true inside info, thanks Jason! ...they are just boring old regular folk like us who have a passion for what they do and scored by being able to share it on TV!

Yea, they have to "Doll it up" for TV but it is what is and I for one am glad that we finally, for the first time, have a respectable set of individuals on "Reality TV"

Tuttles anyone? :rolleyes:

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I know they've been to see Sally Barnett, and also a friend of mine up in Wisconsin, John Davidson. He's the guy who sold the antique bicycle (and nothing else). John is probably laughing all the way to the bank. He probably has three more tucked away someplace! Did you notice his spark plug collection in the background? A neat show and one I always try to catch if I can. Terry

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I guess I was negative, I like the show but always wonder if the deals are real.....sounds like those who've had contact with the show say they are for real....that's great...

I retract anything negative stated.....and on with the picking!

One thing I've wondered, though; they once walked into a beautiful collection of stuff, and the guy said that he wanted to sell everything......why don't they just buy it all, at 50% value, or at least make an offer for everything....

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My sister had a 2nd hand store for 20 years in which all inventory was from abandoned storage lockers. I could tell you some good stories! In fact a SIGNIFICANT amount of the things in my house came from thier store. From rolls of cash to a box of dildos, they found about everything you could think of.

I have several friends that were on "reality" shows (2 were on Junkyard Wars). None of them had much in the way of positive things to say. My nephew works in entertainment behind the scenes, There is a lot of creative editing that goes on. What you see is real, but how you see it may not be.

Edited by Amphicar BUYER (see edit history)
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They were at mom's house last year before they had ever aired. ALL of their contacts found them. They do not plan hotels and travel agenda without a fairly sound plan. they are genuinely nice guys and yes, it's all in the editing. I was filmed saying " a man that has one of the three Kellers known is asking a quarter of a million dollars" what they left off was the rest of the sentence where I said " and he's been asking that for thirty years". The price they paid - $100 for a sign from the scrap pile was fair and true. They devoted an entire day and were a lot of fun and really into the rare toys with stories. I know why every thread about these guys turns negative for a bit... We're jealous. Talk about a great job!!!! They don't know cars as well as they know what a friend calls Cracker Barrel decorations but are good guys who truly know how well they have it!!

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I guess I was negative, I like the show but always wonder if the deals are real.....sounds like those who've had contact with the show say they are for real....that's great...

I retract anything negative stated.....and on with the picking!

Don't get me wrong....I was actually referring to myself when I said "Its easy to go negative...."

We see so much true crap these days from TV............how can one not.

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Great show but my point is valid. I don't think they could possiblu cover expenses and make a profit with the few purchases they make. Maybe as a sideline business if they stay mostly local. In my mind that's the only part of the show that isn't realistic. Just like OCCs cycle business prior to their stardom was supported by their large sheetmetal business. I would be interested in knowing what their "real" jobs were and would love to see them as guest speakers at say Wednesday Night at the Museum during Hershey week. I'm sure they have amusing (and possibly terrifying) stories they can't tell on TV.

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I have been waiting for Tom Laferriere to chime in. It is funny that while this discussion has been going on, according to facebook, Laferriere Classic Cars was enjoying a visit with the American Pickers. Hopefully he will have something to add after he gets back home.

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As far as making a living doing this, I believe that what is seen on the show are only the highlights of the picking. Someone made a comment that the camera crew was in another vehicle, towing a trailer with more "picks." So, they're only showing the real interesting stuff on the show, yet they're buying much more.

Marty, I've been "picked" before, by an expert, fellow named Joe Chris in New Orleans. For example, I had a really nice porcelain sign collection hanging in my warehouse in Louisiana. He came by one day, asked if they were for sale. I said no, not really. He asked, OK, understood, but if you DID sell them, what would you ask? I named a really high price, and he said OK, I'll take them.....as I stammered, finally realized that it was such a good price, he liked them more than me, loaded them up.....so it happens!

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Guest Silverghost

Dad's "PICKER" Horror Story ~~~

There is a brass-era car "picker" guy that some of you here may know~~

He lives in UT./Nevada areas and shall remain nameless ~

My late father had a collection of 37 mostly brass-era autos at this time~ He had been collecting since before WW II .

He had some very rare Brass-Era autos !

A guy called my then 85 year old father at noon one day and said he was going to be in the area~~ " I'd like to stop by and see your cars, I am a Collector too~~~ Would you consider selling any ?" This was on a Friday ~~~

Dad knew by reputation that this guy was a "Picker/ Flipper" that tried to rip-off elderly Brass Auto Collectors, and thier widows & family~

He often goes after old cars from widows just after their car collector husband dies~

While they are still upset !

I never heard of a "Picker" before !

Dad told him flatly NO !

I do not know you~~~

You Cannot see MY collection!

Dad & I later went out to dinner~

We got home at 6:00 PM.

A half hour later the doorbell rang~~

Dad looked out an upstairs window to see a Dual wheel Pick-up with a long NASCAR style red & white fifth wheel car trailer.

Dad knew immediately who this was~~~

I did not !

Dad then told me about him !

He had ripped-off several of Dad's old car friends, and their widows in the past.

Dad & I did not answer our door~

This guy rang Dad's phone and left messages on Dad's Answering machine~~~

Dad was upset and MAD !

He said to me~~~

"Let's see what this guy does next~~~He has some nerve comming here uninvited when I told him not to !!!"

"This guy will not take NO for an answer !"

I wanted to call the Police to chase this guy~

Dad stopped me!

Beleieve it or not this guy sat outside Dad's house until 11;00 PM in that truck !

Finally he drove away...

The next day our neighbor came over and said a guy came around knocked at our door early last night looking for your Dad~~~

He had a big truck & trailer~~~

Jump ahead to 5:00 PM Sat night~

This clown arrives again and rings Dad's doorbell~

Same story~~~ This Sat. night he sat outside until 10:00 PM~~~ He also rang the phone a half dozen times...

WE never answered !

Jump ahead again to Monday Noon~

The phone rings~~

Dad answers~

This is the same picker~~~

"Can I come around today?"

Dad replys~~~"NO YOU CANNOT ~~

You were here sitting outside my home all Friday night until 11;00 PM

And again you were outside on Sat night~~~

You also bothered my neighbors~~

Now I want you to KNOW that we were HERE ALL NIGHT while you were sitting outside~

If you come around again I will have you arrested !!!"

Dad later heard from brass car friends that this "Picker" had driven to noted Brass-Era Car Dealer Don Meyer (The Brighton Connection") in NJ and delivered some of his latest Brass-Era Car "Picks" that very week.

Don was NOT involved in this fiasco~~~

As far as we know ?

We know Don~

He is not a bad guy ~

He sells a lot of brass-era autos~

Never heard a bad word about Don or his auto dealings !

He often uses this "Picker" to transport cars all around the country for him.

This is the first time I had ever heard of a "Picker" !

Dad at 85 was sharp as a tack : and wise to this guy's past dealings.

We suspect because of Dad's age, and the fact that he just had a stroke, this "Picker" saw a big oportunity to hit the jackpot mother load !

What an experience~~~

If you have a valuable Antique car~~~


They are NOT all nice innocent guys !!!

This guy travels all around the country.

He has regular customers who buy his "Picked" cars.

His big trailer has a heated sleeper section up front.

He also transports cars and parts across the USA while also "Picking".

This guy waves cash in front of your face and buys for a fraction of what the autos really worth.

He will stay there all day & camp-out and work on you to try to wear you down ~~

He is also a slick charmer !

Don't fall for this tactic~

He deals mostly with the elderly Brass -Era collectors.

He also buys Mechanical Music Machnes, Coin Operated Pianos , Orchestrions, Band Organs, Jukeboxes, phonographs, arcade machines etc.~~~

We collect those also !

We suspected that he had some of these auto "Picks" sold before he ever bought them !

Pick-to-order so to speak.

He uses various club membership directory listings of cars and their owners to find his "Picks" along with tips he gets.

He pays "Finders Fees"

for car find tips.

This is the main reason Dad & I have kept a very low profile within the Antique & Classic Car collector commuity all these decades !

I have been involved in this hobby all my life~

55 years~

Dad & his Uncle started in this hobby in the mid 1930s !

If you wish to know this Picker's name PM, Email, or call me !

I will NOT post his name~~~

But~ If you contact me directly I WILL tell you his name and more about his many dealings !

He sells mostly to Foreign Car Dealers, USA Dealers, & Mega-Collectors !

These Dealers then mark-up the price they pay dramatically for re-sale !

We know the Antique & Classic car Dealers he sells his "Picks" to.

So Do YOU !

They are his regular customers!

Ever wonder how the same large dealers we all know get all the rare valuable autos to sell all the time ?

They get all the great & rare stuff !

From "Pickers" like this clown !

Money Talks in his business!

He used to be a Bail Bondsman & Bounty Hunter in his younger days !

We heard he was a very rough customer!

He is also supposedly a Brass-Era Collector himself !

Or at least that's his "story" !

He tells the potential seller that HE wants a specific car for HIS OWN COLLECTION !

"He would take good care of it for you ! "


He wants to "flip-it" and cash in big-time !



I have no respect nor time for "Pickers !"

They take great advantage of people~

They try to steal you good items and leave the rest~

Some "Pickers" and Dealers will buy your entire collection for a fraction of what it's worth ! Before you really can calculate it's entire REAL true value !

How would you feel if you sold your Antique auto that you restored and had owned for 30-40 years to a "Picker" ; and a month or two later saw it listed For Sale by a Dealer for 5-6 X times what you sold it to that "Picker" for ?

In MY opiion~

They are Leeches & bottom feeders !

They don't really have a true Love for these old auto art objects like most of us true collectors do !

Just a way to make BIG $$$ MONEY FAST to them !

They well sell Cars, Orchestrions & Music Machines, Art, Antiques, almost anything for a Big Fast Buck !

I thought I would give the other Darker side to the "Picker" story.

It's not all fun and games in real life "Reality"

Do any of you have a similar "Picker" story to tell ?

I suspect there are more tales like this one in our Old Car hobby !

Edited by Silverghost (see edit history)
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Mike of the AmPic pair may not know anything about automobiles, but when he states that he loves motorcycles (or enginecycles, as another thread discussed), he's not kidding. Go to their website and look at Mike's Bikes..............


I know of an older gentleman who had a very rare early twenties car, and a beautiful early motorcycle complete with sidecar. One day, a fellow towing a trailer "broke down" on the road in front of his house, and the fellow knocked on the door seeking assistance. He ended up looking at car and cycle, asked if they were for sale and price, and bought them. Turns out he was a dealer in antique and classic cars. Can't fault him, he paid the price requested.....but what a curious "break down...."

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We see so much true crap these days from TV............how can one not.

LOL... A couple of cocktails and some episodes of "The Bad Girls Club" Now that is gutter entertainment at it's finest. :D Dandy Dave!

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Dave (trimacar),

Good morning, you brought up one of the many bad car collecting experiences I have had. The guy who "broke down" still has the early 1920's car advertised for sale but it has been sold. He got it at a good price and put it up for sale at four times that. Another one I missed goes into the books.

At least on the pickers show they seem to not go nuts with the resale prices. They put a fair price on the item. As some of you have noted that this is a TV show so who really knows. I like to watch it anyway.


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I should have bought that '20's car, could have gotten it at the price the dealer paid. There was another interesting story on that car. Belonged to a good friend of mine, he'd had it for a long time. He told me the story that he had a guy interested in it, sent pictures, the guy said he'd buy it, and came to look at it. Drove up in the owner's driveway in his Jaguar, parked in front of the garage, got out, and carefully locked the car and made sure it was locked. Owner of the old car got PO'd, asked him what did you think, I was going to steal your Jaguar while you looked at the Gogomobile???? Got so mad he sent the prospective buyer away, saying he wouldn't sell to him!

Didn't know it had sold....was a great car....one I missed too, and it was right there for the taking....

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