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Raise your hand if you drove at least one old Buick this weekend


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Today we gave the '37 Roadmaster a brisk drive through River Ridge and Kenner, LA, and then stopped for a fresh tank of No-Ethanol before driving home.

Skies were blue and clear with temperature in the low 70s. 


The bride-to-be and her parents will be riding together to the church, so we tried out the Roadmaster to ensure that Sarah in her big wedding gown (with long train and veil) still had enough room, sharing the back seat with both parents - all was comfy for them. I had offered her the '30 Packard 7-passenger Touring, but she prefers the BLACK & WHITE ROADMASTER.


This bride has "CLASS" !




Edited by Marty Roth (see edit history)
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 I took the '41 Rodamaster out for a short scoot around the neighborhood Fri. night. Its' been very nice for this time of year, and I wanted to get another drive in as its' supposed to be getting colder this weekend, and there is the possibility of salt on the roads again.

 I cannot ever remember having one of my vintage cars out this late in the year, and though it will be cold and with snow flurries this weekend, its' supposed to warm up again next week.

 So, I've been playing White Christmas on the piano today, and I said to my wife that the this might be the closest to an actual White Christmas the we're going to get. Also, do you know that the popular rendition we always hear is only half the song that the Irving Berlin wrote?


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Sarah's Wedding was last night, and she was a beautiful bride. Her parents (our next-door neighbors) hosted a marvelous reception in New Orleans City Park at the Pavilion of the Two Sisters, following the ceremony at a magnificent old church on Esplanade Avenue.


Sarah's choice was the black & white Roadmaster. It was a brisk night - only about 58 degrees - and the big Buick was on her best behavior.


We had a Police Motorcycle Escort the entire length of Metairie Road all the way to New Orleans, up Canal Boulevard, and over Bayou St. John onto Esplanade Ave. Following the wedding, the Roadmaster made her U-Turn on Esplanade, crossed the Bayou once more, and was escorted by two Police Motorcycles right through "Celebration in the Oaks", the big New Orleans Holiday Season Light Show, right to the wedding reception, and given THE prestige parking spot at the entrance (instead of the indignity of the reserved parking lot) to the pavilion where Louisiana Spice, a 10-piece band performed. Dale and I even got dance, eat, dance, eat some more, before heading back home. The big Roadmaster was right at home, sparkling while cruising west on Interstate-10, and got lots of "thumbs-up" from some of her younger cousins with their plastic bumpers and melted ice cube shapes.








Edited by Marty Roth (see edit history)
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 So, I've been playing White Christmas on the piano today, and I said to my wife that the this might be the closest to an actual White Christmas the we're going to get. Also, do you know that the popular rendition we always hear is only half the song that the Irving Berlin wrote?


Keith, I have seen the missing lyrics and know that the intro is usually omitted, but have never heard the complete original version played and sung....looks like a YouTube video for you to do :D.

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December 19th in western Mew York.


Someplace Dwight KNows.



Brrrrrrrrr, cold and windy!



After lunch heading home on a side road with Lake Ontario vaguely on the horizon



BTW, I got the Rat Fink from Ed Roth. It used to hang from the mirror of my Jaguar. What better place for a rat than inside a cat. Cat's gone; the rat and memories of talking with Ed stay on.



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 looks like a YouTube video for you to do :D.


 Actually, I might consider it. I'm a decent player, but the nerves get me when I try and perform, though just for the camera might work. My daughter is a good vocalist so it might be a neat duet for us to do. The thing is, the famous chorus makes more sense when you hear the first part. As he's stuck in LA, and is "dreaming" of the White Christmas.

 I'll post a link if/when we do it.


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It's not the weekend yet, but YES I finally drove a Buick! The stromberg 97 dual carb linkage parts had arrived when I got home from work this evening and after installing them I fired up a motor in the car for the first time since 1956! Also I learned that Buick distributor rotors spin counterclockwise... I threw a chunk of 8"x12" beam on the floor and backed out of the garage and down the driveway, since it's dark outside and there is no electrical in the car yet I just drove back into the garage.


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I usually drive daily in one of mine for 10-50 miles.  Any drive in a Buick is pleasant, but yesterday 3 things happened that should not happen in late December:  killing bugs; running the A/C; vapor lock.  The heater cables are frozen from disuse...may fix them if I ever need the heater.

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I drove my 1937 Buick Century to my mother in law's house for Christmas Dinner. Today's high temperature was 80. It was a nice drive. If it had been any warmer, I would have driven something with air conditioning. 

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 I had the '41 Roadmaster out to take my Mother in Law home last night. Such a pleasant evening with the heater and defroster keeping us all very cosy. I don't think that it would in the temps we often times get this time of year, but it was just about at the freezing point last night, and so nice to get into the the warm car after being out in the chill for a bit.

 Just an aside, the reason the '41 is getting all the use is because my other two ('56 and '69) are in storage at my friend's place, an hour's drive out of town so there're not very accessible.


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Must have been nice Keith! Wish I could have seen that.  But I did get the 56 out for Church and to make a visit to a good friend who is in a rehabilitation hospital for over a year now, due to a severe stroke.  As with you, due to the nice weather her family had her sitting outside the hospital in the warm sunshine.  I do feel sorry for those folks who were, and are, getting hammered with severe weather down south.  I hope all's well with our friends in that area.

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 Thanks, John. I have heard of some serious weather in some parts of the US, and Western Canada is apparently as much below normal, as we are above normal.

 So, my best wishes and prayers go out to all those facing such challenges.

 Just 2 years ago we had a major ice storm here in Toronto, our house was without power for just over 2 days, it came on late Christmas Eve, as we were evaluating whether or not to spend another night in the house without heat, and we heard the furnace start up, but some folks in the city were without power for more than a week.


Edited by Buicknutty (see edit history)
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Looks like great memories for everyone.  Nice Job.

Thanks Larry,


Sarah, her groom, and her parents were overwhelmed at the perfection of the evening. The guests couldn't stop complementing the Buick, and the motorcycle officers gave us exceptional courtesy. Even the throngs in the park on our way to the reception were very appreciative of seeing this (all-original survivor) Roadmaster. She looks even better at night with the lights hiding her battle scars from years of parade service and ticker-tape for Fiorello with FDR, Truman, Ike, Churchill, MacArthur, etc.


The Roadmaster helped make great memories for not only the couple and their parents, but for many guests who traveled from California to attend. 


Truly an event we'll remember - and we got to do something special for our next-door neighbors that they, and their family, will remember for a long time. It is a good feeling.


We're still in the 80s with overnight lows down in the lower 70s. It doesn't feel like Christmas!

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January 30, 45 degrees, sunny and dry in northern IL, Sam had the great idea of running the 60 to the grocery store.  We took a roundabout way just to give him some exercise and loved every second.   He fired right up and ran great, turning heads the whole way.  Grand fun even if it was less than 10 miles!  Thanks El Nino!

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Between the recent snow storms here on long island, then the fairly heavy rain to wash the snow and salt on the road away we had one day or so before the next snowfall. I did get my 1940 Roadmaster 71-C out for a couple of miles drive but thats about it. That car has a great heater and it keeps one toasty warm but the car stays in the garage when the ice, and salt go down on the road.

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 Since we had a day or so of rain last week, the salt has now been washed down to Lake Ontario for the fish to enjoy. So I had the '41 out, and to use its' full name, it is a1941 McLaughlin Buick Roadmaster Coupe, we took it out to a local restaurant for breakfast ( for us, not the Buick) and then later this afternoon I had it out for a longer drive, and gave it some fresh gas.

 That will be all the driving in it for a while again, as we are expecting snow off and on for the next few days, then some brutally cold weather. The cold doesn't bother me, but all that salt which will be on the road does.

 I think that it has been many decades since my car was driven on the road in February!


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I was right besides you Keith.  Got 20 miles on the 56 this AM, going to Church and then a few errands.  Then did 12 on the GS this afternoon.  I did not want to drive the Queen across the lawn but I did get her running for 20 minutes in the castle. I cannot think of any time I drove them in February, except maybe for the one mile loop around the block.

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