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For Sale (Not Mine) 1932 Pontiac 2 door sedan, $20k, Preston, CT

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I know the ad, which shows up every year like daffodils in the spring time. 

I haven’t bothered to read his ad in a few years, but I remember some nonsense about a hill. And the hostility! You are right on about that one. I’m not far away but I have no interest in checking this one out. 

It looks like a decent car if I remember right. But the pics are probably many years old. Who knows what kind of shape it’s in now. 

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Ad text for context, sounds like a great guy! 😉 


I do not have time to bs with other older cranky people, curmudgeons like me, I am not well, I do not want friends, I do not want to talk to old dudes about old cars and trucks, so go bother your old wife

I no longer drive any vehicles, back, neck, hip, knee problems, spinal stenosis, every else still works fine

Sadly I have to include the following, no I will not accept ebt or section 8 or any of form of ST or FED assistance you may be receiving as a partial down payment, that would be illegal
GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GET A JOB AND PAY your own rent, TAXES, pay for your own food LIKE EVERYONE ELSE
So, now that I have offended 1/2 the people reading this, 🙂

63500 original miles
I have owned the car since 1987
As far as I am aware I am the 3rd owner
If you feel the price is high too bad as I am in no hurry to sell, I do not need the money, this a Pontiac, not a common Ford
The car has been in a heated, air conditioned, humidity controlled garage since 1988

Due to raising my son and caring for family member and now my own back problems the car has not been started for a few years so you are not going to start this car go and go for a ride and get ice cream. The car will need the usual tlc a vintage car requires that has been sitting
The car does not leave my property until paid in full cash, not a check, not, "your word is as good as cash", no it is not
I want money, paper with pictures of old dead white men, mostly presidents and/or Ben Franklin

A few friends along the years have wanted the car then they married women who grew into ugly hags, had kids, got fat, and are now broke and miserable
As for me I a far right conservative republican curmudgeon, so do not contact me to talk cars and be my buddy, I do not want friends, I do not have friends, so you are out of luck

I reside in the country on a mountain, so the car is not good for these back roads and my driveway
I AM BUSY, I still work long days, so NO broke woke BUMS PLEASE
And while I am at it, as for a student loan debt goes
Business 101
you borrowed the money
you pay it back
how, you get a job
student loan crisis fixed,

Happy Holidays, SHALOM, ciao, Namaste, Peace on earth, Peace be with you, family


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And, in all the bs and hostility, a couple of well stated facts about our economy!


If the price were 10k, and in the condition pictured, it would be worth dealing with him.  But, it’s not, it’s not, and it’s not.

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Attitide aside (someone from CT with an attitude? Oh my!! 😀😀) his price is for a sorted car.  Not sure it is more desirable than a Model A as the trade off in power and something a little unusual vs. Support sort of evens things out especially on a non runner.  How long?  Does one dare ask? 

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I don't need all the personal history in the ad, but I can sympathize with him not wanting to just shoot the breeze with someone about cars, which definitely happens. People come in my shop all the time and try to download 50 years of their car experiences on me all at once. A guy yesterday consumed almost three hours of my time (he was here to look at an El Camino) with meandering stories about his moving company, his son's bronchitis, how he tried to buy a house in Colorado, a long story about a traffic stop and the gun he'd just bought, how he bought mulch at Home Depot instead of in bulk because it's cheaper, about bull deer and how you shouldn't get between a male and female when the female is "rutting," how his wife hated his Excursion but liked the Z3 he bought her, and how he just bought a new F350 that tows like a dream but he hates the "DEF nonsense." He talked so much and so fast I couldn't even find a way to break it off and move on. I bet we didn't exchange more than 100 words about the El Camino he was there to see. I just had to stand there and listen as politely as I could. It's torturous and it happens all the time, both in person and on the phone. I totally get why this guy in the ad has had enough of it. People don't even seem to realize they're doing it, but it's a very real thing, I assure you.


The only thing worse is old guys pulling out their iPhones and incompetently stabbing at them trying to find some ancient picture to show me.

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10 minutes ago, Matt Harwood said:

I don't need all the personal history in the ad, but I can sympathize with him not wanting to just shoot the breeze with someone about cars, which definitely happens. People come in my shop all the time and try to download 50 years of their car experiences on me all at once. A guy yesterday consumed almost three hours of my time (he was here to look at an El Camino) with meandering stories about his moving company, his son's bronchitis, how he tried to buy a house in Colorado, a long story about a traffic stop and the gun he'd just bought, how he bought mulch at Home Depot instead of in bulk because it's cheaper, about bull deer and how you shouldn't get between a male and female when the female is "rutting," how his wife hated his Excursion but liked the Z3 he bought her, and how he just bought a new F350 that tows like a dream but he hates the "DEF nonsense." He talked so much and so fast I couldn't even find a way to break it off and move on. I bet we didn't exchange more than 100 words about the El Camino he was there to see. I just had to stand there and listen as politely as I could. It's torturous and it happens all the time, both in person and on the phone. I totally get why this guy in the ad has had enough of it. People don't even seem to realize they're doing it, but it's a very real thing, I assure you.


The only thing worse is old guys pulling out their iPhones and incompetently stabbing at them trying to find some ancient picture to show me.


I'm sympathetic to your situation as I've seen this in person and it blows my mind.  People are so socially awkward that they think a guy that sells cars for living would love to spend the next 30 minutes listening to some guy's car stories as opposed to selling him a car. 


How often are you selling a car and the caller doesn't want to buy the car but instead tell you how they owned a similar car 30 years ago?

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14 minutes ago, Matt Harwood said:

The only thing worse is old guys pulling out their iPhones and incompetently stabbing at them trying to find some ancient picture to show me.



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5 minutes ago, alsancle said:


I'm sympathetic to your situation as I've seen this in person and it blows my mind.  People are so socially awkward that they think a guy that sells cars for living would love to spend the next 30 minutes listening to some guy's car stories as opposed to selling him a car. 


How often are you selling a car and the caller doesn't want to buy the car but instead tell you how they owned a similar car 30 years ago?


Once a week, maybe?

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Just now, Matt Harwood said:


Once a week, maybe?


I'll bet the "wasted time" phone calls are closer to once a day?   People think selling cars is easy.   This for sale ad shows what trying to sell an antique car does to your personality.


Btw,  I like this car a lot of you throw the wheels in a dumpster.

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48 minutes ago, Matt Harwood said:

I don't need all the personal history in the ad, but I can sympathize with him not wanting to just shoot the breeze with someone about cars, which definitely happens. People come in my shop all the time and try to download 50 years of their car experiences on me all at once. A guy yesterday consumed almost three hours of my time (he was here to look at an El Camino) with meandering stories about his moving company, his son's bronchitis, how he tried to buy a house in Colorado, a long story about a traffic stop and the gun he'd just bought, how he bought mulch at Home Depot instead of in bulk because it's cheaper, about bull deer and how you shouldn't get between a male and female when the female is "rutting," how his wife hated his Excursion but liked the Z3 he bought her, and how he just bought a new F350 that tows like a dream but he hates the "DEF nonsense." He talked so much and so fast I couldn't even find a way to break it off and move on. I bet we didn't exchange more than 100 words about the El Camino he was there to see. I just had to stand there and listen as politely as I could. It's torturous and it happens all the time, both in person and on the phone. I totally get why this guy in the ad has had enough of it. People don't even seem to realize they're doing it, but it's a very real thing, I assure you.


The only thing worse is old guys pulling out their iPhones and incompetently stabbing at them trying to find some ancient picture to show me.

You have to read between the lines. He is telling you, you should move, or you are going to have trouble breathing. He knows about you and his wife, and he has filled his truck with needed supplies. 😳

Edited by Xander Wildeisen (see edit history)
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Grouchy, rambling, pointless, self-absorbed, endless tales about their self-made miserable lives: a sure sign of the ravages of old age.    Having to politely listen to it is an occupational hazard of having to deal with the general public in any profession.

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No different on the building or restoration end. Probably worse. People coming in to talk about a project. Or have you spend your time looking at their car. And they are just buddies with another shop, wasting your time. It is hard not to become short with people, and that looks like you have no interest in the person you are talking to. Can really hurt a small business where time is money.

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Of course it could be you show up to buy this car and guy talks your ear off for hours once determinig your worthy... Especially if you bring long green.


"I told her I had the rent and she was so nice, I mean she was lovey dovey"...

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This is definitely "in there" for the worst ad ever, and as we know...it's a very competitive category! 

Kinda makes me want to get a wad of cash, a shaggy wig and a save the whales tee shirt and go see him....

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1 hour ago, parrts said:

"It doesn't cost anything to be nice."

It does if you're running a business and the supposed customer is inconsiderate enough to waste your time.  No reason you cant say you have a business call to make, cut off the conversation "nicely" and go into your office or around back and call your wife  --- or fake it. Time, money, patience, and aggravation saved.

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19 hours ago, Dave Wells said:

It does if you're running a business and the supposed customer is inconsiderate enough to waste your time.  No reason you cant say you have a business call to make, cut off the conversation "nicely" and go into your office or around back and call your wife  --- or fake it. Time, money, patience, and aggravation saved.

I've done this I hate to say.

But my business dealt with alot of fishermen. And they all have their own fish stories.

I trained the help to help me out on occasion.

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Sounds like an ad my father in law wouldve written when he was alive. I would love to meet this guy. IF I had 15k in cash I bet I would be driving away with that car on my trailer. I have a knack for cumudgeonly old dudes. Not sure what it is, maybe I can relate (LOL) or maybe I just throw off the scent. Same thing with dogs 😄 They all love me.


Matt I can understand your frustration dealing with PIA customers,  but I suppose you dont know if after all of the BS they will be likely to drop a wad of cash and walk away with a new to them car. Something Pop used to say to me, dont try to piss anyone off, you  never know if they might be your next customer.

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9 minutes ago, TAKerry said:

Matt I can understand your frustration dealing with PIA customers,  but I suppose you dont know if after all of the BS they will be likely to drop a wad of cash and walk away with a new to them car. Something Pop used to say to me, dont try to piss anyone off, you  never know if they might be your next customer.


Yes, I always smile and I'm polite and I try to make every visitor feel welcome in our shop. There's no alternative and we do indeed care about people having a good experience. It's just that the smiling on the outside is sometimes concealing screaming on the inside. I don't ever take it out on the customers--I'm invariably friendly (until it's time to not be friendly, but that's only happened a handful of times).

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A young couple dropped into my boat dealership and were looking at a real nice jet boat. This is back when these were popular.

One of those low sleek jobs with lots of metalflake and a big chrome engine and loud pipes. It was a consignment and the ask was right up there.

They were driving a beat to s**t old pick up that literally stank.

As I approached this couple I noticed that they were filthy and stank as well.

I cringed when the wife wanted to climb into the boat to see what it was like.

When she was in there she invited the husband to join her. UGH.

They climbed back out and said, "we just sold a truck load of hogs and we will buy this boat".

She handed me several thousand in cash and I handed over the title.

We hooked the boat up to their beater pick up and I never saw them again. This all took less than a half an hour.

Point is, you never know who is serious and who is not.

it's the rich guys driving new vehicles that seemed to waste the most of my time.


The harder one works and most time spent to make the sale are the least profitable.

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1 hour ago, JACK M said:

A young couple dropped into my boat dealership and were looking at a real nice jet boat. This is back when these were popular.

One of those low sleek jobs with lots of metalflake and a big chrome engine and loud pipes. It was a consignment and the ask was right up there.

They were driving a beat to s**t old pick up that literally stank.

As I approached this couple I noticed that they were filthy and stank as well.

I cringed when the wife wanted to climb into the boat to see what it was like.

When she was in there she invited the husband to join her. UGH.

They climbed back out and said, "we just sold a truck load of hogs and we will buy this boat".

She handed me several thousand in cash and I handed over the title.

We hooked the boat up to their beater pick up and I never saw them again. This all took less than a half an hour.

Point is, you never know who is serious and who is not.

it's the rich guys driving new vehicles that seemed to waste the most of my time.


The harder one works and most time spent to make the sale are the least profitable.

I think you are making a slightly different point which is don't judge a book by its cover.   I'm willing to bet Matt knows how serious a buyer is within 5-10 minutes.   There will be exceptions to the rule I guess which would make your point valid.

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Being that I usually had around fifty to a hundred boats on a very visible lot, (on a very high volume arterial in the city limits at 30 mph) I got lots of wannabees. You have to be nice to all of them,





Edited by JACK M (see edit history)
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You'd be surprised at how many people out here in Buffalo Flats are millionaires and look like the standard old farmers they started out as. They may have brand new Vehicles setting in the garage but prefer to drive the old Cheyanne pickup that still fits like a glove and is simple to operate. 

Many young sales people have learned that lesson the hard way. 



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Along those lines I know several people that fit that profile. 

My brother's best friend in HS inherited a LOT of money when he turned 18. At the time he was driving an early 60's continental. First thing he did with the money was to buy a new Lincoln town car. He went to several dealers before anyone would even give him the time of day. He did look like a dirty hippie though! lol. Over the years his appearance didnt change much, but personally he was the nicest guy one could ever meet and would give you the shirt off his back. And yes, after spending a year in Miami, buying a boat and what else you can imagine he was broke! 

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  • 6 months later...
37 minutes ago, Gearheadengineer said:

It’s back. Same stupid price, same stupid ad. 





He's been posting it about twice a year for the last 12-15 years.  Same price the whole time.  Each time the "grumpy old man" bile gets added to.  Is the student loan stuff new?

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9 hours ago, cjmarzoli said:

He's been posting it about twice a year for the last 12-15 years.  Same price the whole time.

Should be a quick sale in 2038...  :unsure:

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12 hours ago, cjmarzoli said:

Is the student loan stuff new?

I think I’ve seen it one time before, but it was definitely added somewhere along the way. 

I realize now that my post last night was full on “grumpy middle-aged man”. 😳 I normally wouldn’t be that harsh. I do wonder if this guy really wants to sell the car or if someone is pressuring him to advertise it. Maybe I should call him and try to get the real story. Or maybe not…

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2 hours ago, Gearheadengineer said:

I think I’ve seen it one time before, but it was definitely added somewhere along the way. 

I realize now that my post last night was full on “grumpy middle-aged man”. 😳 I normally wouldn’t be that harsh. I do wonder if this guy really wants to sell the car or if someone is pressuring him to advertise it. Maybe I should call him and try to get the real story. Or maybe not…

You didn't sound grumpy, just the seller.  Sounds like he's elderly, in ill health, can't use it, needs the money, has a sick son, etc.  You'd think he'd want to get a fair price and move it out.    Between the price and his attitude, it's scaring everyone away.  The price isn't that nuts as a starting point but it should not be firm.  I could see it bringing mid to high teens if it was nicely done which it appears to be.  But its been sitting so long, it will surely need some attention and not be "turn key".    If he doesn't sell it, his descendants may later, for pennies on the dollar.

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Please " flag" this persons ad on craiglist, like a two year old child, he needs limits, and a "time out"  he is a bully, and only way a bully learns is a pyhiscal lesson! 

I flagged his ad, 

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