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This one is for Ed - the Doctor of Motors

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Unless there is a section on the proper consumption of Crown, it's not a book Ed would read.

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7 hours ago, Grimy said:

Ed wrote the book on that topic!  🙂


Gorge....I'm a connoisseur of all things Rye Whisky...........well, certainly more sewer than conna. 😎


I tend to swill.....and not sip. 

Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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Wow, that brought back a memory.  In 1968 or 69 we took a test in the automotive program at Ferris State to get a certificate for the Perfect Circle Doctor of Motors.  Yes, I got one, which will be shocking to Ed but I never saw this manual.  Interested in selling?  It would eventually end up in our library here. PM me if you care to let it go.

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2 hours ago, edinmass said:


Gorge....I'm a connoisseur of all things Rye Whisky...........well, certainly more sewer than conna. 😎


I tend to swill.....and not sip. 

Ed, I call myself a commonsewer of certain beverages...feel free to use the term which I haven't copyrighted.  🙂

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Well, as my hero W. C. Fields would say, " It is well to remember that there are five reasons for drinking: the arrival of a friend, one's present or future thirst, the excellence of the Rye Whiskey, or any other reason."


Personally, I only drink when I'm alone or with people, not sure about Ed....


I have a car I'm working on now which is driving me to drink, and it's a very short trip...

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5 hours ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

Wow, that brought back a memory.  In 1968 or 69 we took a test in the automotive program at Ferris State to get a certificate for the Perfect Circle Doctor of Motors.  Yes, I got one, which will be shocking to Ed but I never saw this manual.  Interested in selling?  It would eventually end up in our library here. PM me if you care to let it go.



Just PM your address and it will be on the way.  Least I can do for all that you do for us here.  THANK YOU!  NOW TO FIND A CERTIFICATE!



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4 hours ago, coachJC said:

Ed's fridge

crown royal.jpg


My only question is......who drank all my Crown and left the fridge half full? 😎


Little known fact.....I only drink to make people more interesting! 




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11 hours ago, Grimy said:

Ed wrote the book on that topic!  🙂


Got the Pulitzer Prize for alcohol consumption of Canada's finest export. 

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Ed, remove any sharp objects from reach and sit down before you read this: My father-in-law, my wife and her sister are not drinkers. It was not easy for me to get a sober woman to date me let alone marry me, but that is a different story. At one time, my father-in-law worked for a company that gave employees a bonus check every Christmas along with one of those fancy baked hams and a gift bottle of Crown Royal. After He passed away, my wife and her sister were clearing out his house and found 16 unopened bottles of CR, still in the gift boxes, in a bottom kitchen cupboard.  He hadn't worked there for 30-some years so the girls thought that whisky spoils after 30-46 years, so it all got poured down the drain without calling me or my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law and will never forgive our wives.

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3 minutes ago, jdome said:

Ed, remove any sharp objects from reach and sit down before you read this: My father-in-law, my wife and her sister are not drinkers. It was not easy for me to get a sober woman to date me let alone marry me, but that is a different story. At one time, my father-in-law worked for a company that gave employees a bonus check every Christmas along with one of those fancy baked hams and a gift bottle of Crown Royal. After He passed away, my wife and her sister were clearing out his house and found 16 unopened bottles of CR, still in the gift boxes, in a bottom kitchen cupboard.  He hadn't worked there for 30-some years so the girls thought that whisky spoils after 30-46 years, so it all got poured down the drain without calling me or my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law and will never forgive our wives.


!!!! OMG

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One of the things I like about being a member of this forum is I discover people stranger than me.  This gives me more self esteem at no cost.  Kind of  like visiting  a "On-Line" shrink.

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Fortunately, there’s a lot of us normal people here……….. it’s the eccentrics that I find entertaining.😝

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image.png.d93160b43a9482f49481396ef13bd16b.png Crown Royal Limited is the Cadillac of whiskey ......Crown Royal dosnt offer it outside Canada for sale......i may have to pack some when shopping down south for vintage parts 

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4 hours ago, arcticbuicks said:

image.png.d93160b43a9482f49481396ef13bd16b.png Crown Royal Limited is the Cadillac of whiskey ......Crown Royal dosnt offer it outside Canada for sale.

About 35-40 years ago I had a coaster that said "Drink Canada Dry".

Me and a buddy took the challenge but didn't make it to far. We were taken back across the boarder after only the second bar, we were told not to come back.

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Hummmm all this discussion of adult beverage - Rye - as in Catcher in the Rye? I like Canada but like Terry Bond my preference is for whiskey of the Scottish decent - the same stuff my grandfather consumed, and so did Austin Clark before anything else - on the label is two terrier dogs one black and one white - and old WASP drink.  When I first met Austin it was in November of the year and I went to his house in Glen Cove NY on the north shore. He greeted me with " Well the sun is over the yard arm, and it is getting frosty outdoors , I'd like to give you a drink to thaw things out a bit" My Dad was with me and when Austin pulled out the bottle of scotch with the puppies on it we looked at each other and knew we were with a kindred spirit in many was - old cars, great dogs, and then to see his library of materials in the 20 x 30 foot addition of the library at the rear of his house , it was like heaven.  Within 3 years I was working for him full time in his library to help keep it sorted as well as answer questions on vehicle history. That was an education for me just to see all the material and thus build my own library because I now knew of things that I didn't know existed before.

Edited by Walt G (see edit history)
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20 hours ago, West Peterson said:

Interesting discussion of Crown, when there are so many more brands that are so much better. JMHO

     I have to agree with West, but I'm a southern gentleman and prefer corn Whiskey.   Come take the Kentucky Bourbon Tour.

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I like bourbon, but with 400 years of French Canadian family history, Canadian Rye it is. 

Pappy is almost impossible to find at any number. 

Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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I had the pleasure of enjoying a nice bottle of Pappy at a cousin's house.

Incredibly good whiskey.

Glad to see someone posted it.

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16 hours ago, Ed Luddy said:

If you're a serious Canadian........... I present the lunch jug of Crown Royal





A picture is worth a thousand words...........unfortunately this one is small, so it's only good for 500.







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12 hours ago, edinmass said:



A picture is worth a thousand words...........unfortunately this one is small, so it's only good for 500.







Touche' mon ami! I shall return with a much bigger jug. As my French Canadian Grammere Marie would insist!!

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