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How do I turn on the Radio? Clueless Car Features of this century


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Had a post office and hardware store run today., two different building and parking lots.  Too bad the Pacific Rim produced cars don't have a warning gong option for the horizontally vision challenged drivers that think they are entitled to TWO PARKING SPOTS.

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Not long ago "distracted driving" meant talking or texting on your cell phone while driving. Now the meaning has expanded to figuring out how to operate your car. 


Edited by Terry Bond (see edit history)
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On 12/9/2022 at 4:55 PM, Soupiov said:

On my 3 year old Suburban a message randomly appears on the screen while driving that says it's dangerous to take your eyes off the road.  Duh!

Like most of you, I've had to hurry in traffic a time or two. While driving my wifes car on one of my early trips her car flashed a warning sign that read "Time for a Coffee Break". I'd asked her about it when I got back home and she gave me the stink eye....  (gulp, uh oh... what did I say)


Evidently thats a warning light for slow down and take a rest due to driving like a fool or bouncing off the lines.

Busted myself



I've nicknamed her lil car Snitchy 🤫

Edited by 30DodgePanel (see edit history)
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Just a tad off topic, but..... my wife bought a new LG dishwasher. I have no idea how to operate it. I can hardly read the control prompts. She can turn it on, but it quietly runs about 2 minutes, then dumps water, another 2 minutes, dumps water. The constant gluggling of the drain drives me crazy. To make it worse, if you decide to delay it operating until after bedtime. It has this awful habit of playing some stupid song that wakes the house hold up when it is finished. I'm a grumpy old man, but I HATE this thing!!!

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1 hour ago, R W Burgess said:

It has this awful habit of playing some stupid song that wakes the house hold up when it is finished. I'm a grumpy old man, but I HATE this thing!!!

I would almost bet you could disable that audio.

But it may require reading the manual. LOL

My new house has a Samsung package and does the same. Its a musical when the housekeeper is here running the dishwasher, washer, dryer etc.

My daughter figured out how to make the microwave/convection ring a bell when its done. I found myself opening the thing up and there would be a cold cup of coffee from yesterday.

I don't care much one way or the other about all the sounds etc. Another mysterious feature is that it displays on my tv screen when the oven reaches pre heat. (I guess that's handy, but I hear the ring as well).

The refer has the technology to see what's in it on the cell phone, but I could care less about that and the many other hi tech features that confuse me.


Yes, topic drift, SORRY.


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Wayne. Wait till that super-duper-double-deluxe appliance loses its little electronic mind. 


Me Pontiac bud has already replaced two circuit board/touch control panels on his in 5 years.


There's something to be said for analog controls. I dread the day the washer and dryer quit and I have to replace them and their reliable analog controls with a touch screen I can barely see or read.


Back to when I looked at that new F150 in 2017, I asked the salesman what happens 10 years from now when all this electronic nonsense starts failing. He says, "we hope you'll be back to buy another one by then!"



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1 hour ago, JACK M said:

But it may require reading the manual. LOL

More than likely, it would require downloading an app for your phone, connecting to the washer and then making the changes.

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6 hours ago, R W Burgess said:

...it quietly runs about 2 minutes, then dumps water, another 2 minutes, dumps water. The constant gluggling of the drain drives me crazy.

Stop whining - it's saving energy!  ;)


6 hours ago, R W Burgess said:

It has this awful habit of playing some stupid song that wakes the house hold up when it is finished.

I remember as a kid my grandmother had a mid '50s Westinghouse front-loading washer and electric dryer.  When finished, the dryer would chime "How Dry I Am".  I wish I had removed that signal box before she replaced them.  I would have figured out a way to hook it up to my current dryer.


Now, back to the Luddite rant channel already in progress...

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17 hours ago, 1937hd45 said:

Found out I HAVE TO OWN a cell phone to prove to eBay who I am, after being a member for 23 years. 

Not just Ebay, it is not uncommon to have a site to send a text (with a code number) before you can access.

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In all honesty, it's not like the cell phone is still in the "newfangled gimmick" category. They've been around for 40 years now. Viewing cell phones with distaste is like sitting in your outhouse in winter 1968 saying that a flush toilet is just a technological bridge too far.

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It's not the phone itself I have a problem with it's the cost. For those of you in the good old U.S.A. not so much of a problem. Just across the line here in Canada we have what are the highest cell phone costs in the world. Lots of older Canadians simply have to do without. And we are not talking just a couple of dollars a month. An average Canadian cell plan is over $125 a month with no such thing as a cheap dollar store pay as you go in the Canadian market.

 38 million of us little beavers up here being taken to the cleaners over something as common world wide as a mobile phone.

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29 minutes ago, JACK M said:

There is usually an email alternative for the no cell guys.

NOT WITH EBAY!!!!!!!!!!! I have to buy a cellphone, so they can TEXT a message, I have to find someone to explain how to read the text, then post it to eBay. This as I understand it, will somehow  confirm that I will be ALLOWED to receive payments AS FAST as I could with PayPal TWO YEARS AGO before eBay BANED PayPal. 

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39 minutes ago, 1912Staver said:

It's not the phone itself I have a problem with it's the cost. For those of you in the good old U.S.A. not so much of a problem. Just across the line here in Canada we have what are the highest cell phone costs in the world. Lots of older Canadians simply have to do without. And we are not talking just a couple of dollars a month. An average Canadian cell plan is over $125 a month with no such thing as a cheap dollar store pay as you go in the Canadian market.

 38 million of us little beavers up here being taken to the cleaners over something as common world wide as a mobile phone.

You left out the COST OF THE PHONE, the monthly fees come later. 

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In an attempt to get this thread back on track, I'll recount my recent rental car experience. Enterprise gave me a no-cost upgrade to a new Land Rover Discovery this past week, which just reinforced my distaste for all the electronic BS in new cars. Why does every function require a feedback squeak, grunt, or fart? Why do the controls have completely non-intuitive icons? Why is it so difficult to scroll through the hidden menus to turn all the electronic nanny crap off (and why does it turn back on every time you start the car)? To their credit, the Disco comes with a real paper owner's manual (as opposed to a QR code for an electronic version). This manual, which Enterprise actually left in the glovebox, devoted TEN whole pages to "Entering the Vehicle" (sadly, I am not making this up). That should be your first clue that the vehicle is overly complex.

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52 minutes ago, JACK M said:

Ebay is sitting on $470 of mine because I refuse to supply my ssn.

I didn't sell anything that is taxable.

Thank the people in Washington.  I think I remember some guy in Washington saying that all that extra money going to the IRS was going to be used to go after "the rich people".   Welcome to the "rich" demographic.

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1 hour ago, 1937hd45 said:

NOT WITH EBAY!!!!!!!!!!! I have to buy a cellphone, so they can TEXT a message, I have to find someone to explain how to read the text, then post it to eBay. This as I understand it, will somehow  confirm that I will be ALLOWED to receive payments AS FAST as I could with PayPal TWO YEARS AGO before eBay BANED PayPal. 


I am confused, If you can figure out how to sell on eBay and use a computer, then I am pretty sure you can figure out how to read a text message on a cell phone, and for that matter how to turn on a radio in a modern vehicle. Your not exactly Rip Van Winkle to the digital world if you are able to buy and sell on eBay for the past 23 years, or even come on this site and post almost every day. Is it just for the sake of complaining?


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3 minutes ago, John348 said:


I am confused, If you can figure out how to sell on eBay and use a computer, then I am pretty sure you can figure out how to read a text message on a cell phone, and for that matter how to turn on a radio in a modern vehicle. Your not exactly Rip Van Winkle to the digital world if you are able to buy and sell on eBay for the past 23 years, or even come on this site and post almost every day. Is it just for the sake of complaining?


I'm being FORCED to buy something I DO NOT WANT TO BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got that?

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To keep this posting car related while mentioning how Covid, China's claim to Taiwan and Russia going into Ukraine affect supply chain and world trade, I refer all to this link explaining why automakers are starting to dumb down new cars  and using knobs and real push buttons.



But it's not just new cars that are getting dumber, smart kids are giving up their smartphones and buying dumb ones. And while sales figures are hard to come by, one report said that global purchases of dumbphones were due to hit one billion units last year, up from 400 million in 2019. This compares to worldwide sales of 1.4 billion smart phones last year, following a 12.5% decline in 2020.





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So far, with the aid of a laptop, Google, the telephone number of the Ford dealership, and especially my son who works in the data processing field, I have figured out all of the "features" that I use. I have no idea how many other "features" exist.


Some of the new "features" are not only confusing, but downright dangerous!!!!!!!!!


About a week after we bought the car, I was driving on the 4-lane in the "slow" lane driving the speed limit with cruise control engaged. There was a number of vehicles behind me (I was the first vehicle in the slow lane). There were a number of cars approaching in the "fast lane" that could best be described as "bear bait"! ;) 


The first one in this line was not the fastest, and after passing me, slipped over in front of me to allow the next vehicle to pass him. Suddenly, my car acted like it had lost power, and slowed dramatically! The vehicle behind me had to slam on the brakes, while liberally applying the horn, and saluting me with the single finger salute.


Ford calls it "adaptive cruise control", where the (adjective expletive deleted) computer determines how close one can be to the vehicle being followed. Fortunately, this "feature" can be disabled!


The (again, adjective expletive deleted) feature near created a multi-car collision! I cannot imagine saying "but officer, the computer caused the accident, not me"!



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When self-driving vehicles are able to anticipate what another driver is going to do, maybe they'll be worth looking into. AI isn't that far developed yet.


See my earlier comments on unnerving/disconcerting the driver if a vehicle does such stuff on its own. 


I still have trouble believing an AI system can outperform an alert and attentive driver, which is what I have always tried to be. But we must save those who do not from themselves.

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Not directly related to cars, but indirectly. The last couple of posts got me thinking about commercial airliners. Did a little research and found out that 98% of the time commercial airliners are on autopilot, never on takeoff and can be landed on autopilot. Looks like the aviation industry is further along WRT automation than the automotive industry 

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After reading all of your post I realized I was really behind times. We purchased a Datsun (pre Nissan days) 280 Z back when gas was scarce and the dealer didn’t fill the tank. We took off from the dealer and enjoying just driving around when out of nowhere a sexy voice said “Fuel level low”. Scared the heck out of my wife and myself then my wife wacked me on the arm and said “only you would buy a car with a female sexy voice to tell you things”. We thought the voice was high tech! 
dave s 

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On 12/19/2022 at 2:57 PM, carbking said:

"adaptive cruise control", where the (adjective expletive deleted)

I just did 1800 plus miles on the freeway over the holiday. Got home last night.

I like that feature on the open road. It would pick up on the vehicle in front of me and leave a few hundred feet distance.

My coach and trailer combination is bigger than what most of you drive, I found that that guy that tucks in in front of me doesn't affect it if he is indeed going faster than me by only the slightest. then would gradually open that gap.

The adaptive cruise control is good on the open road, but not in traffic where I would rather have closer control of the rig anyway.

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