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An IDIOT'S view on collector car trends and pricing....

Crusty Trucker

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This is typical of the mis-information presented on the web at any given time by someone with no knowledge of the hobby or the market.. Not only does the author contradict some current trends, his article also shows erroneous pictures of the cars he is trying to describe.


This is probably good for a laugh. I wouldn't get my knickers in a knot over it!


34 Cars That Are Losing Their Value Fast


Edited by Crusty Trucker (see edit history)
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I should have listened to 1937hd45!    I suppose this list was compiled about 1980?  I would bet that the guy writing this has no idea of what any car is prior to 2015. And I bet he rides a standup scooter to work. I do have one question I would like to ask him, where can I find a 68 charger for less than 20K?


I can imagine the scenario in his over relaxed work space. 'Hey peep, we need something for the net that will waste 3 minutes of someones life. Put together a list of something....... I know cars that are useless is always good!'

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Non-car people shouldn't write about cars.

Could we laymen write knowledgeably for

a jet-propulsion engineering magazine?


Here's one laughable example from that article:

"The Omega was Oldsmobile's flagship model for the mid-1970s....

Owing to the old age and unavailability of parts and mechanics,

this car is worth under $15,000.  It will be even cheaper in the time to come."


No one ever considered the forgotten Omega as

a "flagship!"  And hundreds of other cars have the

same challenge with parts and modern mechanics.


The writer should go back to making up news stories...

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Look on the bright side, articles such as this claptrap will deflect the interest of well-off clueless to invest their ill-gotten gains in whatever the next hot scam investment trend that comes down the pike...leave cars for those who truly appreciate them

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I didn't get that far. 


The trouble with garbage opinion journalism like this is that uninformed will read it, take it as gospel, and more untruths will be spread as truth. Then fifty years from now some well-meaning researcher will find it and the untruths will be perpetuated thru the end of time.

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Yeah, I've seen these posts and I'm sad to say (in the past) wasted time looking at them.  These Bozos make proclamations about cars they've probably never seen and ride around in hybrid imports.  Then again, there are a lot of people on the internet talking nonsense to anyone who will listen.

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While traveling overseas I picked up a copy of a British magazine, Classic and sports car.  It was an interesting read except for the discussion of whether people would be converting their classic cars over to electric power.  There was some real ignorance there and I hope that discussion does not come here.  It looks like the kind of material that the author of 34 cars that are losing their value fast might be interested in.

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On 8/31/2022 at 11:56 AM, 60FlatTop said:

Non-car writers need a bag of groceries, too.


Just like the actors who portray journalists on the diametrically opposed news stations.

I can't find a good version of "Dirty Laundry" (all remixes or cover versions 🤬) but the words ring true...


*Edit* Just posted yesterday!😎 "When it's said and done we haven't told you a thing". Masterful!



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On 8/31/2022 at 9:16 AM, alsancle said:

OK, I fell for it. Got through about six slides and realized this guy knows zero about cars.


Speaking as a writer, there are a lot of people today writing on subjects they know nothing about. I've been a music journalist all my life, and am very discouraged by what I see coming from the keyboards of young writers. There's lots of attitude and very little truth. 

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On 8/30/2022 at 9:05 PM, Studemax said:

Most of the stuff on the net is crap, so no surprise.

While I don't spend much time "on the net", I tend to agree and you can see my thoughts on this below.

On 8/30/2022 at 9:24 PM, 1937hd45 said:

Lost another minute and a half of my life.

Although I didn't take the bait from Rusty Pucker* suggested link, I can relate to wasting time, as I do that and more, almost every time I glance at what's being generally discussed or posted about on couple of the (alleged) antique/classic/vintage car related forums I periodically visit, including this one.

Actually, I'm probably wasting time posting this too.


* I can't help but wonder if he/she is an alter ego of or related to Twisted Undies.


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10 minutes ago, TTR said:

While I don't spend much time "on the net", I tend to agree and you can see my thoughts on this below.

Although I didn't take the bait from Rusty Pucker* suggested link, I can relate to wasting time, as I do that and more, almost every time I glance at what's being generally discussed or posted about on couple of the (alleged) antique/classic/vintage car related forums I periodically visit, including this one.

Actually, I'm probably wasting time posting this too.


* I can't help but wonder if he/she is an alter ego of or related to Twisted Undies.


If you can't say anything nice or at least constructive, maybe you should take up needlepoint or knitting. Your grousing and complaints are getting old!

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  I didn't know that the Ford Maverick was considered "the 1970s road legal race car" and that the Ford Fairmont was one of the first with unibody construction. I always considered myself a car guy but I had no idea how ignorant I really was! My grandparents had a 80's Fairmont and I had no idea what a groundbreaking automobile they had. My roommate had a Ford Maverick Grabber with 302. I drove it many times and had no idea I was actually driving a road legal race car!! I didn't think it was nearly as fast as my GTO or my 442 Olds but it was probably my imagination. Speaking of my 442, if I had known better I would've traded it in for a "flagship" Omega if I had any sense at all.  You learn something new every day. 🙄

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When you're wrong, you're wrong and this guy is wrong

Plymouth Hemi 'Cuda - No Engine Swap Possible

Last weekend the owner of the RTGarage in Belle Plaine Minnesota, gave me a tour of a shop that specializes in MOPAR concourse quality restorations and / or some very high quality performance modifications


If I'd brought a camera with, I would be posting an underhood picture of an old Cuda with a beautifully built front suspension, supporting a new high performance MOPAR engine.



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I did not read any farther then the head line...Screw values.and opinions and investments. unless your just  into money money money and not personal satisfaction and enjoyment and preservation of automotive history ,then I say move on...many an idiot has gotten into  old cars at the expense of many other idiots trying.to make penny..😁



  Buy what you want and like and pleases you and feeds you with out worring about ,will I be rewared with $$$$ in the end for the most part


 This hobby was not driving by money orginally...but a certain sect was found to capitalize on it like all things.

   Most of the most historical  cars and collectors cars would not have been saved if money was anywhere in the equation to preserve them.

  The whole thing is stupid anyway and I never had or will have any respect for any dopes(my self included) waisting time,money,and bloody hands on old obsolete iron..It's moronic...and a mental defect.

   As proven as 99% of the world population sees it as a disorder.


   I start a 12 step program January 2nd.  Free coffee,dounuts.or pizza.

  After 4pm is the harmonica(mouth organ) collectors addiction group..I'll pass on,but.at 9pm is the "banjo players anonymous group..

I should make a serious effort.to attend..  4 string banjo too...is a serious.issue..like Model Ts...gulp.

  Lets get a real life,

.get married,get a girlfriend,hell get a boy friend...but try not to get another old car if you can help it.











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A pun is a humorous way of perceiving words that sound alike but have two different meanings. You wrote about writers which could have meant journalistic writers or music writers and referred to their keyboard which could be a typing keyboard or a musical keyboard. In a situation where two people would have a miscommunication the sentence might be followed with "Say goodnight, Gracie".


That is why I wrote it and why there are a couple of smiley faces from others.

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Came into the house for a brief respite from the heat, turned on the tube and saw there was a show called 'woodward dream cruise'.  Naturally I had to watch. It looked like a Ford advertisement more than anything else, but the local news reporters that were hosting did profile a couple of cars. The first was obviously a replica of an old MG, even the radiator badging had MP or something silly. They presented it as a 1948 mg. My first thought was this thread!

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