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Life Changes On The Horizon

Guest shadetree77

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Guest shadetree77

I guess this could be considered a little off topic, but I consider a lot of you guys friends so I wanted to share some things that are going on with my Wife and I right now. As some of you know, my Wife currently works at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, TN. She works as a chemist/engineer in the quality control labs. We live about 45 minutes south in Georgia. Anyway, she loves her job at VW and we would love for her to stay there and keep living here in the southern states but alas, it is not to be. Her contract with VW is ending very soon and VW cannot guarantee her a permanent position (even though they have been promising her one for a year now). This has forced her to put in applications for jobs locally as well as pretty much everywhere else in the U.S.

After several interviews with major companies, including Smith & Wesson and Chattem (makers of everything from pharmaceuticals to grease) she has finally been offered (and accepted) a job. I'm proud to say that my Wife is going to be working in the engine dyno testing lab at the General Motors Powertrain Division in Pontiac, Michigan! It's an incredibly good job and one that we just can't say no to. So, some time in the next few months we will be making the move to Michigan. We are both excited and nervous. Neither of us is looking forward to the winter weather. I've experienced similar as I spent a good deal of my childhood in the Chicago area but this will be a first for my Wife. Let's just say she has a lot to learn about living up north, but I know she can handle it.:)

We are currently looking into various areas to live outside of Pontiac as neither of us wants to live in the city. We are looking into places in Auburn Hills, Waterford, White Lake, and maybe even as far north as Lapeer up by Flint. Any suggestions or advice from anyone in the area would be much appreciated as neither of us has ever been to Michigan. Advice on anything from areas to live, areas NOT TO LIVE and/or even VISIT, to weather preparedness.

I can't believe my Wife will be running engine tests on a dyno for GM!! I think I'm a little jealous.:P But I am very proud of her. She has worked incredibly hard and she deserves this job. Another perk of working for GM is the employee pricing on vehicle leasing. I think I might just get me a brand new Buick!! Now....which one to get?? I'm thinking Regal GS!!;):cool:

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Congrats to Mrs. Shadetree. I'm a lot jealous of her new position. She will be working on the Buick engines that will propel the Buicks of the future. How about that! As far as the move to Michigan, I can say that there are a lot of very nice and knowledgable Buick people in that area who will welcome you as family. It won't be long until you feel right at home there. A new adventure begins.

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Consider living in Pontiac. Scope out an old Craftsman home with character. Consider that driving 45 minutes in January in Michigan is different then driving 45 minutes in the south in January. I think cost of living will be less, but this is a perfect opportunity to hear from our Michigan BCA members.

Good luck with the move.

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Congrats! Moving a bit closer to my neck of the woods. If you live out of the city you will need to think about a 4X4 truck to get you to work. Country roads are the last to get plowed. Where I live in MN the road doesnt get plowed untill 2 or 3 days after it snows.

As for Mrs.Shadetree's new job I'm way jealous! That sounds like it would be a blast. Tell her not to worry. Cold isn't that bad. I would take cold over that summer heat all day. You can dress for cold, but you cant undress enough for hot weather (at least not without a ride in a squad car).

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Guest Mrs. Shadetree
I would take cold over that summer heat all day. You can dress for cold, but you cant undress enough for hot weather (at least not without a ride in a squad car).

My thoughts EXACTLY!! :)

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Guest Mrs. Shadetree

I wanted to thank you all you guys!

I'm very excited, nervous, and just about every other emotion you can think of, but I know that this opportunity will be worth it!

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I wanted to thank you all you guys!

I'm very excited, nervous, and just about every other emotion you can think of, but I know that this opportunity will be worth it!

You obviously were not picked by random. You are the best of the best so I am sure you will do fine.

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Guest Rob McDonald

Heck, if you guys want quiet and rustic (and polite), live in Canada! Sarnia, Ontario is only an hour from Pontiac. Imagine needing your passport to go to work everyday. Now that's exotic. Best of luck to the two of you.

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I wanted to thank you all you guys!

I'm very excited, nervous, and just about every other emotion you can think of, but I know that this opportunity will be worth it!



As.... technically anything north of Detroit is further north of where I live in (Windsor, Ontario) Canada!!!post-36036-143142206254_thumb.jpg

Don't fret though as yes we do get a bit more snow than you are probably used to but both our Governments (Public Works/Road Departments) manage to put lots of salt on the roads to get us to work safely (sadly for our cars).

Looking forward to meeting you both some day and guess that the road trip up here with the Buick (Lucy) should be a fun adventure. Please take pictures and video when you come up with her!

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Heck, if you guys want quiet and rustic (and polite), live in Canada! Sarnia, Ontario is only an hour from Pontiac. Imagine needing your passport to go to work everyday. Now that's exotic. Best of luck to the two of you.


Rob, No offense fellow Canuck but please don't mislead our fellow Buick American friends with the passport/living in Canada thing. I have spent up to an hour and a half on the Ambassador Bridge on a busy Friday night going over to Mexican Town for dinner in Detroit (when there are sports events on in Detroit) and that does not figure in hump day (for trucks) on Wednesdays during the week.

Again, don`t want to shut you down as I was born in Chemical Valley (Sarnia) and encourage you guys to come over and explore Canada on your leisure since you are going to be so close but the hassle with commuting across the Border regularly, well, I have a brother-in-law who works for GM at the Tech Center in Detroit and it is really a grind for him so...

I also have cousins living in Waterford, Pontiac area and recently was up in the Grand Blanc area which is beautiful. You will find many choices to fit your needs so good luck!

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Congrats on the new and neat job!

It's certainly a different world up there, BUT also a world where you can explore car stuff and car history untill well past when "the cows come home". But those explorations can come later. And NOT to forget about the GM Performance Build engine place in Livonia!

I might be wrong, but I suspect that in some places in MI, the property values can be really good for the prices on them. BUT I could be wrong. Don't forget about using Google Earth (or similar) to check out any potential properties, plus other online tools (chamber of commerce type stuff) regarding property values and (generally) who lives where. PLUS . . . you'll need some sort of "garage space" for those cooler times of the year to "play cars"! Either pre-existing or "future planned". Do your homework, even looking at some of the online newspapers from up there, and enjoy your new adventures.

Best of luck! Please keep us posted!


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Can they take their firearms with them if they happen to own any?

Heck, if you guys want quiet and rustic (and polite), live in Canada! Sarnia, Ontario is only an hour from Pontiac. Imagine needing your passport to go to work everyday. Now that's exotic. Best of luck to the two of you.
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Can they take their firearms with them if they happen to own any?

Good Lord DON'T TRY THAT at the Border! Canada Customs has NO sense of humor there. The last guy that tried that at the Detroit/Windsor border was charged big time and had to fight spending time in Jail with two shot guns and a hand gun.

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You're moving to the motor capital of the world! We have great car museums, some of the best car shows in the world, ridiculous car insurance, and crappy roads. Houses are super cheap in much of the state, which is nice, unless you bought a house at peak like I did... :)

I'd stay out of Pontiac and Flint proper. I'd say anywhere in the outskirts will be OK. The places you mentioned would be nice places to live.

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To quote someone wise, "Change is good Donkey".

This sounds like a great opportunity and a great job (at least the work should be cool, regardless of any politics and such).

I don't know why everyone is all uppity about winter...that's down south where it doesn't get cold. Yes, I believe there is more snow in that part of the world than we get, but it generally isn't that cold (I spent a winter in Toronto and never wore what I considered to be a winter jacket).

If you do get to a point of crossing the border regularly, I'm sure there is something like a Nexus card (at least that's what it is called for Canadians) that has special, quicker lines.

Good luck.

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Great, couldn't happen to two nicer people.......

My wife is from Michigan, upper Michigan, we love the state, really love it. our best friends live in Michigan.

Just a few miles north is FRANKENMUTH, near Flint. Every September they hold what we feel is the best car show in the country. Great town, super food, wonderful people, and wives love the town and the show. They had over 100,000 lining the streets downtown on Friday night, approx. 3,000 cars.

I wish you well, GO FOR IT. I am proud of her, and YOU TOOOOOOOO. Enjoyed meeting and visiting with you at the South Bend show.

Dale in Indy

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As a former area resident I agree stay out of Pontiac, but Auburn Hills is nice area. I delivered that plant a lot before I retired as well as truck and bus. I retired to Northern Mi and winters up here are brutal, but in that area not bad and everything plowed. You will be in the heart of Woodward Cruise now every August and will see what a true car area really is. You will love it I am sure. Congrats on the new job!

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Guest wildcat465

Congratulations Jessica and Robert ;).

You guys like museums, you will love it there.

Get a heater for the garage, winter is a great time for getting car stuff done.

Welcome to the Great White North, looking forward to seeing you two more.

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There's going to be LOTS of new stuff up there, in many respects! Aside from all of these really neat things (at least what "outsiders" might figure to be "neat"!) up there, main focus probably needs to be getting a new place "to be" and getting settled in before the trees lose their leaves. Then, you can start your "expanded horizons" list of things to see and do . . . I suspect it can be a pretty long list . . .

On the way back to the Detroit airport after the Centennial Meet in Flint, I jumped off of the Interstate at Royal Oaks, then got onto Woodward Avenue to check it out. Didn't find "Royal Oak Pontiac", but plenty of nice neighborhoods instead. Then, we decided to head southward toward "Detroit" from there, on Woodward Ave. What I didn't know at the time was that the Woodward Ave. that was "famous" was the part north of where we were. As we followed Woodward south, past the Lodge Frwy, it became a different world, big time.

Lots of formerly-nice homes, like when they were built in the 1940s or so . . . craftsman style, detatched garage, nice front wrap-around porch, and two concrete runners headed toward the garage. A formerly-upper middle class neighborhood . . . back then. Lots of older neighborhood stores and such, too. Then, I looked up and found GRand Avenue, which resulted in a right turn and the former GM Headquarters at 400 Grand Avenue. Now, it's called (or at that time) Cadillac Place and is a property of the State of MI. Adjacent to it is the Fisher Building, former headquarters of the Fisher Brothers enterprises (including Fisher Body). Being it was about 9:30am on Sunday morning, we found a security guard at Cadillac Place and the Fisher Building was open, also. The Fisher has been restored to its former Art Deco glory and currently houses many offices, a theatre, and other things.

After that diversion, we continued toward downtown on Woodward. When we got to the sign about going to Windsor, I turned right and found Cobo Hall. Then we headed west toward the airport. More "old stuff". When we got to a place where there were some car dealerships, I knew we were in a "better place". That the Ford dealership was named "Fairlane Ford", I thought a little flaky . . . until I realized we were in Dearborn. We stopped for a bite to eat at a Wendy's before continuing westward. While at Wendy's, I picked up a local paper that showed some GM operatives donating an SSR to some local educational entity for automotive trade classes. I then also came to realize that when a car company had "excess real estate", it would get donated to the State, many times.

A few miles west was the Blue Oval Towers. I could imagine the front parking lot covered in vintage Ford products, as several national car club shows had been on that same parking lot . . . Model Ts to Edsels, I believe. The Ford Estate was on the west side of the Complex, so we ventured into there. Adjacent was a campus of the Univ of Mich, which staffs the Estate operations (tours, restaurant, etc.).

On the way TO Flint, from Detroit, we were in Livonia when I saw a Wendy's sign and got off of the Interstate. I saw LOTS of tall trees surrounding a large parking lot and building. I knew it had something to do with cars, then I realized it was the T-bird/Lincoln plant. At that time, Town Car production had been moved to Canada, so the plant was idle. Talk about "stumbling onto" something like that! Then, we continued on to Flint.

Going into Sensory Overload can be easy, but manageable, with respect to how much car stuff and car history is up there!

Focus on getting settled in, meeting some Buick Friends, and getting use to the new climate. THEN, branch out on your "Expanded Horizons Tour", as time and the need for "stress relief" might allow.

We look forward to reading of your progress up there!



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Hey, Congrats. :cool:.. Hope everything works out. Larry Schramm lives in Alburn Hills. PM Him. He is on here with his 1915 C-4 Truck and has lived in the area for years.... I've given him a heads up. He may post here shortly. Dandy Dave!

Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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Hey, Congrats. :cool:.. Hope everything works out. Larry Schramm lives in Alburn Hills. PM Him. He is on here with his 1915 C-4 Truck and has lived in the area for years.... I've given him a heads up. He may post here shortly. Dandy Dave!

I will send you a pm and call me. I will be able to help you immensely if you would like.


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Guest ole buick

One thing I have noticed is the pride you show in your wife's career. Congratulations, few men can do that. Most men want to be the top earner. You sir are a "class act". I am also proud for your wife to branch out in a male dominated career and suceed. That is a fine accomplishment.

My wife and I have moved 7 times with my job. Each move brings new adventures and new friends. Stay positive and look for a good church to attend.

Good Luck

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Guest shadetree77

Thanks for all of the thoughts, help, best wishes, and useful information guys. They are all much appreciated and given us both a lot of food for thought. Roberta and Larry, I will be giving you a call as soon as I can. Things have been VERY hectic here for the last 4 to 5 days. It has been a whirlwind of working on my car, attending car shows, wrapping up details involving the impending move, and visiting with family members. I promise I will give both of you a call as I am really looking forward to discussing Michigan with locals. Thanks again everyone.

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I accepted a position in Detroit after grad school and my wife was NOT excited about it. We lived in the NE suburbs (Clinton Township) from 2004-2007 before I left for family reasons. Anyway, our time there proved to be some of the best times of our lives. My wife and I both ended up loving it there and found the people were generally great and great area for car people. Be sure to attend the Woodward Dream Cruise next summer. My wife still says that is one of the few places she'd want to live if we were to leave our area again. Good luck, and good times!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest shadetree77

Not quite Keith. We have moved my wife up there and set her up in a temporary apartment less than a mile from where she works at GM. I'm still here in Georgia wrapping up our business and packing the rest of our things. It's tough being apart like this as this is the most amount of time we've been away from each other in a long time. But, we have to do what we have to do for our future, so we will both endure this little trial in order to better our lives. I'm also still working while I'm here so that's helping our situation too. It's looking like it will be the end of January before I am done here, I can join my wife up there, and we get to find a nice house to move into. We're planning a series of visits so we will get to see each other over the next few months. I just have to keep telling myself that this will all work out better for us in the long run!

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Thanks for the update, Robert. It will be tough, but I'm sure that when all is said and done it will of been worth it.

I've never been away from my sweetie for more than 3 days, and that was tough, and we've been married nearly 30 years!

I cannot believe it has been that long! Seems like hardly anytime has passed.


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