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Thank you guys for five good years.


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Over the last five+ years I've received a huge amount of help with keeping my Reatta on the road from members of this forum. Without the help of this forum it's unlikely that I could have kept it in good running condition like I have. Thank you to all those who helped me when I needed it. I hope I was able to help those who helped me in some small way.

This forum is changing and so am I. I no longer fit in here and no longer enjoy it here like I once did. This will be my last post to this forum. I'm sure this news will generate some applause and high fives but that's OK. I wouldn't expect anything less from some of the people here.

I will be joining the ranks of the lurkers here who no longer want to deal with the cloak and dagger tactics that take place here on a daily basis. I no longer want to take part in a forum where you can't tell who your friends are from one day to the next.

It wouldn't be fair for me to take information from this forum and use it for tutorials on Reatta Owners Journal when I'm no longer a participant in the forum. I won't be doing that. Any future tutorials, if there are any, will come from another source.

I don't know what the future holds for Reatta Owners Journal at this time.

Edited by Ronnie (see edit history)
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Guest llamalor2112

Yikes, I'm new to the reatta group. Just figuring out who/where the best sources of genuine friendly knowledge of these cars is and I surely have you pegged at the top of the list. I'm very sorry the forum (as all forums online tend to become) has soured towards you. I haven't read the conversations which have led to this but I certainly hope we can some of us you'd enjoy the company of, maintain a link to you and perhaps uphold your site. I personally have fallen in love with the owners journal and store. Great prices and products.

I might be new but am definitely crestfallen to hear this news :(

Best regards


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I wish you'd reconsider that decision. The current [slightly dour] situation on this forum seems to stem mostly from a personal dispute centered around how best to establish reliable build data for our cars. Really, this is between the individual who has made the current (and ongoing) effort towards building a database and another individual who questions the veracity of that data. I am choosing not to get caught up in that matter, simply wishing that we (meaning all interested Reatta owners) will get a reliable listing of that data at some point in the not too distant future.

I don't know if there have been unpleasant PM's exchanged by various parties at this point (or of the Mod's have put the smackdown on anyone as a result of the recent goings on here) but this issue has come up here before and has caused the same bickering and foolishness, and then calmed down again for a while. I have already posted what I think the resolution is to this problem, and will not bother to repeat it in this thread. Anyway, this seems to run in a cycle, and I've no doubt that this too shall pass once the current airing of the grievances runs it's course. Maybe earth's recent brush with the asteroid has affected people's disposition, much as with a full moon.

Regarding the Reatta Store, I am not sure why it has been controversial. I know that there have been a few parts that you pulled from the listing there due to issues with correct fitment, but that is an acceptable error considering that many of the cross-reference points used by parts suppliers contain errors (or bogus assumptions on interchangeability). That you have been quick to address these is much to your credit, and I don't see how anyone can raise a major complaint in such a case. Maybe it was an inconvenience to get a wrong part, but Amazon is good about taking back incorrect orders so nothing much is lost except some time in those cases. You are [were?] providing a valuable service and anyone who wants to moan and groan about a simple mix up needs to get over it, and accept that mistakes can and do happen.

If you choose to keep ROJ active (and I certainly hope you do) I think it would be appropriate for anyone wishing to contribute new tutorials (or corrections) to submit these directly to you for inclusion there. Then, if they wish to post the same thing here for consumption in this forum as well, they are of course free to do so. I for one would still have no problem with you taking a post I make here verbatim for use on ROJ, but then I suppose that may be at odds with the AACA forum rules. Perhaps an official arrangement could be made with the site administrator in that regard.

In any case, I will reiterate that it would be great to have you back in the fold, and that ROJ and the store should be kept open unless they have become burdensome for you to maintain. If that is the problem, I can understand if you need to let it go. I just think it would be a shame to let some eye-poking in here cause you to abandon ship.

Please do think about it.


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Ronnie, You and I have had numerous "talks" over the years regarding what goes on with this forum. I too am sorry to see you go, and I really wish you would stay. You are the "lead trouble shooter" on this forum, always helpful and courteous and more then that extremely knowledgeable with much "hands on" experience. Please reconsider.

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Guest Richard D

Dearest Ronnie, WTF! If it was not for you I would not have my second Reatta any more. I know I have not been able to make a donation to your site yet but since the Avionics shop closed in 2007 ( the navy took all the F-14s and older C-130s out of service which was 90% of the instruments I overhauled and switched to digital avionics that I am not certifed for) I have not been able to find work and your site has made it possible to keep my Reatta on the road for less cash. Please send me a private email with your phone # and lets talk. Other folks on the site are giving you **** for selling stuff? That's just wrong. I am sure there are many others who DEPEND on your site for tutorials and hard to find info.

I realize that keeping a site like yours is not an easy thing to do. But between yourself, Padgett, Marck, Jim Finn and others I can't think of right now all provide a VITAL SERVICE for us. Is there anything we or I can do to help you change your mind? PLEASE!

No matter your decsion All The Best to You.

Richard. dalk01@aol.com


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Ronnie, I gotta speak up too. What you provide to this forum is more than the Reatta Store or the Reatta Owner's Journal; and both of these endeavors of yours have helped countless Reatta owners. You have been a voice of reason when we lose control of our emotions, and this is the time we need you the most. Please don't let a couple of bad apples spoil the whole barrel.

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This is just sad. One of the reasons why I bought my latest Reatta was because of the comraderie on this website. This car is now my third Reatta over a span of 15 years. Many of the folks I knew over the years are still here while others have moved on. Just this morning I mentioned to my wife how sad it was to see the sniping back and forth over stupid stuff on this website.

3 years ago I almost died from a heart attack and subsequent heart rupture. I was in a coma in the ICU for about 4 weeks. My hospital stay was for 6 weeks total. From that horrible experience I learned some life lessons. One is that you are never as important as might think you are. Another is that you do make a difference in the lives of others in ways you never know. It was a major life change for me. When I learned of people who were praying for me or affected as a result of my near death I was amazed at the reach of one person's influence. I'm not polishing my own apple, this applies to practically everyone. I pray that for most of you, a near death experience isn't required for you to see this light.

This common bond we share, the love of the Reatta, endures despite petty jealousies, perceived slights, and hurt feelings. We need to stay connected and share information and knowledge to keep these great cars on the road. Everybody has personality flaws, me included. Can't we just see past this and focus on what we have in common? Ronnie, I need your advice and wonderful website to help me understand these complex machines. I think we are close to the same age (I'm almost 60) and I trust you have enough life experience to realize that eliminating this relationship is going to be most troubling to you. I have had issues with people in the BCA and I have found the best way to solve those issues was to try and talk it out and failing that, eliminate unpleasant people from my sphere of influence. There are plenty of nice folks with whom I can enjoy our joint obsession. Hopefully you have enough positive experiences to realize there are many more of us who appreciate what you do than those who have issues with you.

It is strange how in this hobby we seem to eat our own rather than encourage them to take a risk and support them with our money. I just watched a great Muscle car shop close because of internet sniping. The owner discovered that the amount of money he was making wasn't sufficient to put up with unreasonableness. He closed his business.

Of all the forums on this website, the Reatta forum was and is the most active. Think about that. Many of the marks here have been in production for over 100 years and they get a few posts a week. Reattas were only made for 4 years. Let's focus on what we have in common and not on what tears us apart.

Edited by ol' yeller (see edit history)
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Guest Metricwrencher

Dear Ronnie:

As a new member to this forum and a short-term owner of a Reatta, I appreciate all of the help and resources that you have provided, both here and on the "journal" website. I realize that there is snarkyness demonstrated by some of the posters here. However I don't recall any public complaints regarding your business or "forum" involvement. I wish you the best and hope that you will continue to help us Reatta newbies as well as veterans enjoy the hobby of rare-car ownership. I also hope that all of us will demonstrate civility and appreciation to our brethren who share our common interest.

Best Wishes,


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Guest geolewis

Ronnie, please rethink your decision, I check into this forum daily & look forward to most of the comments and advice given.Like everyone has stated you have done a great job here!

George Lewis

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Ronnie, Do not give in to the dark side, some unnamed folks here will not be around much longer I hope, some are instigators just looking for a fight and it seems would like nothing better than to break this up and remake it in their own image. Do not give up/in to this. Your service is in valuable to this forum. I will get off my soap box now.


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I will not try to match the eloquence of the previous posts. I will simply ask that you reconsider. I know a fair amount about a small area, you know a lot about a wide range of topics. This is not to slight anyone else here, there are many helpful and knowledgeable people, but you are one of the most consistant responders. We needja man. It is your decision of course.


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Please, please, please change your mind and keep posting. YOU ARE ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS!

And, please keep your store and site open.

Yes there are some trouble makers around but sooner or later the moderators are going to figure them out and they will be banned.


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Guest Reatta Bob

Ronnie, I've been a member for a few years, you and your site's have helped me very much. I don't post often but read a lot I have fixed issues with my Reatta from ROJ and the post here. You have been a great help to me and many here. Don't let a few ruin it for everyone you have helped that admire you.

Thanks Reatta Bob

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I leave town for a few days and some strange things happen. Ronnie is one of the good guys and made it simple to find some of the helpful post from the past. Everyone has their reasons for doing what they think is right, but you must agree that from some of the low blows I have taken over time, I should be the one that is down and out.

Please get back on your feet and continue the support for Reatta owners that you started.

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Guest crazytrain2


You are one of the good one's and I've always appreciated your help, I hope you reconsider your decision as it would be a great loss to the forum.

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Guest Furman83


I have owned my Reatta for 3 years and your site was the first I visited to guide me to get her back in shape. I will always go to your site first for advice. Many of the members (a lot of them) are very helpful and I have purchased several Item through your store. It save me time and money looking for correct parts. I do not have time to look online to find the right part. You have done this for me. I just wish you had someone who can get me a new professional paint job under $5,000.00 (just kidding!!). To all here, these are the issues the ROJ has helped me with:

1. Replace all caliper brakes

2. Replace Harmonic Balancer

3. Reatta Ground wire issues (fixed 6 different issues including Security System)

4. ABS issue (got new Accumulator and switch through store)

5. CRT issue ( needed a re-built unit)

6. O2 sensor (had bad Gas Mileage, this replacement increase my MPG from 21.1 to 29.5 Awesome!!)

7. Front Struts (purchased though ROJ) and motor mount replacement (car handles like it is new!!)


Thanks for the site, I have saved Thousands of repair cost due to the ROJ.

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Guest Kingsley

Ronnie - you are seeing a lot of heartfelt appreciation for what you have done and pleas for you to perhaps reconsider this.

It is not difficult to disagree without being disagreeable but some folks just do not seem to have the art (or heart) to nicely address issues.

Add my name to those who have expressed their appreciation and would like for you to hang in there. You add a valuable dimension to the Forum, keep it up.


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Guest RaverReatta

I know I'm new to the forums and don't know everyone very well, but I'd like to at least say thank you for the help you provided me. You replied to a majority of my questions (very promptly) and helped me make headway on my Reatta. Plus, you helped me find a good nickname for it... "mule". :P

Much appreciated and best wishes.


Edited by RaverReatta (see edit history)
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Guest wally888

Way back when I first joined the group I had a couple disagreements/run-ins/etc......started to say "shove it" but remembered the old saying, "If you try to make everyone happy, someone will be unhappy about it"!

Decided to ignore the flack and everything has been great for many years.

Remember today is the first day of the rest of your life, sign back in!

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Guest gotitright

This time, second Barney, and thirdly, (new word), Kingsley. I could not agree more about the valuable dimension to the forum that you have CONTRIBUTED! I would be much poorer without your input.

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Just bought a $1200 POS Reatta this month that's still up on stands. I agree with all, and you'll do what's best for you. Yet what a bummer of a first post. I was in the middle of ordering brake lines on Amazon when I came here, because no matter how much I research, you are the expert I aspire to be. Now I have three Buicks that don't run or drive and losing your inspiration is troublesome to me. I truly hope you'll reconsider closing the door. It took me 20 some odd years to finally decide to park another rusted Buick in my carport; right next to the Grand National that I bought out of college and in my wife's spot no less (yes she's carrying groceries in through the rain). Please know the sun isn't setting, it's rising. I hardly know you guys but you all helped me decide what to do with my cherished junk and I thank you for everything although we've never even met.

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For very selfish reasons I forbid you to leave. Come on back pally. I'll even invent a few problems to keep you busy, although they seem to pop up without prompting. Hope you realize I am trying to inject a bit of humor into a bad situation. Here's hoping you do return to the fold. Most of us are good guys.

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<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:RelyOnVML/> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]-->To whom it may concern,

I need a little help in understanding something here. There are about two dozen posters here that are calling for the return to this forum a particular poster. (There may be more that feel that way but haven’t put it to words yet.) This person has spent countless hours troubleshooting, flow charting and decision treeing the problems of others who post here. I myself, as well as others over the years, have also done things such as this but not with the tenacity and determination as this particular fellow. What he’s done here, the world outside this forum referrers to as work. Yah, I know, no one here twisted his arm, coerced or beat the guy into submission to do this. He did it with a spirit of giving back to a group that helped him when he needed it. He did so without, as far as I’m aware, receiving any compensation other than an “Atta-Boy” now and then.

This particular poster recently decided to remove himself from this forum for reasons obvious and not so palpable. I commend him for taking a position and sticking with it. It’s reminiscent of something I frequently said to my Sons as they were growing up and, at times, still do. “Say what you’re going to do and do what you say”. It’s really all a guy can expect of another. So, now he’s gone or so it would seem, what with all the requests for his return. It is at this juncture that I need the help in understanding what’s going on.

Let’s, just for the sake of argument, say that it was me that wrote all those helpful posts written by this other guy. Then I stopped posting. Then would come the outpouring of requests for my return. Say then that I continued to stay away from the forum. Some would continue to wish I would return to help with one problem or another or for a word of encouragement. Perhaps one would wish for an annotated photo of some part or system to add clarity to an issue. Or, possibly a tutorial on how to go about fixing a problem that had already been dealt with. But, alas, I’m no longer present to provide these and other helpful things. Yes, I’ve decided to retire from all things Reatta. I’m now more interested fly-tying. And Backgammon. And Ballroom dancing. And beating my meat and other such selfish endeavors. I’ve unplugged from the net and the grid never to be seen or heard from again.

But wait! It’s not me. It’s that other guy… what’s his name… you know. That Ron guy. Yah, Ronnie. Now I remember! Hey, he’s not gone. As a matter of fact, he’s got his own web site. And it’s all about Reattas! And it’s gotta forum. And it’s gotta bunch of tutorials that tell how to do stuff. And if there’s something that needs to be added or deleted or made more clear in them then, as with Wikipedia, it can be changed or modified and made better. And there are pictures with annotations on them. And if you can’t get a problem solved by looking at those, you can post a question in that there forum on his site and someone will probably answer to give you a hand. And that someone just might be that Ronnie guy you were looking for over at the AACA forum. And better still, he’s only a click away. Not gone. Just in a different place. A welcoming place. (unless of course you’re a jerk that no one wants around anyway). And once you find out that to get the issue resolved you need to buy a new part, well… there’s even a store on that site from which you can purchase that part. Literally a one stop information and shopping experience. Imagine that!!!

So… tell me why then, should anyone expect this Ron guy to take valuable time from his life bouncing from one web site to another covering the same ground over and over again when he’s put all that time, effort and money into building his own well organized and interesting repository of Reatta information. If anybody should be going anywhere, I would think it would be the ones seeking the info. Not the other way around. One more point, if I may, the situation shouldn’t be an either / or proposition regarding web site visits. Joining one doesn’t prohibit one from being a member of the other.

So… everybody… right now… head over to the ROJ and, if you haven’t done so already, get a username and a password and get this party started!!! (Irrational exuberance? I think not.)

One more thing… it may just be force of habit to power up the old desk top, laptop or what have you, and log in to the AACA Reatta forum. I know it was for me after posting here for many years. Just for the time being, when you think of clicking the link to AACA, try instead hitting the ROJ site first. Then maybe the urge to ask that Ron guy to “come back” will just fade away.

This is just my opinion. Everyone's entitled to one.

John F.

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UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" 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I will be joining the ranks of the lurkers here who no longer want to deal with the cloak and dagger tactics that take place here on a daily basis. I no longer want to take part in a forum where you can't tell who your friends are from one day to the next.

Machiner 55,

Obviously you missed the part where he said that it was his last post. He did not say he was leaving. He said he would just be lurking, and he is. I have communicated with Ronnie. I don't know if he will change his mind and decide to post here again or not. It does not really make much difference to me, as I don't personally own a Reatta. I have made him aware that the "cloak and dagger" tactics will not be allowed here.

I don't understand why the users of the Reatta Forum allowed the atmosphere to deteriorate on this forum. If any user sees an inappropriate post, they need to click the "report" button on the lower left side of the post. As a result of the problems on this forum finally being reported, many posts were deleted and one regular Reatta Forum poster was suspended from the AACA Discussion Forums for 30 days. This is his final warning. If the suspended poster violates the AACA Discussion Forum rules after his return, he will be banned from the AACA Discussion Forum permanently. It is really that simple. This posters on this forum will comply with the AACA Discussion Forum Rules or they will be gone. There is no reason for anybody to have to worry about "cloak and dagger" tactics here.

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There were many violations of the Forum Rules, most if not all, could probably best be described as personal attacks. The rules are really simple. MrEarl posted a good common sense explanation of the Forum Rules in the Buick General Forum.

What you describe as "frequent vendor battles" is a thing of the past. Those who want to battle will be banned.

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"Cloak and Dagger" is the wrong terminology. Per Merriam-Webster, "...dealing in or suggestive of melodramatic intrigue and action usually involving secret agents and espionage."

I know of no espionage or secret agents lurking about {unless Ronnie, by his own admission a lurker, is the secret agent! :) }. The thread of which is implied and has been deleted contained accusations and verbal assaults on one's character - and its first post was an inquiry regarding the correct parts to change the struts and shocks on an '89 coupe (I have a copy of the entire thread should anyone need a refresh). One thing lead to another, an assault on one's character was posted and properly defended and addressed on a responding post. Probably a minor reason why Ronnie decided to become a lurker, which is unfortunate.

But there was no cloak and dagger. It was quite transparent.

As for Steve's suspension, accusations were definitely posted. You could properly apply 'cloak and dagger'. Right or wrong, he had a position and he posted it.

I think he was, in part, seeking transparency.

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I quoted Ronnie's descriptive term. It might not be what I would choose to call it, and you can try to call the use of the term into question if you wish. You cannot, however, get away with incorrectly describing what happend and what was deleted. There was not one thread that was deleted. There were many different posts in many different threads that were deleted for substantial violation of the forum rules. The individual who is currently suspended had been previously suspended for 14 days, he is now is suspended for 30 days, and he will be banned permanently if he chooses to violate the forum rules in the future. This is the way it is going to be. The members of the different factions who want to attack each other on this forum will need to choose another venue for their attacks. It will not be tolerated here.

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