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Next Issue...WOW!!

Steve Moskowitz

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Well, apparently a few people had issues getting their magazines and certainly got them late! we often wonder what in the world happens to them but our investigations have never been able to pinpoint a cause.

So here I go teasing you with the fact that the next issue will blow you away!:) Great articles and a cover/centerfold that is spectacular. Personally, I think it is one of our best and rivals the "02" Cadillac and 1911 Olds cover. The car and setting are terrific.

Magazine will be at the USPS on January 11th so clear a little time for a good read. In the meantime, a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year from all of us at national headquarters. We appreciate getting to serve you (those who are not members, shame on you!):D

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Awesome! Keep up the fantastic work, Steve--it's appreciated!

Also just read about your significant involvement in the "Grand Ascent at Hershey," June 11-12, 2011 (benefiting Juvenile Diabetes--excellent cause), in the latest Auto Restorer (January 2011) that arrived today in my mailbox--sounds very exciting--nice work!

Happy New Year Steve and all,

Steve Mierz

Stony Creek, CT

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I didn't say I was happy!:D Just wished everyone the best...even you two characters are included! Hoover, if you want a certain item sitting on my desk you better play nice. As far as the other one is concerned, just hope you had a nice evening last night!:)

Sorry for the inside jokes everyone but these two AACA members take pride in busting my chops....I put up with them as they are actually good guys and do a lot for our organization. Wow, was that hard to admit!:)

Thank you Steve, we have a great group of guys trying to do something significant for everyone. I am proud to be a part of this effort. The Ascent and Elegance have the potential to be an incredible weekend for the hobby. Website should be live soon I am told www.theleganceathershey.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just enough plaid to cover the subject!

Reminds me of a saying my high school speech teacher told our class:

West obviously you were in an all boys school! Also, in that century you could say more things!

Edited by Steve Moskowitz
Matt, you were right! It did get pulled...that will teach him to edit my articles! (see edit history)
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Steve, when you touted this issue as being one of the best I thought "Oh Oh, raising expectations is never a good idea", but West and his elves came through. Excellant issue with great shots and, more important to me, interesting reading............Bob

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Bob, that is me...always living dangerously!:D The magazine does not just happen..West works awful hard on it and the rest of the contributors as well. It is a struggle for Adriana to fill the advertising for each issue and we would not have as good of a magazine if we could not manage our costs and quality. Postal rates are going up this April for periodicals and once again it impacts our bottom line,

Glad you enjoyed the issue...heck, West even managed to hit his deadline this issue!;) Magazine out in record time!

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Bob, that is me...always living dangerously!:D The magazine does not just happen..West works awful hard on it and the rest of the contributors as well. It is a struggle for Adriana to fill the advertising for each issue and we would not have as good of a magazine if we could not manage our costs and quality. Postal rates are going up this April for periodicals and once again it impacts our bottom line,

Glad you enjoyed the issue...heck, West even managed to hit his deadline this issue!;) Magazine out in record time!

Have you seen the GM of Canada build from 1908?post-70388-14313840812_thumb.jpg
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Matt, how come yours got there today, and mine didn't and I'm 55 or so miles from you...B

A couple of years ago I sent a somewhat large package to a town only 60 miles away. It took over two weeks for him to get it. After the postal clerk got snotty for me inquiring he explained that a lot of it is due to the use of more contract carriers. When things start to go between small towns, they wait for the pallet to fill up to make it worthwhile to move it. I was shipping from a small town to a small down, so there probably wasn't much traffic that direction. This was before they had real tracking and what I sent wasn't really replaceable so I was getting nervous.

This is why USPS gets a big fat "F" for service. I told the clerk that when you supply a service comparable to another firm for the same rate, you have a reasonable expectation of similar performance and that FedEx would have gotten it there in a few days, at most, and at the very least would have been able to tell me where it is. His answer: "Than you should have used FedEx".... and that's precisely what I've done with every package since.

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I'm pleased to report that neither hail, sleet, snow or the dark of night

in the Atlanta area could stop the delivery of the USPS to sunny

St Petersburg, FL. We got our magaiznes today (1/14/2011).

A full issue of all color sure make the hobby look colorful enough

to attacted new members to collect cars of the black & white era.

Looks Great!


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I am quite happy to have received my copy today. Hey Wayne, do you have your copy yet?:D



PS, I guess I'd better make another comment. I realize it not the club's fault with my situation, so I intend to change my address to a secondary post office. I told my wife we shouldn't have moved from Warsaw!!!:):P

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As you might guess,

Still no new issue here in beautiful, SUNNY & WARM NEW ORLEANS

Sixty Degrees, and we had the top down.

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Well, it got to Southside Vajenya Thursday 1/13 and was a pleasant read last night. It just gets better and better.

Burgess, you must really be out in the sticks now if it gets to Alton (which is not even on the Rand McNally map) before Miller's Tavern 30 miles from Richmond...

Or did y'all forget to leave the mail carrier some holiday cookies?:P

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So, it arrived in West Virginia and in North Carolina but not in Virginia?

Wayne, maybe you need to move again...:D

Depends on what part of Virginia you are in, here in Richmond we got ours several days ago. Guess the mailman has to swim across the bay :cool:

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..... Or did y'all forget to leave the mail carrier some holiday cookies?:P

Problem is he left holiday cookies rather than a bottle of sippin' whiskey. :rolleyes::D

By the way, thanks West for including the story about my buddies the Pepto Bismol Posse. I just found that in the magazine. Very nice guys. :)

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Guest prewar40

It hasn't arrived here in Minnesota yet either! Last issue, our club president had his for a week and a half before we got our issue.


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I am pleased to report this time that my copy showed up in today's mail here in the Metro Detroit area. So much quicker delievery than last issue, must have been all the holiday mail??? Scott...

PS, I too find the centerfold to be quite the sexy thing. If this keeps up we will be wanting to see 12 issues a year:eek:.

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Hey Wayne, Did you get your copy of the magazine yet?

I guess your copy and mine are on the same slow boat from China. :D

Funny thing is I live only about 60 miles east of Hershey and not in a rural area. As of yesterday, I had not received the magazine. I wonder what the record is for the shortest distance from Hershey taking the longest time to be delivered? :D

IIRC the magazine is not printed near Hershey so I know that distance from Hershey is not a factor.

I will give it some more time as no doubt the USPS will deliver my AACA Magazine.

Do have to wonder who will receive their magazine last. Any thoughts Wayne? :D

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