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I sure enough did it now.... Hitched. Love and Marriage, Love and marriage....

Dandy Dave

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May you both have many decades of good times together. This is just so wonderful to read; gives all of us the thought and feelings that good things happen to great people. Not often seen today . My very best wishes to you both.


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Dave and Gwynneth,



Best wishes Miss Gwynneth and Congratulations Dave-

Dale and I wish you the very best this world - and this hobby have to offer,

and the years to enjoy together. @Avantey expressed it very well, and I will confirm,

we don't all get a second chance, and I appreciate mine.

Dave, it has been some time since you joined us for dinner at Waterloo/Geneva, but we still have fond memories of that all too brief time.


Again, wishing you both health, happiness, and the time to enjoy 

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My Grandad used to say, "Don't burn the daylight". In other words don't waste your time and you aren't!  I wish you the best from one old farm boy to another and to his new better half.  A lucky boy and young lady you both are.  Congratulations to the both of you.  Life is just to short to make the walk alone.


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21 hours ago, rocketraider said:

No shotguns involved then?😁

Nope. Although I thought about getting a buddy to use an old demascus wound barrel one for a prop. 😅🤣😂


Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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20 hours ago, 63RedBrier said:

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS from Central Virginia, Dave!  All the best to you and your new bride!  Will you be attending Hershey this fall as newlyweds?  Greg

You never know. I'll need to build a two seater gas powered cart to get around on. I've got a pile of parts and a dream. 😉

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20 hours ago, Gunsmoke said:

What a wonderful story Dave, and with a storybook ending to this chapter. Wishing you and the Mrs many more chapters full of the same excitement as the first many. I'm sure there is a "made for TV" movie in here somewhere, and I'm sure all your friends here on AACA would gladly donate their cars for period  authenticity, starting with Model T's back when you were a kid!!

Oh lawdy. The muti million dollar movie I could write about the Farm I grew up on. It was quite a soap opera. 

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15 hours ago, Xander Wildeisen said:

I hope the wedding vows said to love and cherish, and allow plenty of garage/shop time.

She love's old stuff as much as I do. We freely admit it. We're Horders. 😉

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8 hours ago, nick8086 said:

Congratulations Dave


Let me know if you want to go to the  Branson Auto and Farm Museum..


Not sure if I will use my time share this year.  or next year. Very Cheap.. for 7 nights..


You can get my phone  number from keiser31..

Cool. Sounds like fun. When is it? 🙂

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Thanks for all the kind wishes everyone. I bought Gwynne a 1915 Model T Ford Roadster for Christmas. I suppose i'll have to get some photos of it now. She had a model T Ford years ago. It was a Canadian built car from the 20's she said. Her former husband would not let anyone near her, or the car, to teach her how to drive it and maintain it. She reluctently sold it at a farm auction they had years ago and always regretted it. She said she felt it was better to see someone use and enjoy it then to let it just sit. Anyway, here we are today. Two old love birds that are young at heart. 🙂 🥰 With a Buick and a 15 Ford T. 😁 

Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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