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It's funny and ,why is it ?Social media.


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I am still  baffled that when I make a  shixxty crap comment that I see( and many others here too get)  as sarcastic humor. 95 % of the time ,I end up making a direct PM opolgy to  some, who ( who or whom?) took offense ,but those folks  do not reply to my heart felt PM  opology.

Not one person,ever replied..not one.Hum? 


  One problem with social media is that  personal contact that shows intent and demeaner is vaporized, which leaves us in a  limbo and by nature we often view things  as the worst personal attact...

 I am guilty of button pushing..but never mean harm..just my thoughts to a posted query.









Edited by Flivverking (see edit history)
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We are all guilty at times of let's say "less than polite comment". Aside from the obvious suggestion to avoid sarcastic comments on public forums (remember their are 1000's of viewers), the best way to show understanding when someone is offended by any comment, is by removing the post altogether, or using the edit button and changing the post by removing the sarcasm. When a shixxy or sarcastic comment is made, and an apology occurs a few posts later (or by unknown PM), the sarcastic comment still sits there bothering the person forever. So 1st don't do it because sarcasm seldom works the way you intend, and if you do make a mistake, remove it as soon as it is brought to your attention. You'll feel much better too! Hope I haven't pushed your buttons.

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Every crackpot now has a opportunity through the internet to express their misguided sensitivity.  It's almost like people are searching for something to be offended by so they can make a big deal over it.  We used to ignore these people but today we give them the podium!  As a society we are fast losing the ability to laugh at ourselves and take a joke.  Sad!  

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Soupiov, Please excuse the edits; 

Every crackpot now has an opportunity through the internet to express their misguided and inconsiderate thoughts.  It's almost like people are searching to offend someone so they can  laugh at someone else's expense.  We used to be able to ignore these people but today we give them this podium!  As a society we are fast losing the ability to maintain civil discourse.  Sad!  

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  • Flivverking changed the title to It's funny and ,why is it ?Social media.

At the risk of being a crackpot... :)


Sarcasm is NEVER interpreted well in any social platform (this forum, Facebook, etc.).  

Hell, half the times its missed by most people even face-to-face.


Solution:  Reconsider if you should post sarcastic comments.




I've been running this forum for 22 years, and I can say for a fact sarcasm doesnt EVER get picked up my most people.  Instead the poster looks like an ass (or worse). 99% of the people who post here I've never met.  I don't have a clue of your personality, your humor, etc.  I do however get an impression of people by their posts... and sarcasm is part of that impression.



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Maybe if they'd had social media in the era of Don Rickles, Rodney Dangerfield, Sam Kinison and even the 3 Stooges, people would have thicker skin today.

I just can't imagine George Carlin walking on stage, slapping Tommy Smothers and then being handed an award 10 minutes later in front of the same audience.

Pinch me, I must be dreaming all this.






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Much of our society has become very crude, many don't know any etiquette much less how to be polite.  Bad parenting or worse no parenting has contributed to this.  The internet while providing instant access to valuable and useful information also provides access to the most perverse filth imaginable.  There is a lot to do, lets hope it's not too late. 

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I follow quite a few old car groups on Facebook.  Daily, I see post asking very basic questions that we think everyone should know the answer to.  Think again, these are the young people just entering our hobby for the most part.  Take the time to answer their question in detail.  You're passing your knowledge on, be proud of it.

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You think this place is rude? Go over to Yellowbullet.com and check it out. The slogan for the forum is Where the weak are killed and eaten. They have no moderators at all near as I can tell. It's like Detroit after dark.

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When having face to face conversations/communicating, there are 3 basic forms, verbal, non-verbal, and para-verbal (stay with me). Example: Your spouse asks you "Do you love me"? A "verbal reply" is simple "Yes Dear".  A "non-verbal reply" might be a nod of the head, or a big warm hug. The "para-verbal reply" however might really tell the truth. It deals with tone, physical reaction, body language, volume and other signals. So the spouse who replies "Yeees Deear while rolling their eyes", or whimpers "yes dear' such that you can hardly hear, or while walking out of the room, may be giving a message different from the verbal words. Similarly a spouse who looks him/her straight in the eye and loudly declares "I love you so much and gives her/him a hug to boot, likely leaves little doubt. So body language and tone is a real factor in face to face communication, some suggest 50% of the message.


But what about communications on platforms like AACA. All we get is words, i.e verbal expressions, no body language, no volume (unless you use all caps to imply screaming), and the reader is left to interpret sincerity by language alone. That is why sarcasm, irony, ambiguous statements are problematic. 


So following Peter G's good advice, say what's on your mind in a civil, fair, and helpful manner, avoid potshots, sarcasm, or jabs and allow discussion to occur without vitriol or side-tracking. Treat members on here like you treat your spouse (at least the way I hope you treat them). 

Edited by Gunsmoke (see edit history)
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I have been on this forum since 2006. It was good to have when recovering from a stroke and a heart attack as well as through the time of the plague. Personalities certainly do show through the text and the list of members I would avoid is probably around the same length as the ones whom would avoid me.


And the non-verbal communication here has done a lot to reinforce my confidence that the historic cycles of human generations is still in tact.

3 hours ago, Gunsmoke said:

(unless you use all caps to imply screaming)

That's the part of the forum that always makes me smile. For some reason it makes me remember a friend who bought a horse drawn manure spreader down in the Mennonite country. The younger family members wanted the grandfather to get in it and have his picture taken before it left. Yes, non-verbal but the mental image it there. Funny what some actions trigger.

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  • 1 year later...

I totally get what you're saying about social media and how comments can be taken the wrong way. It's frustrating when our sarcastic humor doesn't come across as intended. I've had similar experiences where I had to personally apologize through PM but never got a response. It's like we're stuck in this limbo where personal contact and understanding are lost. It's important to remember that without tone and body language, things can easily be misinterpreted. I've actually come across a website where you can get free TikTok likes, which might be useful for those who enjoy the platform. Here's the link with more info: https://iamаt.com/buy-tiktok-followers/.

Edited by kamlacou (see edit history)
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When I'm being overly sarcastic I usually put [/sarcasm] at the end. 


I've forgotten most of the code I used to know but that stays. 


A lot of social media is people just trying to be the worst person they can be just to take joy in hurting people. Those are not good people...

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Being a person for whom scarcasm was a regular thing when I was younger and still occasionally will shine through on another forum that I visit(more political than here) I would use a scarcasm alert icon to make sure other knew what I was trying to do.




Kinda like this one.

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6 minutes ago, R W Burgess said:

You guys would have loved Rants and Raves days on the forum. Pretty much anything was ok. Kept all of the moderators very busy, but I enjoyed it. It finally became too much of a job to control, and well......its gone!

And I still miss Howard Scotland!😔


I'm guilty of using emoji to try and convey a tone, then I remember sometimes phone emoji don't translate to laptop/desktop or even to different brand phones.


I can be a real smartass as most of you know, but I do try to NOT be vicious.

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