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Is Tinindian O.K. ?

C Carl

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Our great Canadian friend has not been here for a while. Used to be a frequent and expert contributor here. Certainly logged more miles in an older car than almost anyone on earth. I hope he is just occupied putting thousands of miles on top of the 100s of thousands he has already logged.   -   Carl 

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Yes, very much so. Well, we certainly are relieved to know he drove off under his own power. He is a consummate gentleman. Does this mean that his accumulated wisdom is still preserved somewhere, but accessible through some “Guest” link ? How does that work ? Best wishes, Tinindian ! I hope the road ahead holds many a pleasant mile for you !      -    Cadillac Carl 

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1 hour ago, Peter Gariepy said:

Yes,  his acct was deleted at his request.


36 minutes ago, Ben P. said:

Everything he ever posted is still here - it’s just that each post identifies the author as ‘Guest’ rather than Tinindian. (Which means you cannot do a forum search for posts authored by his username.)



This is just a question and certainly not meant to question Tinindian's motivation or desire to have his account removed.  He obviously had his reasons, but i for one will miss his knowledge that he was more than willing to share.  Is it perhaps also possible to show accounts as retired or something similar?  I am just thinking out loud here, which I know can be dangerous, for accounts in a similar situation or for those who have passed.  I can imagine for some getting alerts on their personal email or family members getting alerts may be emotionally troubling but it would also be nice for credit to be given where it is due for the knowledge that had been shared.  Not to mention often the name attached adds a great deal to the credibility of the information.


Don MacKenzie

Edited by 3macboys (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, 3macboys said:

....  I am just thinking out loud here, which I know can be dangerous, for accounts in a similar situation or for those who have passed.  I can imagine for some getting alerts on their personal email or family members getting alerts may be emotionally troubling but it would also be nice for credit to be given where it is due for the knowledge that had been shared............

A travel forum I visit marks members who have passed as "in memoriam" and email/messaging is locked.  Posts are still visible

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I noticed that his account was no longer active the other day when searching through one of my old posts. Thought maybe (hoping) it was just a glitch. This is really sad news as he was fast to give good advice to us newbies. Hoping something changes and he chooses to return here. 

Best wishes to the "Tinindian"

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I'm sure Reid has his reasons but a lot of knowledge and wisdom has left the building. 


I sometimes rifle thru old posts and come across names from 10 or more years ago, and wonder what happened to those folks. I'm sure some left the hobby and some have probably passed on.


There's a quote from Dirk Wittenborn's book "Fierce People" that has stuck with me from the first time I read it- "We are the sum of all people we have ever met. You change the tribe and the tribe changes you."

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I haven't been here very long in the grand scheme of things but it is heartwarming to know and see that people notice when a longtime "member of the family" goes missing.


I was a long time member of an agricultural based forum that became absolutely toxic with topics concerning everyday stuff:  political, Covid, climate change.....everything but what the forum's purpose and intentions were.  I had to take a leave of abscence.....  it was too negative and confrontational and was sucking the life out of me.

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8 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:


I did.  Im not going to share the details.. But the summary was "it was time to move on..."

I certainly hope its not from a recently diagnosed incurable illness that leaves one with only X number of months left to live!!  I really don't want to read about it AFTER they have passed, if this is indeed the issue.



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When he vanished, many people were upset over the political crap floating around here. Some even threatened to leave. I am among the majority saying good riddance to the bickering , and am very grateful for the moderators placing a zero tolerance policy to it. Absolutely no good whatsoever could have come from continuing divisive irrelevant off subject B.S. here, and it could have got very much worse. Now that we are cleansed, I wish we could issue him an apology and get him to come back, if in fact that was the issue.    -    Carl 

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I agree this is "No" place for politics but a person can always choose to ignore it. Reid didn't a seem like the kind of person who would let some ones idle chatter get under his skin. 

Still hoping he comes back. 

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People do thing for many different reasons. I along with many will miss Tinindians' wisdom. As with others, I hope he changes his mind and returns to this great group. Tinindian, if you see this and if  I  in any way offended you in any post I made, I humbly apologize. I will miss your contributions and insights.  BTW, if I have offended anyone here, I apologize to you also.

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 First,  If Tin Indian and Pete wanted us to know they would have said so. Many of you are assuming and speculating and this is not good.


 Second, almost everything today is political in nature and that includes what effects us in the collector car world such as what is in the fuel and how it effects our engines, the price and availability of fuel, the type of paint we can use,  road taxes, emission regulations on collector cars that are newer and are still in the system-some forever, and how it effects our wallets, to a pandemic that effects our car shows.

  If we are to talk about the really important general well being of the hobby then politics has to be in the picture. If not we may not have a future. Legislators and lobbyist have a direct impact on us and the both of them are highly political.  You must know there are some people, organizations that want our cars off the road. If you put you're heads in the sand you might not realize that what's going on above you - that you are being buried altogether.   


Edited by Pfeil (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, Pfeil said:

 First,  If Tin Indian and Pete wanted us to know they would have said so. Many of you are assuming and speculating and this is not good.


My sentiments, exactly - well said !

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On 4/22/2021 at 10:59 AM, Pfeil said:

 First,  If Tin Indian and Pete wanted us to know they would have said so. Many of you are assuming and speculating and this is not good.


 Second, almost everything today is political in nature and that includes what effects us in the collector car world such as what is in the fuel and how it effects our engines, the price and availability of fuel, the type of paint we can use,  road taxes, emission regulations on collector cars that are newer and are still in the system-some forever, and how it effects our wallets, to a pandemic that effects our car shows.

  If we are to talk about the really important general well being of the hobby then politics has to be in the picture. If not we may not have a future. Legislators and lobbyist have a direct impact on us and the both of them are highly political.  You must know there are some people, organizations that want our cars off the road. If you put you're heads in the sand you might not realize that what's going on above you - that you are being buried altogether.   



All truth.

Your points are valid but be careful.... buttercups aren't buckled up around here.

Denial is a powerful tool controlling much of humanity these days (how dare we stand for what we believe in...) 


Maybe he got tired of reading about snowflakes? 


My money says he'll be back. They always come back. 
Come home tin man 😗

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When I surf old posts a lot of defunct usernames show up as "Guest". Some I can figure out who they were by the writing style, others not. 


People are always moving in and out of each others' lives. If we're lucky they left a trace of themselves when they moved on. Reid's knowledge and wisdom will stay with AACA. I sure loved reading about his adventures daily driving a 90 year old car.

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Sad to see long time positive contributors leave for any reason. He certainly had his reasons...........and I shall respect them. Unfortunately people come in and out of our lives.....sometimes without explanations. My thought is to take the positive and keep it with you as a life lesson. Best wishes to him........Ed.

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