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Raise your hand if you drove at least one old Buick this weekend


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Drove the 54 to the farmers co-op for squirrel and bird feed.  Put it back in the garage.  I then put the 60 back in the garage.  However, I wanted to see if the Dynaflow in low would break loose a tire.  Stabbed the gas pedal.  Yep.  It does. I put it away before I got myself into trouble. 

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Went out for a ride with number 2 son. Should start calling him #1, but it hasn’t been a year since we lost Bubba. Teddy gets very excited for rides. He just needs to figure out where the sun is and move to the other side of the car. Well he is still learning. He will be 2 on 9-11. We picked up corn and one apple to sample. The apple was still too sour for me. Teddy didn’t care.








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This past Saturday I was invited to my son Andrew's friend's family cottage, on one of the nearby lakes, to celebrate Andrew's 45th birthday.  It was a nice day so I took the Electra for the 35 mile drive.  Had a great dinner, and a fun time with the grandsons.  Son Doug stayed around to drive the Electra home as the night driving is getting a bit difficult what with all those extra bright LED headlights.  Sure do miss the old sealed beams like on the Super. 


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Then, on Sunday I went with Ed to the town of North Adams, Massachusetts, for what has become an annual late summer show.  We both drove our GS 400 Convertibles the 57 miles over, and after we toured the 400 plus cars, of which we only found about 6 Buicks, we tried to relax back at the parking spot.  At that point we opened the hoods and found our cars inundated with visitors, checking out the two related, and side by side, muscle cars.  






















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We were requested to bring our '15 truck to a car show at the GM Component plant in Grand Rapids last weekend where we showed the truck and gave rides. (request was made by friends in the Camaro club that work at the plant).  We also had a tour of the plant where they make rear axles, roller lifters, and a number of other components.  We had a good time.  For our effort, we received this ring gear.

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Edited by Larry Schramm (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, JohnD1956 said:

Then, on Sunday I went with Ed to the town of North Adams, Massachusetts, for what has become an annual late summer show.

Wow -- there was some nice GM iron at that show.  That Evening Orchid '65 2+2 sure got my attention...  ;)



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10 hours ago, JohnD1956 said:

There was also this 1919 Buick which at first glance I thought was ole @Dandy Dave.  I will keep my thoughts about this Buick to myself.  










Not mine JD. It would look better with black fenders. These cars just don't look right in one color.

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Went to the weekly Wednesday Cruise In tonite. Had some interesting cars again. 


20220831_190800.jpg20220831_190817.jpg20220831_181243.jpg20220831_174814.jpgalthough hotrodded, this is the first time Ive seen a Studebaker business coupe. 


20220831_180039.jpgthis fellow was so happy to sit in the Super. His son said I had made his day!  It was my pleasure to do so.



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The Avantis bring back memories. A friend who lives in New Mexico has one, actually one of the people who we plan to visit on out Route 66 trip next month. We became friends back in the mid-70s when we worked together in the engineering department at Motorola. His is an original Studebaker, either a '63 or '64, I forget which. He decided at the time that Studebaker placed the engine too far forward to suit his handling preferences, so he spent many months on the project of moving the engine about 6" or so to the rear. He was pleased with the result. I had the pleasure of driving the car when he lived here in NJ. He still has it.

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48 minutes ago, avgwarhawk said:

Headed to the yearly Charles Town WV show.  Won top 50.  Second year in a row.  Guessing the folks in WV like Buick.



I saw your car there. Walked by a few times but don’t think I ever caught you there. Quite a turnout today!


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22 minutes ago, parkertom said:

I saw your car there. Walked by a few times but don’t think I ever caught you there. Quite a turnout today!


I was busy at Abolitionist Ale Works. A beer and pizza. I love that place. Great town for a show. I would say 450-500 cars.  Some nice cars.  The Mack fire engine was super. 

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At 3 PM today I have an appointment to have my '64 Riviera get its 44th New York State annual inspection since I bought it in 1978. I usually get a picture of that. Earlier this week I couldn't find my little Canon ELPH. There are only two places in the garage and two places in the house where it could be. I have very predictable habits. After really straining my thoughts I walked to the end of the driveway and crossed the road. There on the shoulder were all fives pieces of it. I had driven out of the garage with it on the trunk of my convertible. I usually turn left out of of the driveway, not hard to figure it out. No pictures of that event this weekend.


I was thinking of a Canon EOS Rebel but as I age and do more stuff like that I better stick with the inexpensive one.


No pictures but the event will really happen.

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3 hours ago, 60FlatTop said:

I was thinking of a Canon EOS Rebel but as I age and do more stuff like that I better stick with the inexpensive one.

Since I insist on having a dumb phone, I too use  Cannon Power Shot ELPH...  📷

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Went for a ride to get pizza for lunch on the big house lawn. Not as cool a day as yesterday but still a good day if the car is moving. 
 oh yes, the pizza was good!



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6 hours ago, Den41Buick said:

Went for a ride to get pizza for lunch on the big house lawn. Not as cool a day as yesterday but still a good day if the car is moving. 
 oh yes, the pizza was good!



I just love your pictures Den41. Always such nice Buick settings.  

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21 hours ago, 60FlatTop said:

Earlier this week I couldn't find my little Canon ELPH.

Sorry to hear how you found your lost ELPH. I also have an ELPH that went missing for several months. Last September my wife and I took a vacation in Maine. Upon returning home and unpacking I noticed that my camera was missing. I went nuts for weeks tracing my steps, calling everywhere I used the camera in the hope that someone found it and turned it in, etc. to no avail. I eventually accepted that some mysteries will remain unsolved. I replaced my ELPH with a similar one that I bought at a tag sale for $2.00. And then it appeared.


In early Spring when the warmer weather got us to thinking about taking hikes again, we dug our hiking boots out of the closet, and behold the ELPH was in one of mine! I'm not in the habit of storing things in boots, so how it got there and why neither of us noticed it are mysteries that I'm not all that worried about solving. 

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3 hours ago, Machine Gun said:

And then it appeared.


In early Spring when the warmer weather got us to thinking about taking hikes again, we dug our hiking boots out of the closet, and behold the ELPH was in one of mine!

Now that's funny. You traced all your steps except the first one, putting on your boots...

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The New York State Inspection did happen with the Riviera, the 44th time. 56 or so thousand miles. The bad part was only driving it 5 miles since the last inspection. Even worse I was a month late!

I remember a few years ago when I felt bad about only putting 500 on it. I will try to get at least that meager 500 on it this coming year.


Good news, the old Canon Rebel technology is very well priced. I got a full 3T outfit and will have plenty to replace the ELPH as well.


No pictures but the battery is charging.

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9 hours ago, Machine Gun said:

Sorry to hear how you found your lost ELPH. I also have an ELPH that went missing for several months. Last September my wife and I took a vacation in Maine. Upon returning home and unpacking I noticed that my camera was missing. I went nuts for weeks tracing my steps, calling everywhere I used the camera in the hope that someone found it and turned it in, etc. to no avail. I eventually accepted that some mysteries will remain unsolved. I replaced my ELPH with a similar one that I bought at a tag sale for $2.00. And then it appeared.


In early Spring when the warmer weather got us to thinking about taking hikes again, we dug our hiking boots out of the closet, and behold the ELPH was in one of mine! I'm not in the habit of storing things in boots, so how it got there and why neither of us noticed it are mysteries that I'm not all that worried about solving. 

I also "lost" my Canon. My wife, grandson and I had driven a Divisional tour in North Carolina, including a visit to a private collection buried deep in the woods and not generally accessible. Continuing on to another tour in Maine, driving our 1954 Cadillac convertible, the camera was missing. Ultimately, after checking every motel and venue visited, I phoned the son of the owner of that first private collection. He had my Canon, left in the restroom when we first visited. Apparently it hadn't occurred to him to phone me. My name and number were inside the case.


The Canon was subsequently lost yet another time and my daughter bought me a newer, smaller and lighter version which I planned to use for our upcoming tour. A few days later in Boerne, Texas, a half hour or so west of San Antonio, unloading the '54 Caddy from the trailer for the VMCCA Chrome Glidden Tour the Canon slid out from under the driver's seat, still fully charged and ready to use.


I've since learned to keep it looped to my belt, but these days I mostly use the camera in my iphone.

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 As the summer is drawing to a close we are trying to take in a few more cruise nights and give all the cars some exercise so we took the '56 Roadmaster out to the Tilsonburg cruise where there were 171 vehicles including the Sherp and the cira 1911 Flying Merkel motorcycle.

Also a couple of gents I'm friends with brought their McLaughlin Buicks, a '31 and a '32, which made me wish I'd brought the '41 McLaughlin.

This is 30+ miles round trip so a nice evening drive.




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 Well I did drive an old Buick today, and it was the '55 Special my son and I have been working on. I got the safety yesterday, and the plates this morning, so this was it's first day on the road.

We had about a 7 mile drive and made it back into the driveway then we took it out again and it died at the end of the driveway!

 Turned out it was the recently rebuilt fuel pump. The decades old one which was still working and I sent it out last year to be refreshed. Silly me!

Fortunately I had a spare one I keep in the truck of the '56 Roadie and it fired up after a bit of priming.

The crazy thing is the fuel pump died on the '41 on it's first day on the road too!


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Took number one son, Teddy for a morning birthday ride around town. Teddy was born 2 years ago on 9/11 with 11 in the litter. It was also the breeders 11th litter. He is a great riding companion.




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Took the '38 Century to the Wampsville show put on by the Mohican Model A Ford club.  Weather was 'on the edge' all day, but aside from some occasional light sprinkles, rain held off until after the show.  Somehow I scored a prime spot at the start of the first row of cars as people entered the show field from the parking lot across the street.  Needless to say, there were groups of people around the car all day.  Many had never seen a '38 Buick, but I had a nice chat with a couple of guys associated with the NE Classic Car Museum in Norwich.  They new exactly what it was and asked me whether I had personally verified the Buick's reputed performance.  I told them that I have had it up to 65 mph and I have no reason to doubt the Century claim...  ;)




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