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Raise your hand if you drove at least one old Buick this weekend


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Left on Thursday to visit JR and Stephanie.  While there I got to meet up with friends and hack a round of golf ( not even sure it could be called golf as I played horribly ), and caught the last Cruise in for the Shriners,




The cruise in was well attended and had this really sharp Pontiac




Not pictured was the 389 with 3- 2 bbls under the hood!  This must be an exceptionally rare car! This is the 2nd rare pontiac that I have recently seen as I was made aware of a 67 Gran Prix convertible with a factory 4 speed and a 421  just a week ago. 


While we were getting ready to depart suddenly several guys showed interest in our cars.  Then several more came over to take a look.   It was very much appreciated.


The next day we took a ride out from the city to attend a smaller show at a campground.  We learned about that event from a facebook post and just did it for the fun of it and the nice drive. Then JR took one of the 3 awards.  




Round trip was 549 Buickful miles!  Gas costs were rediculous!  Gas mileage was as low as 10 around town driving and just under 16 on the highway!  Time with my son at a car show with our two cars...PRICELESS!!!


Lastly we all went to a block party in his town with live bands and 8 food trucks vending just about anything you could want. 




Time with Jr and Stephanie was truly enjoyable and relaxing!  Can't thank them enough for their hospitality!









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 Tonight was the last cruise night at the Tilsonburg cruise in, where I go every couple of weeks, so being a decent afternoon, cool, and the rain had lifted so I wanted to make sure I attended.

 Since we had just got the '55 on the road We decided to take it for it's first cruise night! Also a trip to the gas station on route, which must be it's first visit to such a place in a long time too.

 In this case we did 37 miles on it tonight which is it's longest trip so far.

The sunset on the way home was spectacular and we took the time to take a few pics of it. Here I have to do a full disclosure about the picture of the '55 with the sunset. The sunset was actually in the other direction and the sky behind the car was pretty boring, so being a retired Photoshop pro, I switched skys, and I really like the altered version. Hope no one minds.







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We put about 240 miles on our 1910 Model 19 over e r theweekend. Thursday and Friday, followed by the Old Car Festival at Greenfield Village on Saturday and Sunday. 

Car games included "slow drags", fire drill races, potato races and other automotive silliness.

Four fun-filled days of Old Car Heaven!


Me and the Model 19 at one of the tour stops; a restored Ford cottage industry "mill factory".IMG_20220912_224009.jpg.00f3758c85dafb2ee8969ce3b20ecf1b.jpg


Great weather and some picturesque roads



Exiting the covered bridge inside Greenfield Village 



This family team never lost a "fire drill" race...even though there were 12 of them in and on the car! 

Yes,, TWELVE!! 

You can't see the 2 young children in this photo.



Going through the "Pass in Review" at the grandstands with the group of "Lansing to Dearborn Reliability Run" participants.


What a great weekend!



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8 hours ago, Buicknutty said:

 The sunset was actually in the other direction and the sky behind the car was pretty boring, so being a retired Photoshop pro, I switched skys, and I really like the altered version. Hope no one minds.

I will carry the secret to my grave.

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Last week we were on the Lansing-Dearborn HCCA & AACA joint tour in conjunction with the Old Car Festival at Greenfield Village/ The Henry Ford Museum.   We put almost 250 miles on the 1913 Buick and my Daughter and her husband put almost the same number of miles on our 1915 Buick truck driving from Dearborn to Lansing on Thursday and back from Lansing to Dearborn on Friday.  We made a number of stops including one at an elementary school in Stockbridge, MI.  

See the attached link for some of the school pictures.  We were letting the kids sit in our truck and at one time had a line probably 30 yards long of students waiting to sit in the truck and get their picture taken.  Joyce was helping them up on the passenger side and I was helping them exit on the drivers side.  The students were thrilled.




I will try to put some other pictures of that tour later. 


We left Greenfield Village on Sunday and then drove to another HCCA tour in White Cloud, MI put on by Brian Heil and his wife.  We put over 300 miles on this three day tour.  Everyone had a great time with a great group of individuals.   Brian and his wife did a nice job on that tour.


Not bad for a 1913 Buick to put almost 600 miles on it 7 days.   I will post some more pictures of the tours.

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I think this counts...had the Opel Manta out for a spin this afternoon and evening. It really perked up once the cobwebs cleared out. It hadn't really been driven for several months. I'll confess that it felt really good to get behind the wheel of the little blue Opel and let him spread his wings for a bit! 20220916_195407.jpg.637fec34bcd7b23903d03e41c7ec96f6.jpg

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16 hours ago, mp65riv said:

I think this counts...had the Opel Manta out for a spin this afternoon and evening. It really perked up once the cobwebs cleared out. It hadn't really been driven for several months. I'll confess that it felt really good to get behind the wheel of the little blue Opel and let him spread his wings for a bit! 


'74 or '75?

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This weekend In Lorain County Oh Fair grounds annual Lagrange Engine show steam engines and antique cars and flea marlet,,came across old Bugle 1974 in flea market






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Started the morning with Pistons on the square,  did not take the Reatta because you need to get there by 6:30 to actually find a parking spot. 

There are usually 200 cars (take away the Corvettes and Mustangs and the number is closer to 160)  Last month there was a beautiful '55 Special, 

today one GN, a Ttype, and a Regal Summerset. 

Our local club went to lunch at a brew pub about 15 miles away so I drove the Reatta in air conditioned comfort (it was 95+ today) 

Had a local Porter in honor of Bill Stoneberg,   now that I think about it I should have had another for myself. 

1919 Buick 015.jpg

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 So far we've had two Buicks out this weekend. Friday afternoon we took the '55 to a lady who sews upholstery so she could see it and give us a price.

 Last year I had bought some original fabric from S.S, and that's the part which is bad in a few spots. Overall she thought the condition of the interior was surprisingly good and she is feeling vinyl sections are reusable, with only one small section needing replacement.

 You might call this a sympathic restoration as we trying to do as little as possible and retain as much of it's originality as we reasonably can. Of course one can get carried away on things, so we will see how it goes.

 At least this woman wants to keep it simple and isn't trying to up sell us on this or that. She is an older lady who is considering retiring due to the physical actions of her work. So we have agreed to take the seat covers off for her. Which of course saves us a bit of money too.


 Then Sat morning there was a Wings and Wheels show at the local regional airport and we drove the '41 out for a few hours. Nearly 400 hundred cars showed up. They were offering airplane rides in Harvard's, a WWII trainer aircraft, but neither of us took the opportunity! Just after I parked we were swarmed by quite a number or people who admired the car and wanted to talk to me about it! I was surprised that quite a number knew the name McLaughlin, as it is technically a McLaughlin Buick, but it identical except in a few small details to the US model 76S.

 It ran great on the way out, but after sitting in the lineup to get in and out it was running rough and didn't clear up on the 20+ mile drive back home, so I guess it's plug cleaning time. Total mileage today was 45.


 This get me thinking about running two front carbs like Matt and a few others have done instead of the rear secondary, which often seems to not work quite right.

 No pictures right now as they are still on the camera.


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After a busy summer, I’ve been lamenting the shorter days, realizing I’ve almost run out of time for summer cruising. So, being a nice if not a bit cool weekend,  I took the opportunity to take out a car each day. Yesterday was the Electra’s turn while today’s drive belonged to the Estate Wagon. Was able to put about 40 miles on each. No pictures from the drives but theres this…



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Last week I hit the Wednesday Weekly Cruise in with the 56. Always something unique and new to see like this '66 Olds 442



And this cute MG





Then Saturday was a GS day.  A local car club held a show at the Buick Dealership. Many cars have been documented in prior posts but not this gorgeous 1960 Olds Ninety Eight convertible.



Check out the dog dish hub caps and factory trim rings!


20220917_135710.jpglater Saturday was an evening cruise in at a place out in the countryside. Small event, lightly attended, but still had some nice cars.



Didn't keep track of the milage but probably less than 50 miles alltogether.  Sunday the GS went to church and then installed new rear brake pads and rotors on the Regal GS. 

Fall is right around the corner.  



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Had breakfast with some friends from our chapter.  Then just drove around a bit as the Super was lovin the cool weather.20220921_223435.jpg

Then later swapped the Super for the GS and the weekly Wednesday Cruise in. 


20220921_183021.jpg20220921_183029.jpg20220921_184838.jpgwith this awesome DeSoto! Yes the hood ornament has lights in it.



Here's a few more cars I found interesting.  



Then got a nice bonus from Mother Nature




Linda would have loved to have seen this sunset...




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Today, I drove my 1937 Roadmaster Model 80C on an 80 mile round trip to attend a car show that was organized by a member of my local AACA Chapter. The car performed flawlessly. The car was a big hit with a lot of the show attendees. 


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We don't do car shows, out cruising with my friends.  Left to right, 40 HP 1912 McIntyre, our 1913 30 HP model 31 and a 20 HP 1914 Ford. We have a friend who often says, " Why would you want to play golf when there are old cars to drive."






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Signed-in at the host hotel for the 76th Revival AAA Glidden Tour.  Attended the opening BBQ and then visited the Strober Collection for some coffee & desserts.  While admiring some of the other vintage iron, I had the opportunity to meet Ashby Armistead, Treasurer for the '36-'38 Buick Club, who is touring with his '37.  Reacquainted him with my '38 Century, which he last saw when @MCHinson owned it.  I've owned it for about a year now and I told him that by the time I get back home I'll have put over 3,000 miles on it...  ;)





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With almost continuous breezes, and temps in the mid 50's, I wasn't too sure how the home town's Octoberfest would turn out.  They have done this event for probably 12 years now and while I participated in the first one, I have not been able to go since for one reason or another.  So I was looking forward to just traveling the 7 (s)miles to the town park. The trip was great and the heater works great too, thankfully.  

The event has grown in size, and includes many facets, one of which is a cruise in from 10:30 to 6 pm.  This photo is from around 2pm



I only took the one panoramic photo and so I would just point out that the line of cars was straight, not curved like that.  


Anyway, the Super got quite a few compliments.  But there was a number of beautiful cars there as well.  Here's a few starting off with another Super




I am envious of those Chevy guys with all the stick shift transmissions!  Then again, I am not crawling under the cars to replace clutches.


There was a nice "original"  '57 Caddy, which is my personal favorite year for that Marque



And although I love '66 Skylark Gran Sports, well, I will leave the description to the pictures. 



Not my personal choice, and powered by a Chevy 350 but the owner says he is rebuilding the 401.  So...

Any way the event included the opportunity for helicopter rides, a Boy Scout sleep over, fun and games, booths from farmers, crafts, and civic organizations, bands, as well as food vendors and, what else, BEER!  




I do think the beer was the most thoroughly enjoyed event, although I might suggest sitting for your picture in a 1956 Buick seemed to be pretty well enjoyed too.. 




This doesn't include the several others who took their own pictures, but all of their smiles were the highlights of my day. 


Towards the end my good friend Ed M and I stuck around till about 5:30  Ed's '54 Roadmaster has been posted here before but the late afternoon sun gave us a unique opportunity




And I will wrap this up with my newest favorite picture



Thank for looking!












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I had an aunt (my mom's identical twin sister) that owned a Rambler station wagon like the one you pictured.  We used to go to the local drive-in with aunt/mom and my cousins.  Aunt would back into the speaker spot, drop the tailgate and we'd watch the cartoons and movies.

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Well it has been a very busy month for Joyce and I.  We have been on three tours in three weeks and put on over 1,000 miles on our 1913 Buick touring car.


The first tour was after Labor Day on the Lansing-Dearborn tour in conjunction with the Old Car Festival.  On that tour we put about 250 miles on our vehicles.  We drove the '13 Buick with friends from Nashville while our daughter and her husband drove our 1915 Buick truck.  Both vehicles performed fine on the tour. 





One of the stops that we did was to stop at an elementary school with the tour group.  This was to let the students see the different vehicles, all from 1915 and older. They were thrilled. 




Joyce and I let students get up and sit in our truck.  They were so excited to sit in the truck that we had a line waiting for the chance to sit in the truck about 40 yards back.  All of the students were very well behaved.





On the way back to Greenfield Village we were driving by our daughters work place (Major Japanese Oil Co) and stopped so she could show everyone what she was doing on her day off.  Good stop.




Back at Greenfield Village ready for the Old Car Festival.



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The week after the Lansing-Dearborn tour we headed to northern Michigan for the Mid-West Brass & Gas tour put on by Brian & Christine Heil.  Another great few days out.  We stayed at a hunting lodge bead & breakfast called The Shack.  Great people and a great place to spend time touring.   http://shackcountryinn.com


Brian and Christine did a great tour.




Much of the drive was very scenic and was at a very casual pace through northern Michigan roads.  Among the places we stopped was an Amish store that served us coffee & donuts.  The donuts were the lightest donuts that I have ever had.  They were extremely good.




Another place that we stopped at was The Shrine Of The Pines.  Interesting place with lots of unique furniture in a log cabin setting.




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The tour that we went on last week was the Red Flag Tour headquartered out of Mt. Pleasant Iowa.  We went on this tour last year for the first time and really enjoyed the location and the people so we signed up to go again.


The first day we drove over 135 miles.  Great drive with gently rolling hills and sections with tree canopies.  Parts of the drive was on dirt roads which with a 100+year old car almost magically transports you back 100 years.  Very enjoyable time. 




Besides seeing a lot of corn and soybean fields we got to go to some scenic drives along the Mississippi River.





One of the highlights of this tour was to visit the house where the painting American Gothic painted by Grant Wood was inspired.  It was a fun time for all that came.

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Then to just have some fun and good for a few laughs........


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Then off to the next stop.


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One thing that we learned at this stop was that the woman in the picture was not the farmers wife, but his daughter.


That completed our over 1,000 miles for month.  The only issue we had was the coil died on the first day.  Replaced the coil and all was good in river city.


PS: Saw Terry Wiegands car and it is extremely nice.

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Hi Larry, and glad you enjoyed the tour.


Last time we toured that area (2006?), we were told that the gent in the "American Gothic" portrait was actually the town dentist (or maybe an accountant?), not a farmer

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On 9/27/2022 at 11:58 AM, Larry Schramm said:


Then to just have some fun and good for a few laughs........


image000007 (4).jpg


Then off to the next stop. 


Was Joyce just mocking your (his) EARS?

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Participated in an assisted living facility car show this past Thursday.



The residents I talked to were truly very nice people.  

20220929_134829~2.jpg 99 years young...and very spry.


20220929_145532.jpga floor supervisor who remembers his dad's Cadillacs and Lincoln Town Cars but who also said the 1990 Riviera had the best ride of all of them.

20220929_143308.jpgthis 92 year young fellow who was surprised to learn  a Super could have 4 portholes. After all in 1957 when tied the knot with his bride of 65 years, he borrowed dad's 54 Roadmaster and they drove it to the top of Long Island, took the ferry service to Rhode Island and then drove out to Cape Cod for a few days, then to Albany Ny and then to Florida for a few more honeymoon days.  Unfortunately his wife has alzheimers disease and has to live in a different facility. 


20220929_133142~2.jpgthese two ladies who asked for, and received permission to sit in every car. 


And, of course, the cook, who baked us some delicious snacks.



It was a great time helping some  reminisce and learning about some much earlier history than I anticipated. 


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 Sorry no pictures yet, but we had the Electra out on an all day Club tour, ending at our place so folks could view our small collection of (mostly) Buicks.

Silly me never took note of my start mileage but the total must have been something around  150+, quite a lot of driving for a secondary highway tour anyway.


 Next Wed we expect to be on another one, as long or longer. Either the Electra again or maybe the Reatta will be our ride.


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