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Raise your hand if you drove at least one old Buick this weekend


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I had the '41 out today for about a 70 mile drive. Plus I went to a local cruise night last night. Quite a few interesting cars, a few Buicks, a Rolls Royce Corniche from the 80's and a late model Beemer done up as a tribute car to the still lamented, at least here in Canada, AVRO Arrow, RL 201. A truly state of the art fighter jet that was cancelled in 1959 by the Canadian Prime Minister of the day, John Deifenbaker. The company went out of business, and guess where all of those aerospace engineers went to? You guessed it, a nice place in Florida, NASA!


Bill's '41Sml.jpg




Rolls close up1Sml.jpg


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Sorry to hear of this situation Larry!!!  Hope the engine block is okay!!


Last night I had an especially sweet ride.  First of all,, the 35 miles in my Happy Car ( the GS ) Great night for topless cruising!  But the reason for the ride was to visit with members of our Chapter who purchased Tom Black's 21 Buick Roadster.  Dick took me for a ride around his neighborhood, which I tried to film but there was too many distractions and the film came out lousy.  Anyway, here's a few pics of the 21... 





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two more...

Tom has done a wonderful job on this car!  Starts right up, runs smooth, and it is quite peppy too...  Of course, this is just more fuel on the fire towards finding my own. 





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Another wonderful evening here.  Went and picked up my grandson and we took a 50 mile ride in the 56.  Stopped for ice cream along the way.  Just before another gorgeous sunset I grabbed these pics.







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Just in from a test drive. The 4-40 air conditioning works as designed. It took a while to figure out why it felt like the heater was on when the lever was in the off position. I found the cable disconnected. A little lubricant and reconnection solved the problem. Ready for Texas summer!  


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We drove home today from the 2016 AACA Sentimental Tour in much more comfortable weather than we drove up in last Sunday. The tour mileage was a bit less than I expected but in the past 6 days, I drove the 1937 Century a little bit over 700 miles. The first few days of the week were all over 90 degrees. The last few days were comfortable in the 80s.  The Century performed pretty much flawlessly. I had to add some oil due to a push rod cover gasket leak that developed, but I was happy that I was able to drive in that heat without having to add any water at all. 

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Friday our local club displayed our cars at an open house at a retirement home and the residents loved the cars, Yesterday we have Pistons on the Square and I drove the Reatta but was pleasantly surprised to see the 1939 Century sport coupe that is almost exactly like mine (but nicer) the owner was not there but I put a note in the car and hope he calls.....today my daughter and I will take the Reatta to the Fathers day car show sponsored by the Vintage car club (usually about 300 cars) but it will be hot so I will not drive the '39 about 30 miles in 90 degree weather.


The picture of the car LIKE mine, the 38 next to it was not stock


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Yesterday our Chapter hosted it's 8th annual Cruise In To Summer event, a fund raiser for the local Boys and Girls Clubs. We believe there was 150 cars, and quite a few Buicks besides our Chapter Members.  I took the 56 for another 40 mile round trip, and it was a great event.  No word yet on what we raised, but last year it was $1,100.  As has been the case, our Sponsoring dealership, Goldstein Buick GMC< Albany, NY, was very generous towards this event as well as our Chapter, which was, and will remain, greatly appreciated.




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I took my '54 Super to the LA Roadster Show swap meet on Saturday with my Pop.  Not much by way of Buick parts, but it is still a fun event.


It was a very hot day, so I fired up the factory AC on the way home.  God bless Frigidaire, it was cool ride home!

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I had a very busy non vintage car weekend as my daughter moved into her house on Sat., my wife and I helped her finish up the painting Friday, and then a long day on Sat. moving, then doing all the catch-up stuff at our place on Sunday. After supper I took the '41 Roadmaster out for a short cruise, and it was running great.


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Took whole family for breakfast in Big Blue Sunday, then dinner and ice cream with my sister who was visiting IN from FL.  She had ridden in this car when my dad took it from Indiana to Disney in Orlando in '75 when she was a kid, right before he put it in storage for 32 years.  So, it was cool that she got to ride in it now that it looks better than it did then!


Unfortunately it was this day I realized the charging system was no longer adequate and I had to make a battery swap, but she'll be back in service soon!




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I had the '41 Roadmaster out last night to a local cruise in, and again tonight to gas it up as we are leaving on a long weekend of touring. Friday morning we will be driving a couple of hundred miles to a small town near the capital, Ottawa to join up with a pre WWII touring group. We are usually the newest, and the fastest, too. Many are trailered in, as they can't drive with modern traffic, and the tours are set up on roads and distances for the very old cars that attend.

 I will post pictures and that, as I can. Hopefully the hotel will have good internet, but one never knows.

 Here's one from last night.





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A Buickful day last night and today.  Took the GS both evenings as the Queen needs some attention, and it these were just perfect topless days. 


Tonight's sunset.



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 We traveled 250 miles in the '41 today, to join up with the rest of the pre WWII group, and had a couple of adventures. First, and only 3 or 4 miles from home, my left rear wheel cover dropped off, due as turned out to a broken retaining clip. These are repro clips and I have had this happen a couple of times. The rims (2 on the front) with the the original clips on them have given me no trouble, and hold the caps tight to the rim, but the other 2 rims have been problematic. Fortunately I recovered the hubcap intact, and it seems to be none the worse for its' trip across the pavement.

 Most of the trip was through some great countryside, with rolling hills along the two lane blacktop doing a steady 60 mph most of time, and the temp was holding level at just over 180, and a needle's width over 45 lbs of oil pressure, then we got stuck in some traffic in one of the larger towns near our destination. It got to a bit over 200, and then we were out of town and on the road again, but shortly afterwards it started running bad, bogging and misfiring under load, but nice and smooth at idle, though at full power it would mostly smooth out. After it cooled it was better for a while, then acted up again. I've cleaned and adjusted points, cleaned the cap and rotor, and now it is running decent, though not perfect. We have about a 100 mile tour to do tomorrow (Sat), and I'm hoping that it will run well for us!!!!

 Here's a picture of my wife took of me gassing it up mid trip.




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So another 90 miles or so in the '41 today, and it ran fairly well, a few hiccups, but nothing too serious, this brings the mileage for the weekend to about 350 so far. Hotish today, temps started out in the low 70's, climbed to the mid 80's by this afternoon, but still reasonable comfortable as the humidity was still low, and contrary to yesterday's experience, the car ran better when it got hotter. I'm starting to wonder if I got a batch of bad gas. I will try to find Ethanol free tomorrow before I gas up for the trip home.

 To the tour itself. It was a great 80 mile run through some twisty, uphill and down paved back roads through lovely country. Many small and medium sized lakes and rivers. At one spot we were held up for 10 or 15 minutes at a narrows between two lakes, so that boats could pass through, and it turned out that the swing bridge was hand operated!

It was if we really were decades back in time, instead of the 21st century.

 There were 43 cars on the tour, self guided so you can travel at your own pace. Ages ranged from a 1910 T, to my '41 and a '41 Ford that were tied for the newest car. At the start, ours looked a bit out of place, since it looked so much newer than the teens and 20's cars we were parked with. As to be expected there was a large contingent of model T's, but also a 1920ish Studebaker, a '22 Olds, a '27 Buick, a Pierce Arrow, a '38 Chrysler, to mention a few.

 I've posted a few pictures, it was difficult to do photography this morning as there were so many people milling about.







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A fellow club member who is also a pilot and aviation enthusiast invited us to a club event this morning, so we piled into the '41 90 Limited and blasted out to the Geauga County Airport about 40 miles away. It's lonely for me up front, as the family all prefer to sit in back, but who can blame them? Have you seen how nice it is back there? I've been driving the limo a lot, but this was the first trip with an extended highway segment, a good shake-down and test for the upcoming drive to Allentown. Remarkably, the big Buick cruised effortlessly at about 60 MPH--no vibrations, no stuttering, no wandering. I figured with 4.20 gears, it would be a little busy, but it was nearly silent and I kept having to back off as it was creeping up to 65-70 fairly easily and often. My speedo reads about 8 MPH low, and I'm wondering if there are already high-speed gears in there. I've never heard of anyone making a set for the Limited, but the thing goes so fast so easily. Totally flawless run. Temps stayed at about 160-170, plenty of oil pressure, and never a hiccup or a stutter. Even listened to the Tribe game on the AM radio during the drive home! The car just keeps running great. I still have cracked manifolds that sound like crap for the first 60 seconds of any drive, but after that, this sucker just hammers along like a freight train. I can't keep both the Limo and the Cadillac 60S I bought last year, but the Limo keeps turning in flawless performances and I'm having a hard time choosing which one to keep. The Buick made a very compelling case today!


The air show was amazing. I know nothing about airplanes, but I know what I like. There were a lot of what I call "Cessnas" but probably weren't, but they were that type of small, inexpensive plane. A few home-built custom jobs that were very cool, and a pair of those acrobatic planes with the stubby bi-wings and colorful paint jobs. But the plane everyone wanted to see was a 1941 Beechcraft "Staggerwing" that was just breathtaking. When it took off, it circled back around and did a full-throttle fly-by at about 100 feet and everyone's hearts felt that massive engine hammering in their chests. The coolest thing I've seen in years! Then it flew home so I didn't get a chance to offer a photo op with the '41 Buick Limo and the '41 Beechcraft, which was apparently the airplane equivalent of a high-end Full Classic. Stunning!





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Yep it's a ROCKET,,,  I always liked that,,,,,, "SHE'S A ROCKET" song.  "455 Rocket",  by Kathy Mattea, GOOGLE it, great song,  Mr. Smith had it, that's what she SAYS.  


I also always liked those ROCKET valve covers. 


Had a ROCKET in my 40 Ford coupe, with LaSalle tranny, Columbia overdrive rear end.   


It AIN'T no Puick, but like my FRIEND BEN says, " Well done"  Nice colors tooooooooo!


Been working on the Limited, thinking of adding the SWEEP SPEAR, that was propose in 1940 by custom body builder, ' Brunn'.  I have one  side cut out in aluminum, but thinking of spraying silver instead, DON'T need to drill any holes in the Limited.  I have some 3-M super adhesive double stick tape, may try it first..


Dale in Indy



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Just got home from the weekend tour (driving the '41 Roadmaster) a short while ago. Mileage for the weekend was just short of 600. It ran along so great at 60-65 MPH, and over 70, when I wasn't watching the speedo. That is also quite accurate now, as last year I had Scott Speedometer Service rebuild the head, and he did a great job calibrating it, as it seems to be dead on with the GPS. It still has the stock 3.9's, verified by counting the teeth, though I do have a set of 3.4's but I haven't got around to installing them in it yet, but I wonder if its' worth the trouble at times. Lower revs would be easier on the engine, of course.

Temps were about 90 F here, and it ran a bit warmer, but stayed within 200 even at the traffic lights. Though if I'd hit a serious traffic jam, I think I would of had trouble keeping it from blowing its' top.

 Gas mileage overall on the trip was about 15-16, with one leg of easy driving nearly 17, with is remarkably good for the big straight eight.


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18 hours ago, Matt Harwood said:



Pretty sure that's an Oldsmobile, no?


That doesn't bother me much, I spent last weekend at the Oldsmobile Homecoming, and it was AWESOME!


The weekend before was the big all wheels show out at the lake (about 20 miles outside of town).  Got there a little late, only spotted 2 other Buicks.  Finally got around to editing photos last night...

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The winner of the long distance award given at the annual ROA meet held this week drove his 63 Riviera from Ely, NV to Williamsburg,  VA and will be driving it back.  One way was over 2500 miles. He won the same award last year driving from Ely to Chicago. 

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