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Should I go to Hershey for the first time?


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For over thirty years I have heard of old car buffs making the pilgrimage to Hershey. I was a teacher so October was not a free time for me. I did know an auto shop teacher who collected Model A's who went every year somehow. Now I'm retired and can go. Can anyone talk to me about the show? Is it still as good as it was twenty or thirty years ago? How has it changed and for the better or worse? Thanks, Marc.

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First off, if you've wanted to go, and have the chance now, by all means GO! I have been going for the past 4 years and have thoroughly enjoyed myself every time I go. I only live 2.5 hrs from there and haul my family and camping trailer to a local campground so the family can have a good time while I have my GREAT time. I take the time to visit with people from the car clubs that I am affiliated with, look for "Whitaker Cable" automobile stuff and 47 Buick Convertible parts. I truly don't think I have any more fun except when I'm working on my car. I don't know what it was like 30 or so years ago, but the show, for me is a "cannot miss" Just my humble opinion. Matt

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I always refer to it as, "ten football fields long and ten football fields wide full of old cars, old car parts and good people". You decide. If that's what trips your trigger, go for it. It works for me.

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To someone that wasn't going twenty to thirty years, or more, ago it will be what it is today. To those of us that have been going that long, or longer, it is less so. A lot depends on what items you are looking for as to how well you will like it. If you find a lot that you need and can afford it will be great. We haven't found anything for about the past four or five years. But we still like to go, well at least I do. Bill is having second thoughts each year about going. But we also get to see family and friends in the area by going. So I keep wanting to go. The Meet itself is worth the trip.

Finding a place to stay can be tricky if you need to stay in a hotel or motel. There are more options when it comes to camping. Like where we stay they haven't been full for several years since the economy tanked.

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I have to echo - I always wanted to go to Hershey but didn't have the opportunity until 2004. I took a "break" by choice in 2007 because I thought I needed to and I was miserable the whole week. I vowed then that I would go every year until my legs or age gave out. I literally start counting the days to the next Hershey as soon as I get home. I can't not go..........

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I've been going to Hershey since 1974, the last several years as a commercial vendor. It has changed,in many ways,but it is still a great venue for antique parts. Years ago ,the airport was still located where the White field is ,and they would fly biplanes around which I thought was pretty cool! The parts field area was much smaller,parking was closer(and cheaper) and much of it was on grass which added to the atmosphere and was easier on the feet. The best days were Friday and Saturday with the car show around the old stadium,right in the middle of the flea market. Now it's very spread out,takes several days to see it all(especially if you take time to look at things). My biggest gripe is that the vendors will pull out now on Friday evening and are mostly gone by Saturday noon! Used to be that you had to stay untill the show closed at 3:00 pm. You even see some show cars cutting out after noon now ! So,if you want to go,I suggest that you go on Wednesday or Thursday to make sure that you can get the whole flea market and then take in the car show on Saturday! Have fun--It is an experience!

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Most hotels within 20 miles of Hershey will be booked up by now. Your best bet is to go to the north side of Harrisburg off of I-81. Book a room now and check for availability starting about the 1st of October. With luck, you can get a closer hotel when someone cancels. Plan on paying in the range of 150% of a normal room rate for Thursday through Friday night. You should plan on driving 30 to 40 minutes daily. If you are real lucky, some one will have a room or extra bed to share.

There is no admission fee but parking will cost about $12 daily. Best parking is attained by arriving about 8:00 AM. By 5:00 PM or so, most of the vendors are tired and closing down. There are some vendors who stay on the swap meet and are open (party) all night.

Plan on your feet hurting after walking 5 to 7 miles a day. Get good shoes and wear them a week or so before going. I take two different brands of shoes and switch them off. The good news is, the vendors fields are on asphalt and not grass.

Clothing is another problem. The weather can vary from 32 to 85 degrees, plan on layering. 2001 was my first year and I have seen the mornings as low as 40 degrees with the temperature raising 30 degrees by afternoon. Friends who have been going for years have experienced snow, you never know.

I have a parts bag for rain gear, poncho or rain suit or umbrella. You can purchase a very nice bag at Hershey from the Hosting Region. When I rains, about 70% of the vendors cover their items with a blue tarp.

Google Map says it is 2,600 miles to drive to Hershey, I expect you will fly in. Philadelphia or Baltimore are about 2 hours driving time and may give you better connections.

Hershey is an EVENT and after you go, short of illness, you want to go until you can't. At 70 with some stamina problems, I walk slower, rest more often, and plan my coverage carefully. If you come, I hope we cross paths.

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My first Hershey was 1969 and I haven't missed one yet, both out kids went before their first birthday. This year is very special our Gradson is going for his first time. To me the Swap Meet IS the meet with a car show on Saturday. It is still a lot of fun to find stuff, but the real odd stuff was found and bought many years ago. I'm only a 4 hour drive away so getting there has never been a problem. Pebble Beach and the LA Roadster Show have been on my Bucket List as long as Hershey has been for you. Book a room and fly out! Bob

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Hey, I had my first cigarette at age 14 and thought is was the vilest tasting thing I'd ever had. I never smoked another not even when pot was handed to me! Wow, you guys have really convinced me to go to this thing. I've heard about the rain and the mud before. I'm hoping for the 40 to 70 degrees type weather. Good for walking. Do they rent mopeds for getting around faster? No problem if they don't. I still hike several miles a few times a week. See you all there. I'm Marc Capralis from Temecula, CA Host of the 1988 National DeSoto Convention in Carlsbad, CA.

Edited by marcapra (see edit history)
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We have seen temps of 27 degrees and we have seen temps of 91 degrees in our 45 years in the flea market. Yes Hershey has changed over the years. I see it now as the world's largest family reunion and hope not to miss it until the grim reaper taps at my door. If cremated I want my ashes scattered on the show field.

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...... Do they rent mopeds for getting around faster? No problem if they don't. .....

No they don't. During most of the time that the flea market area is open motorized traffic is not permitted. Also not permitted are bicycles being ridden (pushing one is okay), razor scooters, roller blades, roller skates, skateboards, etc. Also banned are golf carts and/or what would be referred to as handicap scooters that have not been registered with proper personnel at the show by the person using it that has a state issued handicap plate/tag. When the golf cart/handicap cart has been registered a tag is issued that must be displayed where it is visible to show that is is allowed in the flea market area.

Will you see people breaking these rules? Yes, you will but please don't be one of them. Several years ago I was nearly run down by a man on a bicylce that came whipping around the end of a row and almost had to wreck him bike to keep from hitting me. He walked the bike the rest of the day.

The rules are in place to try to keep eveyone safe.

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Marc, you may want to google the Lancaster, PA area, around a 20 minute drive form Hershey, we have stayed there for many years. and you can find a room at a hotel there as the area is a big "touristy" type area with a large Amish presence if you have not heard of it. It seems tourist travel is down a bit by October, and the hotel infrastructure there is big enough so a room should be no worries. Another plus is great restaurants, we try to avoid the town of Hershey proper at the end of each day (although I am sure for many that is part of the fun - Hershey overall is a great town.) so we don't have to wait forever just to get seated at a restaurant. If you travel with your significant other and they are not interested in the meet, there is plenty to fill a day or two in the Lancaster area.

Missing Hershey is like missing Pebble Beach (which we have not yet done, but will in the future) you really need to get there at least once - my bet is you will be back.. :)

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The biggest change that you will see is the cars that you drove there 30 years ago are now parts in the flea market. Not as much really early parts like you use to see back in the early 1980's. Still, it is a trip you must make at least once in your life time. You will not regret it. Dandy Dave!

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Considering that most of the country is under a drought, I think this would be a good year to go because Hershey is less fun soaking wet. Weather patterns can change but if it holds up the way it is now, it appears like Hershey 2012 will sunny and slightly warmer then normal.

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I found a Motel 6 in York, about 20 miles away. It is very reasonably priced, read "cheap". I'll check out the Lancaster area too as you advised. I've looked at round trip fares from San Diego to Philadelphia and they are low too! For a little more money, I can also fly to Harrisburg. I'll have to estimate the time difference in driving.

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i strongly suggest, as long as costs are close and times are good, you use Harisburg Airport to avoid the Phila congestion (the airport is actually south of the city and you will be going west. But than again, you are probably comfortable with heavy CA traffic. Harrisburg is a short drive to Hershey and you can find a number of hotels there that do not "up" the prices for that week.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, as to whether you should go, it depends.....what do you collect, and what are you looking for? If you're looking for the same things I'm looking for, then by all means stay home and let me buy 'em. If you're looking for different stuff, that's fine, head on to Hershey!

Too much competition for stuff, guys, let's just start telling people how bad it is there and see if we can keep them away!

(just kidding, more the merrier, it's a great time to see old friends and make new ones, and see rusty iron like nowhere else.....I've always said it's the one place where Michelle Pfeiffer (guess I'm showing my age picking her as an example) could be standing in front of a flea market space au naturale, and you'd ask her to move over so you could see the car parts......maybe even ask her to help you pick up that fender to see the other side....)

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From going over 20 years, besides some of the parts being different, the one thing that you will not be able to experince from back then is the mud.

Is it all paved now?

I went there once with my Father along with a group from the local CCCA chapter in '74 or '75.

My biggest memory of it was it rained and rained. Then rained some more. That meant slogging through mud most everywhere in the parts area, sometimes losing your shoes now and then. ;)

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Yep, all concrete and asphalt....sorta miss the old mud, added to the experience....but waiting for the tractor to pull my truck out of the Blue Field got old.....

Unless it went away this year there is still one area on grass. It has only had one vendor on it for a long time. It is to the South of the Chocolate field and is on a path that ends up over in the Car Coral area. Just walk out the South gate and across the road. Looks like they could put a few more spaces in there if they wanted to and someone requested them. Not sure what the official space number is.

I have had a space since 1972 and never had to be pulled out. Back then we waited till Sunday morning and drove across the then empty spots as much as possible to avoid the deep mud. What was nice about being on grass for the vendors was you could stand under a canopy and stay dry, now water runs through your spot to the big drains and your feet and anything on the ground gets wet.

Edited by Jim Bollman (see edit history)
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