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$100,000. In 2010 Dollars


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I'd like to got to Hershey...since it's 1000's of mi. away, it'd take about 3,000 to do that, even if I didn't buy any thing. On the way I'd stop at The Feast of the Hunters' Moon.

I live three miles from the Feast... now I'm either too busy getting ready for Hershey, or on my way back from Hershey while it is going on. Oh how I miss the Saturday night dance, women are so much prettier by firelight and hard cider. My old Boy Scout troop sells the "soft" cider.

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I would complete my latest patent and get my product into prototype stage so I could get it to market. Once on the market, sell a percentage of the manufacturing rights so I can replace that $100k. Then a percentage would go towards some worthy causes. (homeless and cancer charities for 2)

...Or just waste it on expensive beer and cheap thrills!

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Guest Paul Christ

I'd go to my local McDonald's restaurant (the one that seems to always forget to place something in the bag at the drive-thru) and I'd order 100,000 items from the $1 menu. ;)

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Guest playtag

I'd probally die of a heart attack from the shock of getting a $100,000!If I didn't I'd build a bigger garage and start packing that one full!

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I would share the wealth by proceeeding immediately to Tom Laferriere's place and buy another Packard. Maybe one of his '34s - I like the coupe pictured in the winter scenes thread, that he is adding to his personal collection. Maybe with the extra cash I could make an offer he couldn't refuse! Then any change would be used to pay off college bills. Like Don Corleone, they always seems to want a little bit more...

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I would complete my latest patent and get my product into prototype stage so I could get it to market. Once on the market, sell a percentage of the manufacturing rights so I can replace that $100k. Then a percentage would go towards some worthy causes. (homeless and cancer charities for 2)

...Or just waste it on expensive beer and cheap thrills!

I tried that once. If you can manufacture the idea yourself and not rely on a big company, you may have a chanch to make something. I got just about enough to break even. And the tool has never been produced, so hence, no royaties. I hate big corperations, and the greed that go with them. Dandy Dave!

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At about $500.00 a week now, I'd make a long term contract with a large cruise line and live the rest of my life on ship being waited on hand and foot, eating rich foods until I couldn't walk anymore.:cool:


Gee Wayne, I don't think you would have a long life if you didn't get up and move a little. Maybe a singles cruise would keep you moving. ;) Dandy Dave!

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Guest doberman
I'd go to my local McDonald's restaurant (the one that seems to always forget to place something in the bag at the drive-thru) and I'd order 100,000 items from the $1 menu. ;)

It would be hard to swollow all that knowing that you would still owe

the sales tax on that 100,000 dollar dinner. LOL

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I tried that once. If you can manufacture the idea yourself and not rely on a big company, you may have a chance to make something. I got just about enough to break even. And the tool has never been produced, so hence, no royalties. I hate big corporations, and the greed that go with them. Dandy Dave!

My 1st patent (5299652) was killed by the high liability costs the insurance company wanted per unit. I just couldn't add that cost (almost doubled the cost of ea unit) so I abandoned my patent just after I paid the 1st maintenance fees of $1800. The overal loss was sigificant but at least I tried and produced 29 units getting 29 people riding a motorcycle that didn't think they would ever be able to. I still ride my HD with my 1st prototype that I built 18 years ago.

My latest one is not something I could manufacture myself. It would require more expertice and tooling than I have access to. I think in this case I would either need the $100k or a investor associated with the proper type of connections. So where do I pick up my check?:)

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I think I agree with a previous comment, would go see Tom, maybe come away with the Packard club sedan (which he sneaked down to Virginia and bought!), or maybe, replication aside, that pseudo Duesy sure looks nice! Some nice cars show up in TL's garage!

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A good idea for a thread, since a lot of us are suffering from cabin fever. Some of my friends in the Washington, D.C. area are even looking forward to the Spring Thaw this year!

What I'd do if granted $100,000, no strings attached, for projects (remember, that means no taxes either):

  • Buy a top insert, wiring harness, and interior for my 1930 Model A Coupe.
  • Buy a 20 ft. canvas marquis tent.
  • Buy a new set of 6.00 x 20" tires & tubes for my 1928 Peerless Roadster Coupe.
  • Arrange to film an Amtrak commercial showing how you can go about anywhere and bring about anything with Amtrak.
  • Drive to the nearest Amtrak station in Whitefish, MT with a pickup truck load of historic costume, camping gear, and my 27-ft. fur trade canoe.
  • Buy a roundtrip ticket to Harrisburg, PA for my wife and I.
  • Buy a train ticket for my friends Devon and Dawn in northern CA to Harrisburg & back, to include enclosed transport of their outstanding 1925 Peerless Dual Windshield Touring Phaeton to Hershey. This particular car is an unrestored example of an extemely rare body style (only one in the world) in a remarkable state of preservation. Please see the Peerless Forum thread "Peerless CCCA Classics" for some great photos of this car.
  • Attend the Feast of the Hunters' Moon near Lafayette, IN (the continent's premier annual 1700's living history event) OCT 2 & 3.
  • Attend AACA Fall Meet in Hershey OCT 6-9. I would help man the Peerless Club booth at Hershey this year. We'd set up the marquis tent and put the 1925 Peerless in it. Since most people have never seen a Peerless, we could charge to see the car as an attraction at our club's booth to help defray some of the expenses of bringing the car there from 3,000 miles away.

I know this sounds like a major production, but, except for some car parts I snuck in there, it's simply five people going to a car show (the tent is to protect the car from the dust and rain of the famous Hershey weather). It's just that they live so far away it would be difficult to pull this off without a tidy sum of money. Not impossible, but difficult. The way I wrote it up, the commercial and the charging of admission to see the car would pay for a lot of it. I actually was considering going to Hershey by train last fall, and my round trip ticket would have only been $390.


I've been to The Feast eight times, often bringing one of the voyageur canoes. You're right about the Saturday night dinners being nice. Haven't been there since 2001, though.

Edited by jeff_a
I had written-in the wrong dates. (see edit history)
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I'd pay off my water front lot and start building on it. Then sell my house.

Have you heard of Dave Ramsey??

Bill H

Yes, Bill; with Dave Ramsey's plan, in a few years that $100K would look like $200K AND all of your bills would be paid off.

Then you could take all of these dreams, double them (except for buying gold or giving it to the Feds.)


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I would share the wealth by proceeeding immediately to Tom Laferriere's place and buy another Packard. Maybe one of his '34s - I like the coupe pictured in the winter scenes thread


Come on down and drive each one. I think you would like the way the coupe drives with 33,000 original miles. The Club Sedan only has 54,000 miles and drives just as nice, but clearly a bigger, more powerful and longer car. The touring car gives a slightly different ride experience being an open car. Keys are in the ignitions and batteries are fully charged.

This invitation is open to any AACA member.



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I think I agree with a previous comment, would go see Tom, maybe come away with the Packard club sedan (which he sneaked down to Virginia and bought!), or maybe, replication aside, that pseudo Duesy sure looks nice! Some nice cars show up in TL's garage!


Thanks the for kind words. Yes, I did sneak down to VA in my cloaked truck and trailer. I did encounter resistance there, but I pulled through! The Duesy is a real fun car. 80mph down the freeway effortlessly with your right arm extended over the seat.


Edited by Tom Laferriere (see edit history)
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Everybody beat me to the punch! I was going to say I'd head right back to Rhode Island to Laferriere's place! I guess everyone has the same thought! Tom, I think you need to open a branch out here in CA. The weather has been in the 70's here in the SF Bay Area. Invitations open!


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